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ShiVaunYae Ivy


My Most Heartfelt Moments (ideas)

Having my son
Having to tell what happened to me.
Singing in with my brother
Seeing my brother go off to the Military
Seeing my babys father get out of jail
Starting freshman year in high school late
My sons first steps

My Most Heartfelt Moments

In my life, I have had many things happen to me that made me feel a number of emotions
at once. I would like to refer to those times as heartfelt moments. One of my most heartfelt
moments was when I found out I was pregnant with my son in 2013. It was completely
unexpected and unnoticeable; mostly it was more complicated than it sounded.
Lets go back just a few months before. In January of 2013; picture it cold, light snow. It
was the day after New Years Day and I was going to visit my great-aunt, Betty. When I arrived
two of my cousins were there; one was a 6 year-old girl and the other was a 17 year-old boy. At
that time, I was anticipating on my birthday that was creeping around the corner, stealthily,
somewhat like a ninja. My little cousin had to go to sleep with my great-aunt and she whined
about it each and every time. Not only did she snore, but she had this odd doodad that faithfully
forced oxygen into her lungs. The only problem is that it was so loud, people next door would
become angry. We played video games from 9 p.m. until about 1 a.m.
At this point, we were playing the game in our sleep until we finally went to sleep; thats
when everything took a sharp left turn. There was so much going on at once, my brain couldnt
take the pressure of comprehending of what was actually happening. I was just trying to go to
sleep and have a peaceful night, but I guess that would have been to much like right, huh?
Many months later, August 26th to be exact, it all finally made since. He bombarded me,
and the news that was drowning my ears was even more unexpected than him attacking me. Not

only did he assault me, but he also impregnated me. My own cousin, I couldnt believe my own
blood would do something so distasteful. When he was verbally confronted by my parent, he
seemed so unremorseful of the little life I had being completely put to a limitless halt by the fault
of him.
For 4 days, I cried, wouldnt eat, couldnt sleep, and to make matters even worse I looked
like a cow laying in my bed in a puddle of tissues and tears. When I finally stopped crying, I
went to a hospital appointment to determine how far along I actually was. They told me I was 26
weeks; but Ill have those four weeks to prepare for my babys arrival. Two days later, I was
admitted into the hospital because my placenta fluids being so low- the fluids that babies live in
while theyre in the womb. On September 2nd, two detectives came to the hospital to gather my
terrifying statement of what happened, but as they were asking me, I still couldnt believe the
words that had been coming out of my mouth. When they first asked a few questions, I tried to
be emotionless, but as they told me to tell them as vividly as I can remember, emotion took over.
I cried, I began shaking with pain, I began to be unable to speak, and I was hoping that this was
just a nightmare that I would soon awaken from. Throughout the week, many nurses, doctors,
and people for ultrasounds continued to constantly harass me;they came around too much for it
to be a dream. I was there and so were some of my family members; but, somehow I still felt so
alone, so hurt, so betrayed by the my own family.
On September 4th, I was told that the had to reduce my labor-make me have my baby
sooner than anticipated. They told me that this may be the only way to make sure that both my
baby girl were healthy. For the next 36 hours I was trapped in one room with 4 monitors
hooked to me keeping track of even the slightest change in the heart rate, contractions, and blood
pressure. The last they had me hooked to was an epidural-an anesthetic used to take away feeling
below the waist. They had to numb my entire back to put it in. The most frightening thing was;
the first one wasnt placed in correctly. If not placed correctly, it put me at risk to be paralyzed
waist-down for the rest of my life. During this time, I was not allowed to eat anything solid; f I
got crackers, I was considered lucky. I couldnt sleep, the nurses kept checking on me because I
was so anxious that my heart rate would speed, my blood pressure would raise significantly, and
for a few moments, I couldnt breathe.
Finally, on September 6th, at 3:22 a.m., my baby was here, but there was just one slight
problem; it was a boy, not a girl. The baby girls name would have been SkaiiBellah Golden
Ivy. I had bought many girl clothes, but I was just as happy with my baby boy, ZhiKise JaChai
Eamon Ivy. When I saw my little baby boy, I was so relieved that he was generally healthy. The
first glimpse I got of him, he had his big gray eyes open and was looking at me. He never took
his eyes off me, even as they cut his umbilical cord and washed him off. Its amazing how the
worst thing that has happened to me in my 16 years of life, generated the best that will ever
happen to me.

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