Acts Thru Lesson 13

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Praise Temple Ministries Worldwide

Chief Apostle

Alice B. Saunders


Donna S. Morgan

A Study of
The Book of Acts
In this study of the Book of Acts, you will experience Pentecost. Then, you will look on as hundreds
of converts per day shake the city, in their desire to serve God. Meet Paul and, travel with him as he
plants the first Holy Ghost filled Christian churches. Thank God as the enemy becomes upset
because of the powerful move of God in the land. Travel with Paul as to Corinth, Antioch, Ephesus
and beyond as the Word of God is spread and shared to those who were spiritually lost.
For those desiring to be a part of Gods action in their church, their community and throughout the
world, there is nothing that will help more than thoroughly understanding the book of Acts and
applying what you learn from it. The Book of Acts is a gift from the Lord! It is Gods training
manual for Christians. It worked in the early church and it works in the modern world.
Lets take these few weeks to journey through the entire text of the Book of Acts, uncovering all of
the major themes and illuminating what we can learn for our present situations. For Christians,
desiring a deeper knowledge of the Bible and, specifically, understanding of the Book of Acts, this
intense study will bring new intimacy with the Holy Spirit and new joy in doing His will.
Take your time. There is no prescription for this study. We are studying to show ourselves
To help you in your study, there are guiding questions included to help you gain great understanding
of this powerful teaching. Use them to focus your reading so that, when we come together again,
you are a stronger doer of the Wordnot only a hearer (or, reader). Desire more from God and
learn His purpose for you as a church member. Your Praise Temple Ministries/Well Without
Walls family needs you to be effective in your ministry!
Our joint PTM Phone Bible Study & Church resumes on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

Praise Temple Ministries Worldwide








Prayer &

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5







Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12








Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19








Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23


Chapter 25

Chapter 26



Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Study Review

Study Review

Study Review

Study Review

Study Review

Study Review

Prayer &

Telephone Bible
Study Resumes

Suggested ACTS Study Planner






The Ascension of Christ


August 4-5

The Birth of the New Testament Church


August 5-6

In Trouble for Doing Good


August 6-7

Dealing Harshly with Sin & Unimpeded Growth

August 8

The First Deacons and First Martyrs


August 9-10

Missionary Works of Philip


August 11-12

Ministry to the Gentiles


August 13-14

First Apostle Martyred & Second Attempted

August 15


The First Missionary Journey

August 16-17



Lets Take A Look Back.


The First Church Council Meeting


Trouble in Phillipi

Self Study


August 18



August 18-19


Paul in Trouble and On Trial


August 20-23


What Can I Do In/For My Church?

Key Highlights


August 24-28


Pauls Journey To Rome (and) Imprisonment in



August 29-September 7


Resume 6pm Telephone Bible Study

Call: (218) 632-6773 /
Access Code: 435269


September 8

Lesson #1
The Ascension of Christ
Chapters 1-2

Jesus is crucified and then resurrected in the flesh. The Mount of Olives is where the disciples saw the
Lord lifted from the earthly realm to disappear into the clouds. They then began meeting in the upper
room. From this place, there was much prayer, understanding, singing and believing. From this
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. What does Acts 1:8 tell us about sharing our faith with others?

2. What is the Great Commission? (Found in the Book of Matthews)

3. Why did the disciples choose Matthias to be with them?

4. According to Scripture, what became of Matthias after he was chosen?

5. How was the Holy Spirit building the Church?

6. How was the Holy Spirit showing His Deity in these chapters?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #2
The Birth of the New Testament Church
Chapters 2-3
In Chapter 1, the disciples returned to the upper room to pray. Shortly after, in Chapter 2, on the Day
of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came down to indwell in the saints. There were many travelers, in
Jerusalem. They were from all around the world. Different cities and countries, speaking exclusively
in their own native languages. Yet, each heard the Lord and understood Himin their own tongues.
The works of the Holy Spirit was tremendous on that day!
The Apostle Peter preached a strong, dynamic sermon. Because he was true to the Lords Word,
pulling no punches, the church expanded right then and there. Three thousand people were saved in
one day!
The church is filled with folks from different backgrounds. Each speaks their own language, based on
their childhood, their families and, their experiences. Yet, when the Lord speaks everyone is able
to understand His voice in a way that touches their hearts. In the church, we must be open to receiving
Gods Word. He does not give different messages to different people. God speaks in unity; in one
voice. No matter where we are in our own personal situations, we must hear God speak the same
Word. He is Truth and will never lie! Then, those who are ordained to preach the Gospel must do so
in spirit and in truth. That is the ONLY way that the church will expand. Follow in Peters example
and preach the the multitudes saved, delivered and set free!
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Why were so many out of town people (travelers) in Jerusalem?

2. What type of sacrifice did the people make, to build up the church?

3. What gift did Peter give to the lame man who was sitting at the gate?

4. How was the Holy Spirit building the church at this point?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #3
In Trouble For Doing Good
Chapters 3-4

Its time for Victory Celebration! Many heard. Many received. Many were saved. In Acts 3, Peter
and John were going to the temple. While on their way, a beggar asked for money. Peter had none to
give. Yet, he gave the man something so much better. He healed the man of his disease! The news of
this miracle spread quickly throughout the land. As you can guess, Peter and John were immediately
arrested. When they were standing before the high priest of the land, they were told to stop what they
were doing (evangelizing) or they would risk severe consequences as punishment. Peter and John
refused to be afraid. They held onto their faith in God and continued the work assigned into their
hands. The Jewish rulers had no choice but to let Peter and John go free!
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. From where did Peter and John get their courage to take on their adversaries?

2. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus church in these chapters?

3. Is the ability to heal others a sign gift? (see 1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #4
Dealing Harshly with Sin & Unimpeded Growth
Chapters 5

In Acts 4:36-37, Barnabas sold his land and gave the money to the church. No doubt, his action was
seen by many. Perhaps, this is what prompted Ananias and Sapphira to do something very similar. In
Acts 5:1-11, they sold a possession and let everyone think that they had donated the proceeds to the
church. However, they deceived their brothers and sisters in the Lord and actually held back a portion
of the proceeds for themselves. The result was that the Holy Spirit dealt with them quickly and
harshly. In the remainder of the 5th chapter, the church continued to grow, the disciples continued to
perform miracles, and their enemies continued to be upset. Finally, in Acts 5:38-39, a Jewish teacher,
named Gamaliel, advised the Jewish leaders to leave the disciples alone.

The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Why were Ananias and Sapphira judged so harshly?

2. What was Gamaliels advice concerning the disciples?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #5
The First Deacons and First Martyrs
Chapters 6-7

In Acts 6, the busy disciples told the church to select seven men (deacons) to assist in the daily duties
that were arising within the church. The seven were chosen, which meant that the disciples had more
time to minister to the people.
Soon afterwards, however, Stephen was arrested and falsely accused by some witnesses. He was
presented before the council. Once there, Stephen did not back down or become slack in his
assignment. Instead, he preached a very condemning sermon. The members of the council took
revenge and had him stoned to death. Stephen was the first martyr of the early church.
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Why did the first church have seven deacons?

2. Why was Stephen arrested?

3. If the Holy Spirit was leading him, why was he killed?

4. What prominent person oversaw Stephens execution?

5. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus church in this lesson?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #6
Missionary Works of Philip
Chapters 8-9

In Acts 8, we read about Saul, who was terrorizing the church That caused numerous Christians to
flee from Jerusalem. At the same time, there were many Christians who continued ministering for the
Lord. They experienced great success as the church grew. Philip was one of the seven deacons
chosen in Acts 6:5. Here in this chapter (8), we read about some of Philips early missionary work.
First, he became involved with Simon. The Scriptures says that Simon got saved. However, a later
exchange with Peter showed that his heart was not perfect towards the Lord. We also saw what
happened when Philip ministered to a eunuch from Ethiopia. In Acts 9, the great persecutor of the
early church got saved. He would go on to have a tremendous ministry in his own work with the
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Who was Saul and how did he hurt the church?

2. Who was Philip

3. Why did Peter rebuke Simon?

4. How did the Lord describe to Ananias the future ministry of Saul?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #7
Ministry to the Gentiles
Chapters 10-11

In Acts 10, a Roman centurion named Cornelius was eager to learn more about the Lord. He prayed,
and the Lord told him to send to Joppa for a man named Peter. At almost the same time, Peter was
awaiting his noon meal, and the Lord caused him to fall into a trance. In that trance, he was told to eat
what would have normally been considered unclean meats, but the Lord told him to eat anyway. After
a while he understood and accepted the message. Shortly afterwards, Corneliuss servants arrived, and
Peter went with them back to Caesarea. At Corneliuss house Peter preached, and many were saved
and baptized. In Acts 11, some of the brethren were bothered that Peter had ministered to those that
were not of the circumcision. But Peter explained what had happened, and everyone rejoiced in the
Lord. The chapter ended with Barnabas traveling to Tarsus to get Saul.
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Why was Peter reluctant to eat the meats in his vision?

2. What did Peter do when he got to Cornelius house?
3. How did Corneliuss household react to Peter?
4. Why were the brethren upset when Peter returned?
5. Why did Barnabas go to Tarsus to get Saul?

How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus' church in this lesson?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #8
First Apostle Martyred & Second Attempted

Chapter 12

In Acts 12, the Apostle James was martyred by King Herod. The Jews were pleased to see James
killed, so King Herod next took Peter with the plan of killing him, too. His plans for Peter, however,
never came to pass because an angel freed Peter from the prison cell. Even though he was chained to
guards on either side, the angel of the Lord had no problems getting Peter out of that situation. The
angel told Peter to gird himself and to bind his sandals. Then Peter was led outside. After the release,
he went to Marys house, the mother of John, and was able to join their prayer meeting for him. At the
end of this chapter, Herod was killed by an angel of the Lord. Also, Barnabas and Paul returned from
their ministry.
The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Why did Herod kill James?

2. How did Peter escape from prison?
3. Why did the angel tell Peter to gird himself and bind his sandals?
4. How did Herod die?
5. From where were Barnabas and Saul returning?
6. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus' church in this lesson?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #9
The First Missionary Journey

Chapter 13-14

In Acts 13, the church at Antioch prayed and fasted with the result being that the Apostle Paul and
Barnabas were called to go on their first missionary journey. The two men preached the gospel in the
synagogues at Salamis, Paphos, and Perga. While in Perga, John Mark deserted them and returned to
Jerusalem, where the Apostle Peter received him. From Perga, Paul and Barnabas went to the
synagogue at Antioch in Pisidia, and Paul preached the gospel. The Jews did not like his message. But
the Gentiles asked him to preach to them, and he did. In Acts 14, the division between the two
missionaries and the unbelieving Jews continued. Paul and Barnabas fled to Lystra and Derbe, but the
high emotions followed them there. Paul healed a man, and the townspeople immediately wanted to
make Paul and Barnabas into gods. But Paul and Barnabas would not have any of that. Eventually, the
uproar became so great and so serious that Paul was stoned and left for dead outside Lystra. However,
he survived that near death experience and continued his work into Derbe, back to Lystra, to Iconium
and Antioch, and finally to Pisidia, Pamphylia, and Attalia.

The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Who decided that Paul and Barnabas should go on a missionary journey?

2. Why did the Jews reject Paul's message?
3. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus' church in this lesson?

Answer References on last pages

Lets Take A Look Back

Acts 13
Who decided that Paul and Barnabas should go on a missionary journey?
(Acts 13:2) After fasting, the disciples heard from the Lord
and obeyed His command that Paul and Barnabas should go out to
evangelize. The prophets and teachers prayed for them, laid hands on them
both and sent them on the missionary field. However, the mandate that Paul
and Barnabas were to go on a missionary journey came directly from God
through the Holy Ghost.

Be careful of going out on the Gospel Field without your Covering!

God commissioned headship to pray for those who are going out to preach,
minister and cast out demons. There is no room for doing things on your
Ministry must be in Gods Divine Order!


Lesson #10
The First Church Council Meeting

Chapter 15

In Acts 15, some believing Jews approached Paul and Barnabas and told them that the circumcision of
Moses was still a condition for salvation. Paul and Barnabas adamantly disagreed with those that held
that position, so they decided to take the matter to the apostles in Jerusalem. The dispute was not
between unsaved Jews and saved Gentiles. It was between saved Jews and saved Gentiles, which
meant that resolving the matter was very important to the early church. During the meeting, Paul broke
up an argument between those in attendance and began presenting his reasoning on the matter. He
reported his work among the Gentiles and bore witness to how the Lord had blessed that work and
those Gentiles that had believed. He indicated that circumcision placed an unnecessary burden on new
converts and that such a thing should not be. He reported that salvation should be through the grace of
Jesus and through that alone. When Paul finished his speech, the apostles and elders agreed. So, the
dispute was ended.
The following question will help in guiding your study.

1. Why did the believing Jews want to cling to circumcision?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #11
Trouble in Phillipi

Chapter 15-16

Chapter 15 ended with Paul and Barnabas disputing about whether John Mark should be allowed to
rejoin them. Paul thought not, so he joined Silas. Barnabas did not hold a grudge against Mark, so
Mark and he went together. In chapter 16, Paul started his second missionary journey with Silas by
returning to Lystra, and while there he met Timothy. After that, he traveled to multiple locations,
ministering as he went. But trouble was waiting for him when he got to Phillipi. He commanded
an evil spirit to come out of young lady, and her master was very upset with Paul because the
woman in her demonic state had been his source of income. Therefore, the man took Paul and
Silas before the local judge and had them thrown in jail. In the late evening, a great earthquake
occurred, and through the Powerfully Anointed events that followed, a Philippian jailer got saved,
and Paul and Silas were set free.

The following questions will help in guiding your study.

1. Why did Paul and Barnabas split?

2. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised?

Answer References on last pages

Lesson #12
Paul In Trouble And On Trial

Chapter 17-20

Now in his third missionary journey, Paul traveled to Tyre, where some fellow believers warned that he
should not go to Jerusalem. Later, at Philips house in Caesarea, a prophet named Agabus also warned him to
not go to Jerusalem. Nevertheless, despite the warnings, he went. When he arrived, he learned from James
that the Jews were upset because they thought that he was teaching the Gentiles to ignore the Law of Moses.
When Paul tried to defend himself at the temple, some of the angry Jews saw him and aroused the crowd
against him. When the uproar started, the chief captain and his soldiers broke it up. They took Paul into
custody to get him out of the way, but Paul asked if he could speak to the angry mob. From the steps leading
to the jail, he got the peoples attention and offered his appeal. In Acts 22, he shared his testimony with
those that would listen, but with every word the crowd became more upset. Finally, the guards were going to
examine him by scourging, but Paul wisely told them that he was a Roman citizen. That got him out of the
scourging and also meant that his case would go to Felix the governor, Festus, and eventually Agrippa.
None of these Roman officials found Paul guilty of a crime. But because he had appealed his case to Caesar,
they were forced to send him to Rome for a trial.

The following question will help in guiding your study.

1. Why was Paul willing to go to Jerusalem even though the trip might put him in grave danger?
Why were the Jews so upset with him?

Answer References on last pages

Self Study
What Can I Do In/For My Church?
Chapter 21-25

Once we have chosen to follow God's plan for our lives, we are responsible not only
to conform our own lives and characters to Christ's image, but to share Christ's love
with others so that their lives can be transformed. We can fulfill our responsibilities
as we respond to the Holy Spirit who reveals God to us when we study the Bible.
The study of God's Word demands our best attention. The Holy Spirit teaches us, but
we must apply ourselves as well.
It takes careful study of the Bible to understand its deep meanings.
Use this time to hear directly from God. What is He saying to you during your
personal time of study?
We will review and share when we reconvene our Telephone Bible Study on
Tuesday, September 8th
Thank God for your strengthened study and greater knowledge!

God bless,

Overseer Donna Morgan


Key Highlights:
In Acts 21:10-14, And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from
Judea. When he had come to us, he took Pauls belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus
says the Holy Spirit, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and
deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. Now when we heard these things, both we and those from
that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, What do you mean by
weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for
the name of the Lord Jesus. So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the
Lord be done.
In the spirit of Old Testament prophets, Agabus acted out his message to Paul. He clearly
advised him that there was danger awaiting him in Jerusalem. As a Prophet, Agabus spoke the Word
with truth and clarity; genuine from the Holy Spirit. Yet, we note that Agabus also employed physical
emotions to his messagehe pleaded with him not to go to Jerusalem (v. 12) We know that this was
a physical word of advice because when we examine the Word which came from the Lord, we see that
God did not instruct Agabus to tell Paul to avoid Jerusalem. Had the Lord ordered that course of action,
Paul would have been disobedient in traveling to Jerusalem! Even though he must have been afraid,
Paul obeyed and went when the Lord instructed him to go. This shows us that, even in our prophetic
authenticity, messengers of God must be careful to bring an accurate word from the Lord and, not from
emotion. That would be disobedient to God and, it would cause others to miss their blessings!
This message from Agabus was a confirming word. Oftentimes, God will give us a remarkable prophecy,
followed by confirmation. Returning to Acts 20:22-24, we find that Paul already knew what awaited him
in Jerusalem And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will
happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and
tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I
may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the
gospel of the grace of God. Isnt God awesome????? These warnings from the Holy Spirit were to
prepare Paul for what was to comenot to stop him! Many people would stop and protect themselves
from the potential of hurt, harm or danger. How many are willing to continue on, in obedience to God,
even in the face of imminent danger to their physical selves? Paul was willing to pay the price! He
trusted that Gods will would be done.
Lets be sure to note that Pauls friends meant him no harm. Their request was understandable; they
didnt want their friend/leader to face dangerous situations. Yet, we must all be mindful that, no matter
how we feel within ourselves, God must be obeyed at all timesno matter the situation or


Key Biblical Highlights:

Acts 23:11-24
(v. 11) But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have
testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.
This must have been a difficult night for Paul. He desired salvation for all of his fellow Jews.
Yet, hed seen the failure of two great witness opportunities. Paul could have blamed himself for the
missed chance to see the Sanhedrins come to Christ. However, Paul did not give up
The Lord stood by him This manifestation of Jesus was a powerful visitation. Didnt Jesus
promise every believer that he would always be there? (Matthew 28:20). Jesus knew where Paul was.
Hed not lost sight of Paul in the jail cell. Praise God! When Paul was along, he wasnt alone. When
everyone else forsook him, Jesus was enough. Hey, its better to be in jail with Jesus then to be in hell
without Him! Paul had been miraculously freed from jail cells before; but this time, the Lord met him right
in the jail cell. Many times, people ask the Lord to deliver them out of their circumstances; perhaps He
wants to meet you right in them. Are we seeking surrender to Jesus or an escape plan? Be
encouragedGod wants to meet you in whatever you are facing, right at this very moment!
Be of good cheer, Paul Jesus was not only with Paul; He gave him words of comfort. No
doubt, Paul was in the midst of emotional turmoil, perhaps spiritual darkness. Jesus was there to cheer His
faithful servant. We can surmise that Paul needed a word from the Lord. How? Because Jesus would not
have told him to be of good cheer unless Paul needed to hear those words. Paul knew his situation was
bad, but he didnt know what the future held. He had no idea that on the next day, there would be 40
Jewish assassins gathered together, actually engaged in a hunger strike, until they murdered Paul. No, Paul
didnt know that the enemy had planned for him. BUT, JESUS DID! Thats why the Lord told Paul to cheer
upbecause Jesus knew that, even with the enemy positioned to harm him, Paul had nothing to fear. He
could be of good cheer. How? Because God is on the throne, and He holds to His promise that all things
work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans
Anyone can be of good cheer when everything is fine; but Christians can be of good cheer
when everything is horrible, knowing that God is mighty and wonderful no matter what the crisis is!
For as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome Jesus
clearly remembered what Paul had done in Jerusalem. He is now telling Paul that there was still much work
to be done in Rome (a new assignment). Paul could have been discouraged about the lackluster response
from the people when he preached in Jerusalem. He could have suffered from church hurt. But, he knew
that the results of the salvation call were not his responsibility. His job was to bring the Word of God and
the testimony of Jesus Christ; the results were Gods responsibility. You have testified for me in Jerusalem
shows that Jesus was pleased with Pauls job; well done! Yet, Jesus did not want Paul to get into a
comfortable place. He had another assignment he was to witness at Rome. The greatest words a faithful
child of God can hear are There is more for you to do. A lazy Christian will complain and moan. A faithful
servant will rejoice. This word can be said to every child of God. Have you received your message yet? Fear
Not, God is with YOU
And, Paul? What happened to him? Keep on reading your Word!!!!


Lesson #13
Pauls Journey To Rome (and) Imprisonment in Rome

Chapter 26-28

In Acts 27, King Agrippa sent Paul to Rome, and of course the main reason was that Paul had appealed to
Caesar during his trial. Prior to sailing to Rome in dangerous waters, Paul warned the centurion of an
approaching bad storm, but the ship sailed anyway. A short time into the voyage, Paul's prediction of the
storm became a reality, and the ship was tossed about in the heavy seas. Eventually, the ship was lost to the
winds and rain, and the people on board had to seek safety by using planks from the ship and swimming to
land. In Acts 28, the ship's crew was on dry land and preparing a fire to get dry and stay warm. While
gathering wood for the fire, a poisonous snake bit Paul, and those around him thought for sure that he was a
dead man. However, the Lord intervened, and he quickly shook the snake off into the fire. A short while
later, Paul was imprisoned in Rome where he stayed under what would probably be considered house arrest
for two years. Then, he was released, and he returned to telling people how to get saved.

God will always make a way

The Acts Church has learned how to trust and, rely on God, before making any
decisions. They are aware that their only hope lies in obeying the Lord, no matter the
cost. The Acts Church is willing to make the ultimate sacrifices in all they hold dear in
order to obey the Lords command for the assignment He has placed within their hands.
We are the Acts Church of these End Times
Thank You, God, for this privilege and honor!!!!

In Acts 27:1-44, Paul was in a hopeless position. He had been arrested in Jerusalem for preaching Christ,
and because he had appealed his case to Caesar, he was in route to Rome to stand trial. While being
transported by boat from Crete towards Phoenix, however, his ship encountered a severe storm with
hurricane-force winds. It was thrown about in the deep waters, and eventually, the crew had to run aground
to keep from sinking. After everyone was ashore, in Acts 28:1-10, Pauls predicament grew even worse
because he was bitten by a poisonous snake. While the snake still dangled from his arm, he shook it off into
the fire, but then, those that had been watching waited to see if he would die from the bite. God was with
him, though, so that did not happen. Instead, he was spared, and God got the glory for what He had done.


God will always make a way

The Acts Church has learned how to trust and, rely on God,
before making any decisions.

Join us on EVERY TUESDAY (6:00 p.m.)

as we continue this in-depth study of
The Book of Acts!

Telephone Study
Call (218) 632-6773
Code 435269


Answer References


Lesson #1 The Ascension of Christ (chs. 1-2)

1. What does Acts 1:8 tell us about sharing our faith with others? The power, which we receive
from the Lord, is given so that we would serve as His witnesses. We are to represent the Lord in the
places that do not worship him. In other words, the gift we have is not for our own purposes. Its to
go into the highways and byways in order to witness to the lost! None of this can take place until the
Holy Spirit has come upon you. (Acts 1:8)

2. What is the Great Commission? Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
(Matthew 28:19-20)
3. Why did the disciples choose Matthias to be with them? The disciples needed someone who was a
witness of the Lords resurrection. After praying and seeking Gods direction, the disciples
unanimously selected Matthias to be included with the eleven (Acts 1:25) Matthias was chosen by
the apostles to fulfill the position vacated by Judas Iscariot.
4. According to Scripture, what became of Matthias after he was chosen? Theres not much known
about Matthias in Scripture. We do know that he was chosen by the apostles, he was the first disciple
NOT directly chosen by Jesus, who had already ascended into Heaven. And, we know that he joined
the other disciples in ministry. He shows example that even though one joins in with an established
ministry, if they are selected after prayer and direction from God, they are ordained to go forth with
the work of the Lord. There is no separation based on a persons length of service; simply knowing
that they have a heart approved by God. (Acts 1:24) God will add onto an established work to create
a stronger union. Especially when they are completing a ministry work when one has left their
assignment. God will not suffer vacancy. When one fails and falls, there is another who is willing
and able to fulfill the Lords plans.
5. How was the Holy Spirit building the Church?
He was building the church into a mighty
fortified kingdom. Although the church followers (members) came from differing parts of the world,
the Lord caused that they all understood His voice in their own language. This is because the church
was with one accord in one place (Acts 2:4). Because of the unity which existed, the entire group
of believers were blessed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This, of course, solidified the Day of
Pentecost which allowed the church to receive the Holy Spirit and grow daily in its numbers. As Acts
clearly shows, the number of new members were of monumental proportions. The church grew
because every follower (member) was of one mindto receive the Lords presence in their individual
lives in order to build a strong church work.
6. How was the Holy Spirit showing His Deity in these chapters? Acts 2:21 And it shall come to
pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is a sure sign of
governmental power and order. God is so divine that the mere calling of His name causes salvation to
reign and rule. Only a sovereign has the power to declare such authority. This is translated to those
who are God-ordained to lead works in the Kingdom. Thus, Peter was able to declare the judgment,
and rewards of Christian living to the people. He was duly empowered by the King of King and Lord
of Lords. Gods deity is evidenced in the ministry of His disciples. With leadership preaching
without fear, the church was blessed and, the Lord added to the church daily such as should be
saved (Acts 2:47).

Lesson #2 The Birth of the New Testament Church (chs. 2-3)

1. Why were so many out of town people (travelers) in Jerusalem? This was fulfillment of the Old
Testament word delivered by the Prophet Joel. In Acts 2:17, Peter reminded the people of this
powerful word, And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit
upon all flesh: In order for this Word to come to fullness, men and women of all nationalities and
faiths must come together as one. God desires His church to be united. Helping one another to build
up strong prayer lives. There is no time for separation! For the Day of Pentecost to be fulfilled, all
flesh needed to be assembled so that they could witness the awesome power of God in action. Isnt
it wonderful in that people with diverse tongues, unable to communicate with each other were able
to understand what God was saying in one voice! Because they heard the Lord, the Holy Spirit was
free to move within the upper room and indwell within each and everyone in the atmosphere. On its
own, difference is not usually welcomed. Yet, within Gods church, diversity is a gift from God.
Their different languages became as one . When they started talking in Tongues. Their heavenly
language joined them together as one body!
2. What type of sacrifice did the people make, to build up the church? After receiving the Holy
Spirit, in the rushing mighty wind, the people were excited about what God had done. Peter preached
the Word of God. The people were baptized; and three thousand souls were added to the church.
They immediately began to make sacrifices in order that the work would go forth: they followed the
laws of God, they fellowshipped together, they prayed together, they respected the works of the
apostles, they believed together, they sold their own possessions and shared them together for the
needs of the people. Thats why the church expanded. Thats why their fold increased on a daily
basis. (Acts 2:41-47). Gimmicks and games will not cause additions to our churches. Catchy
sermons and slogans will not bring people to the temples. Unity amongst the membership is what
pleases the heart of God. Doing these things as the Book of Acts provides. Thats the way to build
strong members and strong membership! To work for the cause of Godto learn His Wordto
witness to His people!
3. What gift did Peter give to the lame man who was sitting at the gate? Firstly, it is very significant
that the gate was called Beautiful. Secondly, it is good to note that Peter lifted the man by his right hand.
This man was sitting at a beautiful place in an ugly situation! He was lame from birth, dependent on
others to support him with their spare/leftover provisions. He existed on the hope that people would
show him kindness and gift him with their generosity. In other words, he was vulnerable. When he saw
Peter and John, he thought that his day would proceed in the normal way. Hed see two men, ask them
for money, either theyd say yes or no. Hed continue on ugly situation in a beautiful place. However,
he didnt know his life was about to change. For, when he encountered Peter and John, there was no
hesitation in Peters command. It was as if he was saying, youre here looking to get something, what
are you ready to give? I have nothing for you. At least, nothing that is of a temporary nature. Money last
for a minute. Falling out last for a season. Shouting makes you feel good. But, Ive got something that
will last for a lifetime. I offer you healing in the Name of Jesus! Then, Peter took the man by his right
hand and told him to stand up and walk. In the church, we give out new members the right hand of
fellowship. In other words, we are giving them a chance at a new life! We are telling them that the
church has no temporary fixes, we have no momentary bandageswe are offering a restored life through
the right hand of fellowship! Stand up and walk and be revived. No matter how long youve been
lamestand up and walk. Membership is a gift to the member.

Lesson #2 The Birth of the New Testament Church (chs. 2-3)

Pastors you are offering life. Membersyou are receiving a chance to rid yourself of the past and
start anew and afresh. Not looking for the Pastor to give you alms but being ready, willing and able to
get up and walk! Be like the lame man. He received so much strength that he entered the temple ..
Walking, leaping and praising God (Acts 3:8). He became a testimony to the other people. When they
saw the formerly broken man healed and thanking God, it caused them to wonder about this God and His
power. The healed man brought other lost people into the temple (his church). Then, it was Peters job to
preach truth (he taught a powerful Word) which would compel the masses to come to God. This is how
the church will grow. Members! You have a responsibility to witness and show how God has changed
your life. Peter and John did not go out and gather the people. The members spread the Word through
their lifes example. The truth of the lame mans miracle was his testimony! Thats how the temple grew
in strength and numbers.
Peter told the people about Jesus!!!!! They were compelled by the lame mans miracle. They were
taught by Peters sermons. They were confirmed by Jesus conviction and love!
Leaders & Members just do your part. God takes care of the rest!


Lesson #3 - In Trouble For Doing Good (chs. 3-4)

1. From where did Peter and John get their courage to take on their adversaries?
The disciples
were empowered by the Holy Ghost! (Acts 4:8) They were not afraid to stand up for what they
knew to be truth. Even though the city officials grabbed them, in hopes of punishing them for
witnessing/preaching about Gods greatness, Peter and John continued to preach truth to the
people. Their faith resulted in more than five thousand men becoming believers! Their courage
also came from the fact that they knew who they were serving. When questioned, they freely
testified that the former lame man, at the Gate Beautiful, was made whole because theyd called on
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth for a miracle(Acts 4:10). We have this same ability to be
bold enough to proclaim the Name of Jesus even when threatened by enemies. Indeed, when you
have the knowledge of Gods power, you do not need to be afraid of anyone or anything. No
weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper!

2. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus church in these chapters? There was a spirit of
UNITY in the church! The preachers preached, the people prayed, the place was shaken right
where they were. Then, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. This empowered them to speak
the Word of God with boldness. They had one thing in common. This church was joined together
in oneness of mind. They were united in their faith and in their desire to speak the Word of God
with truth (Acts 4:31-32). This is why it is important for church members to come to church and
work together. The unity/assembly of Gods people always results in authority! Thus, the Holy
Spirit was creating a strong people who were able to fortify the church, causing the membership to
become solid even as the numbers increased from one day to the next.
3. Is the ability to heal others a sign gift? Absolutely, this blessing is a sign gift from the Lord!
As Scripture clearly shows us (in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10), several gifts are endowed within the
Body of Christ. They are:
the word of wisdom
the word of knowledge
the gift of healing
the working of miracles
discerning of spirits
divers kinds of tongues
interpretation of tongues
The STRONG church that follows the Word of the Lord, will be the Acts church which is blessed
with the nine gifts of the spirit in evidence. When the church goes forth in the fullness of Gods gifts,
there is great opportunity for gaining a greater relationship with God. Amen for the nine sign gifts of
the Spirit!


Lesson #4 - Dealing Harshly with Sin & Unimpeded Growth - (ch. 5)

1. Why were Ananias and Sapphira judged so harshly? They received swift judgment because
they allowed satan to have a dominant place in their lives. In truth, they allowed the devil to stop
them from giving wholeheartedly to their church. (Acts 5:3) Their punishment was only
reflection of their disrespect to the Holy Spirit.

This married couple made a conscious decision to lie (not to a human being but,) to God! That is a
dangerous position to find oneself in. The Holy Spirit knows all things! The punishment of Ananias
and Sapphira is at a very critical point. This is the end time. As the elders, we have a responsibility to
train up our members to be honest to the Holy Spirit at all times.

2. What was Gamaliels advice concerning the disciples? Gamaliel was a Pharisee. He was
supposed to be an opponent of the disciples. Instead he was a great supporter of Gods work and
His people. He warned the people that the Israelites could not be touched. He was making the
way for Gods people to continue in their missions work. Praise God! As a church member, we
have a charge to keep. We are to preach the Word even when it means our own comfort and/or
safety is sacrificed.
Thank God, we have learned that simply calling in (to phone lines) or remotely joining (technology)
will not allow for personal business to go forth. We must be ready to go all of the way. Once a heart
is dedicated to the Holy Ghost filled church, you are never the same. It is pointless to venture in
useless exploring. Remember always, lying to the Holy Spirit is the same as useless exploring. It is
the same as stealing from the Holy Spirit. Remember this you can get away from it yet, you will
always pay.
Peter and John were set free and restored to preaching!


Lesson #5 - The First Deacons and First Martyrs (chs. 6-7)

1. Why did the first church have seven deacons? The church membership grew very fast. As the
disciples preached the Word, people joined in with the work. With so many men and women
joining in, the disciples were unable to meet every need. As with any church, the members
wanted/needed to have some interaction with their spiritual leaders. At times, the disciples were
unable to interact with each member because they were still moving about the cities as
evangelists spreading the Word to everyone. This caused the disciples to see the need for local
leadership to rise up. Thus, they appointed seven (Gods perfect number) men to act as deacons in
the church. These men were not taking their place in the hearts of the people, they were going to
be used by God (in their own way) to insure that the church-family unit would remain intact and
strong. In other words, because these deacons would be of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost
and wisdom, the disciples knew that they could assign them responsibility over the business.
This would allow the disciples to give themselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the
word. (Acts 6:3-4).
Important to note: the disciples did not simply choose leaders because of the number of members!!!
They selected them to serve as ambassadors of Christ. The disciples knew that they could not do
everything themselves and they did not want the people to suffer. Without any type of arrogance, they
knew their assignment for the work. When it grew too large for the disciples to personally handle,
they needed help. Just as with Moses, in the Old Testament. When the people grew in numbers, he
was physically incapable of addressing their every need. The Lord told him to get help!
As the disciples were obedient, Acts 6:7 says that the word of God increased; and the number of the
disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly. The deacons did not become disciples! They were content
to fulfill the position God had given to them. The disciples didnt try to hold onto everything. They
knew that the church needed to grow and that would not happen as long as they tried to do
EVERYTHING. Like that, something would fall. They could NOT do everything, else the people
would suffer. The only way for a church to grow is for leadership to recognize the gifts of others, pray
and ask God for direction to select Godly people, let them go forth, everyone is in their rightful
position under the leadership of the leadership (pastor/overseer/bishop/apostle) which has been
assigned to the house/work of the Lord! Leadership should know HOW to do everything, then make
the assignments as directed by God!
Why seven deacons? Everything must be done decently and in order. Everything must be done
according to Gods standards.

2. Why was Stephen arrested?

While it was surely difficult to endure, Stephens arrest is a
testimony! As a minister, Stephen was full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles
among the people. (Acts 6:8) He was a powerful deacon! He served his calling with great
enthusiasm. He was wise, took care of the church, its people all while preaching the
unadulterated Truth of God! His preaching, even in the disciples absence (while on their
evangelistic trips), caused the church to continue growing.

Lesson #5 - The First Deacons and First Martyrs (chs. 6-7)

This made the people of the land angry. They didnt want to see this happen, so they made up lies
about Stephen; saying that he was not preaching Gods Holy Word.
Acts 6:12 And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and
caught him, and brought him to the council
3. If the Holy Spirit was leading him, why was Stephen killed? Acts 6:15 And all that sat in the
council, looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel Stephen was
a special kind of preacher. He was on assignment to bring a Word of life and deliverance to the
people. Then, it was his time to depart. Many people do not want to think of this. But, Stephen
knew that he had a greater place to be. When he was in the prison cell, he preached Old
Testament Covenantteaching his enemies about Moses and how the Lord had delivered the
people from bondage. When he was on trial, he told the officials about God and how he would
always bring His children from captivity to freedom. Stephen knew that he might not ever see the
fullness of freedom on this earth. Yet, he was assured that his Heavenly Father had a greater
place waiting for him in heaven. Stephen was purposed to preach the Word as long as he had
breath in his body. Acts 7:60 And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this
sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. Stephen was alright. Yes, his
physical body was tortured and beaten (stoned) but he was at peace. Because hed done just as
the Lord required, he just laid down and went to sleep. His spirit was at peace. Stephen was both
a first deacon and a first martyr. He was one of the first called and one of the first to make the
greatest sacrifice. Stephen is a great example for us all every church leader and member!!
4. What prominent person oversaw Stephens execution? and the witnesses laid down their
clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul. (Acts 7:58)

How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus church in this lesson? None of us want to be lied on,
persecuted, backstabbed, abused, scorned or rejected. Yet, when we make the decision to walk
with the Lord get ready! Its not that our God cant protect us. Its that the tough times are
what builds up our spiritual character. If you ever have a time in your ministry life when
everything is perfect, you better take a look in the mirror. Something is wrong! The enemy
chases/fights/persecutes those he CANNOT conquer...those who fall within a few categories:

The ones he does not (and, cannot) have

The ones he is afraid of
The ones stronger than he is
The ones who will not turn away from God!!!!

Stephens testimony: (Acts 7:55-56) But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into
heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I
see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

Lesson #6 - Missionary Works of Philip (chs. 8-9)

In Acts 8, we read about Saul, who was terrorizing the church That caused numerous Christians to
flee from Jerusalem. At the same time, there were many Christians who continued ministering for the
Lord. They experienced great success as the church grew. Philip was one of the seven deacons
chosen in Acts 6:5. Here in this chapter (8), we read about some of Philips early missionary work.
First, he became involved with Simon. The Scriptures says that Simon got saved. However, a later
exchange with Peter showed that his heart was not perfect towards the Lord. We also saw what
happened when Philip ministered to a eunuch from Ethiopia. In Acts 9, the great persecutor of the
early church got saved. He would go on to have a tremendous ministry in his own work with the
The following questions will help in guiding your study.
1. Who was Saul and how did he hurt the church? Saul was dedicated to his task of hurting the Christians (Acts
8:3) As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed
them to prison. He was determined to do all that he could to try and stop the Word of God from going forth
among the people. Saul diligently sought after every believer in an effort to stop the message and to kill the
messenger. He was just as the enemy is to this day relentless in trying to destroy the children of Godthe faithful
sanctified who knew that Jesus was the Perfect Son of God.
2. Who was Philip? Along with Stephen, Philip was one of the original seven deacons (Acts 6:5). In the 8th chapter,
we see Philip as a great evangelist, preaching the Word of God in a powerful way. Acts 8:5-8, Philip preached
dynamic sermons, he healed the sick and, rebuked the devil. The people believed as they witnessed the miracles
taking place. The people were truly on one accord and, there was so much joy in the city. Because the vessel was
bold enough to preach truth in the face of direct and dangerous destruction Philip trusted God to bring him
3. Why did Peter rebuke Simon? When we first meet Simon, we find him to be a witchcraft worker, a sorcerer. He
held great influence amongst the people (Acts 8:9). Yet, one day, he received, and believed, the Word of God. He
began to follow the Man of God. Traveling with Philip was a great experience for Simon. He saw miracles,
breakthroughs and manifestations of Gods power at work. When he saw these great things, he wanted that same
power so that he could touch peoples lives through a healing ministry. He had to first pass a test. Simon wanted a
positon so badly that he offered to pay money for the gift of healing. Simon offered the money to the disciples in
order to give him the gifts. He truly wanted the power to lay hands on the sick and see them recovered. Not
because he wanted to be a blessing to Gods people. His desire was of a selfish nature. Peter was livid! He rebuked
Simon, saying that his money would perish along with him. Gifts from the Lord are not purchased with money. The
price to be paid is through a sacrificed life of prayer, fasting, study of Gods Word, giving of time, talents, money,
thoughts, words and deeds.
The same thing happens to this day. Some people believe that their money, their service, their talents and their
abilities are what they can barter in order to receive ministry gifts. Just because someone can sing does not mean that
they can preach. Just because someone can preach doesnt mean they can prophesy. Trouble arises when people
begin to think that way, despite the fact that theyd just recently been existing in a sinful state themselves. Peter
advised Simon that (Acts 8:21) his heart was not right with God. He told him to repent! What happened? Simon
didnt run away or fight back. He found that he really did want a greater life of faith in Divine Manifestation. He
then solicited Peters prayer covering over his life/ministry.
Todays church must learn that ministry gifts are not given or assignedexcept by Gods direction!


Lesson #6 - Missionary Works of Philip (chs. 8-9)

4. How did the Lord describe to Ananias the future ministry of Saul. (Acts 9:15) But the Lord said unto him,
Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children
of Israel
What?????? The horrible tormentor of Christians was a chosen vessel unto the Lord? How in the world could one
who fought against the church so vehemently, be the one selected as Gods mouthpiece? First of all, was this fair?
Why didnt God choose someone who had already shown their loyalty to His work? God alone knows the answers to
these questions. However, we can be assured that God makes no mistakes. For, as vigorous as Saul was in
persecuting the Christians, Saul-as-Paul was even more so, as a Champion for Christ! As a member of the council, he
had experience with the mindset and customs of those who desperately needed to be taught about God. Thus, the
Lord declared that Saul/Paul would be able to take His gospel and effectively communicate it to EVERYONE he met
the Gentiles, kings and Jews. What a tremendous gift! To be able to speak with people from all walks of life,
sharing the Beauty of Holiness!
To the contemporary church, we may be compelled to minister to those who once served in adversarial roles. They
may have openly ridiculed, backstabbed, betrayed or even sought to destroy you. Yet, when the Lord speaks and
instructs you to not only welcome them in but, to go and seek them where they are you must obey. Not only that
but, you must thank God that they are rising up to claim the gifted life that represents their established ministry. Your
sacrifice will cause their blinded eyes to open up. They will see things from a different perspective because they are
now living a saved life (Acts 9:18)
An important fact: The disciples were going forth with power and authority. They did not all travel together. As we
study this Book, The Bible is clear in sharing the testimonies of varied disciples right where they are. In other words,
in chapter nine, we read about the ministry of Ananias, Paul and, Peter. This is important to note because it denotes
the fact that one moving in their ministry assignment does not interfere with another vessel going forth. All things
done decently and in order as shepherded by the leadership of the house. Yet, we clearly see that a church grows
not from one persons ministry exclusively. The disciples are going forth! Peter was performing miracles so that a
woman, by the name of Tabitha/Dorcas was raised from the dead using the very materials which she had
previously sewn/prepared. Dorcas sacrifice was the covering of her own healing.

Which role do you play? Perhaps a combination! Are you:

Ananias doing the will of God, called upon to pray for your persecutor, obedient to Gods Word, used to develop
anothers ministry
Saul sinner saved by Grace, made up mind to serve God, able to communicate with everyone in the spirit of
boldness (when preaching Gods truth)
Tabitha/Dorcas a good person, about to lose hope, felt as if all vision and hope is dead/gone, in the place where her
own sacrifice was nurtured and honored, in an anointed environment where her own praise was evident (Acts 9:39) ,
responsive to the true messengers of God, ready to get up and go to work

EVERYONE is a missionary. For, the Word of God has to reach every nation from every station! Do what you can
to understand this lesson and get ready to move EXPEDIENTLY!!!


Lesson #7 - Ministry to the Gentiles (chs. 10-11)

1. Why was Peter reluctant to eat the meats in his vision? Peter was conditioned/accustomed to avoiding
certain foods. Rightfully so! According to early Scriptures, handed down through the generations from Moses,
there were certain foods which were off limits to the Jewish people. So, Peter was being true to what hed been
taught. Indeed, there was nothing wrong with his thoughts based on his life BEFORE he met Jesus. The Lord
said that He came to earth to fulfill the law not to abolish it. In other words, with Jesus life, death and
resurrection all things formerly dirty were made clean. So, things of natural as well as things of spiritual has
a new meaning when Jesus is a part of it. With things God sent His only Begotten Son to come and cleanse the
world of sin. Without God, that thing remains dirty, unclean, to be avoided. However, when God is in it how
many know, there is no limit? Same it is with people! When we look at the whole world (the sheet), we see a
variety of people dealing with a multitude of sins. People will look at others with their natural eyes and say, I
cant have any parts of him or her. I am clean and cannot become dirty. That is the exact opposite from what
the Bible teaches: (Acts 10:15) What God has cleansed you must not call common.
When lost souls come into our churches, we must look with a discerning (Anointed) eye and recognize that what the
Lord has made, He calls good. Lets receive those into the House of the Lord who need, want and must be there to
receive the Lord of God in Truth, Chastisement, Love, Judgment and Faith.

2. What did Peter do when he got to Cornelius house? Cornelius was a Centurion. He was not of the Jewish
faith. According to tradition, Peter knew that he was not allowed to congregate with those outside of his faith. But,
after Pentecost, Peter knew that Jesus had made the difference in his life. (Acts 10:28) You know how unlawful it
is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not
call any man common or unclean.
Peter had already received the vision. Hed already been instructed that God was in control of his life. Even though
it was different from his upbringing (tradition), Peter readily embraced this new way of thinking Gods way of
thinking! Prior to the vision, he never would have gone to Cornelius house. Two things are happening here:
Cornelius was a Centurion. Yet, he heard and obeyed the voice of God. The Bible says that he, and his
household, feared/loved God. Lesson: Some are going to look different, sound different, live differently than we
do. They may not dress quite the same way as we dress. Yet, we do not know the condition of their heart. They
may be hearing from God and, obeying God, more than those who look, sound and act the part! When the Lord
told Cornelius to send for Peter, he moved quickly in obedience.
Peter was a man who was following the established law. When the Lord said to receive those you do not want to
receive, he questioned God (different from Cornelius) and, then he obeyed. The Lord had to tell him two times
(why do believers always need a confirmation in order to move forward with the Lords commands?)
Both types of people must obey God for the work to go forth. If not, He will use another. Churches, lets get this
thing together and allow people who are hungry for God to come in and eat at the table that He has already set?
Can you see the white sheet from heaven?


Lesson #7 - Ministry to the Gentiles (chs. 10-11)

3. How did Corneliuss household react to Peter? Peter preached the Word of God and the people received
the Holy Ghost. These uncircumcised (sinful) people heard the Message one time and they were saved. Not
only that, they also received the Gift of Tongues. Well, the saints with Peter were astonished! (Acts
10:47) Peter asked them: Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received
the Holy Spirit just as we have? Preachers Preach the Word in season and out of season. When
someone is ready to receive the Lords blessings, no matter what their background is they will receive it.
Church members Dont try to stop anyone from receiving the fullness just because they dont look like
they should have it. This is ALL in GODS HANDS!

4. Why were the brethren upset when Peter returned? Theyd heard the reports of many Gentiles being
saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. They heard about Peter sitting down and talking with these people. That
hed even had the nerve to share a meal with them. The nerve! Someone had run back home and spread the
news. But, the men needed to talk directly with Peter to get the full understanding. Once Peter explained about
the vision and what God had personally told him, they were glad (Acts 11:18) When they heard these things
they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to
In the church, there may be those who do not want to see the new. Yet, there are always those who have the
vision and discernment to know that when God does a thing, He does it well. Let the souls come in and be glad
when they receive the Holy Spirit. The angels in heaven are rejoicing!

5. Why did Barnabas go to Tarsus to get Saul? (Acts 11:24) Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy
Spirit and of faith When he traveled to Antioch, he was thrilled to see so many people receive the Lord. It
didnt matter to him the persons background. He was just glad to see the church growing. He wanted
them to continue hearing an Anointed Word so he traveled to Tarsus to bring Paul back to Antioch. They
were about to begin a year-long Revival where the people would be healed, delivered and set free.
Antioch is where the disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26)
Its good to be like Barnabas, just glad to see souls saved! Its good to want to see the church grow! Its good to
do whatever you can to help your own church growtravel if you need to, spend hours working if you need to,
spend money if you need to. Its good to bring the evangelist in to run revivals we are Christians who are
building up Gods churches!

6. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus' church in this lesson? In this lesson, the Holy Spirit is showing
the church that tradition is important. Of course it is! We must abide by the Covenant Laws of Moses. Yet, we
must also know when to step out in faith because Jesus Said So! In this lesson, we see faith being fortified
like never before. The church will only grow if there is a heart to receive those who are sinners. We cannot
allow them to remain in sin yet, the doors must be opened so that the revival can begin!


Lesson #8 - First Apostle Martyred & Second Attempted - (ch. 12)

1. Why did Herod kill James? He thought he was killing James because it was pleasing to the Jews
(Acts 12:3). Herod did the wrong thing in order to receive the favor/approval of the people. What he
did not know was that it was James time to go to the Master in Heaven. His work on earth was
complete. While Herod killed the body, he could never touch James soul!
2. How did Peter escape from prison? Peter did not escape from prison...he was released by the Holy
Spirit! If Peter had attempted to escape, he might have been caught and severely punished by the
people. Indeed, because the angels of the Lord opened the cell doors, the guards could not dare harm
Peter. As a child of God, he was able to walk out of the very situation which was trying to hold him
captive. The saints were in the house praying for him. The Lord heard their petition, and He sent the
angel to set Peter free.
3. Why did the angel tell Peter to gird himself and bind his sandals? When the angel entered his
prison cell, Peter was lying down. He was in a restful place, not anxious; knowing that whatever was
to happen was ordained by God. The angel had to tell him to get up, gather his belongings and put on
his shoes. Peter thought it was a dream but the angel knew that he had to walk through some situations
to get where he was going. God had a destination for him and Peter needed to be prepared for the
journey. When youre in a situation that is designed for destruction, you can yet rest knowing that all
is fine. When the angel comes into your situation, just get yourself ready for the journey. Youre about
to leave the prison cell!
4. How did Herod die? When Herod learned that Peter was free, he was upset with his prison guards.
Instead of repenting and asking Gods forgiveness for attempting to kill Peter, Herod went on a
rampage, punishing everyone around him. One day, he dressed in his finest attire, sat on his throne and
ranted against the people. The people grew so upset with him elevating himself so highly and began to
retaliate, telling him he was only a mannot a god. He still refused to acknowledge God. He would
not honor God. Thus, he died on that very day. Worms ate his body.
Peter represents the church. It may seems as if the church is stuck. Yet, the Lord always sees every
situation. He will free you from the bondage of the enemy. Just rest, knowing that your labor is not in
vain. The enemy, which tries to imprison you one day, will have to be destroyed at the end. You shall
walk out in victoryjust trust God!
5. From where were Barnabas and Saul returning? (Acts 12:25) Barnabas and Saul were
returning from Jerusalem, after fulfilling the ministry assignment.
6. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus' church in this lesson? Truly, teaching the church to
have patience and wait on the Lord in all situations!
Another lesson is the knowledge that when it is our time to step out in sacrifice, be grateful for the
opportunity to serve (James-1st apostle martyred). Yet, realize that if God has an assignment for you to
fulfill, there is no devil that can stop you from reaching the place God has ordained just for you (Peter).


Lesson #9 - The First Missionary Journey (chs. 13-14)

1. Who decided that Paul and Barnabas should go on a missionary journey?

(Acts 13:2) After fasting, the disciples heard from the Lord and obeyed His command that
Paul and Barnabas should go out to evangelize. The prophets and teachers prayed for them, laid
hands on them both and sent them on the missionary field. However, the mandate that Paul and
Barnabas were to go on a missionary journey came directly from God through the Holy Ghost.

2. Why did the Jews reject Paul's message?

(Acts 13:45) They were envious because the multitude of people were hungry for the True
Word of God! Paul and Barnabas were bold in the sharing of the Lords love. They did not hesitate
to tell the people what they needed to do to be saved. Praise God, the people responded and sought
after salvation and righteousness. This caused the Jews to be jealous. In similar fashion, the enemy
is always jealous of those who are doing Gods will. Yet, we will preach like Paul and Barnabas.
No matter what non-believers think, continue to hold fast to Gods hands. Thats how the church
growswhen we stick together with a purposed heart and mind to do Gods great work.

3. How was the Holy Spirit building Jesus' church in this lesson?
The church was learning that it had an obligation to take the Word where there was a need.
Of course, those who were in attendance received their teaching in the synagogues. Yet, location
did not limit Paul and Barnabas. Their preaching was Without Walls as the Holy Ghost sent them
into the highways and byways to the people who NEEDED to hear about Christ.
For todays church, the preachers must be willing to step out of the pulpit in order to preach Gods
Word to the lost at any cost. The membership must grow as they learn the Word to know that their
leaders must have a global ministry. Prayer and fasting allows everyone to hear the Lords voice in
order to receive instruction about how to move forward in ministry.


Lesson #10 - The First Church Council Meeting (ch. 15)

Why did the believing Jews want to cling to circumcision?

It was very difficult for some Jewish Christians to accept that Gentiles could be brought into the church as
equal members without first coming through the Law of Moses. They could receive one or two but, it was
difficult to accept large numbers of Gentiles who (they believed) had no regard for the law. They forgot
that Jesus extended the salvation call to everyone who heard Him. He had no respect of person, neither by
age, gender or religion. While it is important to recognize and follow law (tradition), God does not want it
to hinder someone from coming to a greater knowledge of God. This is an important issue because it
relates to salvation and justification. Every person has to ask themselves: what would Jesus do?
In todays churches, we must be certain to observe the standards and laws as outlined in The Word of God.
Yet, we must always remember that Jesus said His time on earth was profound in that He came, not to
destroy the law but, to fulfill it. This simply means that He would always follow and respect the Laws of
Moses. However, the laws were only the beginning (an outline) of what was to come.the Savior who
would accomplish all that was promised in the Beginning. In other words, in our churches today .. There
may be some who seem to be outcasts. Their very birth means that they have no place in the church;
perhaps from another religious background, or culture or socio-economic category. However, the Lord
wants everyone to know that, in Him, there is no separation.
Lets welcome those, who want to receive a closer walk with the Lord, into the Kingdom of God!
For leadership, there must be one who hears directly from God in order to keep order in the House!
When the believers were confused and arguing about this topic, Paul and Barnabas rose up to speak a
distinctive word of order. It is good and right for the one who God appoints to stand up and speak life and
knowledge in the atmosphere. There must be a coming together of leadership in order to decipher the
Word and share it in the congregation with clarity of understanding. Respect leadership!
Were the believing Jews wrong to cling onto the value of circumcism? Of course not! They were
honoring what they knew to be the tenants of the Book of the Law. Their arguments were about keeping
the sanctity of the tradition. However, under the leadership of the disciples, they came to know that a
Christian opens his/her heart to everyone who truly seek God
Chapter 15 also shows us one of the most profound separation of ministries. Paul and Barnabas had been
ministry partners for quite some time. Yet, the time came when they needed to separate. (Acts 15:39)
The two men were quite powerful in their individual works. No doubt, it was hard to find themselves in
differing mindsets. After a difficult time, they went off in separate directions, with new partners at their
side. Todays lesson: there may come a time when there is a need to separate. For the one leaving, I
encourage you to always do the right thing. I guarantee youll need a true house of worship because this
world is going to ruin. In order for the Word of God to reach all of the nation, WE MUST GO OUT ON
THE EVANGELISTIC ASSIGNMENTS! Yes, there may be a time of separation. However, it must be
done decently and in order. (Acts 15:40-41) Your leaving must be recommended by the brethren unto
the grace of God. Then you will be able to go forth, confirming the churches. A preacher who is out of
line with the Word of God is a preacher who is ineffective. For the Word is REQUIRED in order to
teach people about the Lord and His mighty goodness!

If there comes a time for separation, remain focused on the things of God and watch Him use His
messengers to spread the Word throughout the nations!


Lesson #11 - Trouble in Phillipi (chs. 15-16)

1. Why did Paul and Barnabas split?

These two great men of God separated because they disagreed on how to proceed in ministry. (15:36)
Then after some days Paul said to Barnabas, Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where
we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.
Paul told Barnabas that he wanted them to return to all the cities where they planted churches in their first
evangelistic trip.
Paul was a true evangelist. He preached in places that were without Christianity. He also understood the
importance of strengthening and encouraging those who were already Christians. Thats why he wanted
to go for this second (follow-up) missionary trip.
Paul had the heart of a physician: like an obstetrician he brought people into the Body of Christ. Like a
pediatrician, he helped people grow up in the Body of Christ.
Paul also had the heart of a pastor. He was not content to merely plant churches without seeing them
carefully nurtured and growing in the faith. He wanted to go and see how they [were] doing.
The split between Paul and Barnabas arose because of their disagreement about taking John Mark with them
on the road.
(Acts 15:37-41) Now Barnabas was determined to take with them John called Mark. But Paul insisted that
they should not take with them the one who had departed from them in Pamphylia, and had not gone with
them to the work.

In Acts 13, John Mark left the work. The group had been busy in their Kingdom Building work and,
Mark simply left the fold. This may be why Paul is unwilling to trust him on this (and, future) missionary
trips. Yet, Barnabas was determined that John Mark join them.

The Bible does not identify who was right and who was wrong in the dispute between Paul and Barnabas.
Perhaps neither were wrong. It might have just been the time for separation! In any case, it is never good
when there are disputes that arise between those serving in the ministry. Paul and Barnabas were in a bad
situation! The spirit of contention between the two man was extremely sharp.
(Acts 15:37-41) Now Barnabas was determined to take with them John called Mark. But Paul insisted that
they should not take with them the one who had departed from them in Pamphylia, and had not gone with
them to the work.

In Acts 13, John Mark left the work.


Lesson #11 - Trouble in Phillipi (chs. 15-16)

Paul also had the heart of a Pastor. He was not content to merely plant churches without seeing them
carefully nurtured and growing in the faith. As a Pastor/Caretaker, he wanted to go and see how they
[were] doing.
The split between Paul and Silas was challenging.
Special Note: Its easy to see why Barnabas would be more understanding towards John Mark:
* Barnabas was John Marks cousin (Colossians 4:10).
* Barnabas, a Levite, was a man who encouraged and accepted others

Paul and Barnabas split ways. From this separation, great works were formed. Barnabas traveled with John
Mark. Paul joined together with Silas. We do not know Gods plan. Yet, we know that His will shall always
be done. With Paul and Barnabas moving in different directions, no doubt, many more people were touched
and saved. Their reach was greater, working in their individual ministries. This is still true today! There
may come a time when a separation is required. The goal should not be because one person desires higher
position, great authority and/or power. It must only be in response to the calling of The Lord God Almighty!
When separation occurs, there should not be any contention, bitterness or anger. There should be a sharing
of encouragement so that both are able to go forth with an assurance that all is well within the Body of
Christ Unity!
We do know that Paul later came to minster (again) with John Mark. He valued Marks contributions to the
work of God (Colossians 4:10, 2 Timothy 4:11). Again, we note that there is no Biblical mention of who
made the change in their ways (in order to work together again). We do not know if it was Paul or Barnabas.
We do not know if either needed to change. Perhaps God had a work to do in both of them. It just may be
that both of these powerful vessels needed to take an inward look to seek greater humility in their service.
There must always be a first-line focus which is directed towards greater ministry service.

2. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised?

With his adoption of Timothy as a ministry assistant, Paul shows that he is not adverse to having someone by
his side as he ministered. Timothy was the son of a Jewish mother and a Greek father. Without the Holy
Spirit, which welcomed all Believers, Timothy (as a part-Greek), would have been rejected as a preacher.
Yet, with Christ He is first! This shows that Pauls rejection of Mark was not because Mark was
unacceptable. Paul did not want to travel with Mark because of Marks lack of loyalty earlier in the
ministry. Because Mark had abruptly left the ministry, Paul did not have confidence that Mark was
dependable to the work at hand.
On the other hand, when he saw Timothy, Paul saw a young man who had a close relationship with God.
Paul was impressed enough with Timothy that he asked him to join his missionary team. This shows Gods
provision, because John Mark and Barnabas had just left Paul (Acts 15:36-41), the Lord provided Paul with
another powerful man of faith to walk by his side.


Lesson #11 - Trouble in Phillipi (chs. 15-16)

It is very important to note that every worker in Gods Kingdom is important. Yet, if one does not want to
obey His Word, they are not irreplaceable. When Barnabas left (for whatever reason), God ordained
Timothy to walk by Pauls side. Paul circumcised Timothy, not for the sake of his salvation but so that there
would be nothing to hinder ministry among the Jews. Paul was not trying to appease the congregation, he
simply wanted to be sure that they crossed every ministry T and dotted every ministry I so that the
enemy would not be able to step in and cause confusion.
(Acts 15:41) Because the work was allowed to go forth in the Will of God, even though it was not what the
people had envisioned, the church was able to expand. Paul went throughout the cities, strengthening the

Separation is inevitable even in church! The key element is to be true to the calling in your life. When
God has ordained a work, it doesnt matter who comes or goes obey God and go where He directs. In
church, follow the leadership. Even when you do not understand. Or, if you do not like the person who
has been assigned to leadership (contention), learn how to stand still and see Gods salvation. If you trust
God for the prophetic, trust Him for the vision. Hes going to do just what He promised to do. Amen!


Lesson #12 - Paul In Trouble And On Trial (chs. 17-20)

1. Why was Paul willing to go to Jerusalem even though the trip might put him in grave danger? Why
were the Jews so upset with him?
Paul was determined to teach the Word of God! Before receiving Christ as his personal savior, Paul fought
diligently against the Holy Spirit. He willingly traveled from one city to another in order to persecute the
Jews (remember, thats how he came to know Christ on the Road to Damascus). Now, as a Soldier for the
Lord, Paul was similarly steadfast in his quest for salvation. He was willing to go from city to city in order
to lead the unsaved to the Lord. This is a beneficial note for all today! When one comes to Christ, he does
not lose his natural talent. If he was diligent when serving the enemy, he needs to be even more focused on
serving the Lord!

When Chapter 17 opens, Paul travels to Thessalonica. He preached a powerful message and many were
saved; including many women (note that Pauls ministry always included the presence of women. Paul did
not discriminate; he knew that the Holy Ghost had no respect of personblessing anyone, male or female,
who received The Lord as their Personal Savior [Acts 17:4, 17:12). Unfortunately, there were some who did
not receive the Word. These were those who caused much trouble and wanted to seize Paul. The
unbelieving Jews tried to overtake the home of Jason, whose house was a meeting place for Christians.
When they did not find Paul there, they dragged Jason into the marketplace, accusing them of turning the
world upside down (Acts 17:6) They thought this was a negative charge. How wrong they were! This was
a great and blessed wordsaying that a Christian, who is teaching and preaching Gods truth, is turning the
world upside down is a great thing. As a Child of God, we want to turn the enemys camp out of order. He
should feel as if his world is falling apart!
After paying a security fee, Jason was released from prison (Acts 17:9). Paul and Silas immediately left the
city and traveled to Berea. They went straight to the synagogue. Paul was always focused on his ministry
assignmenteverything (including his own comfort) came second to the work that needed to be done. In
Berea, Paul found the Jews to be eager to learn the Word. When he preached, they believed. When he
taught, they and women. Paul was encouraged because it was not a hard task to minister to
these people. They wanted to learn about God. They searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether
these things were so (Acts 17:11) They were hungry for the Word, staying in the Word day and night to find
out if what Paul taught was true. Todays church needs to follow suit too often, folks today take the easy
way out. Satisfied to read a verse, or a poem or a facebook post. Yet, the only way to truly learn about God
is to seek Him and study His Word daily. Unfortunately, the Jews from Thessalonica found out where Paul
was preaching and traveled there to stir up trouble (Acts 17:13) So, the believers sent Paul away. He left
Silas and Timothy behind


. Lesson #12 - Paul In Trouble And On Trial (chs. 17-20)


*- Some people will not want to do the right thing. Theyre not satisfied to stay in their place of despair
alone. They want to stir up trouble and bother those who are trying to live right. The unbelieving Jews
traveled from one city to the next, following Paul, stirring up trouble. Todays application some people
want to live any kind of way. They dont want to follow Gods laws and do not want other to either. So, they
run from church to church, stirring up trouble.
* There will always be those who want to do the right thing, according to the Laws of God. There is no
personhood in God...He is calling (and, will use) men and women who are willing to obey the Lord. Todays
application concentrating on gender alone must stop. We are living in the last days where the Lord says
that He will pour out His spirit on ALL fleshHis sons and daughters! Paul was a visionary who based his
actions on scripture. Todays church must come out of legalism and traditionalism and learn to read and
study daily to find out what God says about this subject!
* This is Pauls fifth church to leave in haste. Each time, he travels to these cities hoping to teach about
Jesus Christ. Each time, he is forced to leave. Not because of foreigners but, because of those who are
supposed to be followers! Most times, he is driven out by Jews. Todays application we cannot look at
outward signs to determine if one is doing the will of God or not. Its not about relationship or familiarity.
When one is wrong, they are wrong. Paul is forced to leave each city, yet he is always eager to go to the
next location, despite of what he might find. Paul does not run in fear. No, Paul is willing to move in this
manner because he wants to share God with unbelieversno matter the circumstances.
When Paul departed, he left Silas and Timothy. This is powerful! It clearly shows that Paul is focused
on Gods work. It demonstrates that his passion is for planting churches, not just making converts. It also
shows that Paul didnt believe that he alone could do the work of teaching and strengthening Christians.
He was willing to let his attendants (ministers) stay behind to continue the teaching. Pauls main goal
was that the people heard the Word. He was not arrogant to say that this teaching had to come directly
from him. He just wanted to be sure that the people heard a True Word! Todays application: the Word of
God is not dedicated to emanate from only one person. If one believes they are the only one who can
preach or teach, they need to engage some inner-reflection. God is not a selfish God. His Word is bigger
than any personality!

This is why Paul was willing to go where his life was often threatened. He had a charge to keep and he
would not fail in his assignment. In todays times, we must be willing to go where we are called to go.
Thats not always going to be where we want to go. The blessing comes from being obedient not from getting
our own way. It means stepping out in faith in our time, talents, resources, money in all areas!


Lesson #12 - Paul In Trouble And On Trial (chs. 17-20)

Noted Verses
Acts 17:28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said,
For we are also His offspring. Every decision we make and, step we take must be a reflection of the Lord. We do
nothing on our own. We belong to Christ. Thus, our efforts should be the manifestation of His vision.

Acts 18:6 But when they opposed him and blasphemed, he shook his garments and said to them, Your
blood be upon your own heads; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.
Paul knew when it was
time to let go. He was humble enough to realize that the people were not his. They belonged to God. Similarly, those
who refused to accept Christ, made the decision for themselves. He could/would pray but when they refused to accept
God, Paul knew that he had to leave them to God. He would go and take the word to those who wanted to receive God
as their Personal Savior!

Acts 18:9-10 Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, Do not be afraid, but speak, and do
not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this
city. Preachers! Teachers! The directive is very clear. There is no choice but to obey the Lord. He is your protection.

Acts 18:26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they
took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
Apollos was a very learned man. He
was very eloquent in his knowledge and sharing of Scripture. However, his scope of facts were limited. He knew only of
Johns baptism. When Aquilla and Priscilla pulled Apollos to the side to educate him on Scriptural accuracy, he eagerly
accepted the knowledge. Everyone should be similarly eager to accept greater understanding of Gods Word. As much as
we know, there is always more to learn as the Spirit gives utterance. Be open and eager to learn!

Acts 19:11-12 Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or
aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of
God works in mysterious ways! Although cloths, olive oil, prayer lists, pledge envelopes are physical items,
they are faith point-of-contact blessings. Once anointed for ministry works, these items become representations of
miracles. Prayer cloths are Scriptural!

Acts 19:14-16 Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit
answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? Then the man in whom the evil
spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that
house naked and wounded.
Dont be caught with your works undone! The enemy doesnt even bother to
know the names of those who are already doing wrong. Its a waste of time, they belong to him. But, when you are a
powerful vessel of God, used for the Lords glory, the enemy makes it his business to know who you are. Why? Because
youre a threat to his kingdom. You are a powerful soldier. When the enemy chases after you, youre a threat. If hes
unafraid of one who professes Christ they need to go into their prayer closet and seek God. Let the enemy know your
name hes afraid of you!!!!


Lesson #12 - Paul In Trouble And On Trial (chs. 17-20)

Noted Verses
Acts 17:28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said,
For we are also His offspring. Every decision we make and, step we take must be a reflection of the Lord. We do
nothing on our own. We belong to Christ. Thus, our efforts should be the manifestation of His vision.

Acts 18:6 But when they opposed him and blasphemed, he shook his garments and said to them, Your
blood be upon your own heads; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.
Paul knew when it was
time to let go. He was humble enough to realize that the people were not his. They belonged to God. Similarly, those
who refused to accept Christ, made the decision for themselves. He could/would pray but when they refused to accept
God, Paul knew that he had to leave them to God. He would go and take the word to those who wanted to receive God
as their Personal Savior!

Acts 18:9-10 Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, Do not be afraid, but speak, and do
not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this
city. Preachers! Teachers! The directive is very clear. There is no choice but to obey the Lord. He is your protection.

Acts 18:26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they
took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
Apollos was a very learned man. He
was very eloquent in his knowledge and sharing of Scripture. However, his scope of facts were limited. He knew only of
Johns baptism. When Aquilla and Priscilla pulled Apollos to the side to educate him on Scriptural accuracy, he eagerly
accepted the knowledge. Everyone should be similarly eager to accept greater understanding of Gods Word. As much as
we know, there is always more to learn as the Spirit gives utterance. Be open and eager to learn!

Acts 19:11-12 Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or
aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of
God works in mysterious ways! Although cloths, olive oil, prayer lists, pledge envelopes are physical items,
they are faith point-of-contact blessings. Once anointed for ministry works, these items become representations of
miracles. Prayer cloths are Scriptural!

Acts 19:14-16 Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit
answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? Then the man in whom the evil
spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that
house naked and wounded.
Dont be caught with your works undone! The enemy doesnt even bother to
know the names of those who are already doing wrong. Its a waste of time, they belong to him. But, when you are a
powerful vessel of God, used for the Lords glory, the enemy makes it his business to know who you are. Why? Because
youre a threat to his kingdom. You are a powerful soldier. When the enemy chases after you, youre a threat. If hes
unafraid of one who professes Christ they need to go into their prayer closet and seek God. Let the enemy know your
name hes afraid of you!!!!


Self-Study What Can I Do In/For My Church? (chs. 21-25)

Lesson #13 Pauls Journey to Rome (and) Imprisonment in Rome (chs. 26-28)

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God
may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good


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