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Week I Introduction to Pediatric Nursing- Clinical


Clinic Intake and Visit

Learning Activity

Student completes clinic intake form with one pediatric client

and family and follows client and family through the clinic visit.
Clinic intake form serves as pediatric client history and family
learning assessment.

Domain of Learning Cognitive (identify level): Applying

(Blooms Taxonomy Valuing

Psychomotor: Perceptual

At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will: 1.
Learning Objective(s) Demonstrate culturally sensitive interactions with pediatric
clients and families.
Identify learning needs of pediatric client and family.
Preparation Required Find or design appropriate learning assessment worksheets.
by Teacher/Facilitator Review intake form with students in preconference and answer
and Materials Needed student questions. Ensure students observe one intake prior to
completing independently. Review form, learning assessment
worksheets, and overall visit with each student prior to placing
intake form in medical record. Clinic intake forms provided by
clinic. Resources- transcultural nursing text and internet
resources. Learning assessment worksheets. Black pens
(students to bring).
Time Allotted

Learning Styles
Addressed by Activity

Approximately 2 hours total. 30 minutes to complete intake

form; 60 minutes for visit; 30 minutes to review with
Interactive, auditory, visual, experiential

How is content connected Application of transcultural nursing, developmental

to prior learning?
psychology, and learning assessment from prior coursework.
Reflective Debriefing
with Learners (postlearning activity) How
will it be accomplished?

One on one with instructor, post conference discussion,

reflective journaling

Evaluation of
Student demonstrates cultural sensitivity during interactions
Learning (How will it be with pediatric clients/ families and identifies a minimum of two
learning needs during 1:1 with instructor, post conference, and
in reflective journal.
Teacher Reflection

Provides opportunity to assess learning needs and demonstrate

cultural sensitivity with culturally diverse pediatric clients and
(justify choice of learning
families. Students complete work independently to build
activity and good fit for confidence in interactions and learning assessment skills. One
the identified learning
to one review with instructor provides reinforcement of

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