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1997 elections

Neesha Dadra

Who won?
In 1997, the Labour party won the
elections by gaining 43.2% of the
The liberal democrats had gained
16.8% of the votes and the
conservative party gained 30.7%.
The Labour party gained the majority
and gained victory.

Why did the Labour party

win ?
The labour party won because of the
technique they adopted such as using
billboards, posters and radio broadcasts.
They also used door to door advertisement
where they would knock on doors and talk
about the labour manifestos.
Television advertisements were also
utilised by the labour to gain recognition

Manifesto of the labour

The manifesto of the labour party was that they would collectively try
to tackle crime by finding out the underlying causes, they said they
were going to be tough on the causes of crime as a whole.
On crime, they believed in personal responsibility and in punishing
crime, but also tackling its underlying causes - so, tough on crime,
tough on the causes of crime, different from the Labour approach of
the past and the Tory policy of today.
In education, they rejected both the idea of a return to the 11-plus and
the monolithic comprehensive schools that take no account of
children's differing abilities. Instead they favoured all-in schooling
which identifies the distinct abilities of individual pupils and organises
them in classes to maximise their progress in individual subjects. In
this way they said to modernise the comprehensive principle, learning
from the experience of its 30 years of application.

A majority of newspapers were on
the side of the labour party.

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