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Poet shows

respect for
those killed
Uses formal,
old fashioned
language. This
adds dignity to
the comparison

Sense of sorrow
for the deaths
that happened
for no reason


Before the
semi-colon the
poet describes
the leaves
falling and
after she talks
about the
soldiers dying.

Formal language
Made up of
one stanza
that contains
one complex
sentence. The
lines are all
different lengths
which could
represent the
random way
the leaves
fall. There
is a regular
rhyme scheme.

The Falling
Leaves Margaret
Postgate Cole


The autumn
leaves falling
from the
trees remind
the poet of
soldiers being
killed at war.

What's it about?

Natural imagery

Calm, reflective
tone of sadness

Death - Out
of the Blue,
Mametz Wood,
Come On
Come Back;
Sadness and
loss - Futility,

Falling leaves
and dying men
are compared
to snowflakes
to highlight
the number of
men that died
and how silent
and quickly
it happened.

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