Showcase of Community Opportunities

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Showcase of Community Opportunities

Tuesday, October 7th 12-3pm

On Tuesday, October 7th Binghamton Universitys Center for Civic Engagement (CCE)
held its 5th annual Showcase of Community Opportunities with 508 students, faculty,
staff, and community organization representatives in attendance. In light of the
event lasting three hours, this year was very successful in terms of volume of
individuals per hour. Over 70 (?) local organizations, service-oriented student
groups, and Binghamton University departments and offices were registered and
featured during the event. The Showcase provided a venue for faculty, staff, student
groups, and community organizations to display their work, recruit students and
other partners, and make connections.
Student feedback _________. Advertising boosts from Facebook resulted in 30 more
students attending and impression reach of over 800 people. Students especially
liked a master list of the organizations so they could see the organizations in
attendance. In the future this list can be broken down into specific causes to help
students navigate through the event more effectively.
The community organizations that tabled at the event ____________

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