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19- | Non ovajlabitity of Row maderiql - i S7| wy anternarionnt iosistics > Rigk_invetyed in aieestalierial Wudines ; 4.| Risk due to foreign Exchange Rate fluctuation ~ te te veduce 4his_ stat + “buyer and eelier + makes foroard contract /Wedging, doverrneot duleg and regulations. Ban on esporte , Export duty and major diFFieul Hes. i | quota system ave Damages — solution ie te marine inaurance iste oF aa ye oF gradibiow “Transit 2. | Buyer r¢Fusee to buy the goods - Solution Is Letter | dikfervenk poyment terms. sone in government: Johor in ules “aod Govantee “corporabion i not understood. . | Emperting county faces diane | Regulations. ~ selwion > ECGe CExpmt credit Language is a bariev, in many countries 5 English “Timezone cor in differen} countries. 1 — impart duty Clesif bawvier)- due te his 5 price goes UP y. | Trade Borri Land buying s ir wil! reduce. Import duty depends on - value Bs coxgo ane ddeseniplon of rnaderial Doecumentation camplications- some flow majeial ‘oo tebe imported. | eee * Export aTnsentives : ome Pi + | pulp drawback ‘ Foeus product + | ere + FOU ; 3 + | peemed Expert + SEZ oS _psiitees i ide eee PHarket + founded warehouse, hi gramudyoq “ B) * S- | genevatiy pat on top. TTenting oF Goods is Inken cave ~ Compalibility oF peduch in contamer Tay lark mand notes ay ye material being woded in eentalne” ont [nia vecorcing is transfered to "Container taad flan’ ~ CLF 4 apenieenteinave 6v& Bealed with ao teck oF epecife na, ewahich te Frown fe imposter . Ag ihe Leck dont have any rey and have te he broken at end, importer ean assure ine security iGSUeS be ahiped 1 doye sss aneee All fre conkeinerne ave serie bough on post anda Cay euid end before x days of actual tranepoxtadion “Type OF Containers = ———<—aety Ra arated — ab Peck Convex? J raw el - a are / W) 2 goer: Cred) crew HO Feel Coxe KE / LAWN), Height canbe Ces 5 +/a/98) ~ ue GF | Pat Rack - Ho cide ewalls only base Ctike paliel) - |. some Alatrack containes have wat) ob breadth = = Generatly overelimention material is coved by Fra aac wards ore Tan contoiners | zee Jonke - Refregoxated nhai nese. | Flevitank = use polyihin vag Filed with uquid ts used tone open top - )REEFER 29) G0H Caarments on Hanger Hard Top- Top is metalic _ 1) Gatlapsible ais Aug. oi Ee * shipping Semices r General Park ek = pvp Bulk = Grain, Z10" = General cargo trode. = oil & refined products - Container trode, |. Gas trades. — Reefes. CRefre trode). | House Bf, 7 and moghes B/. = what ve Ot 4% + [BL ig sarge verept igeued by abipping company ee. negotiable Inatrument Bene Sit is negoiatle » ahiping Ure delivers conga to fp eonaignes only i garnst_eriginal __———} Lhe person io ahda favour ML Ns endorsed , 39 129A) owenee. = [payment on soureing office and payment on consumer, & seo eway bil! et & | Ae Congo: Bind movement shyough ai ~ Every #ing thal goes: with passengey wn ae yo componine nt € exerpt bosgtes bagage + | ain conge compile _coith wead and rail in domestic trade & sea trans: for international trade, = et = | TATA - organization fevmed by Al awiines covey aan tapnl 1945). a! = mene + jeux cargo packed matenal dit woaded divecty +> Aircrart- + |< vip Cunit toed device) + teading 1s done won parie/ conbaines . Congo sweat is one of the majom problems ccith eantal neneed shippieg 1c + ocean tranaport jolassmate |e ited of “rranspook! ot different mode of transport —- ond + + Raod 4 + Rail ov Halles - CEuynpian countries uses tard tronsport manl frequently) layPipetines | “Transportation for pebrolium Ctipuid) and gases be. Cag — Soudi Anebia) \>_ai = Tote B07, oF cargo ts send vith passengers «Ras ave Freal aiveraFt dedicated fer coxge ay vistevs « antand wateways’ + Hough swers and canal , tees, |-cheapest mode of transport - er: Great fakes - bel? Europe and canada “Caspian Sea - bel” dvan to Europe ronsport bel? same country Corursbab Deep sea transport CPtumbst - NYO) Li * Coastal transpat : “y = cabsickge Law + sndian company cat fvansport cago from ere place te other in seme country execgh andia. _ ae i [+ Burope to Faris (via - -eingapo=) — tmpertant sea voate: = Pie est ne i a [a cheapest made of ans pork aa 2 port sequive Fuel to float - Ses — jg itation on size of wees) 0000 J ee - —_—_—— je tne stip. cheaper 1b. ti BS 1 cost oF Fuel is cheap and Lary transport cost sea Pre represents 4e smat percentage of product cost ) ) ) ) ) le) shadules and Frequency = Good. qos of carge Cby WE) V8 camied aoa drough ship: ent unk. sTEY- 26 foot_equival Then gt te mi o_eake_ ok ee SO me LILI 4 lelassmate Ne Preshipmert transport From Faster? te partworehouse = = Discharge of carge on pvt warehouse — = Stackieg oF cargo 1" wwoorehouse: | potion of breaebuiting’ + femedics suggested « -- = Damage to FJ => = Use of pallets = eoheye amatl pores 078 ami Stacked = tace of Hine fratle aso big packel | Ercese Hend = Forklift fax handling purpose: = pilFaxage oF cavgo mat ena. « [wish geodetfeets sith cargo * Mtalcam frtagni same eatth concept oF |S eontainess’, = [container with Fiat sae Fl wit is — Fer CFul container wood? Cone container carries with importer's inad) = [af Le - (Less shan container Lead’) - med ple irnporter's Load [when ip eifuahor FCL exporter /importey con take ‘me whale containers [4p decived location and in iti impsrten/ exporter shouid colaborabe _ with a commen warehouse CCFS)-containes Freight stator. & | Expat Procedure : ~ | Exportes_prepores chipping Bi. and fer making inie custemes equ tne” invei ee.” “and percon dealing eoith erporter & qusyernes ic called "CHA- Custeme House Agent” * /customs Brover(usa) Exporter Camoice) —> CHA —? Customs. js Now EDI galeway ie used to honsfer dam/ doceumenis. = | Exporter creahas “paicning List. nie fy, : corge contains so catlens then contain’ im carton is'pockieglit ~ | uniese can't oS enter CFS unless shipping silt is passed. ~ | eaxgs ic unleaded in crs: 7 = | custome inepects goods and gives permission te giioe ne export gis is called 10 Chae Expat ordes) yhen ex shippin: odes ernplly 20504. jell | fom youd ond ciuFFing happens: classmate | clere pont of chip incide water = + Tu@ : te put and push huge beat. & Types of services 5 aiiner ceviee (like Bus series)? = shipping companies have q shedule of shi pe ond monutoctuver's Looks after ik for hing > Tramp sence Clive ia gevicea) ———— = Manufacturer books on we ships for franspe™ anne gneix goods. Generally hined by Raw rmakerial suppliers urn, Iron ove, Festilizers # seportont Searoules a + Euyope —> USEC (Trans Attanke> + europe 4s > foveast Cvia sigapore > anese ships ge through ‘suez cannal’ «hich ic very Novroes _| be rey created a Bitter Lake” so jhat 2 ships can ress emeh other * | For-East ~» USEC Cyiq panama cannal)- connects padhe & Atlantic ocean. a = Geing trough panamg canne| a ship has te climp BFL ow came ty sft. > Panamax - Ship Sizing cohich cam move through fanama cannel “fost PANAMAX- Ship sizing mere jnan coidth ame el aanne 2 | length of lockgate. : | A srangportin gm . s=sbiping withouk containers Bulk Hansperk = All_ low vatue eommedities ave tanspovted Wrough Bac cong, . cS s packed bub nob in centainers. tego ve | tines shipping -ship comes to preaduertioed post at Regular inteevals __ k€q.Gorments, Tops che |-Break Bulk ~ For coursing shoe tore - use containers Baltic Exchange: (| cherterparty § contvarl bel seonen | soy of shipsing is tram ohprnd | 07. is tines shipping Xo [pur 207 of enorktorce operate on Freight | money paid for dranspentad eaten ae Fael coske currency eychange rales eFAE_ow BAF = SCAR = Cunventy Adjustment factor |r Canal suvcherge Ie Snlaw wick stmcharge oF Insusance surcharge. - Yolage chavier - BARR OONT Freight rate ave ealeasated by volo canal dues Fue) Adzuskm ent foctow ov Bunter Adjustment’ factow \alaeemar®™ | atipping eervices = Tae ae abip ia waned sehen range if auarable fig 1 fond atest ra a pete chovtes . MNS Oey dao cMnnT on 1m of hip and ane whe i€ hi ving sTenmiP and 0% For Hiner abipng. | von | Cay coved by abip Lo which ever ia gventew classmate Lo . mn 18 fot ured with aie tronsport, — As it takes abou) in days to proceas and freight dination is of MOStly Jexe than 24 hur Solulion Fax above » Use OF waptitl = Non-negoHable transport doceumenk (Air watt" BRO Bonk Rdence Order i fore “Ais- worbiil f@ fared te buyer by euler. Buty plays se 177A) ning ammount and asks fer 88.0 + | Like away Bill - fox transaclon through se | sea-woay bit Generally used with same companies- PRG (USA) te PEG Candia) S.HWoce oy Freight formed booking # Seeitly General Suwailiece | exsod ships = less than SP years it Cua toe =a must be registered with dacaifieaton sociely + | switch eft + * [Ten pavkank for Exam: f. Eraperk Aermmedity_ Goad: se = Types oF ships: Break bulk y Dry “balk camer , ea} carries Reefer ship, passanger ship , RORD CAR canter, Mee beakers , cement carver , Lquid bulk / chemical ,yiec , Preoring Buey Coil tanker discharges) 4 ING , Livesinck saymer 104 cartier , Timber canier swhat is nyoce. WTavtif Sawiex & Nort. Teer barver ie Ree oat. chonel) lien nhe. (e J alla |< Gowement Requires ionpost Clewerice dim to gum neaiieve > Ledu Cexpert Overted unit) « [+o Unt yranal praduces unity only am uheriir nk wypor » fay | these units import duty on sawrmaberal is cari ott Gor + L@onded Evcuiauce + ise batding on meen ) twhiich Aipiables gee, Be ved ees ret ad ror puaded cr aden ie, tan) ofmralatia withoiss + Mm oF duty 4 # Ldepawment of commerce | 4 See Pesponeibte. fos:- ober trade and commercial griiny inrluding tanh ty rot len barons! b. #_ LCommence mirishyy « Beall oivector general of ferrign trode ‘ / “ 1 Sonat + Diveclos General af Ant-Dumpirg afd Atied dubise afd Heated pared ee ea _DGET - Expert Seentves | erase eee | Uirectos dentra) oF cormerdal geneva) & siabietee ‘ |: txpert_napection eoureil i [rzndian_ inshtwle of pockogirg. federation of Indian sipost Ongarieahone eC |sFT@OC Indian ‘Tide prometion o1garezabor). “ pa Perret premeton camel: -eege ey . Rules _of RBI: iene a e = canying freign cunerey mare ton Priacs is net aie ed. FE whould secehe grommeurt wittin 5 ig sohich,

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