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Gaelscoil an Eiscir Riada

Leabhair Liosta Rang a 1 do 2015-2016

Leabhar sa bhosca seo ar fil ar chos ar 5. Lon an duilln agus cuir an t-airgead sa
chldach litreach iniata roimh an Dardaoin an 18/6/2015
Books in this box can be rented for 5. Complete the form enclosed and put in the envelope
provided with the 5 before Thursday, the 18/6/2015
Finns Dream Core Reading Book 1
The Four Friends Core Reading book 2

Cuirtear litheir Barla agus Gaeilge eile ar fil sa scoil. Dan cinnte go bhfuil siad cldaithe agus go
dtugtar aire ceart dibh le do thoil.
English and Irish readers provided by the school. You are asked to make sure that these are covered and
treated with respect when your child uses them.

Le ceannach ag gach tuismitheoir/All items listed below are to be purchased by parents:

Leabhair Oibre:
Mata Draochta 1 & Scthleabhar 1
Work It Out 1
Ag Obair Liom (Leabhar C)
Fuaimeanna agus Focail- Rang a 2- Folens
Beo Go Deo Workbook
Two Little Frogs Combined Reading and Comprehension Book
Spellbound 1
Peannaireacht: Ag Scrobh Liom C
1 A3 Document wallet
6 Ruled Copybooks 88 page
2 Sum Copies C3
2 Project Copies
2 Document Wallets plastic with pop fastners
2 Plastic Pockets
1 Handwriting Copy B2
Pencil, rubber, sharpener
Crayons/Colouring Pencils
Feadg Stin D

1. Airgead Ealain agus Cardaocht: 30. Le noc leis an minteoir i Men Fmhair amhin.
Art Craft and Insurance money: 30 Please pay to teacher in September only.
2. Dialann Obair Bhaile: 4 le fil n scoil/Purchased from school.


Nl cead maircir/No markers allowed.

N tabhar mla ar rotha/No trolley school bags.
Tosnaonn leabhar ar chos i Rang a 1/Book rental starts in Rang a 1 as junior
classes mainly use workbooks.
Cldaigh leabhar le cldach trdhearcach, scrobh ainm as Gaeilge ar an gcldach, le do
thoil/ Please cover all books with clear contact and write name clearly as Gaeilge on the cover.
Cur ainm ar gach rud ide scoile, ide reatha, bosca loin, mla, coati agus rl
Label all belongings: uniforms, tracksuit, lunchboxes, bag, coat etc.

Leabhair ar chos/Book Rental

Chun Leabhair ar chos a fhil:
Lon an duilln seo agus tabhar ar ais chuig na scoile leis an tille sa chldach litreach
iniata roimh an Dardaoin, an 18/6/2015 leis an tille.
Ba mhaith liom leabhair ar chos Rang a 1 a fhil do mo phiste _______________________
Tabharfaidh m aire mhaith do na leabhair agus cldidh m iad. Ceannidh m cuid nua m t damiste
Tille do 5
Dan teangbhil le Donna N Mhirtn muna bhfuil t in ann oc roimh an data dnta.

To avail of Book Rental :

Please complete this form and return to the school before the Thursday, the 18/6/2015
with the 5 fee in the envelope provided.
I would like to rent 1st class books for my child _____________________________
I agree to take good care of the books provided and will cover them. If lost or damaged I will replace them.
Fee for book rental is 5.
Please contact Donna N Mhirtn if you are not in a position to pay before the deadline.
Sini/Signed __________________________________________________
Le bheith lonta agus seolta ar ais chuig an scoil sa cldach litreach iniata roimh an Dardaoin, an
18 l de Mheitheamh 2015.
To be completed and returned to the school in the envelope provided before Thursday, the 18th of June
T/Nl an tille initia
Fee is/is not included

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