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CASE 12-M-0476 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to

Assess Certain Aspects of the Residential and
Small Non-Residential Retail Energy Markets in
New York State


(Issued September 1, 2015)

By letter dated August 28, 2015, Consolidated Edison

Company of New York, Inc. and Orange and Rockland Utilities,
Inc. (together, the Companies), requested a one-month
extension until October 2, 2015 to submit a letter confirming
that the Companies have completed any system upgrades necessary
to implement the Revised EDI Standards as directed by the Order
Approving Changes to the Electronic Data Interchange Standards
issued March 2, 2015 in the above proceeding.

The filing is

currently due on September 2, 2015.

The Companies state that the extension is needed as
system upgrades required to implement the Revised EDI Standards
will not be completed by September 2, 2015, and the extension
will provide the Companies with the time necessary to implement
all required changes to their systems.

The Companies also state

that this extension will not interfere with the Companies

ability to meet the deadline of November 2, 2015 for completion
of required testing of the Revised EDI Standards.
This is to advise that the Companies request for
extension until October 2, 2015 is granted to all electric and
gas distribution utilities that have tariffed provisions
providing for retail access in order to promote the fair,
orderly and efficient conduct of this case.

Case 12-M-0476

A request for further extension was submitted on

August 31, 2015 by National Fuel Gas Distribution in this case.
That request is under review and a ruling will be timely issued.




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