Give Me Directions

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By: Jaylan Williams

1st Period

3.2.2Give Me Directions
Text Messaging
1. Hold the phone in your dominant hand
2. Press the button on top of the phone
3. Swipe up in the middle of the screen
4. Click on the icon that is titled messaging on the bottom of the screen
5. Click on the sig n on the bottom left corner with the + sign
6. Tap on the line on top
7. A keyboard will appear, click the sign in the bottom left corner that says ?123
8. Type in your desired number
9. Then tap on the other line that says Type message, the keyboard will appear again
10. Type in your message and remember you dont have to hold down on the letter
11. To send the message, you have to press the arrow to the side of the message
Phone Call

Hold the phone In your dominant hand

Press the button on top of the phone
Swipe up in the middle of the screen
Click on the icon that says Phone
Click on the button on the bottom that says Dial pad
Type on the numbered keyboard, your desired number
Then press the green button that says Call
8. And if the person doesnt answer leave a voicemail after the beep

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