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Institut fur Textichemie und Chemiefasern der Deutschen institute for Textil und Faserforschung, Denkendort Korschtalstrafe 26 0-73770 Denkendort eat 3770 Deskendort Direkior: Prof. Michael R. Buchmelser To whom it may concern. Or. Rainer Gutmann Tel: +49-711-9340-108 Fax: +49-711-0340-185 e-ma Rainer Gutmann@tet-denkendort de ‘Aktenzeichen: SpT/gu Datum: 01.03.2011 PRIVATE TESTIMONIAL Mr. Mohammad Reza Sarbandi is known to me since his stay as a PhD student at the ITCF, i.e. since June 2008. Besides the practical work on his PhD, since then he also was employed at ITCF as a scientific coworker on a part-time basis. As such he was working together with the members of my working group on a public research project dealing with integration of nano-particles into polymer melts. At that work and at his PhD work, as well, | got to know his way of working as very well determined and purposeful. Furthermore by his very polite and friendly attitude he was immediately accepted and integrated into the existing lab-team. With his helpfulness to everybody and his advice he contributed a lot to the success of the entire team. | myself learnt to know Mr. Sarbandi as being a very pleasant and extremely frank and open-minded cosmopolitan. a fh f fhno— Dr. Rainer Gutmann Kreissparkasse Essingen, Kto, 917920, 8LZ 611 50020, IBAN-Nr, OE0S 6115 0020 0000 9173 20, SWIFT-AIC. ESSL DE 68 Deutsche Bank AG Stiga, Klo, 1262866, BLZ 600 70070, IBAN-Nr. 068.6007 0070 0125 2606 00, SIMIFT-BIC, DEUTOESS USL-IdNrVatNo: DE 145 340 001 USL: 59516 00030

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