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Recently a family in your neighbourhood was infected with dengue fever.

neighbourhood watch committee decided to launch a dengue Free campaign at
the end of the week to raise awareness among residents of the area. As a
responsible resident, you have decided to give a speech about the dengue fever
during campaign.

A very good morning to ladies and gentlemen. I am Mr. Tan, resident of

Taman Cahaya. I am indeed honored to be given this opportunity to give a
speech to all of you about How to prevent Dengue.
Dengue fever, also known as break bone fever, is a mosquito-borne infection that
causes a severe flu-like illness. It is the most common viral illness around the
world caused by small mosquito. There are about 80 million causes annually
worldwide. The cases of diseases are increasing worldwide. The regions where
get the highest incidence of dengue fever are tropical region and subtropical
There are some symptoms of those who are infected by dengue. An infected
person might have a high chance of developing high fever which continuous for 3
to 7 days. He or she might also has severe headache, join pain, muscle pain,
pain behind eyeballs, feel nausea, vomiting and rash. In very rare cases, the
condition may worsen into dengue fever, leading to internal bleeding, shock, or
even death. Very often, an infected person is admitted into the hospital for
immediate medical treatment.
Many of us are very afraid of this deadly disease. Actually this disease occurred
because of our bad habits of poor maintenances of cleanliness and negligence
on governments warnings. We throw rubbish everywhere we want, let out
environment dirty and many more. This disease is not a mosquitos fault. It is our
fault. So, today I will tell all of you how to prevent this fearful and deadly disease.
As the saying goes, Prevention Is Better than Cure, dengue can be prevented in
your neighbourhood just by following a few simple precautions. On the very top
of the list, make sure that the flower pots in your garden or compound do not
contain stagnant water. You are suggested to change water for vases and
aquatic plants at least once a week, leaving no water under the pots or in the
bottom saucers. Besides, you must clean your water container by scrubbing the
container surfaces thoroughly to prevent mosquito eggs sticking on them. In
addition, any dumped tires should be removing and puncturing to prevent the
accumulations of stagnant water. Dispose of domestic wastes, empty bottles,
cans and lunch boxes property into a covered bin to prevent the accumulation of

stagnant water. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water in just a matter of three

In a nutshell, dengue is a dangerous disease which can rob you of your life but
can be easily prevented by following a few simple steps. I hope that the
information I have shared with everyone today can be a guide to help you all to
save your life from dengue. Thank you very much for your attention.

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