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Blackwell Essential Readings in History a Stalinism ‘his sels compeses conc colton of ry arts on important Hora pcr Deigned ars component onset ware Hares: the ‘ohues re ned to lp tea stadt to the ang of chy {ele ins ear sen ach clos ola ¢ eral tact nd tes sotto teat tle ling cet, eel awe for ac ‘The Essential Readings Pablehed ‘herman Refrain: Te Evel ngs ©. Scott Don. Edited by David L. Hoffmann: ‘he gh Cel Wo: The Bena ays ‘he aon Rasne Te sl Ros Paustian ‘The See Rein: The sl Rage Masa elyee Sion: Te Bent Regs Davi Hanon "he ald Wer: Te Esl Rigs Riataret and Ana Tape ‘he hd Rl: Te Bel Rtgs (tan Late ‘Te ume Te Eset ags Dent. the ‘he rie The anal Rens i ‘Tomar Nadie ‘he Rasen Reon Th etl Roads \ Mtn tile ‘he rh Rect The til aig onal Scbeshte roe and he ore The Esl Reng | an S| 1 O reise Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization Stephen Kotkin Except fom Stephon Kot, Magnetic Mounts Stn tg Ovation (Berle Universy of Calflora Pros. 1995, tor’ Introduction “The end ofthe Cold War and clas ofthe Soviet Union has generated noe oly new aaa research on Stns bet new concepts Fame- orks 2 wel. Some schalrs havo begin to reitngrace Sole Nory Uheo he nore general cours of Furopean hacory ab to view Sait ‘ae practices having roesin the sine and eecloges ofthe modem "aes approach whe cominang to sess the fundamental eobog- ‘land operational dfeences of eh Sint syst 9s Salnism not [She momalous produc of ctor unique tothe Soviet Union Burather {2 part nearasion of more general inlecual ad plea deve- ‘pment in modern Europe “Anong the more spiant of dasa devlopmens were ne ors of soci sence and medial knowledge which prompeed European efor testo reconeepinize the population 362 socal entity to be ratonaly Sed and managed Socal satis, foe warp, provided government ‘iis and non-government profesonas wish 4 sesteal represen Sn of her scisis and condence chatty could reshape or evn ‘canlonn thoes soc for the beusrman of the country 383 whol. ‘The ble thee poplstion nd new ienfed socal patie coul be Understood and scead upon siete goers to anew ethos of oc IMterenton Ths ees was wil shared among socal hrs ad stare [fics of arouse potalorenatons and nr 3 range of ae welare programs invoduced tought Europe tthe hte intent Ae cary event cara! ‘A compare eamiton of the Saline sta eval that shared bth his imcrenons tes nd many ofthe ste were propans evap in wetrn European cours. Ware pcp: proed ‘abl ene here dtd on nero Bt wlare Sate abo ened hgh nomatve suns bout the ay People ‘oud vo, and tareenton In poop Ther to pote purportedly ‘ceri norms ypon thm. Sate wellre pracicer thus ded fable heh sections, aay regulon uaranne, ome is {fom medi persona instruction on ane ae snd ching ate ‘emonal fern om press dared naghgent ad eter neste Inerventons eo exabsh sation ana productive order m peop es, ‘When auached tan Heologeal agenda of socal and haan anor: mation asin the Sov exe, sate nerve o reorder haan soley {lu ake exrene form sod fav de conse In the slcton ta flows, Stephen Kotin frst put frvard she sxper Sli ws nae sii fn he repens ‘elves. Ting a hs rarng ps the Enighaunee and Pena elson Kotkin pcs Sam sural the cortex of Earpes ‘nae aa pote here: Ho expins ht the eye ofa Ing soca ongace with eieorhecentry Enger ernke th bleed ee cul apply scene vo center sol orer! The Frnch Revlon a tang ia fr by demontg that revorary poles could brig abot scl tasorneton, Reve tear a ssa de spn from he French Reve ad tr they theres cme to power 1917, they pred te own weson (of ational anol order ~ one whch sought late ap ‘leptin nd roel ces Kodkin pois out tht he dass dvsons that Sal ad his flow ‘coment eae sage to overcome wee abo a anal prt ct Eeropean hitory ley of rnctench cacy dst whch toa desroyed the alleged organic unity of wadioa graran soles 2d reptced I wih css ces An yo aropen ters ender ow t recover tcl nity Kat Mrs an jt one fay in so nla a Rn ht as Ks ox let : acs Kan Pe Somer hilt opment i soe t sae cots ty er wa ESremong oben rer wh a i eg eo ‘Soo etn oping fom eso Fc cn Ts et ‘ts Eien er so sl er rt po ot ‘Sy btotr sana shin an bang ee wee et MW Semowy eho pope pel hme dust As cruzanons_ 108 who gapled wth his problem? Manx enroned vine rvcton a Thome to oerstew te apis yen ad leat fo a4 asses, sue soe Inthe mie 1930 San decred tat the taser of soln fad btn acre and Uae colocation an the Saco econ had screed menage xpos ses Sconce Te Sansom ak eed xen se ware Hot ings pice dt nd programs that eigaced western ope Thee bes ined sntaporzred Sst and etree pers etme ae atended hosing, and parareed emp) fener at tens. Kan thorfrecorloes tat Stes was 0 Titnomly sng fom Sas eines, Russ seal Bachwarnes, Sr roast ology, stead the Sve Union ander Sain embodied, ‘ove da any oer chang te samen progres moder = ‘Coors purpose economy and goverment iy Seca ot wellbeing ote popusion ad court #2 whole {ne bok fom wich ti ncrpe dr, Kh fies Mos Upan the socal cloner the Saline order eh dsthgubhed he Sve. Union rom oer countrar and mace Salasm 2 det evan” Batts riences pu orwards new compares amenor em wtih approach ovet hanya heand ote scr have posed Tac tamewerksubcquerthe » kr Ct ples Han hf rene lca cnet of Re ‘anaphase ste ha of lr wh {5 Sc ce St, at rn fe {SEPM fea Wet slates ae vets ote ‘Seclatededsypn mich Sam erred, Ce bak eres ‘Sg sun seb piu Ser airy ae ‘ere Eom ashe Care ry cn of Cats Renan Cai Fanos [i pend of ocr ts bet cared anus ot Sania Saving nes sendy Sat wg re ESNS2 rly mnnty cet oarsmen of ‘feet nccom eaacr rpaew yar naan (teh ye eno a care ope ry ens (S'Slacs ono nt gf rt rawr Fr mre ‘eLenacoin oS bare “temacon Neos cbt ‘Seay nd Sn moana Hann Koni le ‘SS sein “its Tete Sovee Une et awa Concer Isola | Gan, Pearle “hrmoon eA ond Ora Or ‘tae aon Scop Com ho na Moss se, Oe ny ies" emery he pO Sales ceoe nf Oe coo Femeting sir Roan cn aupne Cowen ume Se ia 10_sm. conn Kotkin’ excerpt ows gs he nporanc fect a 4 wpe or merino ai te Soe yo Peppa {een ears Pape Moun Retan) besos he wa a {ner Stns arate cane oped ae nse ins, Sov car do che itt pe wth place fom, dsl tras of veya He une Salen Wher they ogy preted ceed ord Sic pe, ence an btn wa tad eation oe Sn oes fn seree wt protuce or wal rope: ete pss 2 new ers of seen, een ay poe Heed ‘them open tA Kost rth the Mera of Son ‘eed to expan hw th spans of Sli snd i owas ted with the of edna people in the Soviet verson of che were * eran mg frp on Se ei, nel he am Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization ‘Stephen Kotkin Scene, Utopia and Revolasorary Poles Ite bnpossible to comprehend Stains without reference to the sighteettecentury Buropean Enighlenment. an outpouring of Desionedpuble keoeson that ook ay hs point of departare the [Serene senturyinnoration of modern scence Aplying the new models of ature tthe pote! word, many thinkers during the Flghtnmentemberked oo quest for an expt “retlonal ssl fede» wellepulted orgnizatlon of human belngs independent of the “atitrary” authority of sovereign. Argusiy It was the Pench Plilsophe Condorot the ft to ive wide currency ta te expression recente of soci)" ~ who confere the petignof Newtonian science on the seach fo atonal oil ore For Condorcet, anon ther, ‘tence offered "the means to transform the cal word” atthe sme time ost "suggested the medal ofthe rtlonal social ocgantzation tobe Implemented” Above all slence promise pt simp the peasy of Fmmeatepronerent bu" rion of constant progres." ‘Wat gi this wordvew tremendous force was, of course, the encl telatlon which appeared oofera mechanism frreazing the ‘ion of aration soll ode, Toe sure the revolton brought frth ‘variety of appleatons, cui te tess and practices of eras radical stand of repubicansm roel in nations of equals, and ‘onapartis detatorip Bat enc of these diferent radiions emerged fiom the common source of what cme t Be call “revelutionaey polls” This innovation signaled a simple yet profound discovery that Polis cou be used odret and possibly even remake society” > ah Bt, conve ita Py wl Mant Can ira Chingy rem 1791 gn 385, ler ons he grant eae Sees PS ecm snd Rs We Dt et. ‘ng Clo ec, eo gol “nor me.” ‘Selects nly se pci of onoteact tonto {festa Tb ony enhance eae Sct relton wen po mb ra Sei et cs ence ey tet 12_sreri oman ar poisons sree recast eden Sees egg eam poem Seragencete emer re see cea inten St sieeaneee ronan oe spin eeemmomer erate meine cares etree Sinatra nanee eto ancora ae see cata mace ae Seen oor Tenet aampanstoen "gad totonsin Brien his teen he evlats eeccteniter ieee ete ‘lc of the ninetenthcetury fowl indian tated See ee Siattichiosaee eyerargetawt Sintec mes Speirs ts Geant tie seater irene arene cra ening scant em ont nee ge a moa feeaeerrae ‘Poltlon, org WF Hogs wo had ried a ami on ef the pogreavemovenet of hry. Mart nated ik Ssign fer fur, hase soy “salsa term aca in wie tea rie ithe the maortion or, mae fen, the complete trace ence of what wer he tly spring ving cons of ures working majority " Timphusn rarscendccs Marx ed allows heed Mscon- txt sci ex ao ay nie ea an and Seti” (1880), Pech Engels argued tha i ith Hegel the wed began oe vewataeaderclopentl race tie * cor et. he Of si New: rah 1948). Stuns ASA cMMeRTON U3 onset of insation pd theo the working lassinthe 18308 ‘Delt nd ceased ten aclentl covery ofthis thal ns Sinus and ad become nnd “ie nseeryoutcms” 9 tare stove! stugge gored by cet lws. Accor the ten oreticelaniya was longer oagne soya rect onic but toy be the preset pater of srebeconomi rae {Rin whe the neat of fiscal dveopnent ws aleaiy ‘escent Moa acorng tongs, had Gone ost a forthe ata Imad of prodactoe.® and ur with Mrs "sot had become Sen ges tinction between toplan an selena, whlch sno atracl ty te Set sy bos en dsm by phlosonbers Yo argue at Marsan scala rari ato ess olan than {onmsnalevsoas of rer or Oven. Far em hating een Sens the tga oes, raion ar noihing more hea Doses ‘elon lamin aly fe sons Ba he stra should nota ‘queay domi aries tobe scene Tl clam npired ai Tt of pep ft inde and outs the Soi Union, a nore thetnining of mucho whet wenton under Stan end afer the {Sublthmeot of conor pansng and schol cue te cose {fr opposton teen ine senicty of Haran scam naeds to be taken eu tuever so dos utopian saps. the Ellzenment mental ‘ator atin grew Merson scaban as a ace hema or ‘alg the Ungiom if ewen on eat, Of courte sa sopeme {atlas of tence pe ars mil eve oe lol ut he averted hts wtopln soley would indeed must ~ le ut fr ihe eke of farang and hs yminous, flea {ere wings ned the mostra cet eto eal: st ‘Sh outcome athe catern rngss of Bnepe Tha he sete utp Sinn of Mra found an appv austen fm the Russian emg Stade tothe specie of Rison hier. expel to era Tnensl ft aspltatins tat peated the 1917 revelation and found Ccpretonin te evlutonay pecs ‘Staten in at revived the eolutonary utopian that had been so fncouraged uring the Cl Wor bu that Bel suflered a blow in 1921 ‘ete the "Pena! Brett" pole of replacing gala requiem + tpn eat en he cen conan at tb 2578, Lanett tr esrb en ic oon PAE twa i rts of Narn, 3 ew er Os erty Pros 198pm 923-90. Lid sremws eons ‘by 0 taxn-kind wes extended beyond Tambor province The exten- son of the txinkind was flowed by other measures that together snlesed into what was daed the New one iy (NED), whch Peal legaled the anathema of private trade andthe markt. ‘evened mich ofthe hol rally of nationslzaon a urkan prop erty and Industry. yet fled t generate convincing sigs of the an ‘pated new world associated with socialism’ During the NER the “ctatoship of the proltarit wos beset by hig unemployment, ish prostittln, milons af ophaned ere (many of wom roamed the country engaging in criminal actives and forming ging, ann tplosion of eat rade. The anthrities were Largely at lst 851 what todo about theses andthe dhappontment they fonea® ack tthe Tenth Party Congeess in March 1921, when the hesitant steps tht led othe NEP were taken over steemoou objections, Lenn hn asked apologetal, How could one sar soca elton in ‘ conity ke ous without dreamers? Aste 19208 wore on, many “on ict my ne enemies werernratioas ‘om ace me tan ote ve Ate meee oe ata ae Sera ania etna eevee sania iran ra Scenes ung ty Seeiciatit compar cratenea Sites ueeraneremeenieciome Ceascaelaitincmann terete Eoteeeeu arenas eae Srceccanracetantsnt oe enna Setanta Ee arte eben ucrnenmeten oem ichac deamitrararstn Sencenmrar scien icaieuteey ana Eieceearrgnsaramee gua tice rae Siies ee ranenaee cae omens ce Seisdanceanmecraneysaanie seas Splkscarargame unum cme ah Soc cerees eater oeaa te Sci aes aernerecaria cre epstaiaae eeeerihntuaea esa ‘usu met hepato ars Mae Te Ben a {og ar om 189 ane Pea 9) ooo begun to wonder ost what bad happened to the great eam ‘fun Russland the pomecel elas cetriofhaves ers have- hot, oppressors vers for not only ad industrial prodoe- th barety manage ocimb bad to 191 levels but the most sriking tools af the relation sme to be the formation of & new urban ourgztsie te Nepinea,end on pen alias (amet between iat ew party ofits there were nthe countryside anda new ural urge, he bulk: "to be sure de NEP had a constnoency, which stretched bejund the socalll Nepmen and hula o embrace elements of the expane tng tae bureaucracy (argey the Commisariats of Nance ani ‘Aedelture) and cvtln sections of the Commas partys" The ‘Shots ha rconeed. But even to many ofthese who supported the [NBT the silt revoltion seemed o have last much of Ks momen tum. Props for puting the revelation beck on tack, either large Iithin or ever outst the NE ramework, were hot debated through ‘ou the decade butt was unclear What, anything, night cone of then untl 1323, when the county wes suddenly launched on what ‘we calla the Gent Brek (i pero) “The pespitating factor bbind this oles mpeotsation may hase boon the gran ets of the Ine 1920s, tthe Great Bec’ igil- cance extended well eyo the regine’ssenficted showdown with fhe peseantry, a ronfontatin thal, steeds to be recalled ook place ‘gus the bockgroned af dep-sontd anes about calls ence lementand the Red Ay'stabltytolight a war against the vanced ‘Baropean countries Inthe cootest ofthis persed vulnerablly. the ‘Great Break promised not only to secure the egies pole contol ‘over he couse but aloo ing about athe shortest pose ine tthat sa ed not been able to achieve la several centuries tobecom® ‘undoped great power and, what was more, an examplefor the rast ff dae wold vo air nd erat, by bung socks. = ‘That the Ina! Iuneing ofthis remarkable tre of event could haebaen determined essentally by one man turned out to be another © nascent pt he een sath step tamed soph cua ‘rtrianDetrie T Re rg adhe Soe Soci et, 19171830 ace ml net re 190) ‘nena eth lesa cata rt rer ben wea Bien ih Nr a ot Pte ch Te Se aan at 1926-192 Came, Ms arab re, 1960) "Mp cca ee Hepes eon a pat 16 sree vores ‘ofthe unforeseen yet central developments ofthe revolution during the 1920s Yeni, the sodaltrvuutonsunsped moral sn poltial Feeder and the symbol ofthe new Rua fl il and dled exerting vi tually no influence on poly matters dning the Ins to yeas of his lie) After a nasty supe, tla emerged ss Lenin's asses, ing aul alreay cette by his predecessor but then remaking ito per Saal despot. Ths Sar neieved nt ooly by his oft-emarhed Adminance ofthe bureaucracy bat lo by hiscarll enon to qoes ‘dons o ideology and tet latin o politcal powes” Not Baker, the pert’ "theorist." noe Trotsky (by fr the mest eriginal mind among the Bolsevits) but Sal fist spstematioed the “foundations of Teninisn’” ~ and through constant maneuvering mele sure he was recognized as Lents main abit ‘Whlevr concessions or apologies Stan continued to make at meet- ‘ng of the poltburo or Central Coase, a8 So0n #8 the mectings atjourned he retreated this ofc ato the spars and ace viral * ue: hate in act ri Pee ered ‘lect haematocrit dah tt fete dure ce hem ta aR pa le ips wl at Pe aS ee ay Scat sont nett creatine tenet es ‘i Sule ES a ae epee wae a ut a ute San a we reas Se Ea cy Serer thea pir by cat intuit ru fs cas ee va ae Spite ase alae ane nena Stem ful ng naan capentece ee trea a ia te eg at ‘Sctlintzanene sly ue toca Sa SE asa Danes ee ‘ay hath mene to rh rg Satter tase Rec eae helene tis nen Sees Scie a alt terns Syncs Maas Goes Dae ce ethan al ath Mae ne Econ tm tt a SAINI AS A eNEZATION LIT ‘as he sw Yet he always made sure hat everything he di wat ‘explained and sti within what he efletively character asthe Teint lop. When Stalin mobi the poe lass Petarie ‘ofthe reoltton's “hele age" ~ kept lve afer 1921 in patterns of ‘ros, images, songs esa names, storyeling. a new pantheon of heroes” an latched ovsous eampelgn against the Fulks, be Rad no conceptual dificult in resenting sorte concurrent declsions {0 push forward with te force eolectvtation of agiealtre Sd secelere the pace of Industaliatin, asa continuation ofthe work began by Lei and October” He went farther. however, and r= revolutoning the revlon, silly invoked scattered remarks y Tenin on the importance af ata! strength and exit Hel the buding of social o imperial ssan hisoxy "AS masterful poliial ingher as Stalin proved to be he could sear hav succacdd in garnering tho required suppert for sock an lnmmenso mobibation without the vision of bili seca he was set articulate, and the genune passions that sacha old pan oe & ‘outfit word remnealong clas ines evoked among many peop ‘As the decd of the 1930s besa the get easlorn country’s ne tn the sun soxmed to have uly arrived. The weribl ordeals of he “mpe- Fall war” Chl Wat epidemics and femine had not ler al, bee tn ‘in. The Stalin evoliton seemed the second, and potentially more Tasting, dawn o st, pure merry, and beaut Rust, whecebe who hg ould become everyting » Mors wtth conan l(t re en ca tothe uatia ena wichanital ng epaor tnt te oven (2 nt cera ewe ea eed sy Be ‘metre spt hla sure Ske iy et rece ran exams an catatonic oe CE “Te Te tenga eaten pba Fo Keone Hey of ange ‘nit eso a7 20 po 77 Aaya hed Peco hey teed wh ew {Sting othe meaty ocean sere heen ar ly ar cy hy ir ioe om rn ‘hatha of cy ee tat is own adres fo web sp Ieee nt eye ams pie oo ue heart car, sani te oan wl ee Manat re 98, [tit hag amt hela ts Nore ee ped et he "Sard th mrt oar ae” sta 4.965 38947 tel 328 2 ein Cy Ho Or Daina rages ‘oe Het bens omens 196 Gey Hi ad Pl abo ic mr athe ssent te win ts sn ith th a anette‘ ot ere gf ei immo nw the rsd ew tie he oe of sata otf ba ne Wess Rae Spb Pn le 1982 19_srerien ronan confront the special problems of urban Me and wean populations and ‘continang othe twentieth, "nthe grand narratives of Paropean bso. the nineteeth century ‘most often apres asthe period wien the ton challenge tha rene fnd Indo revolution taneormed the various a egies Into ‘modern pois with parliaments, potcal partes, end univers male Sulage =n shor into what today we eeogize as "democracy" Such ‘Vnarrative ofthe br of "Ube bourgeoss word which tmp in the Grea War when allremaining ol regimes ole has ben give fstantal suport bythe fst that Broan sates, thor eles Sppostion groups were themselves proosspiel with the problem of how to respond politely to the new eonitons brought about by the French and Indstil evolutions” “There b. howeve, another story. one that begins before 1789 and contineswellafer 1914 the formation ofthe welarestate This oer, Parallel development i are ene of soil regulation ~ procedares. ules, eategries ad scil practices, almost al of which ra outstde the stat bu eame to be taken over by ts wala selfimposed nor ‘malzaton and micevel resistance for les she Mial a, rot of poticalparts and partamentary cases bat of identities and the letestui the invention of dal ie the oration ofthe ‘wollare state waslinkzdto te efforts at pacification in atop seoans 1 procera tok la sultansoey aad exerted a recpoca a {enocon the arialiton of slat contrel and welt programs Sat home ty be neu we el fri patel ha has qustoned ‘ee ion the tay et thane te ‘Epes let bs rn raped ners oa ‘Ext iw hone in een tees not han ny he sa Se ‘ren Manresa hl Re we Pas, 198 Fate a ‘erent eps che one tured secttg on oae reer he ere he eer ay mean seo ‘irl ie ot age roitnkh mihtbo fe me ce Fecal, D lick “The swe Ch he Borie Roe ‘Gan sty a he Nth Coty oO lturn and te es of Ge a ons Say a Pos In Rina many are Ose, 308 yp 17405 Fr dunno toed eo bed ah ante ee ‘ates pci to sc a ett Mes Po Re ‘srs hang id acs sey ts en al ‘at ncn at thers acs ed pn en tanner Rabo en a ron | (eo romp es MIF ro, 1999p. 8 STAUNEN ASA CIMZATION 121 Inpart cnservaie response to the rite of dhe working cass and the “dangers i supposedly represented, esetlly those of contagious ‘seo ant plea malay, the weir state aso emerged rm the ‘arity af enncams atccated by experts pursuing such varied als 15 workplace ellcency.peychologcal nornalzation, and healthy 90 Polatons Indole. concerned abou obtaining. a elie, doe upp of labor, end soa dormers crusading for what the ook tbe the best yay to minimize sol costs and maximize socal benef share ali ew if tht alms ten appeared erg. And because the welare ate rested on a cotsin soca gic anda umber of tans ferable socal pacts it wan viable na vane of plea stings, fnclaling Stalin's Resta. "Rather than being viewed sa patholopeal ease (deviating rom the Duropas norm becouse of the country’s backwaréness or agracan ‘etl structure, the lng history of Russian authorkaiansm, he «- senence ofthe iil Wi, Maris deology. the singleminiedess of nin oe the evils of Stl), the USSR in enstatve of the welfare ‘ato might appear asthe standard whose uncanny sucess challenged the rest of the world to respond. More than ia ny der county. ‘Stalin scene to ring ogee the elements of wat was den the prevalent concpton and experience of “peogresve modernity" the ‘She hted the deployment of ordinate, purpsefl eco. within Ishi sal, ssppoedlynefilentprodaces were replaced by arose ta therfore mightier one: ado te othe. the femation a 2 g0- frnment of aon uel that ws above the seming paral per lamnenaryrle an unequivocally deceatd to the aancereat of the ‘commanwe™| » Reagexehet ce eee extn eth te ni as ce Sete Rung Ste ioe Ste Lal ee (Gey: tn ner Pe 1993p. 15 eset nar oe a i ant Gereacy e senna in tren tenting poe esa seederopea et wt e ori a matte Soest hat dete ‘Mittal ncn ef cere ser toon wa lng tron, ‘onal ea ie copa the ‘pana ho weareseitvarany nen han SSE ee ln ‘oe aig chery ei 757 ‘cots uno fem 190) Sra ena tsrncn i {saa bao he um Se Cera (CS Teg 198 pi 210 "first iio socal me warty ate the pertain lar a ose, st a Rein atnel wesene nose 122_ serve vores Despite administrate and Hanes Lmtations, the Sovet sot Insuranoe stem that came nto Beng following the reoaton spec Tealbeneistnmanycasesequaltototatcarings inte event of det, sili, sins, off age, pregnancy and eildbeth, oe unempoy” iment, fr working people and family tpembers. In 1930, emporiey Ltnemployment benelts were abolished, bat thie was bese need iy unemployeeat sl” was eliminsted By this ne, moreve, the Soviet understanding of welled come Co ince nat only a a8 ante af a job fo everyone. bot the payment of pensions pen retin ‘ment (a system that Was rade nnlversl In 1937). The amount of beets particularly pensions remained smal but there was na dens- Ing that the Soviet slate had embraced a bod concepion of soil welfare ~ ‘exenfing fom employment and income to afrable easing, beth ae ogi ese an ha dene witht rode Not ony could the USSR under Stalin plas assert i had fe Bere co of wcll rane ch to a ee dead tbe comin eer nen ayo ln ee Seat oer ete na hy tori ‘Tm bom he re retin etn a nn he re si cs bn re oye Smee a toma ef cal wpe revs ean th ee sia {shenndton bunnies, usr ies Ne Sek Patn, 1979) cng te aed yer Dee woe Scr adore, vn lp O88) ile ew {tates tt sone ts cng areca ae dat fre Hea Te Sate! Taran fh Pale ‘Stes camber 1389} 251 126s Nations power and social wellr drove the revolutionary proces and alminated inthe formation o an indasly based wee ete wth fn attendant conscioutness. Stainisn was not jst plea! system, let lone the rl fan ndidval. Ie was ast of vals, sockl Wen. iy a way fie, ‘When tcomesto Stalin, what needs tobe explined and subjected ‘o deed serting are the mechsnems by which the areas of od rary people and those of the individuals directing the ste found ‘common ground inthis Sole vorion ofthe wellare tte. The am of this bok so conte the nature ofthese paral intersecting dears ‘nd to invent athe eel of the abet the intents encouers ‘confit, an negtiction thet took place in aad around the seategy of statecentred social welare in sexe. or sca Incarnate ‘What flows then sa inguy into the mite of urban He sd how certain ways of thinking and accompanying soll peste ft into the grand strategies of Sovet site balding during ie formative ered of the 1930s, ben the revolution came fo Magnetic Mountain ‘The emphasis thoaghowt son experimentation and sncvery ‘arth lendng Sve Sate Wore and Soil erveton Mk B. Adis, “Bien Socal ene in Rewtoncy Pain Svsan Gros Solon and John Hutchison es Haha Sy awit Rs Becenington, 1990), ‘ari Hotfiann, "hers he Meter Stalin Poneto en Cinta ff Sc! try, a 4 (2000, Sate Ko. "Moder Tmo The Sor atone eg Csjne re" Kt 3 1 S00), ‘erie Aion, Si Tre re Sve! Uno (Stan. 1968). Keane Potaw.“Cutng snd Contin Pree Mone as Sees ‘of Sock im Bok ws, 1920-1929. in Dai finan sl ‘ont Kotick elt, Raat Mido Mt Rol, Pact orton, 2000 ‘Sri Goa Slot, Soil Hygiene ad Seve Public sth, 1921-1930." ‘a Selman and thi, State Violence

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