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John 11:40
40 Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of

Matthew 21:21
21 Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you
do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw
yourself into the sea,' and it will be done."

1 John 5:5
5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

James 1:6
6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave
of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

In the last two thousand years, the context in which humankind thrives has undergone
profound changes that affected the general perception of the word faith. From the modern
mans perspective, faith has been rather deceptive throughout history: faith in wrong
people, groups of people or even systems has led to what is seen as the most negative
outcomes either on the individual or on the collective scale. And the biblical mythology
seldom suffices to allow the adoption of a new point of view. Yet, while going his way
through life, one will probably hear from time to time some joyful and happy voices
claiming the virtues of faith and rejoicing about the perfection of the universe. At this
point, sharing this attitude openly and willingly will look rather unacceptable to the
rational mind. But when considering that the same rational mind invests energy, time and
money in order to gain cool experiences, faith may suddenly become surprisingly
attractive: faith offers what is probably the most amazing, fascinating and inspiring
adventure one can ever dream to get in during a lifetime.
Before explaining how does faith work, we need to explain the very meaning of this
word. When Jesus Christ was speaking about faith, he didnt mean that one should
necessarily blindly believe any written miracles or extraordinary phenomenon. Rather, he
was encouraging those with open heart and open mind to consider the existence of one
single God who manifests himself under the form of what we call our visible universe.
Simply said, faith appears when one consciously choose to perceive all that is around
him, trees, cars, people, mountains, planets and stars, as a single divine entity of which
himself is also a part.

Faith isnt a concept, it is truly a choice that triggers a very concrete and deep experience
in ones life. For the fans, there is an evident analogy with the movie Matrix, when Neo is
being invited by Morpheus to choose between the blue and the red pill: faith offers, too,
only the truth. Once adopted and regularly cultivated in the mind, faith progressively
enables the subjective perception and understanding of the hidden logic between the
events one witnesses in his daily routine. And as the big picture and the divine Love it
contains both begin to be seen, its divine beauty touches and enlightens the heart and the
soul. It ignites an inner fire that irresistibly draws one within the divine light, to the
discovery of his self and of the mysteries of the universe.
It takes the spirit of an adventurer to embrace sincerely and wholeheartedly faith since
each step in this direction progressively unveils an unexpected and beautiful truth that
will deeply and permanently modify our perception of the world and of the universe.
Seen from the outside, the faithful soul looks like a fool who engages in the crossing of a
fallen bridge. Indeed, if the fool is sincere, each step forward in the air will amazingly
find an invisible rock solid support that will beautifully confirm the adventurer's choice
and tremendously strengthens his faith.
Also, as ones faith grows and as the perfection of the universe is perceived more and
more, the mind will realize that inside and outside the self, all is permanently well. The
statement all is well offers a very beneficial and useful perspective: the trust and
certainty that all the events, negative or positive, that unfold within our lives are
specifically designed in divine Love in order to help and stimulate our evolution in
consciousness. It makes us feel permanently cherished and loved by the one Creator in
whatever circumstances, even the most deleterious ones. In this perspective, as the mind
is able to remain still and fearless, this positive attitude greatly helps finding the ways
towards the resolution of the problem. It is also helpful for considering the positive
aspects that are hidden within what appear to be negative events.
So, if you feel a calling for experiencing faith, start praying and/or meditating at the
church, in the nature or at home, in order to maintain this new perspective as often as you
can remember to do so. You'll find plenty of resources on Internet regarding this matter.
This will gradually increase your awareness of the big picture. Be a loving and sincere
fool, become the hero of your own spiritual path towards the Christ Consciousness, and
enjoy observing how the faith in the perfection of the Universe as being the perfect
manifestation of the one Creator will eventually transform your own reality in a very
concrete and positive manner.
All is well my brothers.
With Love.

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