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The Same, Just Different

Due Thursday, September 3
20 points
In an effort to get a better feel for how you and your class learns, and also find out what
you care about, I would like a short essay about what will hopefully be a subject you all
are aware of: yourselfwith just a slight twist
As postmodernism is largely based on the idea that nothing is new and that we must find
the new within the old, the unique within the same, you shall do the same for yourselves.
In (what you should consider) a short essay, first identify what makes you the same as
everyone else your appearance, behavior, beliefs be specific, I dont care that you
wear shoes like everyone else, but maybe you always have to have Nikes. Then identify
what makes you unique, different, or (shudder) special.
This essay should be 5 paragraphs in length, and may be typed (preferred) or clearly
written in pen. Either medium should use MLA formatting, which if you are unsure of, I
have examples available up front and on my homework page.
The essay is due Thursday and is graded upon the usage of proper language and
grammar (5 points), the structure of the essay (5 points) and the ideas put forth (10

The Same, Just Different

Due Thursday, September 3
20 points
In an effort to get a better feel for how you and your class learns, and also find out what
you care about, I would like a short essay about what will hopefully be a subject you all
are aware of: yourselfwith just a slight twist
As postmodernism is largely based on the idea that nothing is new and that we must find
the new within the old, the unique within the same, you shall do the same for yourselves.
In (what you should consider) a short essay, first identify what makes you the same as
everyone else your appearance, behavior, beliefs be specific, I dont care that you
wear shoes like everyone else, but maybe you always have to have Nikes. Then identify
what makes you unique, different, or (shudder) special.
This essay should be 5 paragraphs in length, and may be typed (preferred) or clearly
written in pen. Either medium should use MLA formatting, which if you are unsure of, I
have examples available up front and on my homework page.
The essay is due Thursday and is graded upon the usage of proper language and
grammar (5 points), the structure of the essay (5 points) and the ideas put forth (10

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