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Technologist Role Sheet

Name: Sabrina Ivey

Date: September 10, 2015

Group Members: Morgan, Kayla, and Kathryn

Book/Text: Daily 5/Ch. 1-4

Technologist: Your job is to design a technology activity based on the content in

your book and language arts skills you would be teaching in a classroom. It can be a
one-session type of activity to reinforce classroom learning, or more elaborate, if
you choose. The idea is to start making technology integration for students a part of
your daily thinking and planning.
Activity: I created an eleven question quiz on Kahoot.It that reviews key elements
from the text. The questions are mostly multiple choice with a couple of true/false
questions. This activity provides students with a review of the material to solidify
their learning through reading, as well as a review that can be done at a later time
to freshen up on the material covered.
1. How does a block of the Daily 5 begin?
2. When beginning the Daily 5, we always begin by launching what?
3. How long should the focus lesson be?
4. Where do the focus lessons come from?
5. What task does the teacher do during the Daily 5?
6. Which of the core beliefs is the underpinning of what makes the Daily 5 work?
7. For students, choice is highly _____.
8. Accountability is a two-way street.
9. After about ten minutes of direct instruction, what happens to the brain?
10.How many steps are there to teaching and learning independence?
11.I-Charts are essential in making the Daily 5 effective.

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