Bb4 INT MidTest 1-4

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CLASS .. MARK ______

(Time 50 minutes)

Circle the correct item.

1 Tracy doesnt have anything ........... common
with her brother.
A of
B on
C in

13 ........... we go to that cafe nearby?

A Would
B How much
C Shall
14 Sandy can ........... sleep at night.
A hardness
B hard
C hardly

2 Mum went to the ........... market today.

A free
B flea
C sale

15 Could you ........... the radio? Its too loud!

A turn off
B turn on
C turn to

3 Dont wear that dress! Its so ...........!

A trendy
B out of fashion
C the latest fashion
4 Tom can ........... the Net for hours.
A surf
B operate
C travel

16 Did you make that model plane on your own?

Thats so ...........!
A impressed
B impress
C impressive

5 Im ........... asleep on Monday mornings.

A full
B half
C empty

17 I think Ill quit. I cant cope ........... the stress.

A by
B on
C with

6 Come on! Judy ........... us.

A expect
B is expecting

18 Im so fed up ........... you!

A with
B by

C expects

7 Barcelona is a great city! We ........... the best

time ever!
A are having
B have
C are not having

C on

19 Debby is ........... to go to university.

A responsible B hard-working
C determined
20 How do you ........... your free time?
A spend
B hang around C do

8 This is the book ........... I borrowed.

A which
B who
C whose

21 Ron is ........... in scuba diving.

A curious
B interested

9 How much time ........... to get to work?

A is it taking
B does it take C takes

C keen

22 This is Mrs Lee, ........... son is in my class.

A who
B whose
C that

10 Rosa cant ........... listening to rock music.

A stand
B keep
C hear
11 Id rather ........... home than go to the gym.
A to stay
B stay
C stayed

23 We need to get rid of the ........... .

A graffiti
B lawn
C neighbourhood

12 Baggy trousers and hooded tops have

become the skaters ........... .
A trademark
B brand
C pattern

24 Be at the office at 8 oclock ........... tomorrow

A sharp
B punctual
C exact

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37 How long ago ........... a horse?
A have you ridden B did you ride
C you rode

25 You should be ashamed ........... yourself.

A with
B of
C at
26 Im afraid the concert has been
cancelled ........... to bad weather conditions.
A due
B because C thanks

38 Retired people are entitled to a ........... bus

A public
B reduced
C return

27 Youre not going to believe this, but Ive lost

my house keys.
A Theyre unbelievable!
B You cant be serious!
C Do you really think so?

39 As far as Im concerned, this is my seat!

A I beg your pardon!
B I feel the same way.
C What a shame!
40 Car ........... are harmful to the environment.
A waste
B emissions C output

28 In case you lose your luggage, go to ........... .

A conveyor belt
B baggage reclaim
C customs office
29 Why didnt you tell me ........... advance?
A in
B on
C to

41 Im ........... unhappy with your behaviour!

A splendidly
B absolutely
C extremely

30 Dont take too long to get ready or

youll ........... your flight.
A skip
B share
C miss

42 Im so ........... to be back home safe and

A relieved
B relaxed
C grateful

31 Eddy ........... on the phone while his sister

was listening to music.
A had talked
B was talking
C talked

43 Karen has ........... going to the dentist.

A put off
B put away
C put behind
44 Could you ........... me a lift to the station?
A give
B take
C get

32 Mark ........... us a surprise visit last night.

A paid
B gave
C made

45 Why do you always depend ........... me?

A with
B on
C in

33 The ............ was full of fresh fish from the

Atlantic Ocean.
A yacht
B dinghy
C trawler

46 Uncle Thomas is ............ for any social

benefits as hes not over sixty-five.
A incapable
B illegal
C ineligible

34 Alexander the Great was a ........... conqueror

and king.
A competitive
B scared
C fearless

47 If you want to cross the road, go to the ...........

A giraffe
B lion
C zebra

35 Susan ........... to the kitchen when she heard

a loud bang.
A had just gone
B just went
C was just going

48 They charge 15 ........... a hair cut.

A for
B with
C on

36 A member of the ........... told us to put all

belongings in the overhead compartment.
A film crew
B ground crew
C cabin crew
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49 He was still worried about what would

happen, ........... thankful to be alive.
A however
B and
C but

50 Dont accelerate ........... much. Its dangerous!
A too
B just
C such

63 May I speak to Mr Wilson, please?

A Thanks, Ill just check.
B Youre welcome.
C Whos calling, please?

51 As the ........... assistant to the director, Mary

works long hours.
A computer B web
C personal

64 Did he just hang ........... on you?

A out
B up

52 Even if hes slow, let him work ........... .

A at the weekends
B under pressure
C at his own pace

C around

65 She ........... to me since last night.

A didnt speak
B hasnt spoken
C didnt use to speak

53 David wasnt able to ........... the deadline.

A follow
B meet
C get

66 Robert is very ........... about his work. He

always does a proper job.
A reliable
B hard-working
C conscientious

54 How much do you ........... a year?

A gain
B earn
C win
55 My son wants to follow ........... my footsteps
and become an actor.
A into
B in
C up

67 How can you be so ........... and leave your

little sister alone?
A disorganised
B hectic
C irresponsible

56 You look tired. ........... all day long?

A Have you been working
B Have you worked
C Did you work

68 Sally has been ........... this position since

A in
B to
C with
69 Peter is ........... a degree in medicine.
A pursuing
B having
C learning

57 ..........., she has only done half of her

A Since
B Yet
C So far

70 She looked so ........... in her black dress.

A pure
B elegant
C dreamy

58 I ........... the play on Friday.

A didnt see B havent seen
C havent been seeing

71 Most people start their careers working in

a ........... job.
A common-paid
B low-paid
C highly-paid

59 We ........... live in the countryside. Now we

live in the city.
A had to
B would
C used to

72 Sure, I dont mind ............ your son.

A to looking after B to look after
C looking after

60 Danny is only thinking of himself. Hes

so ...........!
A selfish
B hectic
C elegant

73 Scientists ............ dolphins in order to

preserve their population.
A measure
B tag
C conserve

61 Can you ........... the line, please?

A hold
B pick up
C dial
62 Hang ...........! I forgot my bag!
A on
B around
C out

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74 One moment hes happy and the next hes

sad! Hes so ............!
A nasty
B predictable C moody

75 This custom ........... back to ancient times.
A dates
B comes
C moves

88 Dont get stressed ...........! Youll do fine in the

A on
B out
C with

76 White is associated ........... innocence.

A on
B to
C with

89 When did you ........... with Sam?

A break up
B break off
C break down

77 Why the long face? Are you feeling ...........?

A red
B white
C blue

90 Ill give you a hand ........... I finish cooking.

A while
B until
C as soon as

78 Settle ............, Sam. Worrying wont do you

any good.
A in
B with
C down

91 Can you ........... this apple for me, please?

A carve
B engrave
C peel

79 Thank you for ........... my application.

A concerning
B considering
C thinking of

92 Keep ........... the mountain track or you might

get lost.
A in
B by
C to

80 Mum never ........... me seriously.

A thinks
B takes
C understands

93 Sea turtles are ........... serious threat of

extinction in the Caribbean.
A with
B under
C in

81 Come on, I ........... give you a hand with these

A would
B will
C going to

94 Sorry! I pressed delete ........... mistake.

A by
B from
C of

82 Any plans for the weekend?

A Yes, I will have visited my grandparents.
B Yes, I will visit my grandparents.
C Yes, I am going to visit my grandparents.
83 Meg has a sweet ........... .
A appetite
B tooth

95 You must ........... that the office is locked.

A ensure
B confide
C certify
96 The leaves ........... in the wind.
A clapped
B rushed
C rustled
97 A compliment can ........... your self-esteem.
A raise
B encourage C boost

C mouth

84 This time next week, Betty ........... in Bali.

A will have sunbathed
B will be sunbathing
C will sunbathe

98 Massage helps you ........... after a hectic day

at the office.
A unwind
B relieve
C upload
99 Youre right in ........... way.
A no
B every

85 He left her and broke her ........... .

A heart
B lung
C humour
86 I just hate ........... up early.
A to wake
B wake

100 ........... your stay in London, dont forget to

call Samantha.
A When
B During
C For

C waking

87 Come on! Itll be good for you!

A Thanks, but it isnt my cup of tea.
B Oh, I saw her last week.
C You wont regret it!

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C any

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