Army Lists - Middle Ages Hispania

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Army Lists High Middle Ages

Christian Spain Troops
This list cover Christian armies, including the Kingdom of Galicia, Kingdom of
Lon, Kingdom of Navarre, the County of Castille, the County of Portucale
and the Catalonian Counties.

Troop List
Noble Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
These mounted warriors, noble or common alike, are the nucleus of the vast
majority of Christian troops, clad in heavy mail, scale or hardened leather
and wielding heavy spears, axes and swords and a mix of round and kite
TS: 12,5.
Classes: Cavalry. Mobility: Mounted.
Quality: Fine Equipment, Good Troops.
Features: Levy.
Cost: 600K to raise, 88K to maintain.

Heavy Infantry
Levied troops wearing leather or cloth armor, heavy shields and wielding
spears. Their focus is to keep the enemy at bay or, more rarely, hold ground.
TS: 6.
Classes: None.
Mobility: Foot.
Quality: Good Equipment, Average Troops.
Features: Levy.
Cost: 60K to raise, 12K to maintain.

Archers and Crossbowman

Some levied troops are more akin to bow and arrow than the spear and
shield. A few wield crossbows, a relatively new weapon in the period.
TS: 2.
Classes: Fire.
Mobility: Foot.
Quality: Basic Equipment, Average Troops.
Features: Levy.
Cost: 40K to raise, 8K to maintain.

Light Infantry

These troops are usually the poorest soldiers in Christian armies, equipped
only with their slings or javelins, used as skirmishers to harass the enemy
from distance, fighting in the traditional Iberian style.
TS: 2.
Classes: Recon.
Mobility: Foot.
Quality: Basic Equipment, Average Troops.
Features: Levy.
Cost: 40K to raise, 8K to maintain.

Basque or Mercenary Berber Light Horse

Light Cavalry
The stereotyped Iberian warrior: the mounted light cavalryman dart thrower.
At the time of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lon, almost all these warriors are
mercenaries from both Moorish and Christian origin, recruited in remote
places, like the Northern Galicia. These statistics can also represent
Caballeros Villanos that are too poor to afford armor.
TS: 2.
Classes: Cavalry, Recon.
Mobility: Mounted.
Quality: Basic Equipment, Average Troops.
Features: Mercenary.
Cost: 100K to raise, 20K to maintain.

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