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EEL207 - Tutorial 9: Resonators

P.1: Two infinitely large parallel conducting plates (Area S ) placed at z = 0 and
z = L act as resonators for fields dependent only on z .
a) Obtain expressions for the eigen-modes and eigen-frequencies of the
b) Assume that the two conductors at z = 0 and z = L are near perfect
conductors with conductivity 1 and 2 . Calculate the average power
(Pav ) dissipated in each mode of the resonator.
c) Calculate the time averaged energy (Eav ) stored in the resonator volume.
d) Calculate the Q-factor of the cavity.
P.2: Consider a dielectric medium of refractive index n1 and thickness d embedded in a background dielectric medium of refractive index n2 , where
n2 < n1 . The dielectric medium of refractive index n1 extends from z = 0
to z = L. A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on the interface at z = 0
from the left.
a) Calculate the transmission coefficient as a function of the frequency
of the incident wave.
b) Plot the transmission coefficient as a function of and identify the
frequencies where the transmission coefficient is minimum. (You may
assume the mediums to be non-magnetic).

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