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Due Date: Sunday, September 20th

Short Story Final Project

To summarize the concepts we have learned in our short story unit, 9th grade will
produce a compilation of 6 short writing assignments. This work must be
original, creative and, most importantly, it must fit the criteria outlined below.
When completing these assignments, you may look to the stories we read this
year for inspiration:
The Dinner Party-Mona Gardner
The Necklace- Guy de Maupassant (Honors)
The Gift of the Magi- O. Henry
Harrison Bergeron- Kurt Vonnegut
The Most Dangerous Game- Richard Connell
The Lottery- Shirley Jackson
The Man from the South- Roald Dahl (Standard)
The Lady, Or the Tiger- Frank R. Stockton

The final project must be handed in at the

beginning of the lesson on Sunday,
September 20th. It must be typed,
correctly formatted, printed and bound
into a book in order to receive full credit. The goal of this assignment is to
showcase what you have learned this past month so give serious thought
to what you are writing.

Assignment #1: Flash Fiction (250 words or less)

This should be a fictitious story about any topic of your choosing, however it must
include character development, a setting, and an entire plot arc in just 250 words. Please
refer back to the work we did on this type of writing and what to avoid.
Assignment #2: In the Style of Kurt Vonnegut
Again, you will write a short story using your own creativity and imagination, while
trying to mimic Kurt Vonneguts writing style. In class we discussed 3 major
characteristics of his style, as well as looked at multiple examples of his writing.
Assignment #3: Irony
In this unit we heavily focused on situational and dramatic irony. Many of our
stories included ironic elements. For this assignment, you will write a short narrative with
an ironic ending. Your story should clearly show that you understand the difference
between irony and a surprising twist.

Project Due Date: Sunday, September 20th

Assignment #4: Figurative Language Poem
To highlight what we have learned about poetry in this unit, you will be writing a
poem, no shorter than 3 stanzas, that includes at least one example of the following:
metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, imagery, idiom, and parallelism. This
poem should have an overarching theme and flow nicely from one line to another.
Assignment #5: The Foil
This story should include a clear foil for your main character. Throughout the
story the foil must interact with the character and have a clear reason for being included
in the plot. The foil must have a major impact on the story or you will not receive full
Assignment #6: Short Review
Through out this unit we have completed multiple reading comprehension
activities. We have learned the nonfiction or media is often used to bestow information
on the reader. Well, It is now your turn to write some nonfiction. You will be writing a
book review of one of the shorts stories we have read. You must showcase a different
writing style and provide the reader with information about the novel. While you should
include your opinion, you must also concentrate on accurately describing the story.

We have more than a week to work on

these assignments and you can ask for
clarification during our class periods. If
you manage your time well, you may even
have some fun!!

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