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Student Profile Sheet for Letters of Recommendation

Full Name: Kayla Taylor_____________________

Advisor: Mrs. Smith

Name(s) of Scholarship / College

Application Deadline

University of Georgia

May 1, 2015

University of Tennessee

June 15, 2016

Kennesaw State University

May 6, 2016

Hope Scholarship

May 1, 2016

Where you want the recommendation letters sent? Include any envelopes. :
Recommendation letters for UGA, University of Tenn., and KSU will be sent to the guidance office.
My Hope Scholarship will be sealed in an envelope.
List several teachers / people from whom you might request letters of recommendations. Two teachers must be core classes. Give the
teacher and their subject area. :
Mrs. Henderson (Literature)

Ms. Robbins (literature)

Mr. Prather (Math)

Ms. Majors (Special Education)

Current GPA: 3.15

Academic / Career Interest:
For my professional career, Im heading towards International Business and Business Management. Academically, my goal is to strive
and be the most successful person that I can be.
Awards that I have won:
My sophomore year, I was nominated for homecoming court. I lettered in cheerleading, earned three bars, and two pins all from being on
the varsity competition, football, and basketball cheerleading teams.
Community Involvement/ Service:
Working with special education students is something that I like to do. Also, I am an active member at Oasis Family Life Church. I am
also an assistant for the landscaping business I work for.
Extracurricular Activities (list any leadership positions held):
My sophomore and junior year I was a part of the varsity cheerleading teams in football, basketball, and competition. I have attended
many women conferences, including the one that was held at McEachern high school in 2015. My freshman year I was the manager for
the McEachern ladies soccer team, I also lettered for that.
Work Experience:
Working as an assistant for the landscaping company I work for (JudoTurf), I have acquired plenty of communication skills, technology
skills, and money managing skills. My position requires invoicing, filing, organizing, and communicating with customers on an everyday
Has any a summer experience, work, or study been of significance to you? Explain. :
Again, working for the landscaping company has brought me an abundance of skills. Working with others, time management, and
productiveness are some of the qualities my job has brought to me.

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Explain:

Communication and problem solving are qualities that describe my strengths. Over time and through experience, I have learned how to
get through tough situations and how to remain productive when times get rough. This has made me efficient and has helped me in
becoming me a stronger and more qualified person.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses? Explain. : Being a perfectionist has been a problem for me. Unfortunately, trying to make
everything perfect has a negative effect when other priorities arent getting done. So, with that being said I need to make sure that
everything gets done properly without spending too much time on just one thing.
Give 3 words that describe you. Include specific anecdotes / examples. :
Three words that describe me perfectly are efficient, dependent, and reliable. Effcient is the most accurate term because I always, no
matter the circumstances do everything in my power to make sure everything gets done and it gets done properly. Dependent also
describes me well because I catch on easily and make sure that I do not have to rely on anybody else. Reliable is also a word well suited
for me because I like to make sure that I am always around when needed and do what I say I am going to do. I do not like to look bad and
that is another reason I aim to meet the standards of all these words on an everyday basis.
Describe a minimum of 1 major setback or disappointment. Include how you either overcame it or reacted to it. :
When I came to McEachern, I was urged to cheer because I had tumbling abilities and ambition. Freshman year I didnt try out, but when
my sophomore year came around I decided to try out. I made the team and fell in love. That year I made JV football, varsity competition,
and basketball. When I tried out my junior year I made all three varsity teams. Cheerleading was an amazing time for me. I made friends
and learned new abilities and it overall helped me become more versatile. As a senior, I decided to focus more on my studies and
schooling, and as a result I did not cheer. It was a hard decision to make, but I had to make the responsible and mature choice. Now that I
am in school, I do not regret my decision at all. Over the summer I began working and now I continue to work during school.
Cheerleading will always be something that I find great joy in, but my choice was well worth it and I plan to exceed all expectations in
school this year.
Who or what has been the biggest influence on your life? Why? Please be original and give a thorough explanation. :
Margo Winfield has most definitely been the greatest influence on my life. I could go on and write an entire book about all her struggles
and how she has overcome them and used those times as lessons to pass onto other people, but I wont do that. Instead Im going to
express how every word that comes out of her mouth is wisdom, how everything thing she does is selfless, and how no matter what the
circumstance, she will always be a shoulder to cry on without ever hearing a complaint. She is my rock. My mother has also played a big
role in influencing my life. She has had uphill battles, trials and errors, and been through a lot of things just like the average person. But,
the way she handles those situations makes her extraordinary. Both of these women go out of their way to satisfy other people, on an
everyday basis. Nothing can ever break them and I can only hope to be half as great as these two women are.
In one paragraph, describe why a college should choose you over another student. What do you think you have to offer or how will you
benefit? :
Colleges would benefit in having me as a student because I strive to succeed. In my past, I can honestly and shamefully say that I didnt
care about how well I performed in school. That was a major mistake. Since then, I have grown as a person and have come to the
conclusion that it was time to grow up, and when I came to that realization, everything became clear to me. Not to sound cocky, but I am
an outstanding person. Having me in a college will just help me to become an even better person than I have already become. Not only
that, but when I become successful, I can proudly flaunt around my school and show true and genuine pride to say that the school was

able to help establish who I will become. My dreams and aspirations are out of this world and when I finally become established in life, I
will be filled with great gratitude and be able to say that my school did not waste their time and it was a well made decision.
In one paragraph, explain why you should receive the scholarship and how this organization / company will benefit from your receiving
the monies. :
In my adolescent years, I was beyond naive. There wasnt much for me to care about, because I didnt really plan for my future as a child.
As I grew older, I came to realize exactly what was going. Before I knew it, real life was literally knocking on my door, and it changed
me. Scholarships are not just something that students come across so easily. They are earned and plenty of people are in need of them.
But, if I were one of the lucky people who got to receive a scholarship, I would not take it for granted. My grades would show why I was
one to earn a scholarship. I wouldnt waste any time slacking because that would mean that it wasnt worth it to get it in the first place. I
would go out of my way, just to prove I was the right candidate and that I am responsible enough to accept something so precious and

Student Profile Sheet for Letters of Recommendation

Full Name: Brenda Ann Mosher

Advisor: Doar

Name(s) of Scholarship / College


University of Georgia

to guidance by 10/30

Mercer University

to guidance by 10/30

Bell South Scholarship

pick up by 10/14



Where you want the recommendation letters sent? Include any envelopes.
University of Georgia and Mercer University give to guidance
Bell South Scholarship I will pick up in sealed envelope
List several teachers / people from whom you might request letters of recommendations.
Ms. Hoffman (math)
Rev. Mike Shale
Mr. Unger (science)

Coach Taylor

Current GPA: 3.13

Academic / Career Interest: I am interested in a finance career. I would like to see myself working at a corporate level for a large
banking firm.
Awards that I have won: Honor Roll (10th and 11th grade), Citizenship Award (11th Grade), Perfect Attendance (11th Grade)
Community Involvement: As a part of my church youth organization, I help to deliver Christmas packages for the needy. I also help
with youth camps for ages 8 10 at my church.
Extracurricular Activities (list any leadership positions held): Varsity track (2 years), Varsity Fastpitch Softball (4 years), President
Octogon Club, NHS (2 years, Historian 1 year), Spanish Club (4 years, Secretary 2 years), Varsity Basketball (4 years, Captain Senior
Year), Church Choir (4 years), Student Government (4 years, President 9th, Vice-President 10th, Secretary 11th and 12th)
Work Experience: Volunteering to teach youth camp at my church (summers of 9th 11th Grade)
Has any a summer experience, work, or study been of significance to you? Explain.
During my 11th grade year, my family went to Washington, D.C. I had known about the history and such but it never impacted me until I
stood on the steps of the Capital and thought that this was where it all happened. I could feel the power in the city go to places where
people and events helped to shape my life.
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Explain. My greatest strength would be my curiosity. I enjoy learning new and
interesting ideas. Another strength is my ability to relate to other people. I can make people feel at ease because I empathize with feeling
of discomfort and anxiety.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses? Explain. A weakness that I have is for procrastination. While I do turn my work in on
time and the work is done well, I have a tendency to wait until the night before to actually do it. I seem to work better under stressful
Give 3 words that describe you. Include specific anecdotes / examples. 1. Friendly Whenever I can see that a student is new to the
campus, I will go over and talk to them. I hate seeing people feeling left out. 2. Perfectionist I redid an entire Science project 3 times
until I was satisfied. 3. Leader I have the organizational as well as the verbal skills necessary to lead. I have been on Student
Government for 3 years and have held offices all years.
Describe a minimum of 1 major setback or disappointment. Include how you either overcame it or reacted to it. One major setback
was when I made a D on my research paper. I thought that I had done a really good job, but had procrastinated too much. I thought that it
would be easy to throw together the night before. Boy was I wrong. When the teacher gave me back my paper, I could hear my grade
taking a nose dive. But, instead of blaming the teacher for grading too hard, I looked over my mistakes and thought about what I could
have done differently. My lesson is never to procrastinate on a major paper.

Who or what has been the biggest influence on your life? Why? Please be original and give a thorough explanation. A major
influence in my life would have to be parents of a friend of mine. My friends parents have been through many obstacles when the father
was diagnosed with cancer. I saw first hand how strong and supportive her mother could be. I saw a person who represents a rock in
that house. But, amazingly enough, I saw a woman balancing her need to baby her husband and his need to retain some sense of selfworth.
In one paragraph, describe why a college should choose you over another student. What do you think you have to offer or how
will you benefit? The schools that I have chosen have excellent finance schools. By attending that school, I can become a more
productive member of society. The schools that I have chosen also allow students to become heavily involved in campus activities. I
want to be a part of the school environment, not only attend classes.
In one paragraph, explain why you should receive the scholarship and how this organization / company will benefit from your
receiving the monies.

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