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Diagram 3.1 shows the meniscus of mercury in a measuring cylinder.

A, B and C are three eye positions while measuring the volume of the

Diagram 1 shows the process of determining the diameter of a ball

bearing using a metre rule. Five identical ball bearings were placed
side by side to measure the total length of their diameters.


What is the sensitivity of the metre rule?

[1 mark]
Based on Diagram 1;
What is the total length of the diameters of the
five ball bearings?
[1 mark]
What is the diameter of one ball bearing?

Diagram 3.1




[1 mark]
Name another instrument which has higher sensitivity.


Diagram 2 shows a micrometer screw gauge used to measures a
diameter of an object.

State the sensitivity of that measuring cylinder.

[1 mark]
From the diagram, which position of the eye is
correct whilst taking the reading?
[1 mark]
What is the volume of the mercury?

[1 mark]
Use a ruler to draw the meniscus if 32 cm3 if the water is
poured in the empty measuring cylinder in Diagram 3.2,
[1 mark]

Diagram 4.1 shows an electrical measuring instrument.

Diagram 4.1

Diagram 1


Diagram 3.2


Underline the correct answer in the bracket to complete the

sentence below.
The labeled X in Diagram 1 is known as (Timble, Racet)
[1 mark]
What is the function of X?

[1 mark]
The micrometer screw gauge has the zero error of - 0.02
mm.Determine the diameter of the object.



[2 marks]

What is the physical quantity measured

by this instrument?
[1 mark]
Name the error found on this instrument.
[1 mark]


Diagram 4.2 shows two instruments, X and Y, that can be

used to measure the thickness of a wire.



Name the type of error produced in Diagram 5.1

[1 mark]
What is the value of error in Diagram 5.1
[1 mark]
What is the actual reading of the physical quantity
measured in Diagram 5.2?
[1 mark]

Diagram 6 shows a measuring instrument that can be found in a

physics laboratory.
Diagram 4.2


Which instrument is more suitable to measure the

thickness of the wire?
[1 mark]
State one reason for your answer in 1(b)(i).
[1 mark]





Diagram 5.1 shows the reading of a measuring instrument

when there is no object on it.
Diagram 5.2 shows the reading of the measuring instrument when an
object is placed on it.

Diagram 10
Name a physical quantity measured by the measuring
instrument in Diagram 6.
[ 1 mark ]
State the S.I. unit of the physical quantity mentioned in (a).
[ 1 mark ]
Complete the sentence below by ticking ( ) the correct
The type of connection for the measuring instrument in
Diagram 6 in an electrical circuit is
[ 1 mark ]


What is the function of the mirror in the measuring

instrument in Diagram 5 ?
[ 1 mark ]


Diagram 5.1
Diagram 7 shows an ammeter with a double scale meter .

Diagram 5.2


Name the physics quantity that can be measured by the

measuring instrument in Diagram 5.1.
[1 mark]

Diagram 7
State the type of current measured by the ammeter.
[1 mark]
On Diagram 7, mark X on the zero-error adjustment
knob .
1 mark]



Determine the reading on the scale shown by the ammeter

in Diagram 7
[1 mark]
What happen to the deflection of the pointer when the
reading of the ammeter increases ?
[1 mark]


Diagram 9.2 shows the reading of the vernier calipers when

the jaws is closed.

Diagram 8.1 shows a micrometer screw gauge.

Diagram 9.2
Based on Diagram 9.2 :

Diagram 8.1

Name the scale at the part of X.

[1 mark]
Diagram 8.2 shows the scale of a micrometer screw
gauge when the anvil and spindle are closed.
Diagram 8.3 shows the scale of the micrometer screw
gauge when it is measuring the thickness of a piece
of glass.

Diagram 8.2



Diagram 10 shows a scale of a thermometer.

Diagram 8.3

Based on Diagram 8.2

give the name of error has shown by micrometer
screw gauge.
[1 mark]
What is the value of error?
[1 mark]
State the thickness of the glass.
[1 mark]

Diagram 10


Diagram 9.1 shows a vernier calipers.


Diagram 9.1

Name the type of error occur.

[1 mark]
State the value of the error
[1 mark]

Name the part labeled X.

[1 mark]
State the function of X.

[1 mark]

Name physical quantity measured by thermometer.

[ 1mark ]
What is the value of the smallest division on the scale?
[ 1mark ]
What is the reading of the instrument in degree Celsius?
[ 1mark ]
Name a suitable liquid to be used in the thermometer.
[ 1mark ]
Diagram 11.1 shows a stopwatch after it has been reset.
Diagram 11.2 shows the reading of the stopwatch after it was
used to measure the time taken for 20 oscillations of a simple

Diagram 12



What is the reading of the thermometer?

[1 mark]
Which of the correct position of the eyes, P, Q or R,
while taking the reading of the thermometer? Give
your reason.

.[2 marks]
State the physics concept involved while taking
human body temperature by using the thermometer.

KEDAH 2013
Diagram 13.1 shows the vernier calipers which is used to
measure the internal diameter, d, and the thickness, l, of the
mug in Diagram 13.2.

Diagram 11.1

Diagram 13.1

Diagram 13.2
Table 13 shows the measurements obtained.
Quantity measured
Internal diameter, d
7.25 cm
Thickness, l
0.75 cm
Table 13
What is the sensitivity of the vernier calipers? /
[1 mark]
Match the quantities measured with the parts of
the vernier calipers that are used to measure the

Diagram 11.2




Name the type of error found on the stopwatch in

Diagram 11.1.
[1 mark]
(i) What is the actual time taken for 20 oscillations of
the simple pendulum?
[1 mark]
(ii) Calculate the period of oscillation of the simple
[2 marks]
What will happen to the period of oscillation if the length
of the simple pendulum is increased?
[1 mark]
Diagram 12 shows a mercury thermometer.


[2 marks]
Name one measuring instrument that is more
sensitive than the vernier calipers.
[1 mark


Diagram 1.1 shows a motorcycle driven by a snatch thief
overtaking a police car at 4.00 p.m. The police car pursued
the motorcycle.
Graph from Diagram 1.2 shows velocity against time graph
for both vehicles.

Name the Physics principle that is involved

in the above hunting.
[1 mark]
Diagram 3.1 and 3.2 show two watermelons fall off a table
and drop on to surface A and surface B respectively.

Diagram 3.1
Diagram 3.2
(a) What is meant by impulse?
[1 mark]
(b) With reference to Diagram 3.1 and Diagram
(i) Compare the force on the watermelons
that strike on Surface A and Surface B.
[1 mark]
(ii) Compare the time of impact of the
watermelons on Surface A and Surface B.
[1 mark]
(iii) State the relationship between the force
produced in a collision and the time of
[1 mark]
(c) Mark with a ( ) for the correct statement about the
change of momentum of the watermelons in both
situations above.

Diagram 1.1

Diagram 1.2

Based on the graph in Diagram 1.2, state the type

of motion for,
(i) Motorcycle
[1 mark]
(ii) Police car
[1 mark]
(i) What is the net force acting on the
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in
[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 2.1 shows a cheetah chasing a deer in a wild
world. Given that the mass and velocity of the cheetah and
the deer are 60 kg , 20 m s-1 and 70 kg , 15 m s-1
Diagram 2.2 shows the cheetah successfully landed its
jaws on the deer and both of them are moving with a same
velocity of v m s-1.




The change of momentum of the watermelon in

Diagram 3.1 is greater than that of the
watermelon in Diagram 3.2.
The change of momentum of the watermelon in
Diagram 3.2 is greater than that of the
watermelon in Diagram 3.1.
The change of momentum of the watermelon in
Diagram 3.1 is equal to that of the watermelon in
Diagram 3.2.
[1 mark]
(d) Suggest a suitable material for surface
[1 mark]

Diagram 2.1
Diagram 2.2
Name a physics quantity that relates the mass and
[1 mark]
State the type of energy that is possessed by the
running cheetah.
[1 mark]
Calculate the final velocity of the cheetah and the
[2 marks]

Diagram 3.3
By referring to the Diagram 3.3, explain how the
driver is able to avoid serious injuries when the car
stopped suddenly.

[2 marks]


in the elastic rubber ?

Diagram 4.1 shows the car moving along a road PQRS.

Diagram 4.2 shows how the speed of the car varies with
time as the car moves from P to S.

[ 2 marks ]
(ii) what is the velocity of the stone.

Diagram 9.1

Diagram 9.2

[2 marks ]
Diagram 6 shows the graph of velocity against time for the
motion of a car.


Based on the graph in Diagram 9.2 describe the

motion of the car from


P to Q

[1 mark]
Q to R
[1 mark]
Calculate the acceleration of the car from R to S.


[ 2 marks ]
(c) Calculate the distance travelled by the car from
R to S

[1 mark]
(ii) the area under the graph.
[1 mark]
Complete the table below.
Section of the
Type of motion of the car
[ 2 Marks]


Diagram 7.1 shows a pendulum bob of mass 0.6 kg is
hung on the ceiling.

[ 2 marks ]

Diagram 6
State the physical quantity represented
(i) the gradient of the graph.


Diagram 5 shows a boy extending the elastic rubber of a

Diagram 7.1


Diagram 5



State the change of energy when the stone is

released from the catapult.

[1 mark ]
What happens to the distance of movement of the
stone when a bigger mass of stone is used ?

In the Diagram 7.1, mark the direction and

label the forces acting on the thread and the
pendulum bob with label P and Q.
[2 marks]
The thread is pulled sideway by a force F , so
that the thread makes an angle of 300 with the
vertical line as shown in Diagram 7.2

[1 mark ]
The mass of the stone used is 0.02 kg. When the
elastic rubber is extended 0.2 m by a force of
10 N,
Diagram 7.2
(i) calculate the stored potential energy


In the space below, draw the triangleof

forces to show the three forces P , Q
and F are in equilibrium.

[2 marks]

[1 mark]
How many images will be produced in 2 s?

[1 mark]
Diagram 9.2 shows the photo picture of a moving ping
pong ball taken by a mechanical stroboscope which has
two slits and rotate with 5 rotation per second


Calculate the force F

[2 marks]


Diagram 8 shows a man riding a motorbike along a
level road.



Diagram 9.2
What is the time interval between two adjacent

[1 mark]
Find the average speed for the motion

[1 mark]
If the number of slit of the stroboscope is
increase, what will happen to the distance
between the images
[1 mark]


Diagram 8
The total force acting downwards is 3000 N. The
normal reaction acting on the front tyre is 1200 N
while the total resistive force is 550 N.
Calculate the normal reaction acting on the rear


Diagram 10.1and Diagram 10.2 show a weightlifter is

making trial to determine the suitable method to lift a
load of mass 60 kg for longer time.

[2 marks]

At a point in its motion, the motorbike is

moving at a constant speed.
(i) What is the forward force, F?

[1 mark]
(ii) Explain your answer in (b) (i)


[1 mark]
If the motorbike is accelerating at 2 ms -2 from velocity of
30 ms-1 ,
what is its velocity after 5 seconds?

Diagram 10,1

What is meant by equilibrium state?

[2 marks]


What is the weight of the load?

[1 mark]

(d) The motorbike suddenly run over a stone

Why is the man thrown off ?
[1 mark]
The man suffers less injury to his head with his
helmet on. Explain why.

[1 mark]

[2 marks]

In the space below, draw the triangle of forces to determine

the value of T1


Calculate the tension T2 in Diagram 10.2

[ 3 marks ]

(a) Diagram 9.1 shows a photo picture of a

stroboscope for a motion of an air puck. The
stroboscope is set to give 20 flashes per second.



Diagram 10.2

[2 marks]
what is the distance travelled in that period of

Diagram 9.1
Explain the motion of the air puck

[2 marks]
Based on the answer in (c ) and (d), state the suitable way
to lift the load for a long time. Give one reason for your
[2 marks]


Diagram 8 shows a box a box of mass 43 kg on a
ramp with 200 slope with horizontal. Frictional force
exerted between the box with the ramp is 147 N.


Diagram 10.1.1 shows a spring is compressed by a steel
ball using a force F1 N.
Diagram 10.1.2 shows the distance traveled by the steel
ball 2 seconds after the force, F1 is released.

Diagram 8


What is meant by frictional force?


[ 1 mark ]
(i) Calculate the weight of the box ,W.

Diagram 10.1.1

Diagram 10.2.1 shows the same spring is compress by the

same steel ball using a force F2 N.
Diagram 10.2.2 shows the distance traveled by the steel
ball 2 seconds after the force, F2 is released.

[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Calculate the resultant force parallel
to the ramp.


[ 2 marks ]
Based on your answer in (b) explain what
happens to the motion of the box?
[ 2 marks]

Diagram 10.2.1


Diagram 9 shows a mass of 0.8 kg T-shirt is hung
on a clothes line.


Diagram 9


Diagram 10.1.2

What is the base unit of the force?

[ 1 mark ]
Mark and label in Diagram 9.
the tension force of the string, T, acts
on the clothes line when the T-shirt is
the weight of the T-shirt, W.
[ 2 marks ]
Using the concept of forces in equilibrium,
calculate the tension force, T.



Name the type of energy possess by the spring

when it is being compressed.

[1 mark]
Observe Diagram 10.1.1 and Diagram 10.2.1.
Compare the compression force F1 and

[1 mark]
Compare the compressions distance of
the spring
[1 mark]
Observe Diagram 10.1.2 and Diagram 10.2.2
Compare the velocity of the steel ball
at time, t = 2s
[1 mark]
Compare the kinetic energy of the steel
[1 mark]
Based on the answers in (b) and (c), state the
relationship between the elastic potential energy
of the spring and the kinetic energy of the steel
[1 mark]
Based on Diagram 10.1.1,
what happens to the kinetic energy of
steel ball when the spring is replaced
by a thicker spring but other physical
properties are the same.

[1 mark]

[ 2 marks ]

Diagram 10.2.2

Give one reason for the answer in (e)


[1 mark]

Table 11
Based on Table 11 state the suitable characteristics of the
spring so that it can be used to make a cradle oscillates at
suitable frequency.
Give reason for suitability of the characteristics;


Diagram 11.1 shows the graph of force against extension
for three springs P, Q and R.


Extension of spring






Elastic limit


[2 marks]

[ 2 marks ]


Diagram 11.1




A law states that the extension of a

spring is directly proportional to the
force applied if the elastic limit of the
spring is not exceeded.
Name this law.
[1 mark]
On the graph in Diagram 11.1, mark ' X
at the elastic limit for each spring..
The spring stores energy when it is extended.
Calculate the energy stored in spring R when its
extension is 8.0 cm.

[ 2 marks ]
Determine the most suitable spring that
can be used to make cradle.
[ 1 mark ]


Diagram 12 shows a mother pushing a baby stroller of
mass 8 kg with a constant force 20 N.

Diagram 12

[3 marks]
Diagram 11.2 shows the baby sleeping in
the cradle.


What is meant by force?

[ 1 mark ]
Based on Diagram 12,
Tick () the direction of component
force F, that causes the baby stroller to
move forward.
Direction of force

Diagram 11.2
Table 11 shows the characteristics of three types
of spring K,L and M.


/ kg m-3


limit/ N

[ 1 mark ]
The force acting on the stroller is 40o
from the horizontal surface.
Calculate the value of the force ,F in

[ 2 marks ]
Complete the following sentence by underlining
the correct word.
When the object moves on the rough surface, the
net force acting on the acting on the object

(increases .decreases ,remains unchanged )

[ 1mark ]

[1 mark]


Diagram 13.1 shows a boy kicking an inflated ball until the
ball stops at A.
Diagram 13.2 shows the boy kicks a deflated ball with the
same impulse and the ball stops at B.





[2 marks]
Calculate the velocity of the stone just before it
touches the ground.


Diagram 15 shows a velocity against time graph for a

Diagram 13.1


Calculate the time taken by the stone to reach the


Diagram 13.2
What is the meaning of impulse
[ 1 mark ]
Compare the distances travelled by the
balls in Diagram 13.1 and Diagram
[ 1 mark ]
State one reason for the observation in
(b) (i).
[ 1 mark]
State one suggestion to increase the distance, OB
in Diagram 13.2 . Explain your answer.
[ 2 marks ]

Diagram 15

Tick () the correct answer in the box below.

Velocity can be defined as
Rate of change of distance
Rate of change of displacement
[ 1 mark ]



Based on Diagram 15,


Diagram 4 shows a stone experiencing free fall after being

dropped from a stationary hot air balloon at a height of 20
m above the ground..


What type of motion during the first 10

[ 1 mark ]
Mark with P, a region of deceleration
[ 1 mark ]



State other physical quantity that can be derived

from the graph.
[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 16 shows a hot air balloon floating stationary
in air. Two forces involved are weight and upthrust.

Diagram 4

What is meant by free fall ?


Diagram 16


What is the meaning of weight ?

[1 mark]
Using the forces in Diagram 16 explain
why the balloon floating stationary in
[2 marks]
The weight of the balloon is 2000 N and
the upthrust is 3200 N.
Calculate the acceleration of the



[2 marks]

Diagram 18
What is the meaning of velocity?
[1 mark]
State the type of motion of the object
between points T and U.
[1 mark]
the displacement by the object in
the first 30 s.



[2 marks]
the displacement by the object between
30 s and 40 s

Diagram 17 shows the speed limit and the load

limit written on heavy vehicles.
[2 marks]


Diagram 17
Underline the correct answer in the bracket to
complete the sentence below.

[2 marks]

Speed limit is the (maximum, minimum) speed

allowed for the vehicle.

Calculate the average velocity of an

object from S to W.

Diagram 19.1.1 and 19.2.1 show two trolleys of different
masses are placed on surface of identical table before
pulled by a slotted mass through a smooth identical pulley.
The mass of the slotted weight which pulled both trolleys
are same.
trolleys after released simultaneously

The speed of the vehicle is written as 90 km/h.

State the speed in SI unit.
Show your working in the space below.
[2 marks]


Calculate the momentum of the vehicle

when it moves at the maximum speed
of 90 km/h with load of 3000 kg.
[2 marks]



Diagram 19.1.1

Diagram 18 shows an object moves from S to

W with different velocity in 40 seconds.


Diagram 19.1.2

[2 marks]

Diagram 19.2.1
Diagram 19.2.2
What is the meaning of mass?
[1 mark]
Using Diagram 19.1 and Diagram 19.2
compare the mass of the trolleys
[1 mark]
compare distance travel by the trolleys
[1 mark]
compare acceleration of the
[1 mark]
What causes the trolleys move?
[1 mark]
Based on your answer in (b), completes
the following sentence:
The larger the , the
smaller the.. , provided
the . kept constant.
[1 mark]
The mass of the slotted weight is 4 kg and the
mass of trolley in Diagram 5.1 is 2.5 kg.



Determine the resultant force in

Diagram 20.
[1 mark]
Calculate the tension of the strings, T
that act on the mirror

[2 marks]
The string can withstand a maximum
force of 13 N. Based on your answer in
(d) (ii).
What is going to happen to the string?
[1 mark]
Suggest one modification to be made
so that the string can withstand a larger
maximum force.
[2 marks]




Diagram 21.1 shows a worker pushing a concrete roller
along a field with a force of 250N and then pulls roller
with the same force as shown in Diagram 21.2.

[2 marks]

Diagram 20 shows a 2 kg mirror is hung on a wall using
strings of the same length. The mirror is in equilibrium

Diagram 21.1

Diagram 21.2


State the physics concept used in both



Based on Diagram 21.1 and 21.2,,

[1 mark]
Diagram 20


What is the meaning of force in equilibrium

[1 mark]
In Diagram 20, label the force that act on the
[1 mark]
Draw a diagram of a triangle of forces based on
the Diagram 20.




mark and label the horizontal

component of force and the
vertical component of force on the
concrete roller in Diagram 21.1 and
Diagram 21.2,
[4 marks]
calculate the vertical component of
force in Diagram 21.1.
[2 marks]
state the function of the vertical
component of force.


[1 mark]
Compare the method used in Diagram 21.1 and
Diagram 21.2. Which of the methods will
be more effective to press the soil on
the ground?
[2 marks]
JOHOR 2012

Diagram 23 shows a catapult with two elastic cords

which is used to shoot out a stone.
When the elastic cords are pulled with a force of 12 N, the
extension of each elastic cord is 0.2 m.

Diagram 4 shows an astronaut of mass 90 kg moves with a

velocity of 6 ms-1 and bumps into a stationary astronaut of
mass 100 kg.
Diagram 23

Diagram 22
What is the type of collision involved? Explain
the principle of conservation of momentum.
[ 2 marks]
State whether the kinetic energy is conserved or
not. Why?
[ 2 marks]
How fast will the two astronauts move together
after collision?
[ 2 marks]
SBP 2013



Calculate the work done to stretch the two elastic

[2 marks]


The elastic cords are then released from the

State the conversion of energy that
[1 mark]
The mass of the stone is 0.012 kg.
Calculate the velocity of the stone as it
leaves the catapult.

[2 marks]
Diagram 23.1 and Diagram 23.2 show two springs, M and N
which has different thickness. Both springs are made from the
same material and pushed by balls of equal mass until the same
length. When the forces exerted is removed, the balls move
upwards caused by elasticity of material of the springs.

Diagram 23.1
Diagram 23.2
What is meaning of elasticity of a material?
[1 mark]
(b) Using Diagram 23.1 and Diagram 23.2, compare
(i) the thickness of the spring M and N,
[1 mark]
the distance bounced of the balls,
[1 mark]
(iii) the elastic potential energy stored by spring M and

[ 2 marks ]
the acceleration of the load
[ 2 marks ]



Diagram 22
What is meant by work?
[ 1 mark ]
the work done by the worker


Name the form of energy stored in the extended

elastic cords.

[1 mark]


Diagram 22 shows a worker lifting a load of mass 10 kg

using a smooth pulley system. The worker applies a force
of 110 N to pull up the load at a distance of 0.5 m.



KEDAH 2013





[1 mark]
Relate the elastic potential energy of the spring to the
distance bounced of the ball,
[1 mark]
the thickness of material of a spring.
[1 mark]
State the relationship between the thicknesses of a
spring to the elastic potential energy stored in the
[1 mark]
State why the balls bounced after the exerted forces is
[1 mark]

[ 1 mark]
(iv) Explain your answer in (c)(iii)
[ 2 marks]
Diagram 2 shows a man standing still on reflexology
therapy stones. He exerts a pressure on the reflexology
therapy stones.





Diagram 1 shows a wooden sampan of mass 20 kg with a
volume of 2m3 floating at sea.

Diagram 2
What is meant by pressure?
[ 1 Mark ]
The mass of the man is 50 kg and the area of
contact of the man with the reflexology therapy
stone is 40 cm2 .
Calculate the pressure exerted by the man on the

[2 marks]
Diagram 1
(a) (i)


Name the force F shown in Diagram 1.

[ 1 mark]

(ii) State the relationship between F and W.

[ 1 mark]

Determine the magnitude of F.

Diagram 3 shows a simple hydraulic system .

[ 2 marks]

Based on Diagram 2, state one way by which the

man can reduce the pain experienced by his
soles when walking barefooted.
Explain your answer.

[2 marks]

Another boat of similar mass and volume is

built from fibre glass to replace the wooden
block. Fibre glass is stronger and can support
a greater load.
(i) Give another reason why the fibre glass
is choosed?

[ 1 mark]
(ii) Calculate the maximum weight which
can be carried by the fibre glass sampan
and still remain float.]
[ Given the density of sea water is
1020 kg m-3 ]

Diagram 3
The area for the smaller piston is 0.1 m2 and the area for the
bigger piston is 0.5 m2. The force acting on the small piston
is 20 N.

[ 2 marks]
(iii) What will happens if the fibre glass
sampan carrying the maximum weight
moves from the sea to a river?



Name the principle used in the system above.

[ 1 mark ]
Calculate the pressure applied to the oil.


[ 1 mark ]
Calculate the output force exerted on the bigger

Piston size


Seat size :

Reason :

[4 marks]

[ 2 marks ]

What happens to the output force if the diameter of the

output cylinder is greater?
[ 1 mark ]


Diagram 5.1 shows a concrete water tank filled with water.

Diagram 5.1



Diagram 4 shows a dentist chair for children. The chair
uses a hydraulic system.






State a factor that affects the water pressure in the

[1 mark]
Compare the water pressure at P and Q
[1 mark]
Calculate the water pressure at Q.
(Density of water = 1000 kg m-3 )


[2 marks]
Diagram 5.2 shows water flows from the
concrete tank to the house water tank.

Diagram 4
Name the physics principle used in a
hydraulic system.
[1 mark]
Explain how the chair can be lifted up when the
pedal is pressed down?
[2 marks]
Why the system is less effective if air bubbles are
present in hydraulic fluid
[1 mark]
The cross sectional area of the big piston and the
small piston are 100 cm2 and 20 cm2 respectively.
The mass of the chair is 20 kg.
Calculate the force exerted on the small
piston to lifted up the child of 30 kg.

Diagram 5.2






[2 marks]
Suggest the modifications required to the size of
piston and the size of the seat so that the chair is
suitable and safe for the use of adults. Give the


What is the factor that causes the water

to flow from the concrete tank to the
water tank in the house?
[1 mark]
The flow of water from the concrete
tank to the house will stop at level P.
Explain why the supply stops?
[2 mark]
Suggest two modifications that can be
done to ensure the water flow
continously to the house water tank.
[2 mark]
Draw a water tank that can withstand
high water pressure .

[2 mark]


Diagram 6.1 shows an object hanging from a spring
balance. The reading of the spring balance is 3.0 N. The
object is then immersed in water and the reading is now 2.5
N as shown in Diagram 6.2.

[ 1 mark ]
Give a reason for your answer in c(ii).
[ 1 mark ]
State one application of atmospheric pressure in
everyday life.

[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 25.1 shows two different containers filled with
water. The water pressure at point P and point Q are the

Diagram 6.1

What is the weight of the object?

[1 mark]



Diagram 6.2

Diagram 8.1

Another force, F is acting on the object in

Diagram 6.2.
Mark and level the force, F in Diagram 6.2
[2 marks]
Determine the magnitude of the force
[1 mark]
Calculate the volume of the object.
(Density of water, = 1000 kg m-3 )



[2 marks]
State the physics principle involved in Diagram
[1 mark]


What is the meaning of pressure?

[1 mark]
State one factor that affect the water pressure at
point P and Q.
[1 mark]
Calculate the water pressure at point P.
[Density of water = 1000 kgm-3]

[2 marks]
Diagram 8.2 shows the water spurt when a hole
is made near the base of container B.


Diagram 7 shows the arrangement of the apparatus used to
determine the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory. The
length of the glass tube is 110 cm and the atmospheric
pressure in
the lab is 76cm Hg.
Diagram 8.2


Diagram 7
Name the apparatus shown in Diagram 7.

[ 1 mark ]
What is X?

[ 1 mark ]
What is the value of H?
[ 1 mark ]
What happens to the height, H, when
this apparatus is submerged in water.

Diagram 8.3 shows the water in container B is

replaced by liquid X which has higher density
than water.

Diagram 8.3
Sketch the spurt of liquid X in Diagram 8.3.
[1 mark]



[2 marks]

Diagram 9.1 shows a hydrometer which is used to measure

relative density of liquid.



Diagram 9.1



Based on diagram 9.3, state the relationship

between the height , h, and density of water as
the ship sails across seas. ( h is distance between
surface of water and deck)

[1 mark]
Give two suggestion on how the ship can be
made more stable

[2 marks]
MRSM 2012
The set-up in Diagram 10.1 shows the basic working
principle of a hydrometer. The depth to which the test tube
sinks depends on the buoyant force acting on it.

Name the principle involved in this

[1 mark]
Diagram 9.2 shows the hydrometer
being immersed in liquid P and liquid

Diagram 10.1

Diagram 9.2



Compare the density of liquid P and

liquid Q
[1 mark]
Explain how the hydrometer can be
made more sensitive
[1 mark]
Diagram 9.3 shows a ship marked with Plimsoll
lines on the side.



Name the physics principle associated with the

working of a hydrometer.
[1 mark ]
State the relationship between the buoyant force
and the weight of the test tube.
[ 1 mark ]
Calculate the buoyant
force acting on the test tube when the
total mass of the test tube and sand is
0.05 kg.

[ 2marks ]
The same test tube is then immersed in
a beaker of petrol. What happens the
length of test tube that is submerged.
Explains your answer.

[ 2marks ]
Table 10 shows some information
on two sampan used two ferry passengers along
the Perak river.

Diagram 9.3



State why these lines are important to

[1 mark]
The weight of ship is 1.5 x 10 5 N and
the density of sea water is 1.15 x 10 3
kg m-3
What is the buoyant force exerted by
the sea water on the ship.
[1 mark]
Calculate the volume of water
displaced by the ship




Table 10


Based on the Table 10 , state the

suitable characteristics of the
sampan to enable it to ferry the maximum mass
of passengers.

Diagram 11.1
Three points are labelled X, Y and Z.
Which point or points is at atmospheric
[ 1 mark ]
What is the pressure due to the column
of water XZ?
(Density of water = 1000 kg/m3)

[ 2 marks ]
Diagram 11.2 shows a reservoir that stores water.



Shape of front end of the sampan.

[ 2 marks ]
Diagram 10.2 shows model of sampan P or Q
used to ferry passengers.


Diagram 10.2
The sampan will sink if the water level
exceeds line WR.
The mass and the average surface area of sampan
P and Q are 100kg and 2 m2 respectively.
Calculate the maximum mass of
passengers that can be ferried without
exceeding the line WR.
[ Density of water = 1000 kg m-3]





Which sampan is able to carry the
maximum passengers without sinking.

[1mark ]

[ 2 marks ]

JOHOR 2012
Diagram 12 shows the flow of air over the closed rooftop
of a house during a storm. The zinc roof is blown away
during the storm.


Diagram 11.2
Give reason why the dam is wider at
the base.
[ 1 mark ]
The valve is then opened and water,
from the surface of the reservoir, flows
out of the exit pipe. State the energy
transformation of this water between
the surface of the reservoir and the
open end of the pipe.
[ 1 mark ]
When the valve is opened, water will
flows out. Calculate the velocity of the

Diagram 11.1 shows a tube dipped into a

beaker of water. Water has been drawn up the
tube by a pump.



Based on Diagram 13.1


State the physics principle that causes

the submarine to float.
[1 mark]






Explain why a submarine is able to

submerge into sea water.
[2 marks]
Diagram 13.2 shows oil drum floats stationary in water.

Diagram 12
Name the principle that is involved .
[ 1 mark ]
Why is the roof blown off by the wind?
[ 1 mark ]
If the total surface area of the roof is 40.0 m2 and
the atmospheric pressure in the house is 1x105
Nm2. Calculate the force that acts on the lower
part of the zinc roof.

[ 2 marks ]
The roof designed as shown in Diagram 5 is not
strong enough to withstand the storm. It needs
Explain why the design is not strong
enough to withstand a storm
[ 1 mark ]
Explain clearly how the roof can be
modified so that it will no longer be
blown off.
[ 3 marks ]

Diagram 8.2

[2 marks]
Table 13.3

Diagram 13.1 shows a submarine floating in sea water due
to the effect of buoyant force.

The number
of air tanks

Maximum water
pressure that
can be tolerated

15 cylinder

4.5 atm

30 cylinder

6.0 atm


Type of

Calculate the volume of the oil drum immersed in

[The density of water is 1000 kg m-3]

Based on the Table 13.3, state the suitable

characteristic of the submarine which causes the
submarine to stay longer in deeper sea water and
move faster. Give reasons for the suitability of
the characteristic.

The number of air tanks cylinder


[1 mark]

[1 mark]


Maximum water pressure that can be

[1 mark]
[1 mark]
Shape of the submarine.
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
Based on the answers in (c), choose the
submarine that can stay longer in
deeper sea water and move faster.
[1 mark]

Shape of

3 cylinder

6.1 atm

1 cylinder

2.5 atm




Diagram 13.1


SBP 2013

Diagram 14.1, Diagram 14.2 and Diagram 14.3 show

identical metal blocks of mass 40 g which are in three
different situations.

Diagram 15
Diagram 14.1
Diagram 14.3


Diagram 14.2
Based on Diagram 14.1 and Diagram 14.2:
Compare the reading of the spring
[1 mark]
State the physical quantity that causes
the difference in the spring balance
[1 mark]
Based on Diagram 14.2 and Diagram 14.3:
Compare the reading of the spring
[1 mark]
Compare the density of the water to the
density of the cooking oil.
[1 mark]






Name the physics principle involved.

[1 mark]



Compare the pressure at point P and

point Q.
[1 mark]


Explain why there is a difference in

pressure between point P and point Q.
[2 marks]


Calculate the pressure difference between point P

and point Q.
[Density of water = 1 000 kg m3]

[2 marks]

State the relationship between the

density of liquid and the physical
quantity stated in your answer in (a)(ii).
[1 mark]
Compare the pressure at point X and
point Y in Diagram 14.2.
Explain your answer.
[2 marks]
Write an equation involving difference
in pressure, P, surface area of the
object, A and the physical quantity
stated in a(ii).
[1 mark]


Suggest two ways by which the difference in

water level in the tube can be increased and give
reasons for your answers.
Suggestion 1
[2 marks]
Suggestion 2
[2 marks]

KEDAH 2013
Diagram 15 shows an apparatus that is used to investigate
a physics principle. When air flows from P to Q, the water
level in one arm of the tube rises as shown.




Based on the observation of Diagram 1.1 and 1.2,

compare the volume of the gas.

[ 1 Mark]
compare the pressure of the gas

[ 1 Mark]
state one assumption made while performing the
[ 1 Mark]
Using your answer in (b)(i) and (b)(ii) , sketch
the graph of pressure against volume of the gas.


Name the physic law which is involved in the

above observation.
[ 1 Mark]
Using the kinetic theory of matter, explain why
pressure changes when the gas volume changes.
[ 2 Marks]
A substance X with mass 0.5 kg is heated by using a
heater 100 W. Diagram 2 shows graph temperature
against mass for the substance.

Diagram 2




What is the time taken by substance X to achieve

melting point ?

[1 mark]
Based on information on graph, find specific
latent heat for the substance X.

Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show instrument K being

used to measure pressure for a fixed mass of gas in air-tight
[2 marks]

Diagram 1.1

Diagram 1.2

Name the instrument K,

[ 1 Mark]


By using kinetic theory, explain why there is no

increase in temperature at QR.
[2 marks]

Diagram 3 shows a brass with mass of 100 g is immersed

in boiling water for a long time.




Diagram 3
State the initial temperature of the brass
[ 1mark]
The brass is then transferred into a beaker
containing 100 g of the room temperature of 30
C as shown in Diagram 3 . What will happen to
the temperature of the brass and water
[ 2 marks ]
After sometime, the system reached a state where
the temperature of the water and the brass weight
became the same.
This state known as
[ 1mark]
Table 3 gives the specific heat capacity
of brass and water


[1 mark]
state one other physical quantity that
will also change.
[1 mark]
Based on the answers in (a) (i) and (a) (ii), name
the gas law involve.
Before a long journey, the driver checked the air
pressure of his car tyres. The air pressure of the
tyres was 200 kPa at a temperature 27C. After
the journey, the air pressure of the tyres was
found to have increased to 230 kPa. What is the
temperature of the air in the tyre after the
journey? [Assume the volume of the tyre is

[3 marks]

Specific heat capacity/ J
kg -1 C-1
Table 3
Based on the data given , calculate the temperature referred
to in (c) (i)

The tyre in Diagram 4 is not suitable to be used

on a muddy road. Suggest modifications to be
done based on the characteristics given.



[2 marks]
State one assumption which you have made in (c)
[ 1mark]


Diagram 4 shows a tyre of a car that is going to be used

to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu.

Surface area of the tyre

[1 mark]
[1 mark]
The track of the tyre
[1 mark]
[1 mark]


Diagram 5.1 shows a metal P at 100C being placed in a
beaker of water at 28 oC. After a few minutes thermal
equilibrium state is achieved.
The mass of metal P and the water are 0.4 kg and 0.2 kg
Diagram 5.2 shows a temperature against time graph of the
water in the beaker.

Diagram 4

After the long journey,

what happen to the temperature of the
air in the tyre

Diagram 5.1


Diagram 5.2







What is the meaning of thermal

[1 mark]
Based on the graph in Diagram 5.2,
what is the temperature when the
thermal equilibrium is achieved?
[1 mark]
What is the purpose of wrapping the
beaker with cotton layer?
[1 mark]
Calculate the specific heat capacity of
metal P.
( Specific heat capacity of water is
4200 J kg-1 C -1)

An experiment is carried out to investigate the relationship

between the pressure, P and the temperature, of a fixed
mass of a gas. The graph of pressure, P against temperature
, obtained is as shown in Diagram 7.

Diagram 7

[2 marks]
State the assumption you made in (b)(i)
[1 mark]


Diagram 6 shows a pressure cooker for cooking food at

high temperature




What is the value of temperature, T0

when the pressure of the gas is zero?
[1 mark]
What is the name given to T0 ?
[1 mark]
Name the physics law that explain the
observation of the above experiment. .
[1 mark]
In the space below, sketch the graph of pressure,
P against temperature, when the temperature of
a gas is expressed in Kelvin.

[2 marks]


Diagram 8 shows a 600 W electric heater being used to
heat a beaker of water on a compression balance.

Diagram 6


What is meant by pressure?

[1 mark]
Explain why the gas pressure increases
with the increase of the temperature.
[2 marks]
Based on the answer in (b)(i) state the
gas law involved
[1 mark]
State the effect of high gas pressure on
the boiling point.
[1 mark]
The air pressure of the pressure cooker is 1 x 105
Pa, at the temperature of 27oC.
What is the temperature of the air, when the air
pressure is 1.5x 105 Pa?






Diagram 8
State the energy change involved when using the
heater to heat the water.

[ 1 mark]
The mass of water is 0.5 kg and specific heat
capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 oC-1. The initial
temperature of water is 28 0C.
Calculate the energy absorbed by the water to
reach its boiling point.

[ 2 marks]
When the water is boiling, the reading of the
compression balance decreases by 0.04 kg in
160 s.

Calculate the specific latent heat of vaporization

of the water.
[ 2 marks]

Explain why at the boiling point , the temperature

of water remain unchanged.
[ 2 marks]

Diagram 9.2

Diagram 9.1 shows the arrangement of apparatus used to

investigate the relationship between the pressure and the
temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant volume.





Diagram 9.1
Name the gas law involved in this experiment

[1 mark]
Based on the experiment in Diagram
9.1, sketch a graph of gas pressure, P
against temperature ,T.

Using kinetic theory of gas, explain

why the pressure of air in the cooker is
increased when the temperature is
[2 marks]
Suggest a modification to the pot that
enables it to function safely as a
pressure cooker.
[1 mark]
State one reason for the answer in (d)
. .


A solid substance of mass 0.05 kg is

heated using an immersion heater of
240V, 1 kW for 1.0 minute until its
temperature is 78oC

What is the meaning of temperature?

[1 mark]
Calculate the specific heat capacity
of the substance if the initial
temperature of the substance is

[1 mark]



[2 marks]

State the temperature of gas in Celcius

when its pressure is zero
[1 mark]


The substance is then put into a beaker

filled with water of mass 2.0 kg and
temperature 28oC.
Calculate the final temperature of the
substance and water.
(Specific heat capacity of water is 4 200


Diagram 10 shows parts of the ice box

used to store ice.

The pressure of a gas in a container of volume, V,

is 3.2 x 105 Pa and its temperature is 2o C .
Calculate the pressure of the gas if the
temperature is increased to 32o C.
[ 3 marks ]
Diagram 9.2 shows a pot that can function as a
pressure cooker.

[2 marks]


Diagram 11 shows an air bubble released by a

diver at position X which then rises to
position X.

Diagram 10
Table 10 shows the characteristics of two different ice


Material X

Specific heat
capacity of
inner box

Diameter of
walled tube













Diagram 11

Table 10
Based on Table 10, state the suitable
characteristics of the ice box to be used asan
efficient ice storage .
Give one reason for suitable characteristics.






Based on the observation of the air

bubble in Diagram 11,
compare the volume of the air
bubble at X and Y
compare the pressure of the air bubble
at X and Y
relate the changes of the pressure and
the volume of the air bubble at X and
Name the physics law which is
involved in the above observation.
state one assumption made in the
physics law in (a) (iv) above.


Using your answer in (a) (iii) above, sketch the

graph of pressure against volume of the gas.

Material X :
Reason :
[2 marks]
The specific heat capacity of inner
box :
Reason :
[2 marks]
Diameter of double walled tube :
Reason :
[2 marks]

Based on the answers in (c) (i), (c)(ii)

and (c)(iii), determine the most
suitable ice box to be used as an
efficient ice storage .
[1 mark]

PERAK 2012


Diagram 13.1 shows a metal block of mass 1 kg at initial

temperature 30 0C is heated by 12 V, 48 W immersion
heater for 15 minutes.


MRSM 2012
Diagram 13.1

Diagram 12 shows a mercury thermometer which has not

been calibrated.


What is meant by specific heat capacity?

[1 mark]
If the final temperature is 90 0C, calculate the
specific heat capacity of metal block.

[2 marks]
Diagram 13.2 shows a phenomenon which occur
in our daily life.

Diagram 13.2

Diagram 12






Name the physical quantity that

changes as the temperature increases.
[ 1 mark ]
Why is mercury used in the liquid-inglass thermometer.
[ 1 mark ]
The length between the ice point and the
steam point is marked into 100 equal divisions.
Calculate the temperature at P in oC.


Using the physics concept, explain how the

phenomenon occurs.

[3 marks]
Name the phenomenon that occurs in DIAGRAM

[ 1 mark]
KEDAH 2013
Diagram 14.1 shows two identical metal balls heated for a
few minutes in boiling water. The two metal balls are then
transferred into two beakers containing liquid X and liquid
Diagram 14.2 and Diagram 14.3 show the initial and final
readings of thermometers in liquid X and liquid Y.

[ 2 marks ]
Suggest one method to improve the sensitivity of
the thermometer.
[ 1 mark]
Name one liquid which is suitable for the liquidin-glass thermometer to be used in Artics.
[ 1 mark]

SBP 2013


[1 mark]

Compare the change in temperature of

liquid X and liquid Y.
[1 mark]



Diagram 14.1

State the relationship between specific

heat capacity and change in
temperature of the liquid.
[1 mark]
Which liquid is more suitable to be used as a
coolant in the cooling system of a car
[1 mark]



Diagram 1.1 shows a mirror which is placed at the corner
of a road to aid drivers.

Specific heat capacity = 2100 J kg-1 o C-1

Diagram 14.2

Diagram 1.1
Specific heat capacity = 4200 J kg -1 o C-1


Diagram 14.3



What is the meaning of specific heat capacity?

[1 mark]
State the physical quantity measured by
a thermometer.

[1 mark]
Explain why the reading of the
thermometer is taken after a few
[1 mark]
Based on Diagram 14.2 and Diagram 14.3:

Compare the specific heat capacity of

liquid X and liquid Y.

[1 mark]


Compare the final readings of the

thermometers in liquid X and liquid Y.

State the type of mirror used.

[ 1 Mark ]
State why this mirror is used.

[ 1 Mark ]
In Diagram 1.2, F is the focal point and C is
centre curvature of a mirror.

Diagram 1.2
Draw two light rays in Diagram 1.2 to
locate the position of the image,
[ 2 Marks ]
State two characteristics of the image

[ 1 Mark ]


Diagram 2 shows an object, O with height 2 cm placed on

the left side of a convex lens, X. The focal length of the
convex lens is 10 cm.



Diagram 2
In Diagram 2 draw the ray path from the object
to form an image.
[2 marks]
Diagram 3

State the characteristics of the image formed.

[ 1 mark ]
If the object is placed at a distance 30 cm from
the lens, calculate:


The angle of incidence when the angle of

refraction is 90o .

the image distance.

The angle of incidence when the incident ray is

totally reflected.
[ 1mark]

[2 mark]

What is meant by critical angle?

Tick ( ) the correct answer in the box provided.

Linear magnification.
[1 mark]



You are given another convex lens, Y with power

2 D. You are required to create a simple
astronomical telescope using convex lenses X
and Y.
Which lens is suitable to be
objective lens and eyepiece?
Objective lens:



[2 mark]

Give one reason to your

answer in(d) (i).
[1 mark]
Draw the arrangement of the lenses and sketch
the ray path from distance object using convex
lenses X and Y to form a simple astronomical


Based on Diagram 3 how does the

cats eye help the driver?

[ 1 mark]
Complete the path of the ray of light in
Diagram 3
[ 1 mark]
Explain why the light ray does not bend when it
enters prism at point A.
[ 1 mark]
Based on Diagram 3 what happen to the light ray
after passing point B?
[ 1 mark]
Name the phenomenon shown in Diagram 5.
[ 1 mark]
Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show an identical pencil is
immersed in the distilled water and sea water respectively.

[3 marks]
Diagram 3 shows a cats eye fixed into a road to help
drivers when it is dark or foggy.
Diagram 4.1


Diagram 4.2

Based on Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2,

compare the bending of the pencil
[1 mark]
compare the density of distilled water

and the sea water

[1 mark]
(iii) state the relationship between the density
of water with the bending of the pencil
[1 mark]




Diagram 6 shows an object in front of a mirror. C is the centre of

curvature of the mirror.

Based on Diagram 4.1, compare the size of the

observed pencil inside and outside the distilled

[1 mark]
Name the phenomenon shown in Diagram 4.1
and Diagram 4.2
[1 mark]


Underline the correct answer in the bracket to

complete the sentence below.
Phenomenon in (d) happens because of the
change in (velocity, frequency) of the light.
[1 mark]


Diagram 4.3 shows a coin in a beaker filled with

In Diagram 4.3 , draw a ray diagram from a
coin to the eye to show how the image of the
coin is formed.


Diagram 6
Name the type of mirror used.
[ 1 mark ]
Calculate the focal length of the mirror.

[ 1 mark ]
Complete Diagram 6 by drawing one more ray from point
X on the object to show the formation of the image by the
mirror. Draw the image formed.
[ 2 marks ]
State one characteristic of the image.
[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 7 shows the structure of a periscope used in a

Diagram 4.3


Diagram 5 shows parallel light rays propagating towards a lens, P. F

is the focal point of the lens.



Diagram 5
Lens P is a ..
Tick () at the correct answer
Concave lens
Convex lens
[1 mark]



What is the focal length of lens P



[1 mark]
What happens to the focal length of the lens if a thicker
lens is used ?
[1 mark]
Name the phenomenon which enables the parallel rays to
be focused at point F.
[1 mark]




Diagram 7
Two glass prisms must be placed so the observer can see
the objects outside the submarine. The position of
one of the glass prisms is shown in Diagram 7.
On Diagram 7,
draw and shade the second prism.
[ 1 mark ]
complete the path of the light ray from the
object to the observer's eye.
[ 1 mark ]
State the light phenomenon involved.

[ 1 mark ]
If the critical angle of the glass prism is 44, calculate the
refractive index of the glass prism.

[ 2 marks ]
Q, R and S are three different materials used as a prism in a
Table 7 shows the characteristics of each material.



Refractive index
Critical angle
Table 7
Calculate the critical angle for each materials and
fill in Table 7.
[ 1 mark ]
Based on the answers in (d)(i), which material is
the most suitable to be used in periscope?
[ 1 mark ]
State one reason for the answer in (d)(i)?

[ 1 mark ]
Mirror can also be used in periscopes




[2 marks ]
Diagram 8.2 shows an optical fibre which consist of two
layers of glass with different refractive indices.

Diagram 8.2
Complete the ray diagram to show how light propagate
through optical fibre.
[1 mark ]

State the light phenomenon applied when using

[ 1 mark ]
Give one reason why mirror is not suitable to be
used compared to prism.


Diagram 9.1 show a submarine periscope and
Diagram 9.2 shows the cross section of the periscope.

Diagram 8.1 shows a light ray entering a glass prism.

[Refractive index of glass = 1.51]


Diagram 9.1
In box X in Diagram 9.2, draw and shade the second prism.

Diagram 8.1







Calculate the critical angle, c, of the glass


[2 marks ]
State the value of the incident angle, i.

[1 mark ]
Diagram 9.2

Compare the critical angle, c, in (a)(i) with angle

of incidence, i.

[1 mark ]
Complete the ray diagram in Diagram 8.1.
[1 mark ]



Name the phenomenon that has occurred to

the light ray in (a)(iv).

[1 mark]
State two conditions for this phenomenon to



[ 1 mark ]
The critical angle, c for the glass prism is 42o. Calculate the
refractive index of the glass.
[ 2 marks ]
Explain why mirror is not used in periscope.

[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 9.3 shows the position of cats eye reflector fixed
on the road to help driver when it is dark or foggy.
Diagram 9.4 shows the cross section of the cats eye


In Diagram 10.2 , draw a ray diagram from

point Z to show how the point Z appear
[2 marks]

Diagram 11.1 and Diagram 11.2 show the light rays passing through
two identical concave lenses. u is object distance and v is image

Diagram 9.3

Diagram 11.1



Diagram 9 .4
Explain how does the cats eye help the
drivers when they are driving?

[ 1 mark]
Complete the path of light ray in Diagram
[ 1 mark ]
State the law of reflection.

[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 28.2



Diagram 10.1shows a mother observing the legs of her son

in the pool . His legs appear to be shorter because of a light





Diagram 10.1
Name the light phenomenon involved.

[1 mark]
Explain how the phenomenon occurs.

[2 marks]
Diagram 27.2 shows a man observing the base of a
swimming pool . The depth of the swimming pool is
2.5 m.
[ Refractive index of water = 1.33 ]



What is meant by object distance?

[ 1 mark ]
Based on Diagram 11.1 and Diagram 11.2 , state one
similar characteristic of the image formed.

[ 1 mark ]
Observe Diagram 11.1 and Diagram 11.2.
Compare the object distance.

[1 mark ]
Compare the image distance.

[1 mark ]
Compare the size of image produced by the

[1 mark ]
Based on the answer in(c) , state the relationship between
the size of image and the object distance.

[ 1 mark ]
Based on Diagram 11.1 , what happen to
the size of the image when a thicker lens
is used.

[1 mark ]
Give one reason for your answer in(e)(i).

Diagram 12.1 shows an image is formed by a curved mirror.


Calculate the apparent depth of the
swimming pool .
[2 marks]



[1 mark]
Name one additional component that can be
used at the microscope to get a clearer image.
[1 mark]

Diagram 12.1

Name the light phenomenon occurs.

[1 mark]

Complete the ray diagram in Diagram 11.2 to

show the formation of image.

Diagram 12.2
[3 marks]



State one characteristic of the image form

[1 mark]

Explain how to usea concave mirror to heat up water in a

container using solar energy.
[2 marks]
Diagram 12.3 shows a microscope. You are given two
convex lenses P and Q, with focal lengths of 7 cm and 5
cm respectively . Both of the lenses are used to build a



Diagram 1 shows a displacement - time graph of the oscillation of a

loaded spring.

Diagram 1

Base on Diagram 1,

[1 mark]
What is the period of the oscillation?
[1 mark]
What is meant by amplitude?
[1 mark]
If the spring is undergoing damping, what will
happen to the amplitude of the oscillation?

Diagram 12.3


Based on the two lenses given, state which is

suitable to be used as objective lens.
[1 mark]



Label the period using the symbol T.

[1 mark]

[1 mark]


Diagram 2.1 and 2.2 shows an experiment to determine the

wavelength of monochromatic light waves.
Diagram 2.1 used a blue light source and Diagram 2.2 used a red
light source.


State a wave phenomenon which occurs in this

[2 marks]



Diagram 25.1 and Diagram 25.2 show images are formed in a ripple
tank when two water waves are produced by two coherent sources.

Diagram 2.1

Diagram 25.1
Diagram 25.2
What is meant by two coherent sources?
[ 1 mark ]
Observe Diagram 25.1 and Diagram 25.2 , compare
the wavelength , , of the water waves.
[ 1 mark ]
the distance between two consecutive nodal lines, x
[ 1 mark ]
Relate the wavelength , to the
distance between two
consecutive nodal lines, x
[ 1 mark ]
Name the wave phenomenon involved.
[ 1 mark ]
(d) skrinA student carries out an experiment to investigate the water
wave phenomena using the apparatus in Diagram 25.3.

Diagram 2.2
The separation between two slits, a, and the distance between the
double slit and the screen, D, in both diagrams are constant. The dark
and bright fringes are produced after the light passes through the slit.
What is meant by monochromatic light?

.[1 mark]
Compare the wavelength of red light and blue light.
Tick ( ) the correct answer in the box provided.
Wavelength of red light > wavelength of blue light
Wavelength of red light < wavelength of blue light
Wavelength of red light = wavelength of blue light



Base on the pattern of fringes formed on the screen in

Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2, state two observations about
the distance between consecutive fringes for red and blue
[2 marks]
State the relationship between the wavelength and the
distance between consecutive bright fringes in this
[1 mark]
What happen to the distance between
two consecutive bright fringes if the separation
between two slits is increased? .
[1 mark]

Diagram 25.3
Diagram 25.4 shows a sideway of a plane water waves in the ripple
Complete the paths of the rays to explain how brigh and
dark regions formed on the white paper below the ripple tank.
[ 2 marks ]

Give a reason for your answer in (e) (i).



[ 2 marks]


Diagram 27 shows circular water waves produced by a vibrating

dipper in a ripple tank with the frequency of 10 Hertz and propagates
towards a barrier.

Diagram 25.4
Determine the type of regions thta formed at A and B.
[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 27
Complete the sentence below by ticking ( ) the correct

Diagram 26.1 shows the propagation of water waves in a ripple tank

over a perspex plate in the shape of a trapezium.
Diagram 26.2 shows the propagation of water waves from the sea as
they advance towards the beach.

Water wave is a
transverse wave
longitudinal wave
[ 1 mark ]
State the wave phenomenon that occurred.

[ 1 mark ]
State the change in the amplitude and frequency of the
water wave after it hit the barrier.

Diagram 26.1



[ 2 marks]

Diagram 26.2

Based on Diagram 26.1 and2 26.2:
State two similarities for the situations in Diagram 26.1 and

[ 2 marks]
Name the phenomenon observed.

[ 1 mark ]
(b) (i) What is happening to the distances
between the wavefronts as the water waves
approach the beach?

[ 1 mark ]
Explain your answer in (b)(i).

[ 2 marks]
The trapezium shaped perspex plate is replaced with a
convex lens shaped perspex plate as shown in Diagram 26.3.

Diagram 28 shows a Bartons pendulum which consists of

five simple pendulums hanging on a horizontal string. When A is
pulled and released, it will cause the other four pendulums to

Diagram 28
It is observed that the four pendulums B, C, D and E will oscillate
with different amplitudes but with the same frequency.
What is the meaning of amplitude?
[1 mark]
Which pendulum oscillates with the
maximum amplitude?
[1 mark]
State one reason for your answer in
[1 mark]

Diagram 26.3
Draw the wave produced as the wave pass through the convex lens in
Diagram2 6.3.



Name the phenomenon stated in (b)


[ 1 mark ]

[1 mark]

State one application for wave X.

[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 29.1 shows Aini trying to open the houses front gate using
remote control. Eve though Amin is blocking her, the get can stll be

Table 30 shows five different waves with their wavelengths

Diagram 29.1


Name the wave phenomenon involved.


[ 1 mark ]
On Diagram 29.2, draw the wave pattern based on the
situation in Diagram 29.2 .

Wavelength /m
5.0 x10-1
1.0 x103
1.0 x10-2
5.5 x10-7
5.0 x10-9

Table 30
State the type of sound waves.

[ 1 mark]
Which of the following waves has the
highest frequency ?

Diagram 29.2

frequency / Hz
4.0 x104
4.0 x 108
4.0 x1014

[ 1 mark]
State a reason for your answer in (b) (i).

Speed in air/
3.3 x102
3.0 x108
3.0 x108

[ 1 mark]
Sound waves are used to determine the depth of a lake. The
frequency and wavelength of the sound waves are 2 500 Hz and 0.5
m respectively. The reflected sound wave is received after 2.0 s
transmitted into the lake.
(i) the velocity of the sound wave

Table 29.1
Table 29.1 shows the characteristics of three waves, X, Y and Z to be
used in the remote control for the gate. Calculate the wavelength of
each wave.
Wave X

[ 2 marks]

Wave Y


Wave Z

(ii) the depth of the lake

[ 2 marks]

[ 4 marks ]
Based on your answer in (b) , which
wave is the most suitable to be used in he remote control for the gate?

[ 1 mark ]
State one reason for your answer in

[ 1 mark ]
Based on the values of the wave speed shown in
Table 29.1,
Predict what wave X is?


Diagram 31 shows a transmitter sending a sound signal to

determine the thickness of a layer of oil below the ground.
Receiver X detects the sound signal 0.4 s after
Receiver Y detects the sound signal 1.2 s after


Diagram 32
Diagram 31
State the wave phenomenon which produces:
the signal A
[ 1 mark ]
the signal B
[ 1 mark ]
The speed of sound in the oil layer is 1500 m s1.

What is the wave phenomenon involved in Diagram 32

[1 mark]
Calculate the velocity of sound waves propagates.
[2 marks]

the total time for the sound signal to travel
through the oil layer.

What happen to the velocity of sound
wave when it propagates in water?

[1 mark]

[ 2 marks]


thickness of the oil layer.

Give a reason for your answer in (c) (i).

[1 mark]

[ 3 marks]
Table 31 shows the characteristics of four types of sound
waves that could be used to determine the thickness of the layer of
Type of wave








Diagram 33.1 shows a ripple tank with two spherical dippers attached
to the vibrating bar as source of two coherent wave.

Table 31
Based on Table 31, explain the suitability of each
characteristic of the wave to determine the thickness of the oil layer.

[ 2 marks ]

[ 2 marks ]
Which is the most suitable type of wave determine of
thickness of the oil layer?

[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 31.1
Diagram 33.2 and Diagram 33.3 show the wave pattern produced on
screen when the distance between two source of wave are different.


Diagram 32 shows a boy is shouting in front of a building which is

placed at a distance of 170 m. After 1 second, an echo is heard.

Key : x = distance between two nodal lines


Diagram 33.2

[ 1 mark ]
If D = 3m , a=0.5 mm and the distance between four
fringes is 12 mm, calculate the wavelength of the light wave formed
on the screen.

Diagram 33.3


What is the meaning of coherent source ?

[ 1 mark]
Describe how dark and bright bands are formed
on the screen when there is a wave in ripple tank.


[3 mark]

[ 2 marks ]
Diagram 35 shows electromagnetic wave propagates through air.

Observe Diagram 33.2 and Diagram 33.3

compare the distance between two sources of

[1 mark]
compare the distance between two
consecutive antinodal lines.
[1 mark]
Based on the answers in (c),

Diagram 35

[ 1 mark ]
Give one common characteristic of the
electromagentic wave.
[ 1 mark ]

State the relationship between the
distance of two sources of wave and
distance of two consecutive
antinodes lines.
[1 mark]
name the wave phenomena involves
[1 mark]

Table 35 shows three types of electromagentic
wave and their applications.


Diagram 34 shows the arrangement of apparatus to determine the

wavelength of monochromatic light. A fringe pattern is formed on the
translucent screen. The distance between the two slits S 1 and S2 is x
mm and the distance from the screen with double slits is D m.

Table 35
What is the type of the electromagnetic
wave which used in the radar system?
[ 1 mark ]
Give one reason for your answer in (c)(i)
[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 34

What is meant by electromagnetic wave?



Diagram 36 shows an interference pattern of water waves from two

coherent sources S1 and S2.

What is meant by the monochromatic light?


[ 1mark]
Describe the fringe pattern which can
be observed on the screen.
[ 1 mark ]
What is the wave phenomenon involved in (b)(i).
[ 1 mark ]
What happens to the pattern of the fringes when
the distance between S1 and S2
[ 1 mark ]
D decreases.

Diagram 36



What is the meaning of two coherent sources?


[ 2 marks ]

[ 1 mark ]
In the boxes given in Diagram 36, label
the distance between two coherent souces, a , the seperation between
two adjacent antinodal or nodal lines, x , and the perpendicular
distance between two waves source to the position where x is
measured, D.
[ 3 marks ]
What is the relationship between the
wavelength, , a , x and D.



Diagram 38.1 shows a girl swing at a play ground.

Diagram 38.2 shows the displacement-time graph of the oscillating
swing in Diagram 38.1.

[ 1 mark ]
Given that a= 3.2 cm , x = 1.7 cm and
D =6.0 cm.
Calculate the wavelength, .
Diagram 38.1
[ 2 marks ]
When the distance between two coherent sources , a ,
decreases what will happens to the wavelength , .
[ 1 mark ]


Diagram 38.2

Diagram 37.1 shows the arrangement of Youngs doubleslit

experiment. A white light source is passed through a blue
filter to produce a monochromatic light. Diagram 37.2
shows the pattern of the fringes formed on the screen when
a blue filter is used.


Determine the amplitude of the oscilltion in Diagram 38.1

a = .m

[ 1 mark ]
Complete the statement below by ticking ( ) the correct
Based on Diagram 38.2 , the oscillation by the swing is
forced oscillation
damped oscillation
[ 1 mark ]
State one physical quantity that remains constant in the
oscillation stated in (b).

[ 1 mark ]
From the graph in Diagram 38.2
determine the period oscillation , T.
T = s
[ 1 mark]

Diagram 37.1


calculate the frequency oscilattion , f.

f =.Hz

[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 37.2
What is the meaning of monochromatic light?

[1 mark]
Why bright fringes and dark fringes are observed on the
screen as shown on Diagram 37.2 ?

[2 marks]
In the experiment, the screen is placed at the distance of 1.5
m from the double-slit. The separation distance between the doubleslit is 0.5 mm while the total separation of four successive dark
fringes is 4.05 mm.

Diagram 39.1 shows two pulses of waves P and Q respectively

moving toward to each other in a slinky spring.




Diagram 41.1 and Diagram 41.2 show different patterns of water

waves after passing through a slit.

Diagram 39.1

What type of wave is produced in Diagram 39.1 ?


[1 mark]
Sketch the shape of slinky spring and label the resultant
amplitude of the pulse when the two pulses meet at point R.

Diagram 41.1

[2 marks]

Diagram 41.2

Observe Diagram 41.1 and Diagram 41.2.

Compare the size of the slit in Diagram 41.1. and
Diagram 41.2.

Diagram 39.2 show the pulse moving slinky spring.
Velocity of the pulse moving slinky spring is 24 cm s-1.

[1 mark]
(ii) Compare the pattern of water waves after the slit
in Diagram 41.1 and Diagram 41.2.

[1 mark]
(iii) Relate the size of the slit to the pattern of water
waves produced.

Diagram 39.2
Calculate the frequency of the pulse moving slinky spring.
[2 marks]
Diagram 40 shows water wave moving with velocity
4 m s-1 from deep t a shallow area.

[1 mark]
State the phenomenon shown in Diagram 41.1 and
Diagram 41.2.
[1 mark]
(c) (i) Which diagram will produce a calmer sea ?
[1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (c)(i).
[1 mark]
(i) What will happen to the pattern of water
waves if a higher frequency of water waves
pass through the slit in Diagram 41.1 ?
1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (d)(i).
1 mark]

Diagram 40
Name the wave phenomenon.
Calculate the wavelength of thewater waves at the deep
area isf the frequency is 5 Hz.
[ 2 marks ]
In Diagram 40, draw the pattern of water wave in the
shallow area.
[ 2 marks ]
State the frequency of the water wave
in shallow area.

[ 1 mark ]
Give one reason for your answer in

[ 1 mark ]



Diagram 42 shows a group of waves K, L, M, N, O and P arranged

according to their frequencies and wavelengths. The energy of the
wave increases from left to right and the waves propagate at the
same speed in vacuum.

Name the range of waves arranged in the specific manner
shown in Diagram 42.


[1 mark]
Observe Diagram 42
State the change from left to right in the
frequency of the waves.

[1 mark]

region A and region B.

relate the depth of water to the
wavelength of the waves.

name the wave phenomenon involved.
Explain why the wave front sea water follow the
shape of the shore when it approaches the shore.
[ 3 marks]

wavelength of the waves.

[1 mark]
amplitude of the waves.

[1 mark]
Based on the information given and the answers in (b)(i),
State the relationship between the
frequency and the energy of the wave.

[1 mark]
Write the relationship between the frequency, f , the
wavelength, ,and the velocity of the wave, v.

[1 mark]
The wave labelled P is chosen for therapy purposes in the
medical field.
Explain why the wave is chosen for this purpose.

[2 marks]
Give two applications of the wave labelled O.


[2 marks]



Diagram 44.1shows the pattern of water wave after passing

through a gap.
The experiment is repeated with different wavelength passed through
the gap, and the resulted pattern is as shown in Diagram 44.2.

Diagram 44.1

Diagram 43.2

What is the meaning of frequency?


[ 1 mark]
Observe Diagram 43. 1 and Diagram
43. 2
compare the depth of water in region A and region B.

What is the meaning of wavelength?

Based on Diagram 44.1 and Diagram 44.2 , compare the
wavelength of the water wave.

[ 2 marks ]
Compare the water wave pattern in Diagram 6.1
and Diagram 6.2 which formed after the wave
went through the gap.

[ 1 mark ]
Based on your answer in (b) and (c) , state the
relationship between the wavelengths and the
wave pattern formed..

[ 1 mark ]
Name the wave phenomenon which occurs in
Diagram 44.1 and Diagram 44.2.

[ 1 mark ]
When the wavelength is same in both below
diagram but the size of gap is different. Draw the pattern of the water
wave after passing through the gap in the diagram below.

Diagram 43. 1 shows a water waves propagated from the sea to the
Diagram 43.2 shows a water waves in a ripple tank travels
over a perspex plat.


Diagram 44.2

[ 1 mark ]


Diagram 43.1


compare the wavelength of water in


bright and dark bands on the white

[2 marks]

[1 mark]

Mark on the white screen in

Diagram 3 to show the wavelength
of the water wave.
Label the wavelength using
symbol .


KEDAH 2012
Diagram 1 shows a wooden dipper oscillating
surface of water to generate water

Diagram 1

Explain how to measure the wavelength

on the white screen accurately.
[2 marks]
Diagram 2.1 shows a water waves propagate
deep area to a shallow area..

on the

Underline the correct answer in the

brackets to complete the sentence
Water waves are (longitudinal,
transverse) waves.

[1 mark]
The water waves generated travel with
certain speed on the surface of the
water. State one factor which affects
the speed
of the water waves.
Diagram 2.1

[1 mark]
What happens to the energy of the
water waves as it travels away
from the wooden dipper?
....... [1 mark]
Name the phenomenon in (c)(i).
....... [1 mark]
Diagram 3 shows a cross section of water
waves in
a ripple tank.


What type of wave is the water waves?


[1 mark]

Complete Diagram 2.1 to show the

direction of propagation of the water
waves in deep area and shallow area.
Draw the waves patterns in both areas.
[2 marks]

Calculate the wavelength at deep area if

the speed of water waves at shallow
area and deep area are 4.0 ms -1 and 9.0
ms-1, respectively.
The wavelength at shallow area is 2 m.

[2 marks]

SBP 2012

Diagram 3

Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show traces of
the sound
waves on the screen of a cathode
ray oscilloscope (C.R.O)
when an identical guitars string is plucked with
The sound waves heard are of different

Mark with () the correct answer

in the box below.
Type of water wave is a
longitudinal wave.
transverse wave.



[1 mark]
Complete the rays in Diagram 3 to
show how the light rays pass
through the water waves to form


Diagram 6.1

Diagram 2
Underline the correct answer in the bracket to
complete the sentence below.
The echo is caused by (reflection,refraction) of sound waves.
[1 mark]
Name the type of waves for sound waves.
[1 mark]

Diagram 6.2

State how sound waves is produced

[1 mark]
Using Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2,
compare the displacement of the
guitars string.

[1 mark]
compare the amplitude of traces on the
screen of the C.R.O.

[1 mark]
compare the frequency of traces on the
screen of the C.R.O.

[1 mark]
Relate the amplitude of the traces on
the screen of the C.R.O. with
displacement of the string

[1 mark]
loudness of the sound waves

[1 mark]


Why sound waves travel faster in solid than


The ship is 1650 m from the cliff. The

echo is heard 10 s later.
Calculate the speed of the sound waves.

[2 marks]
Diagram 4 shows three students investigating a
phenomenon of sound wave by standing at position L, M, and N . A
signal generator and a speaker is set next to the corner of the
building. The investigation is carried out by changing the frequency
of the signal generator and the three students are assign to listen to
the sound transmit by the speaker begin with a frequency of 586 Hz.

What happens to the pitch of the

sound when the guitar is plucked
at a thicker string?

Diagram 4

What type of wave is the sound


[1 mark]




Give reason for the answer in


[1 mark]

As the frequency of the signal
generator increases only one student can still hear the sound clearly.
Which of the student is able to hear the sound clearly?
[1 mark]
Give one reason for your answer
in a (ii)?
The speed of the sound wave in air is 330 m/s.
Calculate the wavelength of the sound

Diagram 2 shows a ship in front of a cliff. The ship then
sounds one blast of its horn. Later an echo is heard.


Diagram 2.1 shows a displacement-time graph of the
oscillation of a loaded spring.

[2 marks]
On the space below sketch a graph to present a
change of sound wave from high pic sound to low pic sound
with constant loudness.
Diagram 2.1
[2 marks]

Based on Diagram 2.1

Label the period using the symbol T.

[ 1 mark ]

MRSM 2012
Diagram 1 shows the light ray MO directed


What is the period of the oscillation?


[ 1 mark ]
What is meant by amplitude?
[ 1 mark ]
What is amplitude of the oscillation?
[ 1 mark ]
If the spring is undergoing damping , what will happen to
the amplitude of the oscillation?
[ 1 mark ]
Diagram 2 shows a displacement-time graph for transverse

to a plane

Complete the sentence below by ticking ( ) the correct

Wave classfication for light wave is

Diagram 2

longitudinal wave

The transverse wave has a frequency of 10 Hz. What is
meant by frequency?
[ 1 mark ]
State the amplitude of the transverse wave above.
[ 1 mark ]
Period is the time taken to make one complete oscillation.
Complete Diagram 2 by filling in the empty boxes for the time taken
by the waves.
[ 2 marks ]
What willhappen to the period of the oscillation when the
frequency of the waves increases.
[ 1 mark ]

transverse wave
[ 1 mark ]
Based on Diagram 1 choose the correct reflected wave.
[ 1 mark ]
Complete the sentences below below by ticking ( ) the
correct box.
Upon reflection , the speed of light
remains unchanged

JOHOR 2012
Diagram 3 shows the water wave moving ith velocity of 4
m s-1 from deep to shallow area.

[ 1 mark ]

What is transferred by the wave?


[ 1 mark ]


Diagram 6.2 dan Diagram 6.3 show the water waves

propagate and strike an obstacle.
Rajah 6.2 dan Rajah 6.3 menunjukkan gelombang air yang
merambat dan terkena penghadang.

Diagram 3
Name the wave phenomenon.
[ 1 mark ]
In Diagram 3, draw the pattern of water wave in the
shallow area.
[ 2 marks ]
State the frequency of the water wave at the shallow area.
[ 1 mark ]
Traditional fishermen often have difficulties to detect
shoals of fish. To overcome this problem, they use a modern
technology lo locate the shoals of fish.
Name one modern technology which fishermen use to
detect shoals of fish
[ 1 mark ]
State one reason why this technology is used instead of
conventional sound waves
[ 1 mark ]

Diagram 6.2 / Rajah 6.2

KEDAH 2013

Diagram 6.1 shows a ripple tank used to produce plane

Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan sebuah tangki riak yang digunakan

untuk menghasilkan gelombang satah.

Diagram 6.3 / Rajah 6.3


What is the meaning of angle of incidence?

Apakah maksud sudut tuju?

[1 mark] / [1
Based on the Diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3:

Diagram 6.1 / Rajah 6.1


Berdasarkan Rajah 6.2 dan Rajah 6.3:


Compare the angle 1 and 2.

Bandingkan sudut 1 dan 2.

SBP 2013

[1 mark] / [1
Compare the angle 1 and 2.

Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show two arrangements of the

apparatus in the laboratory to study the interference of sound waves.
Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan dua susunan radas dalam
makmal bagi mengkaji interferens gelombang bunyi.

Bandingkan sudut 1 dan 2.


[1 mark] / [1
Based on the answer in 6(b) (i) and
6(b) (ii), state the relationship between angle of incidence and angle
of reflection.
Berdasarkan jawapan di 6(b) (i) dan
6(b) (ii), nyatakan hubungan antara sudut tuju dan sudut pantulan.

[1 mark] / [1
Name the law involved.
Namakan hukum yang terlibat.

[1 mark] / [1
will happen to:

The frequency of the motor is increased. What

Frekuensi motor itu ditambah. Apakah akan

berlaku kepada:

the distance between the wavefronts?

jarak antara muka gelombang?

[1 mark] / [1
the speed of the wave?

Diagram 6.1
Rajah 6.1

laju gelombang itu?


[1 mark] / [1
Name one application of the reflection of waves.

Diagram 6.2
Rajah 6.2

Namakan satu kegunaan pantulan gelombang.


What type of wave is the sound wave?

Apakah jenis gelombang bagi gelombang bunyi?

[1 mark] / [1

[1 mark]
[1 markah]


Explain how loud sound and soft sound occurs.

Terangkan bagaimana bunyi kuat dan bunyi

perlahan berlaku.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2.

Perhatikan Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2.

Compare the distance between the two

loud speakers, a.
Bandingkan jarak antara dua pembesar

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
consecutive loud sounds, x.

Compare the distance between two

Bandingkan jarak antara dua bunyi

kuat berturutan.
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
Relate a and x.
Hubungkaitkan a dan x.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
State two physical quantities that should be
remain constant throughout the
Nyatakan dua kuantiti fizik yang mesti kekal
malar sepanjang eksperimen.
[2 marks]


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