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Course: 8th Grade Science _

Heredity Tay-Sachs Case Study

Case Study


Case Study Plan: Genetics and

This Case Study focuses on the inheritance of Tay-Sach Disease in the Lord Family. Cousins Cameron and
Hayden Lord both inherited Tay-Sachs disease from their carrier parents. Fathers Tim and Charlie are identical
twins. Mothers Alison and Blyth were roommates in college. Their story details the impact that a simple single
base change in DNA can have on a person. First, students investigate how structure and function of genetic
information give us our unique traits. This is the foundation for exploring how the recessive genetic disease
Tay-Sachs is inherited and what the result is in those afflicted.


Anchor Text

Teacher: L. Lockwood-Toronto and J. Krueger

1. How are we genetically unique?

2. How can genetic information be dangerous?

Human Genome Bridget Heos

Genetics and Heredity Holt Biology
Genetics and Heredity Coach Book

Standard 4 Key Idea 2
2.1a Hereditary information is contained in
genes. Genes are composed of DNA that
makes up the chromosomes of cells.
2.1b Each gene carries a single unit of
information. A single inherited trait of an
individual can be determined by one pair or by
many pairs of genes. A human cell contains
thousands of different genes.
2.1c Each human cell contains a copy of all the
genes needed to produce a human being.
Integrate quantitative or technical information
expressed in words in a text with a version of
that information expressed visually (e.g., in a
flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).

Long Term Target

1. I can describe the relationship

between structure and function of

Assessment of Learning
On Demand:
Test Base on NYS 8th grade exam
Diagram with Captions Central Dogma
DNA to Phenotypes.

Standard 4 Key Idea 2

2.1e In sexual reproduction typically half of the
genes come from each parent. Sexually
produced offspring are not identical to either
2.2a In all organisms, genetic traits are passed
on from generation to generation.
2.2b Some genes are dominant and
some are recessive. Some traits are
inherited by mechanisms other than
dominance and recessiveness.
2.2c The probability of traits being expressed
can be determined using models of genetic
inheritance. Some models of prediction are
pedigree charts and Punnett squares.
3.1a The processes of sexual reproduction
and mutation have given rise to a variety of
traits within a species.
4.2b In sexual reproduction, sperm and egg
each carry one-half of the genetic information
for the new individual. Therefore, the fertilized
egg contains genetic information from each

Write informative/explanatory texts, including the
narration of historical events, scientific procedures/
experiments, or technical processes.
Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to
follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information
into broader categories as appropriate to achieving
purpose; include formatting (e.g., headings),
graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia
when useful to aiding comprehension.
Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts,
definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other
information and examples.
Use appropriate and varied transitions to create
cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas
and concepts.
Use precise language and domain-specific
vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

2. I can predict how Tay-Sachs can

be passed on from generation to

On Demand:
Test Base on NYS 8th grade exam
RAFT Genetic Counseling to a Carrier
Role: Genetic Counselor
Audience: Carrier Family
know one parent is a carrier, the
other, the grandparent is a carrier
Format: Letter
Likelihood/possibilities of their
child need to make a decision
based on implications they want
to have two kids
Strong Verb: Educating
1. Students will do the Punnett
Squares for the families to know
the possible outcomes
2. Describe the predictions
using laws of inheritance.
3. Peer critique descriptions
4. Students will fill out a
graphic organizer that outlines the
5. Students write draft of
letter, peer critique and a final
draft. Peer critique will focus on
tone of the letter.

Establish and maintain a formal style and objective
Provide a concluding statement or section that
follows from and supports the information or
explanation presented.

DNA, Gene, Chromosome, nucleotide bases, double helix, protein synthesis, nucleus, cell,
genotype, phenotype, Homozygous/Heterozygous, Recessive/Dominant

Key Terms and


Planning the Unit:

1. The daily learning targets will show the scaffolding towards the final Assessment of Learning as evidence of the
Learning Target
2. The lesson overview will make it clear what students are learning and how they are learning it each day.
3. The Assessments for Learning will show scaffolding towards the Assessment of Learning.
Day 1
Daily Learning Targets:
I can describe the
relationship between
structure and function
Lesson Overview:
Pre-Test Genetic Content
Deconstructing Long
Term LT:
I can describe the
relationship between
structure and function

Day 2
Daily Learning Targets:
I can identify the
structure of DNA.

Day 3
Daily Learning Targets:
I can describe how DNA is

Lesson Overview:
Students will read a
common text and
deconstruct pictures to
identify the major
components of DNA (A, T,
C, G, and sugar phosphate
backbone organized in a
double helix).

Lesson Overview:
Tour of the basics
webquest Learn Genetics
Students will focus on:
-location of DNA
- the relationship between
a gene, chromosome, and
DNA molecule

Day 4

Day 5

Daily Learning Targets:

I can create a model of

Daily Learning Targets:

I can explain what a gene
codes for.

Lesson Overview:
Building a Model of DNA
Lab (See kit from Fisher
Students will apply their
understanding of DNA
structure to create a
model of DNA

Lesson Overview:
Students will read about
the translation of a gene
(1 gene codes for 1
Based on the reading,
students will draft the
next section of their

Center box of BBK DNA

Structure and Function
Introduction of Product:
Central Dogma Diagram
for Tay- Sachs Disease.
BBK Charts
Pre-test for Readiness
Day 6
Daily Learning Targets:
I can describe the genetic
disease Tay-Sachs.

Exit Slip Draw and label
the structure of DNA.

Webquest Research Sheet
(Cold Call Share)
Draft of DNA Structure
Section of Product

Day 7
Daily Learning Targets:
I can explain how the TaySach mutation impacts
the protein Hex A.

Day 8
Daily Learning Targets:
I can illustrate the
relationship between
genes and proteins
associated with Tay-Sachs
Lesson Overview:

Lesson Overview:
Case Study Video: ONE
Lord Family Students
will identify the
characteristics of TaySachs
- When
considering the
structure of DNA,
what causes TaySachs Disease?
- What is the
impact of Tay-Sachs
on an individual?
Exit Slip:
What is the cause and
effect Tay-Sachs disease?

Lesson Overview:
Students will use model
DNA sequences to
determine if an individual
will make a functioning or
nonfunctioning Hex A.
(Paper models)

Day 11
Daily Learning Targets:
I can predict how TaySachs can be passed on
from generation to

Day 12
Daily Learning Targets:
I can explain how
mutations create variation
in offspring

Lesson Overview:

Lesson Overview:

A mutation of one base

causes the shape of Hex A
to change, and
consequently it cannot
breakdown fat molecules.
Matching of mutated code
with appropriate Hex A
function (group whip
around/hot seat).

Students will revise their

draft of the gene to
protein part of their
product to make it
specific to Tay-Sachs (info
from Day 6 and 7)
Revision of draft
including information
about changes to Hex A
protein (cold call share)

Day 13
Daily Learning Targets:
I can explain how genes
are inherited.
Lesson Overview:
Genetic Module

Revision to Draft of DNA
Second layer of BBK chart

Final Layer of BBK
Long term LT Reflection
(Tracking progress chart)

Day 9

Day 10

Daily Learning Targets:

I can describe the
relationship between
structure and function of
Lesson Overview:
Peer revision of product
draft using project
checklist and rubric.

Daily Learning Targets:

I can describe the
relationship between
structure and function of
Lesson Overview:
Peer revision of product
using project checklist
and rubric.

Focus: Does the draft

include accurate
description of DNA
structure and function
connected to Tay-Sachs?

Does the draft include

accurate illustration of
DNA structure and
function connected to TaySachs? (Do the diagrams
match the description?)

Conferencing with
students using project
checklist and rubric.

Day 14
Daily Learning Targets:
I can compare and
contrast genotype and
Lesson Overview:

Conferencing with
students using project
checklist and rubric
Long term LT Reflection
(Tracking progress chart)

Day 15
Daily Learning Targets:
(make sure this
I can create a pedigree
chart for Tay-Sachs
Disease (recessive genetic

Deconstruction of Long
Term Target

Revist the Lord Family


Target - Introduction of
Genetic Counseling RAFT

Based on the children

(offspring) in the Lord
family, explain how
mutation creates variation
in offspring.

Pre-Assessment Based
on what we have learned
about Tay-Sachs disease,
write a paragraph to a
family in which both
parents are carriers of
Tay-Sachs predicting the
possibility of their
children inheriting the

Hot-seat and

Pre-Assessment (feedback
to be given by end of the
Day 16
Daily Learning Targets:
I can create a punnett
square for a recessive
genetic disease.

Day 17
Daily Learning Targets:
I can explain how TaySachs Disease is

Lesson Overview:
Punnett square set-up

Lesson Overview:
Students will draft the
description using the law
of inheritance

Create punnett squares

using genotypes from
pedigree charts.
Punnett Squares on GO
that will be used for the
final RAFTS
Day 21

Draft of description (to
match punnett square).
Use to group peer
critiquing groups.
Day 22

Modified Activity Unit 2

Lab 2 Activity 1
Looking a Genes and
Modified from pea plants
to carrier parents
Students will use punnet
squares and coins to
model and predict
Lab analysis questions
with punnett squares,
explaining the inheritance
of genes for Tay-Sachs.

Continue Lab Activity

Looking at the data from
the lab, students will
compare and contrast
genotypes and
phenotypes, including
using the terms
Exit Slip: Compare and
contrast the genotype and

Lesson Overview:
Review of Parent
genotypes of RAFT.
Students will use
genotypes and
phenotypes of potential
parents and grandparents
to create a pedigree chart
for Tay-Sachs disease.
Pedigree chart on GO for
the potential parents.
Long Term LT Reflection

Day 18
Daily Learning Targets:
I can predict how TaySachs can be passed on
from generation to

Day 19
Daily Learning Targets:
I can predict how TaySachs can be passed on
from generation to

Day 20
Daily Learning Targets:
I can predict how TaySachs can be passed on
from generation to

Lesson Overview:
Students will provide
feedback on peers
descriptions of their
Punnett squares law of
inheritance. (Based on
project rubric.)

Lesson Overview:
Review of RAFT G.O.
Drafting RAFT

Lesson Overview:
Students will provide
feedback on peers draft
(Literacy focus word
choice/vocabulary, tone,

Peer Critiques and
Conferencing with peer
Day 23

Letter draft

Peer Critiques
Long Term LT Reflection
(exit slip)
Day 24

Day 25

Daily Learning Targets:

I can use feedback to
improve my drafts.
Lesson Overview:
Students will make
changes to their drafts
based on peer feedback.
Conferencing (based on
Long Term LT reflections
day 20)

Learning Targets:
I can describe the
relationship between
structure and function of
I can predict how TaySachs can be passed on
from generation to
Lesson Overview:

Daily Learning Targets:

Daily Learning Targets:

Lesson Overview:

Lesson Overview:



Test Base on NYS 8th

grade exam

** Be strategic with time - some portions in 2014 were extended.

** Genetic Counselor
** Service Components
possibly with the
Cameron and Hayden
Lord Foundation

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