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Section 2.3 discusses how doing science requires skills

beyond logic alone. Find an example of a scientic
discovery, big or small, where the essential step taken
was not rooted in logic.
The example of discovery of X-rays also falls in the category of
discovery where essential steps taken were not rooted to logic.
German Physicist W.C Rontgen was working with a cathode ray
tube in his laboratory when accidently he found that something
was penetrating the experimental device and getting refracted
This light was previously unknown to the world but was already
being emitted during the experiment. All other set up was there
to carry out other experiment following facts that was logical. But
after that discovery he did some additional experiment and found
out the new ray would pass through most substances and an
image could be formed on the piece of film that the image was
projected on.
Scientist everywhere duplicated the experiment after that
discovery because cathode ray Tubes were available everywhere
during the period. Rontgen was able to detect the pattern being
emitted by the previously known invisible rays. It was his
Imagination and Intuition in recognizing the Green light and then
experiment on it to give medical field a valuable product.

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