Goetia: Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis Regis

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Reworked, Written and inspired from the original manuscript by Michael W. Ford
Illustrated by Elda Isela Ford

The Luciferian Edition, Houston, TX 2003

The Goetia
Written and presented anew by Michael W. Ford ~ Akhtya Seker Arimanius
To Restore the Sorcerous Path and the Art of Luciferian Ascension
Illustrations also by Original Manuscript Sigils, Aleister Crowley reworked
Sigils from the 1904-1976 Equinox Edition with new drawings.
Inspired from the original manuscript edition, also the irreplaceable Goetia
translated by
Re-Print Issued by Equinox Publishing, London, 1976.
Illustration Listing at end of Book.
Also inspired by the meticulous and scholarly Illustrated Second Edition
with annotations by ALEISTER CROWLEY and edited by HYMENAEUS
BETA (Weiser 1995)
The edition is intended as a personal grimoire Working. My original focus
was to rework the Goetia in a modern Luciferian form, which focused on the
development of the Will and the Self through Antinomian Left Hand Path
The Author and Publisher accept no responsibility for the misuse of this
The Author wishes to thankJack Ehrhardt, Ms. Napper, Frater Scorpius Nokmet, Frater A.S.L., Dana
Dark, a special thank you to fellow initiate Marie Buckner, Ugly Shyla and
mother, Robert Mahar, Shemyaza of Immortal Coil Designs, Magus Books
and all of the Brothers and Sisters of The Order of Phosphorus. Lucifer

Illumination Spell of the

The Perception of the Serpents Mind who in the
Dream of the Celestial and Infernal shall walk
between the Worlds..
Unto the Angelic Soul and fiery essence of the
serpent, who comes as shadow but is revealed as
I charge thee to open the gates of this book to those
who are of its blood one who may take the knowledge
of the pages In the in-between worlds of dreams do
come forth, that the seeker shall be transformed in new
shadow to the presence of the Emerald Light. I charge
thee with guarding this book by the dreams of those
unwilling to grow and become in the Light of the
By Air and Dream we enter the Circle

The Preliminary Definition

of Magick & Black Magick
It is significant to explain the definitions within the context of this book, to not only in
some manner set the foundation but also the suggestion of a successful application of this
grimoire. This book is not meant for the individual to develop profane behavior,
antisocial actions nor abhorrent philosophy which may be defined as not-healthy for the
self. The essence of this book is exploring the Luciferian foundations of human
evolution, the next step in our spiritual and philosophical ideologies. Any negative
behavior or criminal actions (as defined by current society) is considered a deterrent from
our individual evolution, thus is not acceptable.
Magick is the Highest Art of conscious elevation; it is the specific ascension of the self
and an opening forth of Higher Articulation of Self. Magick is the Arte of the Sun, which
is fertile and beautiful, the very foundation built in Gold brilliance. Magick is the
evolution of the Spirit and the Self, the very path of mediation between us and our Gods.
It is ultimately however the separation from us from all Gods and the Emerald Crown of
which we adopt we Become as Gods and Goddesses individual and beautiful in many
Black Magick as revealed in current standards is the art of Self-Deification through
Antinomianian processes, that by the self separating from the natural order do we move
in-between the world of waking and dreaming. In the Art of Primal Sorcery this is
defined as Encircling/Ensorcelling the Self in the Dragons being. The Circle in the
modern context of Magick and Ceremonial Workings is not designed to keep forces out,
such as being a philosophy which if employed in this manner, will lay a foundation which
causes the magician to fail from the start. The Circle is a Span of self control; it is our
influence of who we are and what we will become. Do not fear forces outside the self,
your greatest enemy is within. Any magician who is able to summon any spirits in the
Goetia should be prepared to face that which they call or else suffer the consequences.
The modern magician understands that no Work may be successful is the intent is not
pure and clear. If you seek to summon one of the Djinn of the Goetia, understand how the
spirit relates to your mind, how it will manifest in yourself. Do not summon something
that which you are not comfortable in working with. Do not on the other hand fear the
very forces which you seek to command, be it Angelic or Demonic.
Black Witchcraft is working with averse or black forces which are translated as shadow
aspects of the sorcerers psyche. These shadows of the self are essential to our own selfdevelopment and becoming as individuals. It requires that the witch be well disciplined
and also well balanced, save from the gates of failure and madness. To look into the Eye
of Set and Lilith-Hecate or even Ahriman is to face off forces which would devour any
not prepared to become bearers of the Black Flame, a Luciferian Spirit themselves. Once
this Pact is made, when the Sigillium Diaboli is upon the mind, spirit and body, then
there is no turning back only the ascension of the spirit as beyond the mortal clay.

In the modern world of magicians, Sathan is our initiator and stimulator of the psyche.
One should remember, in Pre-Islamic lore Satan/Azazel is considered the Imagination
Sufism recognizes Satan as the imagination itself. Sathan is thus our announcer of the
path, the very fountain of our attainment. In the view of a God form and model, Lucifer
(Sathan) is an ideal form to align with in an initiatory sense. Azazel rebelled against the
natural order (God Ain Soph) as he sought independence, fell to the realms of earth and
awoke in Hell (earth the chthonic realm). Rather than fearing and cowering, hiding,
Lucifer understood he was an independent Mind and existed independently from the
natural order and roused all other fallen angels to stand strong. In this context, Lucifer
was creating Order from Chaos. This is a seeming model of the initiate, that we Work
towards recognizing our own sense of being, and to expand the circle of control.
The Daimons/Djinn of the Goetia are initiatory forces as well.
Consider the definitions of Angel and Demon. The significance is beneficial in the
context of this grimoire. Angelic Spirits are solar/air based spirits who posses a higher
articulation of being, that is, they resonate with the more developed aspects of the self i.e.
communion with the Initiatic Guide/Holy Guardian Angel. Demons are spirits/fallen
angels which proceed to grow in shadows and the darkness of the earth, but are as
significant and beneficial as Angelic Spirits. In unity these Djinn are of Fire and Air, thus
enflame the very essence of self in the illumination of being (Black Flame SelfPerception and Being).
Black Magick is the development and refinement of the Self on every level. It can be
unpleasant such as questioning yourself and testing your limits, and it can be pleasure
filled. It is necessary not to grow lazy while working with these spirits, as the Work will
then disintegrate and cause numerous problems. Stay focused and resilient to the purpose
of the Work yet do not allow spirits to control or alter your thoughts. The challenge is
great, few will be able to pass beyond the testing grounds of this Grimoire, nor
understand the translation therein.
Please understand that this grimoire was not created because I felt I could produce
something better than Aleister Crowley, nor a sign of disrespect for the original work. On
the contrary, it is a love of the original that this edition was created. It is a partial map and
record of my personal Work as one of the Luciferian Path, and something which I felt
should have a new approach presented. The new presentation of this Work will no doubt
open some gates which should not have been opened, or rather needed to opened for
sometime. Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas In these words, I weave this spell..
-Michael W. Ford, Dark Moon, April 1st, 2003.

The Goetia Ancient and Modern

Considered for centuries a grimoire of low magic, the Goetia (loosely translated as
howling or wailing) has been a tome of forbidden black magic. The 72 Spirits of
Solomon were meant as a tool of cursing and empowering ones lusts. While this may
continue to be an aspect of Lesser or Low Black Magic, the Magic of Theurgy (high
sorcery) has not been a connection in detail explored until now.
Theurgy is High Magick, or High Sorcery. It is the development of the self in Light and
aimed at bettering ones being on numerous levels. Light may refer to the perception of
being, as Lucifer who is the Lord of the Sun and the Emerald Crowned Initiator of
Magick. Theurgy would be the path of invoking the genius or Guardian Angel of the Self.
This operation has been dealt with in length in the works of Abramelin, Aleister
Crowleys Liber Samekh and equally brilliant writings by Jake Stratton-Kent and Charles
Gonzales. The Preliminary Invocation as it was published in Crowleys 1904 edition,
was developed from the London Papyrus 46, being a Greek Exorcism Rite which was
translated by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin and published in 1852. It was indeed Aleister
Crowley who asserted correctly so that the supreme ritual was the one to invoke the Holy
Guardian Angel, as this led to the path of individual perfection. This is a common ground
of which the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path practitioner may agree. The paths
become clearly defined when the RHP seeks to reach spiritual perfection, then letting the
consciousness be joined in union with the divine light, or the Hebrew Ain Soph, which is
Limitless Light. The LHP practitioner views consciousness and being as beautiful, sacred
and worth developing and strengthening. The consciousness from the unveiling of ones
True Will or Daemon/Angel would seek to further become like Lucifer and be
independent, isolate and separate from the Ain Soph, or Limitless Light. One should
remember, it is the Limitless Light from which Azazel Lucifer sought to be
independent from.
The Goetia is indeed a tough, powerful and to some a dreadful real grimoire. Those who
have hissed and vibrated the sacred names and candle lit summons of the demons of this
book have empowered it to heights which revival the legends of Faust and even Horror
fiction author H.P. Lovecraft and his tales of the macabre. With Aleister Crowley, whom,
in his youth brought forth the shades of the Goetia into Boleskine and other homes, he
did so in an experiment of Will. While on the surface, he had appeared to consciously
evoke the Goetic spirits to appease his carnal desires, and other material quests;
subconsciously he was breaking ground for the development of the Will.
The Lemegethon or Goetia as it is called is indeed a forbidden yet essential tool in
magical practice. In specific areas of what is termed Sabbatic or Luciferian Sorcery and
Magick, a definitive purpose is expounded in the Nature of the Goetic spirits.
Magick as itself is defined to raise one up, to ascend. As Magick is a Celestial Work,
which defines and strengthens the Will (or the Will strengthens Magick) so that a union
be brought with the Baphometic Statements, As Above, So Below. The Goetia is a work
of Black Magick. One often views Black Magic (k) in the perception of Aleister Crowley,
being the malicious workings of sorcery. A modern or should I say realistic perception is

that Black Magick is the arte of ensorcelling the self, building and isolating the psyche.
The goal is specifically a higher articulation of the soul and the Will of the individual. It
is considered Black because this is the symbol of the unknown, such is a large part of the
psyche and subconscious.
The Black Magician is therefore one who Works on the self, building and defining the
character of I or being. The Sorcerer is thus one who encircles energy and the spirits of
the dead and the subconscious around the self; to strengthen and explore the avenues of a
strong and open mind. The Black Magician also understands the respect which is
necessary with working with exterior forces which often relate in an interior context. This
is the key to the Goetic Sorcery path which is for this reason considered dangerous. The
Path of Magick is that Godform of Lucifer, the Angel perfected. The Luciferian spirit is
fire born, alive, vigorous and strong in Will and Pride. Lucifer Ascends in the Sun, and
Falls with the Darkening of the Moon. This is the Path of Magick itself AS ABOVE,
The Luciferian model is presented strongly in this book, as this is a gateway or key to the
mind expanding and developing. No longer shall the horrid sickness of Christianity be
brought down in the Goetic Work No longer shall the weak of mind approach this tome
without duress. The Walls are torn down yet they are at the same time built higher than
they ever have been before.
Goetic Sorcery should in itself be the grammar and foundation for the Arte of Magick,
which is to ascend in the light and warmth of the Sun. In order to fully understand and
perceive the Self and the Light within one must explore the Demonic or Infernal realms.
They often bring swift success, and a meteoritic fall into flame instead of the self within
igniting the exterior brings fire unto the self, destroying it. Be the Flame that is the Torch
of Magickal Arte.

Preliminary Work
As one explores and seeks to understand those deep desires which motivate, inspire and
sometimes terrify us, we are building a strong blackened tower of self. This allows us to
not only understand our feelings and perceptions, but the possibilities of becoming
something better. The Goetia as it is a tool of darkness; it is also a tool of strengthening
the self one of fiery light. One must observe the nature of Goetic Spirits, which
generally may be harmful or beneficial depending on how may approach them. In a
modern context, the Magician is now able to step out of the medieval mode of
summoning separately rather the sorcerer now moves forward into the Point between
the summoner and the summoned. This is the Axis of which all change, self-deification
and the widdershins dance of the Adversary is accomplished and developed. One may
perform rites based around the Princes of the Infernal Realm or the Sub-princes
accordingly. Much of this useful information may be found in the S.L. MacGregor
Mathers translated The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

The Four Infernal Princes areLUCIFER East (from Lux Fero, Light Bearer. A common Shadow association is
Lucifuge, latin for fly the light and may have close associations with Mephistopheles.
Lucifer in this aspect is the Angel of Light, the Adversary. Lucifer is a title which is
beheld by the fire djinn Azazel being the first angel, fallen from the stasis of light. By this
manner, Lucifer is the liberator and developer of humanity with his gift of the Black
Flame, or individualized self-perception.
LEVIATHAN - West (from LVTHN, the Crooked Serpent/Dragon of the Sea.
Leviathan is the Daemon of Immortality and initiation, that the Beast and Scarlet Whore
moves through to arise from the Oceans as the Beast 666, the Solar Spirit of
manifestation and creativity.)
SATAN South (from the root SHTN, meaning Adversary. Satan is the name associated
with Azazel the Fire Djinn, who is also Lucifer and Samael. The Goat with One
Thousand Names by form. Satan = Set-an, the ancient Egyptian God of Darkness, Chaos
and Isolation.) Satan is the Adversary, whose symbol can be viewed as a Forked Stave
which rises in the Noon-tide Sun.
BELIAL North (from BLIOL, a wicked one. Belial is the Spirit of the earth, created
second after Lucifer/Azazel as a powerful Angel. Belial is a powerful daemonic and
angelick spirit and initiator, and is associated with both the infernal and celestial.)
The Sub-Princes are (and should be considered Shadow forms of the Infernal
SAMAEL East (being the Angel of Fire who is Azazel. Samael is the Demon prince
who is married to Lilith and father of Tubal-Cain. The root word of Samael is SML,
which translates Idol or image.)
AZAEL West (associated with Azrael, the Angel of Death or the Egyptian Anubis, the
God of the Dead. Azael represents the West and the Realm of Twilight.)
AZAZEL South (associated with the element Fire, as Azazel is the Fire Djinn of
Islamic Sufism. In Hebrew Azazel is the Scape Goat, associated with the root OZ,
meaning Goat and Devil, sexual force.)
MAHAZAEL North (associated with Earth, being Cain or the Egyptian Set as the Lord
of the Earth in Typhonian Lore. Mahazael comes from the root MHZAL, meaning to
Consume and Devour and is associated with AMAIMON, a Grand Daemon.)


The Rite of the Coiling Dragon

(Leviathan, the Crooked Serpent)
The Darokin Walk of the coiling dragon is the averse trance-way of the Adversary, thus
the initiate becomes as the image and essence of Shaitan through the invocation of the
Four Powers under the Infernal Princes. In the coiling of this Black Light and Cunning
Fire, may the sorcerer become isolated and strong against the natural order. The
individual is separate, yet a fire made vessel of Azazel-Lucifer, known as Azalucel, the
Daemonic Angel of Adversarial Awakening.
Begin the rite in the Southern Quarter, relative to Azazel, the initiator of the path. The
sorcerer should construct the circle of the dragon as one uses in this Goetia, encircling the
self in the announced conjurations of the Four Quarters.
Azazel I summon thee Fire-Djinn of the Southern Quarter, be the torch which would
ignite me, immolate me in your presence, as your child on the path of Shadow unto Light.
Samael Great Dragon transformed, I summon thee as Fulmino-Lucifer, the Morning
Star of the East, the Serpent-Angel of the Emerald Crown who fell to earth awaken now
and open forth the gates of the imagination by Air and Dream.
Mahazael Father of the Witch Spirit, who blesses and curses under the hidden and
bright moon, I do summon thee forth unto me, initiator of flame and iron, come thou forth
unto this circle. Horned Beast and Angel perfected, Awaken to my Northern Calls of the
Earth! In hearth and forest shall you walk with me; in shadowed valley shall you walk as
me; in desert and mountain shall you carry my body in thy circle of being! Mahazael,
incarnate within!
Azael As the candle burns out and as the sun fall into the darkness, I call unto thee
Azael Spirit of the Western Gates of twilight and the grave, I summon thee forth. Show
unto me your mask of the dead and encircle me in the spirits of thy self, I seek to walk
between the Darkness and the Light. I come unto you as the Beast from the Ocean, the
Dragon arisen!
Open forth the path of Serpents! Open forth the path of the Dragon!
Hekas! Hekau! Hekas!

Working with Demonic Spirits

Demonic Spirits are essential chthonic/infernal forces which are bound to and from the
shadow and dark places of the earth. One should approach daemonic spirits as something
other than the self. They are a testing ground; the ones who would have you face the skull
containing the Waters of Leviathan, or initiation. They would have you drink deeply of
the Gnosis which reveals the Luciferian Mind, that which questions and is strong within

it. One should not approach the Goetic spirits with fear, if the mind is clear upon the
initiatory intent then this is a building point of character associated with the spirit therein.
Daemonic Spirits/Djinn are the phantasms which congress and communicate with those
who partake of the Infernal Sabbat, the conclave of witches and sorcerous beings of
night-walking dreaming gnosis.

Daemonic (Demonic) Spirits are

often Fallen Angels; those who
have tasted from the golden cup of
the celestial realm of Lucifer, and
by falling into the infernal realms
have learnt the dark ways of their
own sorcerous making. Such
Daemonic forces are but in some
ways mirrors of our self, we must
gain by association and invocation.
This, by this Work alone, will
strengthen and develop the very
self of the sorcerer, the ever
changing Luciferian and
Promethean Essence from which
the body and mind it itself a Grand
Grimoire of Shadowed Knowledge. Our soul must be enflamed as the Serpent and must
work accordingly as the Devil in Flesh, the Tester of the limits and the initiator upon
earth. Work always with a goal in mind and do not dabble with the Spirits of the Goetia.
You have been warned.

Working with Angelic Spirits

Angelic(k) spirits are celestial or empyrean forces, based primarily in the element Air.
They are commonly associated with Lucifer and are the higher articulated solar and lunar
shadow forms of the initiatic guide, by one conjoined with the demonic spirit the self
develops in balance, rather than repression and self-deception. Such Angels are fallen,
and contain a Demonic or Infernal aspect to their character. Approach this with respect
and seek to become like the essence you so seek. The Angelick Spirits of the
Shemhamphorasch are the Guardians who lead one to the Threshold (Azazel, Shaitan).
Spirits should be invoked as how Lucifer would command by resolve and silent
perception. Do not act upon impulse; rather refine your thought to work for you. Consider
the higher articulation of the spirit and how this may associate with the balanced aspects
of the self. In most cases the Demonic is in relation to the Angelic, a combination of
Celestial and Infernal aspects. When invoking either Daemonic or Angelic spirits, one
must control every thought based on the desire and Will, not to mention the impulses
which may come forth. In most cases, the sorcerer will feel differently as he or she
invokes the force that is the mind moves with inspiration under the spirit summoned.

Such methods of invocation act not in mere possession in most cases, rather activates
areas of perception according to the individuals associations of inspirational knowledge
or impulses. Angelic Spirits are those which infuse us with the Fire of Lucifer, that which
fell from Heaven. This is the gnosis of the Celestial Sabbat knowledge gained from the
Spirits of the Air. The Luciferian Spirits (the Spirits of Air) are often celestial, white
shades or blackened shapes, depending on the Lower or Higher nature of their being. It is
the goal of the magician to be able to in an astral sense shape shift into either an
illuminated or shadowed aspect of being, as is the reflection of the being.
Simplicity in Ceremonial Magick and Sorcery is significant to achieve a strong point of
gnosis, or magical thought. The operator who is intent on summoning a spirit of the
Goetia will be focused on this act, to where he or she identifies with the Daimon in
question. To allow a clear and controlled pattern of magickal development, the sorcerer
should be calm and focused before hand on a specific and Willed outcome. No individual
should enter the ritual chamber to perform Ceremonial Magick while lacking a defined
intent and desire. Why are you summoning the spirit? What do you wish to accomplish?
How will you learn from this spirit? How will you implement the knowledge obtained
from this act? How does this sharpen and define your being further?
Two aspects of the self may be crystallized in the development of the Body of Light and
the Body of the Shadow; this is by a simplified comparison, the heart of the Adversary.
The Adversary is perpetual evolution, storm and chaos. The Light aspect of the
Adversary is the Order within the Self which comes through this changing and evolving
Chaos of self. The Body of Light/Body of Shadow is directly tied in with the Holy
Guardian Angel/Angelic Familiar/Higher Self.
The Ritual of the Holy Guardian Angel, Azalucel and The Invocation of the Adversary
may be employed to achieve contact with this individualistic guide or Initiatic Genius.
When you invoke, allow yourself to become enflame into points of ecstasy, you will
grow from this.

The Body of Light

The Body of Light is the astral double which is used to align with the Angelic
Familiar/Higher Self. This Daimon is called Azalucel, being the Sigillic Word
combination of Lucifer + Azazel, being the Torch bearer and awakener through rebellion.
The Body of Light may be developed by meditation, yoga and other acts that you may
visualize a white or fiery essence which rises from your flesh; it is a beautiful brilliance
of white light, the Luciferian Spirit from the Sun. Some Will this light to change into a
purple brilliance or blackened flame within the center, from which an Eye arises. The
Eye would represent the Eye of Set/Shaitan, the Adversary and Immortal Genius of Self.
The Azalucel Ritual and the Rite of the Adversary is a tool which is aimed at Willed
practice to achieve contact with this Higher Self. It is used to also clear the mind and
focus the self on the Work of which you will undertake.

The Body of Light is brought forth not through dreaming, but the Waking
Plane/Conscious Mind. Find a comfortable place to meditate, decorated in such which
would represent the Higher Self/Daimon. Anoint the neck and arms in Abramelin Oil and
have the chamber lit with natural light if possible allowing the Sun to enter the
chamber. Remember, the point is to reach the empyrean or celestial realms of the Aethyr,
the Higher Consciousness of Self.
While quietly meditating, envision the astral body growing, of which a great fire and light
is rising above the physical body, envision and Eye within this fire. Raise yourself up in
through the Aethyr, from which you are floating and rising in the sky. As you rise begin
to visualize a Great Angel before you. There is a great wind which is violent and rushing
about you and this Seraph. The angel is illuminated in bright light, with Eyes that are
black despite the beautiful and strong continence of this being. The face is saturnine yet
strong, and the aura you sense is tinctured with darkness beneath the surface. The body of
the angel is almost flame, and his crown is an Emerald Brilliance. In the hand of this
Angel is a Forked Staff, which is cruel looking and sharp. The Wings of this Fire Djinn
are black and sharp, indicating an infernal aspect not so visible in the flames of self. As
you stare into the Eyes of Azazel, called Lucifer or Azalucel, a lightning flash comes
from his Left Eye into yours. As this flash strikes you, a voice is heard within your mind,
a single question is asked. You will know this question as this moment occurs. Move
yourself and your body of Light into this Angelic being, and allow your self to become
engulfed in his fire. Let the eyes open in the astral plane with the eyes of Lucifer; you
shall awaken in this light. Practice this frequently, until you feel an instinctual
communication with this force. You are becoming in the Luciferian Light.
The Body of Light is used in scrying and of tarot workings as well. Allow the self to
listen to the instincts which grant you foresight, this shall be a powerful tool in all that
you do in daily life. It is highly recommended to Work with the Spirits of the Goetia after
you have achieved a union with the Body of Light, to confirm self-control and focused

The Body of Shadow

The Demonic or Infernal Aspect or Body of Shadow is equally as significant in the
development of the self. The Shadow is developed by meditation initially and eventually
by dreaming. One should approach the Shadow as the Devil-initiatic guide, be it as
Mephistopheles, Belial, Lucifuge or Shaitan. Some Luciferians invoke the shadow as the
Demonic Feminine, as Lilith Hecate or Babalon, the Crimson Mother of Succubi and
the Beasts of the Earth. Some view Ahriman as correctly the Initiatic and Sorcerous
Daimon of the Shadow. The Shadow is the Vampyric Guide, the shape shifting and
phantom body of self.
The Luciferian Path works with such Demonic Forces as Initiatic Guides, and is related
directly to the self. The Shadow is significant as the Adversary as it is the Dreamin Body
with sloughs off the waking physical body for the dreaming or astral plane to go forth to
the Sabbat, or the darkness of night. This is the Immortal and Fiery Eye of Shadow,

which aligned with the Body of Light, grows eternal and is able to separate from the
physical body. When working with Goetic Demons or Angels, allow the Shadow and
Light aspects of the self to invoke them and gain their knowledge and attributes, that
under Willed association, you will grow in the perception of self. That which you seek
from such contact you will ultimately grow in self by doing such.
The Body of Shadow is developed by the following techniques:
Decorate your temple or chamber in a visually appealing manner, dragons, demons, the
popular image of Set, Lilith, Babalon upon the Dragon, ect. The dark consciousness
should be emanated within your Black Temple and that the Demonic force of which you
shall become by this Work.
You may anoint yourself in Hecate Oil, Lucifer Oil or even Abramelin Oil. Sit quietly on
a comfortable spot, facing a black or fogged mirror if possible. Begin first by staring into
the mirror and focusing on the very features of your face. Seek to understand what you
tell people by your features, who you are beneath the surface. This face will in turn
become a mask of what you are underneath the socially constructed self-makeup. Begin
focusing on what you are in the dark aspects, that which drives you and your deep
desires. Your form will change in the mirror, begin shaping it unto what shadow form
you wish. Now close your eyes and begin to enflesh the Body of Shadow.
Visualize yourself summon a great blackened shadow, which is fiery and violet in the fire
of spirit. The shadow has long beast like talons, a face which becomes both a Horned
Demon Head, scaled with serpent skin and a Wolf head arising further from the shadows,
growling in a human and beast union. Your shadow grows and expands, and may change
form according to your Will and Desire. Descend below the earth, allowing your
Ahrimanic Shadow to absorb and associate with other demonic elementals, feelings and
emotions. Understand that this Shadow is you, it is the darkness cast down from the
Bright and Illuminated Body of Light which you have summoned forth. You are
perfection incarnate, Luciferian Brillance and Darkness.
Now you may arise from the Demonium of the Earth to take flight with the wings of the
bat or owl. Rise up into the stormy and cloudy night sky, and fly forth to the Sabbat Fires
in the Ghost Roads of Hecate. As you fly you approach a great Shadow which is
enflamed in front of you. This shape is hellish and demonic in every way. Its essence is
black and haunting, but as you greet this form it will take shape. The face is that of the
Horned Devil, the almost human visage which is scaled and speaks a deep and hidden
ancient language with a Forked Tongue, his eyes are Yellow and Crimson, and you feel
close to this being. The body is blackened shadow with talons holding a Forked Stave,
which is the same as the Luciferic Angel you embraced previously. Another head arises
from the shadow, which is the Animal shaped face of Set, which has a horn arising from
the head of Blackened and Violet flame; its eyes are the same as the others.
The body is of great blackness, from which a plethora of beasts and demonic shapes
circle the Daimon in a counter-clockwise manner. From the Left Eye of this Bestial Lord

of Darkness, a great lightning flash shoots into your eyes, this throws you into a state of
ecstasy. A single question is asked, which you know the answer to by instinct. You will
never be able to turn back from the Path, as the Lonely Path of Godhood shall be marked
upon your brow as the Mark of Cain. As you are shadow, allow yourself to grow close to
this Infernal King and enter his essence. Open your astral eyes as this shadow, and
understand you may take any form you wish. You are Vampyre, Incubus, Set-like and
Immortal in essence. You become as Ahriman, the Infernal King who shapes the World
according to his desire. You may communicate and seek various points of congress with
all Goetic Spirits in the Dreaming Plane, your gate is the Dream. This is the Sabbat Body
of which you shall go forth.
You may fly forth to discover a Great Crimson Goddess before you. She is robed in Red,
and her head is covered with a Caul bloody with the Mark of Birth. Her hands are pale
ivory, with blackened and animal like nails, sharp and cruel. She is encircled with a Great
Red Dragon, and two other heads emerge from her red robe Hag Like and hissing with
serpent tongues. You ask her to lift her Crimson veil, which she does A skull is
beneath, the Eyes are of blackness. Before you this skull becomes flesh and a face which
is of great beauty looks at you. Her eyes are still Black as Pitch, and she speaks to you of
that which you would tell no one. She knows you more than anyone else, lover friend or
family member.
This Goddess, being Lilith called Hecate, Ruha-Az or Babalon is the Goddess of Flame,
she is the succubus queen, Vampyre and Dragon rider. She opens forth her robe and
spreads her lips wide, to reveal teeth and a slithering tongue. She invites you in. The teeth
retract yet the tongue still slithers as you grow close. You shall go unto her, muse and
lover, mother and harlot Feel this sensual fire within, open your Eyes with Her within.
She embraces you and you are drawn close to kiss her. Before she touches her lips with
yours, she drinks of a golden chalice which is filled with blood. She licks your lips with
another serpent tongue, and the taste of blood drives you deep within her. The embrace is
the paramount of ecstasy, from which shakes the foundation of your being. As you are
close to Her, another hand brings up a skull bowl of blood, which was catching the
fornication of her lips below. This is Her sacrament, the elixir of the Beast and the
Venom of the Infernal Sabbat. Drink Deep and know the Vampyric Reawakening to the
When you go forth to the Sabbat or seek dreaming consultation with the Goetic Spirits,
always remember this union with both aspects of the Shadow, and the Light. This is a
mirror of yourself, that by Magick you become God-like, welcome to the awakening and


An Invocation to the Holy Guardian Angel,

Spirit of the Adversary who resides in Darkness and Light
The name Azalucel is a sigillic word manipulation of two words, Azazel and Lucifer.
As this is the initiator and God form of the Path of Sorcery, Lucifer is the illuminator of
the Soul, the one who allows the magician to bask in the Light of Self and view ones own
reflection in the emerald crown, the very Lucifer-stone which fell to earth and remains
hidden within the earth, and partially in the heart of man.
This rite is designed to provide a short yet inspired Working of Invoking the Holy
Guardian Angel, from which one shall seek the communion of their Higher Spirit, Genii,
Daemon and True Will. As one comes into contact with the Angel-Daemon, an
illuminated sense of self comes forth; a new type of being may begin to develop. The
Oath of the Magician of the Luciferian Path is that of Illumination and the Great Work of
Becoming. In the Workings of Goetic Sorcery, no matter if the invocations/evocations are
done in the aims of Low Sorcery or High Sorcery, one should already have sought an
operation of Will and the discovery of the Angel-Serpent Samael, the illuminator of the
Path itself. The common logic behind this theory is that you would not take an operation
without knowing where you wish to go, the plan of how you shall achieve your goal.
Theurgy (High Sorcery) is the Luciferian Principle of Self-Development, the magician
seeks to become like Lucifer.

The Ritual
Let the Sorcerer Cast a Circle about him/her, the Leviathanic Ourobouris Circle counter
clockwise, then in the same fashion, move Widdershins in your alignment with the Four
Daemon Princes and SubPrinces, in your own design. Summon then with an Enflamed
Mind, the Dragon-Serpent which is the Angelic Essence of the Soul, the Eye of Azalucel
shall burn forth from the darkness to reveal the Light.
The Circle itself is not a tool of keeping Spirits OUT, rather the circle is the concentration
point of which the sorcerer summons forth the Energies within the Earth through Him/her
self, that it is the ensorcelling of the shades and elementals of the self the Great Arcana
of the I, or Luciferian Being. The circle should not be considered a means of
protection, the magician who would fear and cower within a circle and still seek to
summon forces which he will not become one with, is not strong enough as an
individual to understand and becoming in the Magickal Art. The Isolate and Beautiful
Luciferian Initiate does not fear the forces of which he summons, rather embraces and by
the Will controls them. The same type of mastery must be applied to The Summoning of
Goetic Spirits, no matter the intent, but with an aspect of Respect for that which you call.
Understand the Shades of the Dead have walked beyond the flesh, and should be viewed
as advanced spirits which brings us knowledge and initiation. When invoking/evoking
Goetic Djinn, know that these fire-born spirits who fell with Lucifer-Azazel, hold too a

special knowledge and the Self and individual mind is that which will commune with
them. Be firm in your Works, yet respectful.
I am the Daimon who speaks the words of the Immortal Fire, the Holy Flame which
emerges from the Lightning Flash and Storm of Chaos bred, so this the angel-serpent
shall come forth with the Birthing Knife shedding into storm of Seth!
Spirit of which the Fallen have taken Strength, Isolate and Beautiful,
Angelic Essence, Azalucel, from which came into being Cain
I do invoke thee!
SouthDevil-Djinn of the Burning Desert sands and the Sun, Sorthan-din thy stave and fork
unto the flame that is my soul shall be illuminated in this blackened light. Shaitan the
Adversary, my soul enflamed! AROGOGORUABRAO THIAF!
EastLucifer revealed as Azazel, bringer of illumination and love, who resides in shadow and
light, cover and cloak my spirit with thy twelve wings, serpent skin covered from the
shedding of the Dragon, bring now forth the serpent essence of my soul! Melek Tauus,
beautiful spirit of Fire, I summon thee forth! PHOTETH
NorthSet-an, isolator and strengthening force of Storms, that chaos which I have tempered in
thy elegance of darkness. I go forth and become as the Eye of Algol, separate and alone
in my being. Typhon, present unto me the Tcham knive from which I shall stand forth in
my dreaming and waking! Sender of Nightmares ascend through me! OOO
WestLet now the Serpent encircle me, Leviathan the Coiling Dragon of timeless being. I
summon your essence unto me! Great chthonic daimon of endless being, I seek to drink
deep of your cup and behold the mysteries of the depths! MRIODOM
Aoth, Sabaoth, Atheleberseth, Abraoth!
By the very circle of which I build I walk unto the crown of Lucifer that Emerald
which shines the essence of Heaven and Hell. That Angelickan Watcher of the Sun shall
come now forth to join with the Ahrimanic Shadow, that Angel and Daemon are Joined!
I walk unto the Umbrarum Rex, the Kingdom of Shades and the Ghost Roads Open the
Gates unto me!
Guardian of Flaming Sword and Corpse-King of the Scepter Open forth the
Leviathanic Way to me! I behold the center of the Eight Rayed Black Sun My essence
unto Seth!
Azalucel! I invoke the Baphometic Spirit of Fire!


Invocation of the Adversary

The following is a ritual which may be conducted when the Sun is at its full light, or
when the Moon is full or dark, as the essence of Iblis be finally revealed. The purpose of
the ritual is invoking the spirit of the Adversary, known as Shaitan/Iblis, Satan, Lucifer,
Set, Azazel.
The sorcerer shall seek the fire-spirit of change, rebellion and progression. The symbol of
Set the Adversary shall take the earthen form of the Devil, the solar creative (and
destructive) force of change and self-deification.
There are two primary faces of the Adversary. The celebrant may construct as mask of
two sides, which shall be placed upon the center of the altar. A phallic symbol or Stone
God may be near the mask as well, symbolizing the Solar Creative Force of the Beast
666. One- The Fallen Seraph Lucifer, the angelick essence of the Black Flame, the very source
of our wisdom, being and becoming.
Two The Seraph of Flame, the Djinn Iblis of Fire, Daemon of the Blackened Flame,
serpent beast dragon wolf goat. Satanas is the devil-cloaked initiator of the path of
the wise, those who laugh at the warnings of a cringing society.

Robe thyself in
crimson, the color
of flame and
movement. The
symbol of the
averse pentagram,
being downward
pointing to
indicate the union
of the fallen angels
with humanity to
create divinity. In
the Sethian
Witchcraft Current
the sorcerer
becomes as SET
him/herself, thus
in the circle the
first of Witchblood
unto the path.


Upon the Hour of NoonInvocation of the Djinn of Fire

Ya! Zat-i-Shaitan!
O ring of flame, scorching sun of the suns height
Scorpion soul, who arises as the Sun at Noon
Sekak Sekak, Iasokilam
I speak now unto the Sun, from the fires of growth and illumination
That in your pride and knowledge of self may I become as
I summon your essence in this Noontide Hour, to the Scorpion Flame
Al-Saiphaz, Al-Ruzam,
At the point of the Crossroads, when the Sun is high I do speak thy words of power
Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas
Zrozo Zoas Nanomiala Hekau Zrazza
Sabai infernum
I shall transcend and ascend above all things, myself may only strengthen in this light
In this hour I illuminate, I burn with the glory of Luciferian Light Within!
Above the Throne of Azothoz is the entering fire ring of Set-heh, Adversary of the Nine
I go now between and beyond, within and without!

Upon the Hour of Midnight

Ya! Zat-i-Shaitan!
By the Gate of the Black Light, when I name the words against the Sun
O Fire Djinn Azazel, Set-heh, I summon thee forth with Serpents tongue,
That my oath before this blackened flame, ignited within.
In the dreaming aethyr shall I be known in the wisdom of the Moon
Al Zabbat, Hekas Hekau, Serpent Soul do I summon
Raise now from thy Black Light, that I see what has been never known
Akharakek Sabaiz
I call forth the Shadow of which I am and have always been,
The darkness which I nourish in between the light

Eclipse now the face of God that I become in this darkend imageBy this circle I do become
By the flame I do emerge
I am by form the Peacock Angel beauty revealed unto those who may see
As the Black Sun rises, I become in this emerald stone
I am the Imagination, the Seed of Fallen Angel
In darkness exists my Light
My Will gives birth to the kingdom of Incubi and Succubi, the nourish their desires in the
blood of the moon, Lilitu Az Drakul
So it is done!

Tools of Art
The Circle is an old boundary which was used back from the eldest days of Magical
practice, specifically the Sumerian word Zisurru, which is the circle drawn in flour. The
flour itself is known as qemu, such aspects of primal sorcery have survived to the present
age in various cultures, in Voudon practices and even Thelemic Magick, Sabbatic and
Luciferian Witchcraft. The Flour Circle is not by any means a must, one may create an
Ourabouris Levianthanic Boundary which is symbolic of the Self Encircled, that
fascination and self-enchantment leads to the Gates of the Infernal and Celestial Peaks of
Magick Light, the awakening of ones Will and divinity. The Circle should be understood
as the essence of the Self, that it is the bridge between the waking and dreaming, between
the celestial and infernal, the fiery essence of the Azazel. The original circle of Solomon
as redesigned by Aleister Crowley is indeed powerful in form, e.g. Ourabouric Circle, but
in working with such a more Luciferian focus was needed. The Leviathan which makes
the circle, is sigillized and charged essentially with the names of Luciferian power, being
SABAOTH (The Lord of the Sabbat, or the Sabbatic God, associated with Zabbathi)
ADONAI (The Lord of the Earth, associated with Lucifer)
AZALUCEL (the Sigillic word formula of Azazel and Lucifer, used as the initiator or
Genius of the Holy Guardian Angel Rite presented in this edition)
BABALON (the Power form of the Goddess from Lilith Hecate AZ, the Daemonic
LILITH (The Queen of the Sabbat the Vampyre, the Lady of the Crimson Caul, the
Mother of Cain and the creator of Succubi)
These names as scribed around the circle are in the Witch-Language commonly known as
Theban. This provides a yet known but unseen sigillic formula not indifferent from the
Alphabet of Desire, as suggested by Austin Osman Spare (See the BOOK OF
PLEASURE, 93 Publishing, Quebec Canada).


In regard to the Goetic triangle of evocation, a distinction should be presented. The Three
Points of the triangle refers to the Three Aspects of Hekate, being a meeting place of
spirits often symbolized as the Crossroads. The historical triangle in Ceremonial Magic is
the materializing point of the Daimon. While the present work explores the path of
invoking such forces, the triangle itself served to unite the Demonic (Chthonic/Atavistic)
with the Angelic (Celestial/Empyrean). The triangle contains in the center a circle, this is
the summoning point of which Solomon was said to bind such spirits. The inside of the
triangle contains the name AZAZEL, being a significant change from the traditional
MICHAEL. The purpose of this is to have the circle blessed with the deific power of
Azazel, who is also more commonly recognized as Lucifer. As the Sorcerer of the Left
Hand Path seeks communion and a form of Antinomianian self-deification, an association
of self with Azazel is thus made, a formal confirmation of the dedication of the path. It is
by this self-deification that the Daimon is controlled within the circle by the focused Will
of the magician, rather than a holy force. This is a psychological approach in which the
sorcerer fully relies on the Will to control the ritual, thus adding a real sense of danger to
the rite. Care should be practiced however with this distinction, as the Djinn of this book
are both ancient and cunning.
Traditionally, the triangle should be 2 feet distant from the magic circle and three feet
across. The triangle should be place towards which quarter where the spirit evoked would
belong. The base of the triangle would be near the circle, the apex would point in the
quarter of the spirit. It is suggested that one observes the Moon also in the operation.
The names surrounding the triangle are ANAPHEAXETON, TETRAGRAMMATON
The White Hilt knife is the Magickal Tool of the Work of Illumination of the Angelic
Guide, the Solar and Luciferian Blade of the Divine Will. The White Hilted Knife is used
in such works such as Workings of the Divine Will, or Angelick Holy Guardian Angel.
The Athame is also used in circulating and visualizing light around the self encircling
the being. You will want to decorate the handle in the runes of summoning and
protection, as first described in The Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis),
Translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers. The Blade should be made in the hour of
Mercury when in the sign of the Ram or Scorpion. You may alternatively conduct such
when the Moon is Waning in a more probable time frame.
When you obtain a white handled knife, roughly six inches long wait until the Moon is
waning. Fill a bucket or basin with distilled and purified water and pour salt, Abramelin
Oil and a few drops of your own blood. You will then wish to have a small fire which
you will hold the blade over. As it is heated in the flame, envision the fires of Azazel and
Hecate, purifying and blessing the blade with your divine Will.
When the blade is heated, take the knife and place it in the water

By the Blood I give I empower this Blade, the very knife of my Divine Will
By the Moon Waxing and Waning I do receive the Fallen Stars fiery and ancient
Blade of steel do I summon thee, with the fires of Azazel called Shaitan do I consecrate
thee, by the flames of Hecate do I empower thee!
The circle is cast in the Sabbat journey of the Celestial and Infernal
Blessed is this sacred blade So mote it be!
The Black Hilted Knife is the blade of Barbarous Evocation, the knife dedicated to
Shaitan of Midnight and Banal, the Daemonic Adversarial Blade of Lucifer, the sacred
weapon of banishing and commanding the fulgaris lightning bolt of the fallen Djinn.
The Black Hilted Knife is used for making the circle and commanding the spirits into the
Triangle, the sacred circle within the meeting place of spirits.
The Blade may be consecrated in the hour of Saturn. As well when the moon is waning
create a distilled water container and fill with blackened pepper, Hecate Oil and a few
drops of your own blood. With the flame burning, hold the blade within. Envision the
fires of the underworld, of Hecate-Lilith and Banal, of the Daemonic Gods below who
open the gates of our own transformation. Envision the fire empowering the blade with
the serpent tongue of Shaitan of Midnight, the purifier of the black handled knife.
As the blade is immersed in the water, reciteBy the Mysteries of the Depths, the Coiling Dragon of Old
Beheld to the Gates of Leviathan
By Hecate and the Skull Wreathed in Roses, which is silence and beauty
I summon thee blade of steel, envenomed in the Darkness of the Earth
Do become knife of the Devils Claw, my sacred tool of summoning
Water-Daemon of the Blade be born
By Banal and those of the shadowed realmsBlade be blessed! So mote it be!!
The Wand is the fiery essence of the Magician, the Will of the Work itself. Create or
decorate your own Wand which shall reflect your sacred symbols and desire of your
becoming. Austin Spare called these sacred letters as the Alphabet of Desire, a sigillized
form of the subconscious and symbols which represent the Higher Articulation of the
Self. The Luciferian Will which is self-immolated unto perfection. The Wand should be
cut, painted and decorated with the specific Sigils from Ones Alphabet and done so in the
Noon Tide Sun, sacred to Shaitan, the Djinn of Fire. The wand corresponds also to the
Phallus, the solar vessel which spills forth the Elixir of the Sun.
The symbol of strength and conceptual imagery of the Pentacle of Solomon, the Magus
who bound the Djinn of this Book. The Pentacle may be worn as a method of encircling

the Self in the Mask of Purity, thus remaining a symbol of the Mind in Unity with the
Will. Often in evocation/invocation, spirits become points of Obsessional Belief which
seem to speak or send impulses and desires to the sorcerer which may be contrary to
the purpose of the Ritual. The Pentacle of Solomon/Tetragrammaton is the Sigil of the
Will of God (God may represent SET or the Divine Will the Isolate Self). You may
have the Pentacle of Tetragrammaton on your person, symbolic of the Will of the Rite.
When one enters the Cross-Roads of Spirits you are in the Arena of Anon, the Spirits
which have existed between the Aethyr and the Earth for timeless ages the take the
flesh of our desires, therefore posing a dangerous tight rope walk of
obsession/possession. Consider the Strength of Will as the Guide in the Working, thus the
reason for one being in direct contact with the HGA/Angel-Serpent and envenomed with
the Light of Set or the Adversary.
The names within the Tetragrammaton represent the power of Will that the magicians
holds in the working, thus within the Pentagram which ascends towards the Luciferian
realm of Air. Tetragrammaton is the formula of the Holy Guardian Angel or Higher

Self/Daimon (Genius).

Soluzen in the center represents the Shade or Spirit which is summoned to come forth in
the Point, the very meeting place of spirits (the Triangle and Circle).
Bellatar is to speak that we may hear and understand thee (instinct and impulse,
Bellonoy is to show us the treasures of which we seek (initiation, awakened and renewed,
developed perception).
Halliza is to appear in a human shape, or that which we may wish to view.
Abdia is to Will this spirit or Daimon to join with us in ascended union, that the
Luciferian Spirit becomes in this light of the Sun or Moon.


This is in a modern context the Fetish or Urn which is the home of the spirit. It is also
known as an nganga, such in the methods of primal sorcery. The magician should create
or obtain such a pot or urn for which you will summon and bind such spirits to. This is
traditionally symbolic to the vessel of Solomon of which he bound the 72 Djinn of the
Shemhamforasch. The sorcerer who seeks to transmit the knowledge of old through their
essence of being may use these vessels as a womb for the daemon of the Sun or the
Moon. Upon obtaining the proper urn or pot, wash and purify the vessel for a time. Allow
it to dry in the Light of Dawn until Dusk. Allow the Suns rays to purify the urn and
prepare it to house the Great Familiars and Djinn of the Fallen Angels, who still walk in
spirit among and within us.
The Vessel will indeed become their binding place once they have been evoked and then
bound into the pot. The most dangerous method of binding the spirits to the vessel is the
Earthenware Virgin formula designed by Austin Osman Spare. This involves a Sexual
technique of self-fascination in which the elixir is kept and buried in the vessel for some
days and nights. This is an optional method which is very dangerous to the process which
it is created.
Vessel Preparation may continue once the pot has been cleaned. The magician will scribe
the binding sigil of Solomon upon it, as this will exteriorize the force summoned to reside
in this temple in the earth, which you may communicate with by dreams. It is optional for
the sorcerer to add a drop of his or her own blood in the vessel to consecrate it as his

The Sigil will be prepared on Virgin

Parchment or some high quality paper.
It may have a strong reinforced
backing such as a piece of Leather or
Toadskin (if common amphibious
frogs or such inhabit an area, watch
for dead ones which you may use).
The Vessel itself may contain a layer
of grave soil and images, perfumes or
such which you associate with the
Once the Magicians summons in the
evocation circle the Spirit, and then
enters the point to become one with
the spirit the very essence
inbetween, then the force will be
Willed by concentration and
enchantment (of reciting the binding

spell) into the vessel. If Sexual Evocation, allow the elixir to enter the vessel upon
climax. If one is Working with a partner, a woman, then she may utilize both male and
female sexual fluids to create and give material basis for the spirit. This is not by itself
necessary; the solitary magician may conduct successfully this creation or summoning
method alone. Beware the union of the fluids of the Sun and the Moon, as it leads to a
strong Familiar who for the inexperienced, may cause mental stress for the magician.
After the Evocation and Binding of the Spirit to the Vessel, bury it in a graveyard or
some designated area by a great Tree or hidden place. It shall reside there for a period of
when the Dark Moon begins and grows towards the Full Moon. You may evoke it above
the burial space on those nights, envisioning it growing in strength with your Willed
On the Night of the Fullmoon, exhume the Vessel and in the Temple invoke the spirit
through the Black Mirror of Circle, seek the inspiration of the spirit and then retire to
sleep. Take notes to the dreaming communion and meeting of the force, it will guide you
to the answers you seek. Do not threaten or seek to harm the spirit without purpose, but
be firm and consistent in your communication. Demand fairly it conduct the purpose of
its summoning.
The essence of Sorcery is the focused view of Self-Enchantment. Self-Enchantment is the
process of remanifesting inspiration aspects of obsessional perception, the instinctual
guide which leads one to automatic (in reference to Automatic Drawing, the
subconscious unveiled) communication with the Serpent-Angel, Azalucel (Holy
Guardian Angel/True Will) or initiatic guide. Self-Enchantment is also the directional
point which is the obsessional direction of ones sorcerous path. The Path of Sorcery is the
direct road built from self-enchantment and the union with the isolate core essence of
being (HGA). Sorcery is the rejuvenating obsession of encircling belief into flesh. This
may be understood by Austin Osman Spares conceptual theory of manifestation WillDesire-Belief, self-enchantment/obsession leads to the destruction/vampyric death of
unnecessary ideals which plague the self in numerous forms. In primal cultures these
dogmatic ideals manifest as self-created sickness and disease. By destroying their
foundation in the mind, one may absorb their very elixir of life and devour their flesh
as well. This is the very essence of the exorcism of the Tchod Rite of Tibetan Magic the
Rebirth of the I as a layered aspect of the core self or Angel-Daemon. The self adds
layers of conscious subconscious antiquity, based on conscious desire and ones
surroundings. This may lead to laziness, sloth and an undisciplined Will. It is essential to
undertake periodic Workings to invigorate the mind via Self-Enchantment.
Considered a tool of scrying and divination, the black mirror proves also a tool of
contacting and communicating with Spirits and shades of the dead as well. The black
mirror is made of something such as onyx or perhaps even a plate of glass painted with a
rich black, for which a reflection is still obtainable. Some chaos sorcerers have created

black mirrors from a piece of glass with black electrical tape on the reverse side. This
proves efficient and inexpensive as well as offering the same affect.
That mirrors can be gateways into the realms of the dead and even Hell is no new theory.
The Hebrews believed that the mirror was a gateway into the caves of Lilith and her
Succubi offspring. Young women were discouraged from using mirrors for this reason,
lest they become possessed by the Demoness, who will drive them to sexual acts with
sleeping men. The Black Mirror is considered also a tool for Atavistic Resurgence that
the demons of the mind or the lycanthropic state may be brought out by enchanting the
self to open the imagination to images in the reflection.
The Black Mirror in the Work of the Goetia is used as a tool to communicate with the
bound spirit or familiar after initial evocation. The sorcerer who summons the Angel or
Demon may bind it accordingly to the vessel, and at a later time evoke the spirit again
and use the Black Mirror to visualize its form and impressions it may send. If a specific
Goetic spirit is bound with the magician as a familiar/famulus, then the Black Mirror is
ideal in communication. Some have used divination boards in front of black mirrors to
communicate with spirits, this techniques proves a powerful gnosis to step into, as you
essentially bring the astral/ghost realm into the physical plane.
The mirror is used in the following way1.

Summon the Spirit in the Evocation Circle

Bind the Spirit to the vessel and sigil accordingly.
Use the mirror to contact the spirit later after it has been bound.
Contact the spirit before sleep to ensure a detailed communication if you dare.

SEEKING FIRST COMMUNICATIONOnce the spirit has been properly bound to the vessel, you may wish to communicate or
experience the visions it may send you. Keep in mind, all of these visions may not be
pleasant and if your Will is weak you have the danger of becoming obsessed with the
Place the circle again in the chamber in the triangle
If you have made a doll or effigy to hold the spirit, place the doll in the Triangle This is
the very meeting place of spirits. Burn the incense and very few candles should be lit.
The ambience of the chamber should be suitable for bringing their world into ours.
Spirit N. I do rouse thee from the vessel, tomb of darkness. I summon and call unto thee
spirit N. to arise from thy vessel and present thyself in the reflection of this mirror.
Present yourself in the form of which that is known, impart upon me thy visions of the
world of shadows, and that which I seek to know.

The spirit should appear in the black mirror or in the darkened chamber you will feel a
presence and then begin viewing images, perhaps even your own visage changing into
this form. When you have viewed what you Will, thank the spirit and end the rite. If you
sleep shortly afterwards, keep a journal next to you to observe the images which you may
The Triangle is the very meeting places of spirit and sorcerer, thus is the channeling point
of summoning. Place the vessel, doll or pot of which the spirit is bound along with a
copy of the sigil for focus in the evocation circle (triangle).
Illuminate the chamber in low light, incense and that which is pleasant to both the
magician and the spirit. Visualize the spirit growing within the vessel as you silently
summon it
Begin arousing yourself with the enchantments of your own imagination. Understand this
spirit is formed from you, something of a familiar and spirit you have given life to. Focus
on the desire of which caused you to evoke the spirit in the first place (divination,
knowledge, ect) and focus intently upon this. As you reach the climax, focus on the sigil
of the spirit and allow your mind to black out (i.e. death posture) in this moment of
ecstasy. After you have made this sacrifice of anointing some of the fluids on the sigil,
banish (by forgetting or what technique you have created to clear the mind) and end the
If you have a partner in the rite, you will both focus on the spirit and not on each other
rather than Willed Desire and Lust of the flesh. Concentrate on the aspects of the spirit of
which you relate to it, associations, etc. When you reach a climax loose yourself in the
ecstasy of union with this spirit and the moment of the orgasm and death posture.
The other ceremonial requisites are suggested by the Clavicula Salomonis Regis,
translated by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, edited with an introduction by Aleister
Crowley. The proper perfumes and incense may be burnt, and the sacred bath may be
prepared. The purpose of the bath is to refresh the mind and prepare it for the Work. Mix
the water with soothing bath salts and a touch of Abramelin Oil and other of your choice.
Before entering the water, touch thy temples and forehead
By the Sacred Waters of Hecate and the cleansing light of Lucifer, I am to prepare for
the Great Work, and my body shall be a temple of both abstinence and fornication.
After the bath and when you have robed yourself

THE ADORNATION AT THE INDUING OF THE VESTMENTSO Set-an, Lord of the Earth, Lucifer, Lord of the Air, Hecate, Goddess of Waters and
Shaitan, Lord of Flame, that I shall be wrapped in the cloak of the Wolf and encircled in
the Serpents Skin, So it is Done!

The Conjurations
The 72 Spirits of the Shemhamforasch
I do summon and evoke thee, O Spirit N. by the Flames of Azazel the Lord of the
Earth I conjure thee forth. By Beralanensis, Baldachiensis, Paumachia and Aplogiae
Sedes; by the most powerful Guardians, Djinn, Genii and the Spirits of the Abyss,
brought forth by the Great Shadow of the Fire Seraph. I summon thee wise and ancient
spirits, attend me and appear now in this circleBy the names of Lucifer, who brought the Flame unto the Clay He that gave us breath,
Immortal and Holy Fire.
Lucifer, Ouyar, Chameron, Aliseon, Mandousin, Premy, Oriet, Naydru, Esmay,
Eparinesont, Estiot, Dumosson, Panochar, Casmiel, Hayras, Fabelleronthou, Sadirno,
Peatham, Venite, Venite, Lucifer Amen.
I summon thee, shadow and light, Angel and Daemon, together as oneI do summon
these O great familiar of the earth, from which my Dagger commands thee, appear and
move, materialize in this meeting place of spirits. I conjure thee, Spirit N. who shall
appear before me, in circle and center. Attend now my calling and show thyself in a form
you so desire that we may hold congress in the communion of my self!
OPTIONAL ENGLISH/ENOCHIAN CONJURATIONI do conjure thee, O spirit N. by the flames of Azazel the Lord of the Earth I conjure
thee forth. By Beralanensis, Baldachiensis, Paumachia and Aplogiae Sedes; by the most
powerful Guardians and spirits of the Beast, brought forth by the mighty throne, I
summon thee descending spirits, dragon of the dark heavens
By the crown of the Dragon, enthroned Eye of Holy Fire Be friendly unto me, enter this
circle and bring forth your wisdom and truth, descend and come forth from the Dragons
Temple, bring forth the Wisdom of the Wicked.


The Invocation of the King

Being Amaimon, Gaap, Paimon or Zodimay
Great Powerful Amaimon, who exalted in the Power of the Spirits in the Kingdom of
the East, (South, West or North) I invoke thee in the name of Darkness, from the dwelling
of darkness and in their power of illumination. In the name of Primeumaton who reigns
over the palaces of the Sun and the Moon I invoke thee to appear before this circle, in
this triangle the very gathering place of spirits
Thou art fallen and perfected Angel, who hath tasted the ecstasies As above and So
below, Sun nourished Djinn who drank deep of the shadows, whose sword tortures those
who would obey me not -. I call and Command o king N. to bring this spirit unto me
without violence or harm This is my Will.
I do conjure and summon thee, Spirit N. by the flaming essence of the Forked Stave of
the Sun, the Adversarial Shadow and Burning Fire which is the Prince of Spirits, Angels
and Daemon. Come thou forth and without delay to me, Spirit N. By Adonai, the Lord of
the Earth, By the Axis of the Sun and the Moon I summon thee. By the Eternal Fire, come
now unto this CircleBe welcomed unto me.
Welcome Spirit N. You are welcomed in this meeting place within the Crossroads. I
have summoned you forth, to join with me, by the union of Heaven and Hell. I bind this
within this circle, take flesh and desire within thy Sigil of Calling, which I shall give unto
thee life. Thou shalt not leave this circle until I am satisfied, for I shall bring you forth
into the world of flesh once again.
By the sacred center of the Arcanum of Shadow and Light, within the Ourabouris Circle I
am bound and free, yet as you are Spirit N. shall you enflesh my desires of which I speak.
By my command and Will do you bring forth that which I have called you for, that I shall
also seek your servitors, those whom obey your command.
By the Pentacle of Solomon have I summoned thee! Give unto me a True Answer
Depending upon the technique of the summoning, being Sexual Congress, Ceremonial or
Meditative (Black Mirror), you will want to envision this spirit outside of the self, in the
summoning triangle of spirits. Notice the attributes of the spirit, what makes it powerful
and what it represents to you.

One may now focus upon the sigil of the Spirit, by enflaming the self via envisioning
your sexual desire in the form of a black serpent which rises through your spine starting
at the base. As it moves up you will enflame yourself more. If with a partner, they shall
envision the same to materialize the spirit. Begin visualizing what this spirit looks like,
feels like and what form it takes. Visualize how it speaks to you and the familiars of
which it governs. As you reach climax, you ascend into the Celestial Heights of the
Luciferian Sabbat When the mind is led through the Axis of the Point of Light, the solar
force of Azazel. Annoint the Sigil in the Sexual fluid of either yourself (if solitary) or
both yourself and your partner. At the moment of ecstasy, you shall take the flesh of the
beast and along with the Djinn spirit, descend unto the Infernal Sabbat of the Death
Posture, from which you shall emerge in the flesh of the circle. The ensorcerling of belief
is significant unto the practitioner who by self-enchantment and the combination of WillDesire-Belief, have transcended the separation of flesh and spirit.
After you have consecrated the sigil, close the circle and the spirit form, while weak, will
remain in essence. When the mind becomes interlocked with this force, and the sinking
from ecstasy into the Infernal Sabbat of the Waking Self, then it may bring inspiration of
what you seek, which shall emerge later. Seal the vessel and bury it in a safe place in the
darkness of the earth. You will then wish to keep it buried for Nine Nights, which holds
its basis in Vampyric folklore. You may go to the place of where it is buried to burn a
black and white candle in the night hours, and envision the Angel or Daemon while it
grows in being. In the tenth day, at Dawn, dig up the vessel and clean the exterior. You
will then summon the spirit in the Evocation Circle, and then either perform an
Invocation to call in the force, which will remain connected with you in dreams until you
destroy and burn the vessel and contents. You may also summon the spirit in the Black
Mirror, and meditate upon it until communication is gained.
The Sorcerer may invoke the spirit at certain points of the rite, after the Vessel has been
created and the Spirit is bound to it. Initial Evocation and creation rites do not involve
this process.
At the moment of envisioning this force, summon it now within the sacred circle of self,
call the spirit into your self, by Will alone. Some magicians have actually entered the
circle, and by their enflaming of self can then possession occur. Let the spirits and shades
dance within your mind, filled with the ecstasy of invocation. Control and understand the
spirit, never surrender complete control. When you have reached beyond the peak of
gnosis, the mind will forget the summons of the spirit and you will close the circle. You
may recall this force when you are in need. This is specifically why the mentally ill or
weak of mind should not conduct such workings the self may seek to destroy itself in
such a manner.
Hail to thee Spirit N., thou hast answered my questions, and has caused no harm or
danger to man or beast. You may depart now unto your place of rest and repose. Be with

me in dreams and in flesh as I desire, yet thou art free to leave this dwelling at Will. So it
is done. One may command the spirit in the vessel within the triangle, just as one would
summon the spirit into visible appearance.



The Shemhamphorasch

Bael is a spirit of shape
shifting by the cat (stealth
and instinct), by toad (the
form of Ahriman, the gateway
of self-initiation of the Devil
or Anglican Witchcraft Lore).
When one summons Bael it
should be done so in the
evocation circle absorb the
essence within this circle
focus the mind to be aligned
and shadowed with the spirits
identification, until he
becomes you. You will then
work on your ability to shape
shift in dreams. The 66
legions of spirit familiars may
be commanded by will to
produce some results of what
you seek in the obtainment of
knowledge. Bael is a powerful
familiar spirit who may bring
one much instinctual impulses
in relation to animals and
dream shape shifting.


A spirit which allows the understanding of both languages and interpretation, Agares is a
spirit which accelerates the perception of languages, communication magical and
otherwise. In the design of my Sethanic /Shadow alphabet (see Austin Spares Alphabet
of Desire), I made silent invocations to Agares to speed the communication of the
subconscious to the conscious. Earthquakes are the symbol of a strong will and individual
presence. 31 legions of spirits assist in such operations.

Vassago is an angelic ruler of the tarot; silently invoked this Prince may produce
impulses and initiatory associations via the tarot thus allowing instinct to grow with
association of such tools of divination. Vassago is also ideal for the willed divination of
future initiation, a Gateway to the Luciferian Realm of Spiritual development. Vassago
appears in the black mirror as a wind-rushed robed spirit who is both angel and demonic
shadow, who has many arms and talon-fingers.

Samigina or Gamigm is a spirit of external necromancy. He allows communication with
the shades of the dead, specifically on dreaming levels. One may also witness faces in a
black mirror while communicating with him. It may be recommended that the magician

utilizes EVP to record Samigina or other shades in the place of invocation/evocation as
well as within a graveyard. Goetic rites may be performed but with less tools, it then
will rely on the sorcerers ability to go forth into trance to summon such latent forces.

Marbas appears in the minds eye as a Lion, which beholds a shadow which is twisted
and sharp looking. Marbas appears as any form desired, mostly as a shadowed man. This
spirit reveals hidden aspects of the self through initiatory experience. As a cursing tool,
one may evoke Marbas in the mind, and his 36 legions of spirits to manifest in the enemy
as a disease. He may be used also to improve the ability to will immune system to work
more efficiently, thus a beneficial spirit/Angelic familiar.

Valefor is a vampyric spirit/demon, which initiates through the astral body and dreams.
This spirit may be willed and bound to guard ones sleeping chamber and feed from any
forms which come near you. Valefor has 10 legions of spirits, often appearing through
the mirror as a lion with the head of an ass. Valefor may also be a guide to the
necromantic arts, communion with the dead, ect.


Amon, the devourer,
a werewolf demon
whom is a
significant initiatory
force wither invoked
or evoked. It is
suggest that the
sorcerer shape shifts
in meditation and
dream with Amon,
become this shadow
form and think
deeply about the
attributes of such a spirit. In the black mirror Amon is darkness incarnate, vomiting
flames. In the shape of a human the head is a raven with a wolfs teeth. Amon is also a
divinatory spirit whom aligns the conscious mind with the subconscious i.e. True Will. 40
Legions of spirits can be summoned and used to defend and encircle the magician.

Barbatos is a spirit which reveals astral grimoires that is methods of initiation which
may be found by inspiration via the astral plane. This spirit, who rules 30 legions is an
Angelick ruler of the Witchcraft by nature one comes into being by the communication
with animals (body language, posture ect) and the ways of astral shape shifting via


Paimon is an angel-daimon
of Lucifer, whom appears
as a man crowned upon a
camel. This spirit is a
familiar of musick, thus by
invoking Paimon one may
work through an avenue of
self-initiation through
creating musick. Paimon is
a powerful Angelick King
of the Witchcraft, whom
has 200 Legions of spirits
half are the Orders of
Angels, the others being
Potentates. Paimon appears
with two Spirit/Djinn Label and Ablim who are referred to as Kings. Paimon is
perhaps one of the most significant Angelick Rulers, which along with Astaroth (whom is
more bestial/demonic in nature and appearance) opens the way to the Grail of Lucifers
crown the perception of I and the mind separate from the universe. Paimon is a
higher spirit of self-initiation, who is a path maker for ones own becoming. Paimon
sometimes appears as an angelick spirit with a flaming sword. His office is Guardian of
the Path through Leviathan, the Guardian of the Depths and Subconscious.


Buer is a demon of ones becoming and self-initiation through philosophy and instinct.
Buer should respond to the sorcerer by the means inspiration which leads to one seeking
answers and results via Work itself. Buer is also Sabbatic familiar, giving the sorcerer
insight and learning inspiration into Wort Cunning, Herbalism, ect. Buer is also a healing
spirit and governs 50 Legions of spirits.

Gusion is a spirit of divination as well as being a guide in the communication with the
shades of the dead. Gusion is also a spirit which instinctually passes on concepts and
ideals in honor and dignity. The sorcerer through invoking the spirit would focus on areas
of character development and self-perception, that which separates the initiate from the
profane and common clay of humanity.

Sitri appears in the Black Mirror as a man with a Leopards head with large wings. You
may will Sitri to change shape and it does so in the appearance of a beautiful angelick

figure. Sitri is a spirit of Babalon-Lilith, being one who enflameth the love between
individuals lust and desire. Sitri is very useful in love and lust spells, thus being a
powerful tool for the sorcerer. One may create s succubi/incubi from the shadows of Sitri
in the black mirror, forming them nude in the shape that you find desirable. You may
then bind the spirit to the sigil of Sitri to seek congress with by imagining so later. A very
useful form in working with sexual evocation and dream projection, as to send forth a
spell into the dreams of your chosen or to build into a future act, there are many
possibilities with this Angelic Familiar. Sitri governs 60 Legions of Spirits.

Beleth/Bileth or Bilet is a King whom appears Mighty and Terrible. Beleth is summoned
and manifests upon a pale horse with musical instruments like horns playing near him.
He does appear in flames and very angry, the magician even if working with the black
mirror will want to silently create a triangle in the South and East Quarters, and command
the spirit to take a calm form. When the flames cease, he appears as a King like older
man with a long beard. Being of the Order of Powers, he does govern 85 Legions of
spirits. Beleth is a useful Love Spell Spirit, whom you would will your desire to become

Leraikha is a marquis whom governs 30 Legions of spirits, whom is a familiar of arms,
weapons and marksmanship. He appears as a green clad archer, while sometimes in some
older military uniform which appears to be of the civil war area. In an initiatory sense,
Lerajae is very useful in directing ones desired goals and making them reality. For
instance, one would summon Lerajae when one wants to obtain a specific goal i.e. job,
trip, item, etc. The archer as he is known is useful in the sense of hitting the mark.


Eligos is a Duke who appears as a Knight, whom carries a lance and a serpent. Eligos
may reveal hidden secrets i.e. within the self, outer as well. Eligos is also a divinatory
spirit as well, who may reveal the coming of wars, unrest and battles. It is suggested the
Eligos also causes Love of people as well. He governs 60 Legions of Spirits.

Zepar is a Duke whom appears in Red clothing and armor. He is likewise considered a
familiar of Babalon-Lilith, and causes lust and love between women and men. He is also
one aspect of the Crone as well, making women barren. 26 Legions of Spirits are under
Zepar, one may work through this spirit as a means of obtaining the union of another
female, or creating a shadow form of a succubus via dreaming sorcery.


Botis appears in the Black Mirror as a Viper, and then with the command of the magician
will appear in a human shape with sharpened teeth, two horns and carrying a flaming
sword. Botis is a divinatory spirit whom reveals secrets in the depths of the mind, and
how one may obtain secrets from others by language and talk. He brings union of friends
and foes and rules over 60 Legions of Spirits.

Bathin is a Mighty Duke, whom appears like a strong man with the tail of a serpent,
whom sits upon a pale horse. Bathin is a witchcraft familiar of Wort Cunning and
herbalism, whom knows the use of precious stones. Bathin is also a spirit of astral
projection, causing in dreaming states the consciousness to project to other countries and
lands. He rules over 30 Legions of Spirits.


Sallos/Saleos is a Might Duke as well, who appears in the form of a soldier of medieval
times riding on a crocodile, whom is crowned. Sallos is a spirit of lust and desire, whom
one may project to bring on with another and create a flowing inspiration to achieve the
union with another. He governs 30 Legions of Spirits as well.

Purson is a Great King who appears in the Black Mirror as a man with a Lions face, who
carries a serpent/viper in his hand and rides upon a bear. Purson is a spirit of divination as
well, who holds communicating with the shades of the dead. Purson may discover
treasures, in the form of insight and inspiration which causes the magician to obtain
knowledge. He may take a body that is astral/aeriel or human, and bring earthly secrets
and divine ones (self-introspection). Purson is an Angelick Ruler who brings good
servitors, and has 22 Legions of Spirits whom are partly Order of Thrones and Order of

Marax is a Great Earl and President. He appears in the mirror and the mind as a Bull like
figure with a human face. Marax is a spirit of astronomy whom may inspire learning in
this area. He is also a Witchcraft spirit of Wort Cunning and Herbalism who governs 30
Legions of Spirits and gives excellent familiars.


Ipos is an Earl and Might Prince, who appears as an Angel with a Lions head. Ipos is a
spirit of divination and self-development, assisting and inspiring communication and
moral concepts of communication of the era of which one lives. As Ipos makes men witty
and bold, they have a confidence boost through inspiration and self-reliance.

Aim is a Duke whom appears as a Man with Three heads one as a serpent, the second a
human head having two stars on the forehead (burning like an image of the Morning Star
or Lucifer) and the third as a Cow. Aim rides upon a large Viper who carries a Firebrand
in his hand from which he sets cities and great places on fire. Aim is a spirit of selfdevelopment and force of Will, whom is also of inner divination. He has 26 Legions of
inferior spirits.


Naiberius is a Marquis whom comes forth as a black crane, who flies about the circle.
This is a spirit of the Witchcraft which makes men and women cunning in the Black and
Hidden Arts and Speech/Communication. Under the Will of the Sorcerer, Naiberius
brings knowledge on how one may restore lost dignity and honor. He governs 19 Legions
of Spirits.

Being a might President and Earl, Glasya-Labolas appears in the form of a dog with
wings. He inspires the learning of the Hidden and Black Arts, and is an author (creator)
of bloodshed and manslaughter. Glasya-Labolas is a demon of cursing, whom causes
situations of danger to occur. Also being a spirit of divination, he may bring the union of
friends and foes as well. Glasya-Labolas commands 36 Legions of Spirits as well.

Bune/Bime is a Duke, who appears as a Dragon with three heads one like a dog, one as
a bird and the other as a man with black eyes. Bune is a shade gatherer, under the form of
Azrael the Angel of Death. Bune gathers shades unto one place, or sepulcher that they
may reside in your place of dwelling, gathering knowledge and impulses from beyond the
grave in the dreaming state. Bune brings knowledge of how one may become better, and
grow in experience and wisdom. He governs 30 Legions of Spirits.


Ronove appears as a demonic shape, a monster whom has no true form. He commands 19
Legions of Spirits and gives good servants. Ronove inspires the knowledge of languages,
magical and otherwise. He is a Great Earl and Marquis whom inspires a comprehension
of learning within the circle. Ronove is an excellent Familiar which brings instinctual
knowledge via waking and dreaming of the Alphabet of Desire, the language of the
subconscious which empowers spells and talismans.

Berith is a great spirit who appears as a medieval European soldier, clothed in red whom
rides upon a crimson horse. Upon the head of Berith rests a gold crown. Berith is a
divinatory spirit who brings visions in dreams, which are revealed as images to the
magician. Berith governs 26 legions of spirits. In an initiatory context, Berith may be a
tool in the understanding of the self including the turning of gold, i.e. the self coming
into being or strengthening in form. The fiery essence of the self. Berith proves a
powerful Goetic servitor to summon and guard when introspective rites of self


Astaroth appears as a
hurtful angel who rides
upon an infernal dragon.
He is ghostly pale in
color, something like a
corpse with blackened
eyes no pupils. Astaroth
also has long hair, and
appears with a crown
upon his head and a viper
in his left (or right) hand,
which are clawlike and
bestial. Astaroth is a high
Luciferic angel, whom is a
very powerful guardian
spirit to invoke. Astaroth
is uniquely balanced in nature being a mix of angel and demon, thus is a model and
initiatory force in the workings of the Angelic and Bestial Servitors that in union the
spirit proves a balanced articulation and representation of the self. Astaroth governs 40
Legions of Spirits, and shadows forth ones own HGA/Angelic Familiar or initiator unto
the path. Astaroth has been known to initiate or lead one unto the Luciferian Path of selfdeification.


Forneus is a marquis who appears as a sea monster/dragon. This Leviathan-form is a
bringer of wisdom that teaches and inspires the comprehension of the languages of old.
Forneus is also one who heals arguments and reconciles foes. He governs 29 legions of
spirits, who are partly the Order of Thrones and Angels. One may invoke Forneus as a
bestial and serpentine force of self-awareness, that one may delve the depths of the
subconscious to work through the familiar of the self, thus a guide to the HGA/Angelic

Foras is the 31st spirit of Solomon. He appears as a strong man. This spirit is essential in
ones own self-introspective initiation which involves magical practice. Foras teaches the
art of logic and ethics and inspires a healthy outlook towards the upkeep of the human
body. It may be suggested that Foras is also a spirit which suggests the crystallization of
time, whereas one may learn to appreciate and control their surroundings to the point of
stretching the barriers of time. This may involve but is not limited to total
environments, advanced sorcery techniques which crystallize areas of ones surroundings
to give a stronger appearance of time slowing. Foras is a spirit to invoke in areas of one
stimulating a discipline to exercise and physically challenge the self towards


Asmoday is a great king,
being a fountain source
of Sabbatic/Luciferian
Witchcraft and primal
sorcery. Asmodai
appears as a demon with
three heads Bull, a
Man and a Ram, also a
tail of a serpent and spits
flames. His feet are
webbed as a goose and
sits upon an infernal
dragon. Asmoday
appears with a lance and
spear, the color of the
flag on the banner is
crimson with a black
dragon upon it. He is the
choice power under
Amaymon. This powerful Daemon inspires astronomy, geometry and earthly arts.
Asmodai also inspires invincibility by the development of strength and will. As one
evokes Asmoday, a seeming cloud of black and gray smoke appears in the mirror it
seems to move beyond the mirror from the circle yet this is a seeming illusion if ones
concentration of Will is upon the circle, hold it fast to the meeting place of spirits.
Asmoday may be summoned by self-enchantment as in Karezza (Karezza is masturbation
without climax, always Willed) or other means. A Sex Magickal operation involving the
consecration of his Sigil with secretions/fluids of both male and female will create
Asmoday, as suggested rightly so by Aleister Crowley. Qabalistic lore has long warned
of such, as it is said to breed demons. In a self-initiatory sense, it is ideal and powerful.
Asmoday/Asmodeus grants 72 Legions of Spirits, and shows one where treasure may be
found. This translates to the treasure of self from which one may obtain an area of
individual and mental achievement. After creating/summoning/invoking Asmodeus,
follow your instinct accordingly.


Gaap is a mighty
prince and Angelic
Ruler who governs 66
Legions of Spirits. It
is written that Gaap
appears when the Sun
is in certain southern
signs, in a human
form. He appears in
front of four Mighty
Kings, whom he
leads. Gaap is a
divinatory spirit as
well as one which acts
as an accelerator of
social behavior, i.e.
how individuals act
are perceived and
read by specific body
language and posture,
etc. Gaap is also a
spirit of astral and
dreaming projection.
This spirit also
teaches one how to
consecrate items unto
Amaymon, his King.


Furfur is the Thirty-Fourth Spirit of Solomon, who is a great and mighty Earl. This spirits
appears as a deer with a fiery tail, who is said never to speak truth. This translates in an
initiatory context that Furfur echoes the conscious mind, that is, he does not reveal the
depths of the true self, i.e. the subconscious abyss within. Furfur is a spirit of the carnal
ego, the daemon associated with the body. This spirit will also take human form is
commanded, and will reveal truth once the magician has Willed it so. Furfur can raise
storms which translates to the context which makes reference to his ability to cause
Chaos in areas of self-introspection, that which will create a powerful situation for the
one who works with this spirit. In other words, Furfur can assist or help destroy the self.
He may also be commanded with his 26 Legions of spirits to create Chaos of a somewhat
destructive nature in another.

Marchosias is a mighty marquis who appears in the form of a wolf having wings with a
serpents tail, as this spirit appears it vomits flames. Marchosias is a werewolf daemon
having been bound to the earth, has taken forth and absorbed the shades of the wolf
thus upon request Marchosias will take upon a human form. Marchosias is a fallen angel
who is a strong fighter who was of the Order of Dominions. He governs 30 Legions of
Spirits, when summoned by Solomon, he told after 1,200 years he had hopes to return to
the Seventh Throne. Marchosias teaches and initiates through lycanthropy and astral
shape shifting, as well as war and combat techniques.


Stolas also called Stolos is the Thirty-sixth Spirit who is a great and powerful prince. He
appears in the form of a mighty Raven, who also takes the shape of a man. Stolas teaches
the ancient art of astronomy and herbalism. He inspires the magician the instinct of wort
cunning, the art of the wise. Stolas governs 26 Legions of Spirits, who also teaches
Astronomy. When one summons Stolas this spirit often appears in the black mirror as a
Raven, which interestingly enough symbolizes Hidden Wisdom and the Darker Realms,
thus one assumed as a God Form by invocation, allows a very interesting prose into the
concepts of Astronomy and spiritual impulses of that particular Spirit.

Phenex (also Pheynix) is a great Marquis who appears like a Phoenix bird, who has a
voice of a child. Phenex creates a form of music which is something described as a
childs chorus, a very beautiful and entrancing form of song from which the magician
must command Phenex to take human shape. If Willed to by the magician, this spirit will
take human form in the Black Mirror. Phenex is a poet and inspires the magician to write
and create tomes and works. Phenex also wishes to return to the Seventh Throne after
1,200 years as well, and governs 20 Legions of Spirits. Phenex is a nature spirit, whom
inspires a careful pondering of the places of nature and the animals within it.


Halphas or Malthus is the Thirty-eighth Spirit of Solomon, who appears as a Stock-Dove.
Malthas (as it is also spelled) is a Great Earl, who speaks unto the magician with a hoarse
voice. This spirit upon evocation in the black mirror, builds Towers and fortification
surrounding the magician. This may be reflected in a spiritual manner, creating astral
towers of which protect the magician from any attacks. Malthus furnishes the tower with
weapons of war, he does send Spirits to fortify the tower, and they are excellent spirits for
protection. He has 26 Legions of Spirits who may be summoned through him. In the
Black Mirror, Halphas may be then invoked into the magician, as a part of recalling the
spirit as an atavism. This will strengthen the mental aspect of the individual who seeks to
create a solid essence of self which may not be attacked by spiritual means.

Malphas is the Thirty-ninth spirit who appears like a crow, however will take human
shape once the magicians requests it. Malphas is a might President who is very powerful.
He does build high towers like Malthus however may also bring you the knowledge of
your enemies desires and thoughts. It is required for creation and manifestation of this
spirit that one performs a sexual sacrifice (for material basis) for which one would focus
on the sigil and consecrate it accordingly. It is known that Malphas will deceive the
magician if he is not careful. Be prepared and be exact in your commands.


Raum is the Fortieth Spirit of Solomon, who is a Great Earl. In the black mirror and the
evocation circle he appears in the form of a crow, but will appear in a human form if
commanded. Raum was said to steal treasures from a Kings castle, however this may be
translated into an intiatory context as gathering secrets astrally, from others if need be. He
is also capable to destroy dignities of men and primarily acts as a divinatory spirit. He
was of the Order of Thrones and still governs 30 Legions of Spirits.

Focalor/Forcalor/Furcalor is a Might Duke who appears in the form of a man with a
Gryphons wings. Focalor is a murdering spirit, who may also drown individuals in water
and causes storms in the seas. If commanded, he will not harm any living being. He was
too of the Seventh Throne and seeks to return there after 1,000 years. Focalor governs 30
Legions of spirits and is a powerful servitor to summon in dreaming (Subconscious
Water Leviathan) sorcery. He too has power of the Air, being a Luciferic Angel as well.


Vepar is the Forty-second Spirit of Solomon whom is also recognized by Vepar or
Vephar. This Spirit is a Great Duke who appears as a female mermaid. He governs waters
and was said to guide ships with armor and weapons. He also causes storms in the sea. In
an initiatory context, Vepar is a spirit who is of the Leviathanc Spirits, of the
subconscious and water. In this, Vepar appears in dreams as a fluid-like gray mermaid
who has deep blue or black eyes. Vepar may gather and guard servitors who go forth by
the dreaming gnosis, and reveal secrets of the self long buried. Vepar also causes men to
die in three days by infected wounds and sores. He governs 29 Legions of Spirits.

Sabnock who is also called Savnok is the Forty-third Spirit of Solomon who was
commanded into a Vessel of Brass. He is a Marquis who is considered very powerful.
Sabnock appears in the form of an armed soldier with a Lions head who rides upon a
white horse. Sabnock builds towers and castles, being dwellings of the astral spirit which
the sorcerer shall encircle his/her self in through dream projection. He can cause wounds
to infect and kill me slowly. Sabnock gives excellent Familiars who may build and
strengthen the towers of self. He governs 50 Legions of Spirits.


Shan/Shaz/Shax is a Great Marquis who appears in the form of a Dove, who speaks with
a rough and hoarse voice. This spirit may take way hearing and sight, and may destroy
perception. It is written that Shan steals money out of the house of Kings, which in an
initiatory context of the Sabbatic Path, Shan guides the sorcerers astral spirit to the
Sabbat and reveals secrets unto him/her. Shan brings Horses to the magician, which is
the Nightmare or Sabbatic Steed. One must summon Shan in the Evocation Circle, the
very meeting place of all spirits. The magician will then enter the circle to ensorcel
himself in this essence. Shan may also reveal hidden things and that which is not kept by
Wicked Spirits. Shan does give excellent Familiars and Governs 30 Legions.

Vine is the Forty-fifth spirit whom is also called Vinea. Being a Great King and Earl,
Vine appears often in the form of a Lion/beastlike man who rides upon a Black Horse,
holding a serpent in one hand. In Black Mirror Evocations, Vine has oftened appeared as
a serpent like lion who then looses form and becomes a burning cloud with several eyes
peering from the fire. Vine builds towers (of protection on the astral plane), destroys
great walls (of the sorcerers enemy) and makes waters rough with storms. Vine governs
36 Legions of Spirits, and acts as an elemental guide unto those who may seek to attack
you. Vine is also a divinatory spirit who will also brings initiatory knowledge to Wizards,
Witches and hidden aspects.


Bifrons, known also as Bifrons, Bifrous and Bifrovs is an earl, who appears as a wolf like
monster, but at the Will of the Sorcerer, will change shape to a human male. Bifrons is a
necromantic spirit, who governs the realm of shades; he may bring one close to various
shades of the dead, but often they are not who they claim to be. Be cautious but be
indulgent with this spirit as well. Bifrons may change the place of dead bodies, being the
binding of ghosts to various fetishes or pots, and lights witch fire on the graves of the
dead. Bifrons governs 6 Legions of Spirits, and will also teach the virtues of stones and
wood, thus being a spirit long bound to the earth.

Vual/Voval is the forty-seventh spirit who is a Duke. Uvall appears as a large Dromedary
but will take a human shape, hooded in Middle Eastern fashion, at the command of the
sorcerer. Uvall speaks in an Egyptian manner, which is not easily understandable but the
sorcerer may rely on the impulses or instinctual voices instead of any tongue spoken.
Uvall brings the love of woman and is a divinatory spirit. He was of the Order of
Potestates or Powers and governs 37 legions of spirits.


Haagenti is a President, who governs 33 Legions of Spirits. He appears in the form of a
Bull with Wings, but will take human shape at the command of the Sorcerer. Haagenti
makes men wise by wisdom brought on various subjects, generally within an initiatory
context. It is said Haagenti makes Water from Wine, Water into Wine which represents
that this spirit may bring simplified meanings of difficult initiatory concepts, that of the
art of sorcery. It is said he may transmute metals into Gold, which symbolically
represents the same of initiatory Work.

Crocell is the Forty-ninth spirit also known as Crokel. He appears in the form of a angel,
shrouded and pale like the dead (not unlike Astaroth, the Luciferic spirit guide). He is a
Mighty Duke who is very strong in presence, who speaks in mystical tongues and poem
of self-illuminating or hidden things. He brings the sounds of rushing of waters and that
will create a calm of self. It is said Crocell warms and discovers baths, and may purify
water unto the sorcerer who seeks a cleansing. He was of the Order of Potestates, or
Powers before his fall of independence along with the Djinn or Angelick spirits of
Lucifer. He governs 48 Legions of spirits.


Furcas is a Knight who appears as a cruel looking old man who has a long beard, who
rides upon a pale horse. He carries a very sharp sword in hand and appears in the
evocation circle as an aggressive and fiery shade. Furcas teaches the arts of Cheiromancy
(Palmistry), Pyromancy (the art of Fire) and logic/philosophy. This spirit governs 20
Legions and is very useful to the sorcerer on the ensorcelling of the spirits of fire, being
the elementals of Set-an or Azazel.

Balam is the Fifty-first spirit known also as Balaam. He is considered a terrible and great
King. He appears with three Heads, one being a Bull which drops blackened blood as it
speaks, which is always a Speaking in tongues speech, the other head is that of a Ram
and the Third is the head of a young man, who has no hair. Balam has the tail of a serpent
with fiery eyes. He comes forth on a large black bear, who is aggressive, and carries a
Hawk upon his fist. He speaks in a very harsh voice. Balaam is a darkened Angel, who
when the human head speaks, the bull head hisses and speaks in tongues. He is a
divinatory spirit, who reveals answers of the past and present and that which may come.
He also teaches astral invisibility and how one may project by dreams. Balam governs 40
Legions of Spirits.


Alloces/Alocas is the Fifty-second Spirit who is a Duke, who appears in the form of a
Soldier who rides a great horse. His face is beast like and is that of a Lion, with flaming
eyes. The speech of Alloces is very hoarse and loud. He teaches and instructs in the art of
sciences and brings very good familiars to who seeks to learn the use of planets in ones
initiation. He rules over 36 Legions and may cause the sorcerers enemy to grow paranoid
with the movements of the moon, if the magician wishes.

Camio/Caim is a Great President who appears like Bird who may then take the shape of a
man who carries a sword. The days after Caim is called one will notice often an increased
visitation and appearance of birds, who children may notice something strange or
disturbing about. One may seek a diviniation with Camio through ashes and fire, who
appears in burning coals. Camio teaches the art of astral projection, shape shifting and
flying in the dream. He instructs also the language of birds and the barking of Dogs. This
is a Witchcraft Spirit, who is bound to the earth with great knowledge of it. Caim was of
the Order of Angels who now rules over 30 Legions of Infernal Spirits.


Murmur/Murmus is the Fifty-fourth Spirit of the Shemhamforasch, and is a Great Duke
and Earl. He appears in the form of a armored warrior who rides a Gryphon, with a
Crown upon his head. He will come forth with his Ministers who sound great trumpets.
Murmur is a spirit of Necromancy, who constrains shades of the dead and the deceased to
come forth and answer the sorcerer. Murmus was once an Angel of the Order of Thrones
but now governs 30 Legions of Spirits. Murmur may also, at the command of the
sorcerer, send forth Shades of the Dead to encircle the self and strengthen the astral body
and to bring voices of insight or divination unto the Witch summoning. He may also send
the shades of the dead, often infernal spirits to haunt those who the sorcerer may desire.

Orobas is the Fifty-fifth spirit who is a Great Prince. He appears in the form of a two
legged Horse, who will put on a human form at the desire of the magician. He inspires
divination and brings impulses or intuition regarding things of the past, for instance if a
horrible occurrence happened at a spot or area. Orobas brings the connection of the living
and the dead. He brings also the favor of friends and foes, and is very faithful and
respectful to the sorcerer when summoned. He will not trick the magician and will
provide quick answers unto that which he governs. He presides over 20 Legions of


Gamori/Gremory is the Fifty-sixth Spirit, being a Duke who is very powerful. He appears
as a Beautiful Woman, of Middle Eastern visage, who wears a Crown upon a Camel.
Gremory will also copulate spiritually in a dreaming sense with the magician, who is just
as a woman, as Djinn are generally neither male nor female. Gremory is a divinatory
spirit. Who tells of things past and present. Gremory also teaches of the treasures of self,
at various points in ones life, that may be considered as useful knowledge. He brings the
love and lust of women young and old. Gamori governs 26 Legions of Spirits.

OSE/OSE/VOSO is a Great President, who appears as a Leopard. He will put a human
form on at the request of the magician. Ose is a Cunning Spirit who intiates one to the
mysteries of the Heavens and Divine things (Luciferic Spirits). Ose also guides one to the
Celestial/Luciferian Sabbat and may transform the sorcerer into any astral form they
wish. He governs 30 Legions of Spirits.


AMY/AVNAS is a Great President who appears as Fire but upon the request of the
magician, will take a human shape. He teaches Astrology and sciences, according to ones
initiatory interests. Amy grants good familiars and grants insight on the treasures of
knowledge, how one may move forward with their own initiation into the magical secrets
of the self. He governs 36 Legions of Spirits.

ORIAX/ORIAS is the Fifty-ninth Spirit who is a Great Marquis. He appears in the form
of a Lion-Beast, who rides upon a Large Horse with a Serpents tail. He holds in his
Right hand two Large Serpents who hiss. He teaches the Virtues of Stars and how one
may contact the Shades of the Dead through the fascination of the Stars. Oriax instructs
on the Mansions of the Planets, and how one may hold common knowledgeable
associations with them, such as identifying their meanings and associations. He
transforms the dreaming body of the sorcerer and grants the favor of friends. Oriax
governs 30 Legions of Spirits.


VAPULA/NAPHULA is the Sixtieth Spirit who is a Mighty Duke. He appears in the
form of a Lion with Wings, and inspires the knowledge of Handcrafts and Professions.
Vapula is by this admission one of the ones of Neph-Kam, the Nephilim who instructs the
sorcerer on crafts of which they hold interest. In a beneficial sense, the Sorcerer may send
forth Vapula to quietly assist through unknown inspiration for a loved one to learn
something quickly, that their brain will gain in associations with this spirit. Vapula
governs 36 Legions of Spirits.

ZAGAN is the Sixty-first Spirit who is a Great King and President. He appears as a Bull
with Wings but will appear at the request of the magician as a man. He instructs men on
wit and intellect, how to make associations within their own natural environment and
how to quietly listen and think/comprehend before speaking. This spirit also transforms
Wine into Water and Blood into Wine, being a Vampyric shade which initiates into the
mysteries of immortality and blood. He also instructs initiation into evolution and
strengthening the self, that one may pass the requirements of a human body upon death
while this is not proved. Zagan makes fools wise, which holds a key to the Tarot
those who walk the fearful path, face the dangers of the mind and soul, may emerge as
Adepts in the Arte of Sorcery. He governs 33 Legions of Spirits.


VOLAC/VALAX/VALU/UALAC is the Sixty-second Spirit who is a Might President.
He appears in the form of a child with Angels wings, who rides upon a two headed
Dragon. He instructs the knowledge of hidden treasures, or initiation and Coming into
Being as a self-deified magician. He instructs on where Serpents may be seen (knowledge
and initiation). Volac is also a Guardian of the Circle, who is a powerful servitor who
governs 38 Legions of Spirits. Volac is useful in invocation based on instinctual
assumption, specifically to seek out serpents if one seeks one by chance.

Being a Great Marquis, Andras appears as an Angel with a Head like a Black Night
Raven, who rides upon a Black Wolf and holds a Sharp and cruel Sword which is
covered in purple flames. Andras is a spirit and guide of the dead, and of Infernal
Initiation. He teaches the assumption of bestial forms, of Lycanthropy and astral
transformation. He also sows discords and destroys enemies of the sorcerer. He is a spirit
of death, and will slay many by natural means. Andras governs 30 Legions of Spirits and
brings the magician the power of the shades of which he commands.


HAURAS/HAVRES/FLAUROS is the Sixty-fourth spirit appears as a Leopard, vicious
and aggressive who by the Will of the magician take on a human form which is a Black
Shadow with Flaming eyes, who is very dominating by his presence. Haures is a
divinatory spirit who instructs on things to come, and the past. It is essential that the first
summoning be done within the Circle and Triangle, where the place of Spirits which
meet is, unless by Dream he shall lie to the sorcerer and prey upon his or her weaknesses.
He instructs on how spirits and Angels fell, and the Creation of Being. Haures burns and
destroys the enemies of the sorcerer, if they so desire it, and will not harm then the
magician. He governs 36 Legions of Spirits.

Andrealphus is the Sixty-fifth Spirit who is
a mighty Marquis, who comes forth as a
beast or jester spirit who is like a Peacock,
who speaks in tongues with two voices
(high and low) at the same instance. He is
a Spirit of the Infernal Sabbat, who shall
carry thee forth in Astral and Dreaming
Flesh in the form of a Bird. Andrealphus
teaches astronomy and such sciences. If
the magician desires it, Andrealphus will

take human shape. He governs 30 Legions of Infernal Spirits.

Cimejes/Cimeies/Kimaris is the Sixty-sixth Spirit. He is a powerful Marquis who appears
in the form of a Warrior who rides upon a large Black Horse. This spirit rules over all
spirit who are haunters of Africa, and Governs 20 Legions of Infernal Spirits. Cimejes
teaches grammar, logic and is a divinatory spirit who reveals hidden treasures of
subconscious knowledge within the self.

Amdusias/Amdukias is the Sixty-seventh Spirit who appears as a Unicorn like creature,
but will transform into a human shape if commanded. Amdusias is a Strong and Powerful
Duke who is a spirit of the Earth, who may bring one close to the spirits of nature. He
guides in dreams the sorcerer to the great forests, from which the trees are flowing in
beauty and ancient wisdom. Amdusias gives excellent familiars and governs 29 Legions.


Belial is the Sixty-eight Spirit of the Shemhamforasch, who is a Might King. Belial was
created after Lucifer and is one of the original Djinn who would not bow before the clay
of man. Belial is traditionally the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the Sorcerous Path and a
powerful Daemon of the Will made Flesh. Belial appears often in the form of Two

Beautiful Angels who ride within a Chariot of Fire. He speaks in a calm and beautiful
voice, yet has a touch of the sinister to it. Belial declares how he fell along with Lucifer
who came long before Michael and other such Angels. Belial brings self-initiation and
development from the magician who may summon and invoke this force, it holds the
gateway to aspects of the mind which control speech and thought patterns. Belial is said
to grant Senatorships and such, while this is in reference to one achieving success with
their own Desire and Will. He Governs 50 Legions of Spirits, who are of the Infernal and
Celestial/Luciferian realms of the earth. Belial also initiates into the Solar and Lunar
Gnosis of being, that of Vampyres and Wolves. King Belial demands sacrifice, which is
of a sexual nature. A powerful Will is required to restrain and hold this force in the
Evocation circle or Black Mirror, from which then the sorcerer should immolate the self
in this Daemonic Force the isolated and immortal psyche.

Decarabia is the Sixty-ninth Spirit of Solomon, who appears as a burning and flaming
pentacle, then at the command of the magician takes the shape of a man. Decarabia
instructs the sorcerer on astral and dream shape shifting, how one may transform into a
bird or bat, to fly forth and discover darker places of the earth, as well as coming before
the magician and acting in the natural way in which birds do. Decarabia teaches also the
use of stones and elements in sorceries. He governs 30 Legions of Spirits and is a Mighty


Seere/Sear/Seir is the Seventieth Spirit who is a Might and Powerful Prince, who is under
AMAYMON, the King of the East. Seere appears in the form of a beautiful and angelic
male, who rides upon a Winged Horse. He is a powerful Angel who brings the sorcerers
Will to flesh quickly, and will disappear until you are ready for him to return. Being a
Luciferic Spirit, Seere resides in the Air and may pass over the Earth in a blink of the eye.
He initiates the self towards the higher spheres of Light and the Sun, from which one
rides the Aethyr unto a higher articulation of being through the Familiar. Seere governs
26 Legions of Spirits, and is of a Good Nature.

Dantalion is a Might Duke who appears as a being which has numerous faces of both
men and women, each one has either black or solid white eyes, who speak in different
tongues. He holds a book in his right hand, which is the grimoire of high art. Dantalion
reveals the secret council or thoughts of others, which in an initiatory context means that
Dantalion may provide the magician to begin the understand of common psychology and
human thinking based on cause, body language and such. Dantalion is an Angel of selfstudy and self-control, and is a powerful spirit. He can also cause the union of individuals
that it may be probable, and is a guide to other beautiful places in the world. He governs
36 Legions of Spirits.


Andromalis is the Seventy-second Spirit who is a Might Earl. He appears in the form of a
man holding a large and hissing serpent in his hand. Andromalius may reveal those who
have stolen from you, and those who seek to be as a predator against you. This spirit may
reveal trickery and those who are wicked against you. He is able to punish and harm
those who have harmed you or seek to. Andromalis governs 36 Legions of Spirits.
Presented here are the 72 Mighty Kings, Princes and Djinn which King Solomon
commanded into the Vessel of Brass and Skull, together with their legions. Which
BELIAL, BILETH, ASMODAY and GAAP were Chief Djinn. It is suggested that
Solomon bound them because of their pride. He bound them and sealed the Vessel, and
chased them into a Deep Lake or Hole in Babylon. Those of Babylon who wished to see
such an act, went forth into the lake and broke the vessel. They wished to find much
treasure but out came the Chief Spirits and then their Legions. They were then restored to
their places in the World, and still walk with us today. All of these except for BELIAL,
who entered into a certain Image and gave answers to those who gave sacrifices unto
him, and worshiped this image as their God of Transformation and Sorcerous power.



Binding Spell of the Seeker

The Path Offered by Sathan
Unto the Devils name are ye reborn, burning effigy of the
Noon Tide Sun, Spirit of Blackened Light, who is both
Beast and Angel, aligned with the Rise of Man and
Woman those who walk the thorn-way path. I charge
thee with protecting this book, coil as a serpent around the
heart of thee text, that as a grimoire scribed in the blood of
the moon.
Satan, Adversarial Djinn who dwells in the Sun, crowned
in the Emerald which reflects the Noble Flame, who resides
in the heart of Midnight, shadowed and ashen beneath the
Waters of the Moon I charge thee with protecting of this
book The Mind of the Serpent shall open the gates
within. By Beast we go forth



The Goetia was illustrated byElda Isela Ford

The Sigils given are the Manuscript Sigils by the
assumed original author of the Manuscript. They are
reproduced here for a return to the source.
The Redesigned Sigils with the Circle around the
Spirit was designed for the Aleister Crowley and
Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers edition,
Boleskine, 1904 London, Equinox Febuary 1976
and the Illustrated Second Edition, Weiser, USA
We pay respects to each edition and essential work.
IllustrationsCOVER Azazel Sigil by Elda Isela Ford Pg. 1
Lucifer Cube Abramelin accented by Elda Isela Ford Pg.4
Sigils pg 7 from the Crowley Edition with accents by E.I. Ford
Demonic Servitor Pg. 12
Adversary-Opposer Shadow form by E.I. Ford Pg.19
The Luciferian Goetic Circle by E.I. Ford Pg. 22
The Tetragrammation Pentagram by E.I. Ford Pg.25
The Vessel of Shadow and Light by E.I. Ford Pg.26
Vessel of the Adversary by E.I. Ford Pg.27
The Formula of the Devil the Solar OZ 77 Sexual Formula by E.I. Ford/Michael Ford Pg. 34
Sigils from the Crowley edition Pg.35
Bael by E.I. Ford Pg.36
Amon by E.I. Ford Pg.39
Paimon by E.I. Ford Pg.40
Astaroth by E.I. Ford Pg.49
Asmodeus by E.I. Ford Pg.51
Gaap by E.I. Ford Pg.52
Andrealphus by E.I. Ford Pg. 68
Belial by E.I. Ford Pg.70
Sigils of Crowley Edition with accents by E.I. Ford Pg.74
Satan Cube from Abramelin Accented by E.I. Ford Pg. 76

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