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The Stewart Chronicles: September

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the
stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1
We live in a dark world filled with brokenness, injustice, oppression, temptation,
suffering, and death. This is quite clear in America, in the Netherlands, and as
evident in the international news, throughout the whole world. God's light shines in
this darkness, drives it back, and produces life, peace, and hope. We, as
Christians, are bearers of this light and heralds of God's future mended world. God
is the stronghold and strength of our lives in the midst of our present weakness
and vulnerability. May you truly come to know and experience God as the
stronghold of your life. He is our only hope and he will not fail.

Summer Activity
We hope you have had a restful summer. This summer we have been quite busy with
ministry in local churches. Alex has preached 9 times at 5 different churches since May.
During the other Sundays Jenny was working with the children in our home church in
Amstelveen. Several of the churches we have been helping are in need of pastors so please
continue to pray for the leadership of Gods people in the Netherlands.

Tyndale is quieter during the summer months but we do have summer students, both
returning and new. Alex spent a good bit of time this summer fulfilling his responsibilities
as academic dean. As part of this responsibility we are increasing our efforts to train local
full-time or bi-vocational pastors by offering 2 night classes in Rotterdam (a large city
about an hour south of Amsterdam) and 3 night classes on campus near Amsterdam. These
night classes meet a strategic need. There are over 150 migrant churches in Rotterdam and
over 200 migrant churches in the greater Amsterdam area; many of these pastors
desperately want and need further training in Scripture but are not able to study full-time.
Not all immigrants to Europe are Muslim and Christian immigrants could be the key God
uses to bring the Gospel back to Europe. Please join us in prayer for these migrant
churches and pastors.

We visited several
museums this summer!
This was taken at the
Naturalis Biodiversity
Museum in Leiden.

Home Visit
We will be visiting the U.S. this winter between semesters
to reconnect with supporters, churches, and family.
The plan at this point is to be in CT from Dec .16-Jan. 15
and in NC/SC from Jan. 16-Feb. 16. We hope to see you
when we are in your area!
Homeschooling Need
We are in need of a laptop to aid with homeschooling and
were wondering if any of our supporters might
have one sitting around gathering dust. It would need to
have basic typing and internet functionality and be able to
run various educational software programs. If you have a
used laptop looking for a good home let us know and we
can arrange with you to pick it up when we are in the U.S.
this winter.
Tonight (Sept. 11) we will be celebrating the start of our
new academic year with convocation (starting at 7:30 PM
our time). This is a time of dedication and prayer and for
the first time we will be live-streaming the event to
include supporters of Tyndale, family, and friends. If you
are free, join us with this link at 1:30
EST: This is
our first attempt at live-streaming an event so hopefully
we can iron out any IT issues which might arise. We
also hope to live-stream future school events.
Blessings in Christ,
Alex, Jenny, Elijah, Benjamin, Paul, Micah, and Charis
If you are interested in partnering with us financially please shoot us an email at or check out the instructions on our blog.

Our vision is to
advance Gods
global mission by
training Christian
leaders who will
train others in
fulfillment of 2
Timothy 2:2.
"And the things you
have heard me say
in the presence of
many witnesses
entrust to reliable
people who will also
be qualified to teach
others" (2 Timothy

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