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The HERO in

me GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan


-The Hero in Me-



GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-



Course Name:

Course Code:

Department Date Stamp

Advertising Professional Practice 1


Assignment Title:

Assignment Due Date:

Strategic Plan

14 July 2015

Academics Name:

Date of this Submission:

Timothy Costigan

14 July 2015

(For Office use only)

Family Name:

Given Names:
Thuy Linh
Hoang Anh
Huyen Mi Mi
Thu Huyen
Truong Giang
Anh Son

Student Number:


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GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

Student Signature(s)
I/we declare that I/we have read and understood the declaration and statement of authorship.

1)Tran Thuy Linh

4)Pham Thu Huyen

2)Nguyen Hoang Anh

5)Nguyen Truong Giang

3)Tran Huyen Mi Mi

8)Nguyen Anh Son

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GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

I. Campaign background.....................................................4

II. Strategic communication challenge....................................4

III. Key insights..................................................................5

IV. Objectives....................................................................6

V. Target audiences.............................................................6
1) Primary target audience.............................................6
2) Secondary target audience:.......................................6
VI. Advertising concept.......................................................7

VII. Proposition...................................................................7

VIII. Key visual....................................................................8

IX. Media strategy..............................................................9


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

X. Reference....................................................................12


Campaign background

In average, human blood volume often runs between 4.7 and 5 liters and accounts for
approximately 7% of body weight, which plays a necessary role in maintaining lives and
patients treatment (Cameron, Skofronick, Grant 1999). Every hour, there are hundreds of









gastrointestinal bleeding or other needed surgeries. Specifically, in Vietnam, each year our
country needs approximately 1,800,000 units of blood for treatment, and currently can
respond for 54% the demand for treating with blood needed (nihbt n.d.). Understanding that
importance, the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion in Hanoi has
organized and provide various programs to encourage more people to donate an allowed
quantity of blood to save millions of people who in need.
Referring to the official website and Facebook page the Blood Transfusion Central, from the
end of June 2015, the number of blood group A and group O has fallen into a shortage, in
which there is only about 5000 units of blood left in the blood bank. However, in order to meet
the demand for treatment each day served for the emergency, the Institute of Hematology and
Blood Transfusion Central has to supply at least 1200 1500 units of blood needed for more
than 120 hospitals in Hanoi area (VNS 2015) This issue has led to a situation that the blood
bank only can provide just enough for more three days, and thousands of patients who need
blood group A and group 0 will have to wait with only hopes. Therefore, in terms of raising
awareness of young people


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan


-The Hero in Me-

Strategic communication challenge

In Vietnam, the task of asking people to donate their blood often faces many challenges; most
of them come from the viewpoints of the Vietnamese. These viewpoints have direct effects on
the behavior, attitude of people on donating blood. The first difficulty that prevents the number
of donor from increasing is their knowledge and attitude about blood donation. WHO and
NIHBT have pointed out in their Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) study that the
percentage of people who have the knowledge in donating blood is low at 22.8%. It means
that not a lot of people know about blood donation procedure, what benefits can it bring to
them and the society. To be more specific, WHO has shown that 76% people think that giving
blood will harm their health, thus it leads to their familys objection (17.3%). Not only so, there
are 6.7% people think that donating blood is a job to earn money. The second challenge that
the campaign will have to overcome is the increasing number of people who request paid
donation. A lot of people want to get some money after giving their blood and they only give
blood if they are paid. Sadly, the number of these people is increasing even when the living
standard of Vietnam has raised significantly (NIHBT). Another challenge is the increase in the
number of people has blood transmitted diseases such as HCV, Syphilis, HBV, Malaria and
even HIV/AIDS (WHO, 2007). There are 5.6% people have positive test result on HBV, 0.8%
on HCV and 0.26% on Syphilis. These numbers are not exactly high but it is increasing so it
will lower the number of donors. Another challenge to the campaign is Vietnam is now lacking
people who work as blood donation recruiter. In other word, not only blood is running out, the
number of people working on the recruiter team is also decreasing.


Key insights

There are not so many blood donation campaigns in Vietnam, most of them come from the
Red Cross organisation. In previous campaigns, majority of the campaign themes- always
concentrated on the importance of blood donation to the society with a serious tone of voice.
However, they did not seem to be very attractive to the young people for it did not provide
anything to hook them and make them feel interested.
Previously, in the campaign, the runner did not effectively apply viral media to achieve good
results. Most of the campaigns like Nhung giot mau hong or Hanh tinh do generated very

GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

small number of online articles. They did not make it go viral. Not only so, the articles were
published in less well-known websites so it did not attract much peoples attention.
Our campaign will use the theme closely related to young people in order to attract their
attention and we will also use Social media as primary channels to effectively reach our



- To raise awareness of 80% of the target public in terms of the need of 2 types of blood ( O
and A ) in Vietnam in the first 3 months of the campaign.
- To gain 80% of the target public feel positive about blood donation (by measuring the
number of video's view, comment and like via YouTube, facebook and weebly) at the end of
the campaign.
- To achieve 65% of the target public actually go to hospital and donate their blood at the end
of the campaign.


Target audiences

1) Primary target audience

Our primary target audience for this campaign will be university students of both genders, 1924 years old who are studying in several universities in Hanoi. They are mostly from middle to
high income families. The homogeneity of this target is that they are responsible and how
care and concern about society and other people. This audience make up of about 11,05% of
Hanoi's population (Ministry of education and training, 2012). Being a young and dynamic
generation, they may have influence on other people because they can spread out message
quickly through online media channels or by words of mouth. This target audience can be
reached through social media sites, bulletin board, poster or face to face communication.


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

2) Secondary target audience:

Our secondary target audience will be the university staffs. They are teachers from 30-55
years old, both male and female, who works in several universities. They have middle to high
income. People of this audience are middle age adults, hence they care a lot about society
and public health. This target is quite important as they have huge influence on the primary
target public (university students). They are people who inspire the other group. They can be
reached through staff meeting, face-to-face communication, Intranet or e-mail.


Advertising concept

The through-out concept in this campaign revolves around the metaphor of a hero hidden in
anyone to convey the idea that any normal person can save multiple lives just by the simple
action of donating blood. The tagline that we will be using is The hero in me, we try to
inspire people that everyone possess the power of sharing, and this power alone is much
more realistic and valuable than being able to fly of using thunder. By using the superhero
images, we connect with our target audience as these images are hugely popular and they
will be able to conceive the idea faster. The chosen audience is young and very familiar with
these heroes since childhood. In addition almost all young people have the desire to be like
their favorite heroes, which revolves around the idea of justice and saving people, hence we
believe this concept will gain positive results in raising awareness especially from an
audience like university students.



Primary target audience: You can be a hero by donating blood to save others life

Secondary target audience: One unit of blood can save up to 3 lives, The more people
you inform to, the more lives that you are saving.

Umbrella message: Blood donation not only good for you but also good for society

GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan


-The Hero in Me-

Key visual

Based on the advertising concept, the key visual of this campaign is the primary color of red.
This color represents blood and hero, for almost every hero use red color in their
costumes... Our print ads will feature different young people wearing super hero outfits,and
these people are simply normal citizens who have donated blood before. Some posters will
feature their face half covered with super heroes masks, indicating that under the masks of
people so extraordinary are just normal people. It delivers the core idea that by donating
blood, normal people can save lives just like super heroes do in movies. In addition,
inspirational quotes from such people will also be used in our ads to stimulate audiences
feelings towards the campaign, from then achieving better results.
The concept about hero in donating blood has been used (Figure 1) and this campaign will
make this concept become more relevant to Vietnamese in order to attract the participants.


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

Figure 1:
Example of
key visual


To reach viral attention, we create a video named The hero in me" which using the metaphor
of a hero hidden in anyone to convey the idea that any normal person can save multiple lives
just by donating blood. The hero image will inspire audiences strongly through reaching their
emotions and delivering the message. The video will be published on Youtube and delivered
through Facebook as well. In addition, the video would help to reach attention of media
coverage; that probably expand our campaign broadly.

1. Youtube channel:
A Youtube channel named The Hero in Me will be created and promoted through several
social networks. This channel will contain videos like general information about blood


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

donation process, a serie of interviews with experts and previous donors regarding the theme
The Hero in Me.
2. Facebook page
This official Facebook page will feature Information about the campaign in order to reach the
audience in any time. Facebook is an extremely effective platform to attract publics attention
and generate viral contents, due to Facebook being the number one social media network in
Vietnam especially among young people. Information will be promptly updated in this channel
and audience will be able to access it instantly using mobile phone.
3. Mobile app:
This app provides users the location of the nearest blood donation center, small games and
quizzes regarding blood donation. Furthermore, this app enable users to invite their friends to
download it; as a result, the more people are aware of the app, the more people are aware of
our campaign, and possibly they would be interested in the campaign. In addition, people who
installed the app will receive a code which they can bring to the workshop and receive prizes.
To make an app be more interested, the app pluses a feature that allows users to shape their
face into hero's frame. This feature is only for fun; but it probably attract more people to
download this app.
4. Media kit:
A free website via wordpress or weebly to update information including the knowledge and
purpose of donating blood; and about the campaign as well. The website will address the
challenges that is lacking information about donating blood among audiences. Moreover, we
will impress them that donating blood is not only helping society; it is also good for donor's
health. Furthermore, the blood donation center list in Hanoi will be introduced in the media kit.
5. Printed Media:
Posters will be sticked around various universities bulletin boards, gyms, outside lecture
halls,... as well as in other places like dormitories, bus stops. Print brochures with attached

GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

tickets to the workshop will also be handed out in selected days. Other print ads that we will
be using are bus stops advertising and on bus advertising, in which we focus on the primary
bus lines near major universities.

Guerilla Advertising:

Recruiters will wear red cape/dress up as some superheroes and walk around to attract
publics attention and giving out brochures, as well as providing information about the
showcase and the website.
7. Workshop:
The workshops aim to address the challenge of lacking knowledge among audiences. This
workshops are held to bring information and correct target audiences misunderstanding
about blood donation. The workshop is also a tool to evaluate participation rate and audience
awareness by asking audience to do survey. Some activities that we will be doing in the
workshop including tutor classes about blood donation campaign, game/challenge activities,...
8. Helpline center:
A helpline will be set up to provide information about blood donation as well as about this
campaign. It is also a tool to measure the effectiveness of the campaign by analyzing the
number of people who shows concerns in donating blood.

9. Flow chart


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

Word count: 2031












Cameron, John R Skofronick, James G & Grant Roderick M 1999, Physics of the Body,
Second Edition. Madision, WI: Medical Physics Publishing, 1999:182
VNS 2015, Institute appeals for blood donations, Vietnamnet, viewed 6 July 2015, < >


GRAP2506 | Strategic Plan

-The Hero in Me-

National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion n.d., Quyen loi va che do doi voi
nguoi hien mau tinh nguyen, nihbt, viewed 6 July 2015, < >


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