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SSC Initial Tutor Survey 2015

Please answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper and bring to your first
1-on-1 of the year


What are your academic and career goals this year?

What are you doing/how do you plan to achieve them?
List 1-2 things you view as your tutoring strengths.
List 1-2 things you view as tutoring challenges/areas for
5. List 1-3 goals you would like to accomplish this year as a SSC
6. What are you doing/how do you plan to achieve them?
How would you handle the following situations?
7. A student is talking badly about an aspect of CEAS or the
university. You may or may not agree with them. What
would you do?
8. You have a concern about a fellow tutor or SSC procedure.
What do you do?
9. A student is disruptive in the SSC (eg. noisy, bothering
others). What do you do?
You have an issue with student in the SSC (eg.
Monopolizes your time, etc.). What do you do?

A little about me:

I like to be recognized by:
My favorite treat is:
You'll know I'm stressed when:
The best I need to de-stress activity is:
If I have a conflict with someone, I usually:
17. My trick to keep going when I've got to get something done
is: (play with
the phrase of this...thinking things like
coffee, Mountain Dew IV line, etc.)

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