Name: - Class: - English Monthly Test (February) Form 5 SECTION A: Write Down The Simple Past Form of The Following Verbs (10 Marks)

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Name:_____________________ Class:________________



SECTION A: Write down the simple past form of the following verbs ( 10 marks)

1. Laugh :__________________

2. Prefer:___________________

3. Surprise:_________________

4. Deal :____________________

5. Spread:__________________

6. Choose:__________________

7. Shave:___________________

8. Wear:____________________

9. Ring:_____________________

10. Strike:____________________

SECTION B: Change the words in the brackets to simple past tense.(15 marks)

Amanda (1) ______________( realise) with horror that she

(2)_____________(be) lost. There (3) _________________( be) no landmarks to help
her and there (4)____________ (be) no foot print either.

The cold (5) ________________( descend) and Amanda (6)____________( shake)

Sahara nights are as frigid as the days are hot. As she, (7) _____________(lurch) over
the featureless land she (8) ______________( know) her fellow travellers would be
sleeping and there would be no lights to guide her. Then she (9)
_______________________(see) a fire glowing in the distance. After an initial rush of
relief, she (10) ________________________(freeze). She
(11)_____________________ (be) a young blonde woman alone at night. Tuaregs
rebels (12) __________________________(roam) the area. They (13)_____________(
be) not known for their tenderness towards women. But, having little choice , she
(14)______________(walk) towards the glow as bravely as possible. She
(15)______________(recognise) the figure of a Wooade tribesman.

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