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This article, written by Ambeth Ocampo, is a short outline of Jose
Rizals student life. Its that, ever since he was a kid, Rizal was very
bright. He studies a lot, and he dedicates his time on it. So, can you
imagine how it feels to be a descendant of the great Dr. Jose P. Rizal?
At first thought, you think that it is fun. Youll probably have special
attention and privileges. But when you think harder on the question,
you will come to realize that it probably is hard to be a descendant of
Rizal. As a student, everyone expects you to excel in class, never have
a failing grade, and all those other stuff. People, not only teachers, but
the other students, neighbors, friends, and your own family expects a
great deal to come out of you. They expect results, some of which you
are unable to comply.
Nowadays, our national hero is considered a genius, an excellent
student. When you look at his records in Ateneo, you would see that
Rizal does have high grades, and was awarded sobresaliente, which
means excellent. But, he was not the only one in his class who
received this award, and in fact, there was one student who had higher
grades than him. And when Rizal studied in the University of Santo
Tomas, he had a hard time dealing with the medicine and science
subject, since we all know that he was better in arts and literature than

So, as it says in the article, Dr. Jose Rizal might have been an
excellent student, he is not perfect. While he excelled in some aspects
of, he did not on some other. No one can be excellent on everything.
Just like Rizal, each and every one of us has his/her own limitations.
When we feel that we cant do something, we should not give up. Like
Rizal, we should continue on developing our skills and knowledge on
that area and continue to grow and eventually harness the necessary
traits that we need to acquire in order to accomplish a certain task.

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