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Leonardo Torres Hernndez

The influence of sport in the lives of children , adolescents and adults.

Sport is the main factor in the welfare of the people to stay healthy , so
there are different reasons to practice it and get different benefits.


What is sport?
a. Different sport to practice
b. The most usual sports


Reasons for practice sports

a. Benefices for children , adolescents and adults.
b. The Sports give welfare for all ages


Precautions when you perform a sport

a. Details to consider when you play sports
b. The best sport for you

iii. Conclusion.
a.Practice sports and obtain better life

Leonardo Torres Hernndez

The influence of sport in the lives of children , adolescents and adults.

Sport is the main factor in the welfare of the people to stay healthy , so
there are different reasons to practice it and get different benefits
When someone do an activity physical or mental , requiring unique skills
for a specific activity is talking about sport.
There are a lot of sports depending on different factors that characterize it;
for example, in some sports needed great physical capacity and others mental
capacity is required to achieve them; one of the most common sports worldwide is
football but in recent years the athletics and cycling have increased their
participation by providing greater health in less time.
There are different sports for all ages, children, youth and adults can
practice it and they should do 30 minutes daily sport to get benefits such as:
-Improves mental and physical health
-Reduces different diseases.
-Reduces stress produced by a lot of reasons
The person who wants practice sports can choose the best option
depending how wants to get results; Likewise, you should consider some
precautions to avoid problems such as:
-Go to the doctor periodically to know the state of health
-Use the most confortable clothing and accessories suitable to practice your sport
-Heat your muscles well if it is a sport that requires physical activity
In conclusion, sport provides many benefits but especially helps to have a
better quality of life, so you may live healthier and with good attitude

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