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Certainly regular principles did not help.

I came across some write up about

numerical use of ruling planets in a Marathi book1 I feel the appropriate name
to this
use of ruling planets for selection from a basket of options is Options
Methodology for Options Theory:
Take the ruling planets at the time of judgment without the rising
(Ascendant constellation lord)
1) Ascendant Lord
2) Moon starlord
3) Moon lord
4) Day lord
(Do not consider ruling planets which are deposited in retrograde stars)
In Natural zodiac the rasi numbers are allotted to the rasis as follows:
Aeries =1, Taurus =2, Gemini=3, Cancer =4 Leo =5, Virgo =6, Libra=7,
Scorpio =8,
Sagittarius =9, Capricorn =10, Aquarius =11, Pisces =12
For each of the Ruling Planets find out which rasis they own e.g. Jupiter owns
Sagittarius and Pisces, Mars owns Aeries and Scorpio etc. Now, write-down
the rasi
numbers in front of the concerned starlord, rasilord or the day lord which
they own.
(In case of Rahu & Ketu as RPs take the rasi in which they are
deposited).Sum all the
rasi numbers noted against each one of them. If the total is more than a
single digit
then add up the digits to make it a single digit number (except in Rule 3
which is
discussed later in this article). Subtract this single digit number in multiples
from the
total options till we get the remainder of a single digit. This remainder is the
choice which is indicated by the divine direction. I applied this theory to the
in mind of finding out number of seats for the ruling party in 1999 general
elections for Andhra Pradesh.

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