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Unit 1:Chapter 1
1. Elaborate the distinctive characteristics of services
2. What are the implications of the features of services
3. How are services classified
4. What are the reasons of growth of services in India
5. What is the significance of goods service consortium
Chapter 2
1. What is the impact of external macro environment on service marketing
2. What are the factors that are stimulating the transformation of service
marketing in India
Chapter 3
1. What are the types of buying behaviour
2. What is zone of tolerance and its significance on marketing of services
3. What are the elements involved in service encounters
4. What are the types of service encounters
Unit 2:Chapter 4
1. Explain 7ps of service marketing with relationship to a specific service ie
2. Explain the service life cycle
3. Explain pricing strategies in services
4. How do you design a service process
5. What are the steps in service benchmarking
6. What is the role of physical evidence in services

Chapter 5
1. What is the difference in positioning between goods and services
2. What are the steps involved in service positioning
3. How is market segmentation done in services
4. What is the basis of market segmentation of services
Chapter 6
1. What are the different strategies to manage demand to match capacity
2. Explain the different demand situation in services

Chapter 7
1. What is the significance of branding in services
2. Explain the different types of branding in services

Unit 3:Chapter 8
1. What are the different determinants of service quality
2. Explain the GAP model with an help of an example
3. Explain the SERVQUAL model
Chapter 9
1. Explain the strategies to improve service productivity
Chapter 10
1. What are service failures and what are their implications
2. How can an organisation get an effective service recovery
3. What are the guidelines for effective problem resolution
4. What is procedural justice

5. What is service guarantee

Unit 4:Chapter 11
1. What are the functions of service leader
2. Explain the dimension of service leadership
3. What are the steps in service blue printing
4. What are the steps in service benchmarking
Chapter 12
1. What is moment of truth
2. Explain the service trinity triangle

Unit 1:Chapter 1
1. Explain what is Ethics and what are its broad classifications
2. With help of examples elaborate on how morality is different from Legality
3. Compare altruism with egoism
4. How do ethical delima arise and how is it corrected
Chapter 2
1. What are the importance of business ethics
2. Illustrate some majorly followed business ethics

3. List out the guidelines for managing ethics in workplace.

Unit 2:Chapter 3
1. Explain the various Indian ethos
2. Elaborate the Indian perspective on ethics.
3. What is swadharma and how why is it important
Chapter 4
1. Illustrate the various ethics in advertising with examples
2. What are the ethical problems in international marketing
3. What is ASCI. What are its objectives
Chapter 5
1. What are the ethical issues in Information technology
2. List out the key highlights of the Information Technology Act 2000.
Chapter 6
1. What are the main environmental issues facing India and the world
2. What are green initiatives and why is it important to study them
Chapter 7
1. Why should an organisation be socially responsible
2. What is the role of business in society.

Unit 3:Chapter 8
1. What is corporate governance and what is the scope of the same
2. What are the principles of corporate governance
3. What are the internal and external corporate governance control mechanisms

4. What are the features of corporate governance

5. What are the benefits of corporate governance
6. Explain the regulatory frame work of corporate governance in India
7. Explain the agency theory
Chapter 9
1. List the OECD principles on corporate governance
2. List down the various committees to ensure adherence to corporate
3. What is whistle blowing and explain the relevance of the same
4. What are the rights of shareholders
Chapter 10
1. Explain the Cadbury committee on corporate governance
2. Explain the Birla committee on corporate governance
Chapter 11
1. How does SEBI ensure adherence to corporate governance
Chapter 12
1. What is the Role of Board of directors in any company
Unit 4:Chapter 13
1. What are the arguments for and against CSR
2. Give some examples of how CSR is implemented in companies
3. What is work place harassment. What are its components
4. What is the role of the employer to maintain safety at work place
5. What is Sustainable development and state the role of NGOs in the same.
Chapter 14
1. What are the CSR towards various business groups

Chapter 15
1. What is triple bottom line and why should we be aware of it

Unit 1:Chapter 1
1. What is the mission of Logistics. With help of relevant examples explain
integrated logistics.
2. How can an organisation gain competitive edge with the help of Logistics
3. With help of examples explain the different types of Logistics
4. With help of relevant examples explain various functions of logistics
5. Elaborate the significance of Logistics for a developing country like India
6. What are the various objectives of Logistics
7. Differentiate between SCM and Logistics
8. Trace the evolution of Supply chain
Chapter 2
1. Explain Bull whip effect with examples. What are the causes and
consequences of the same
2. Differentiate between MRP and DRP
Chapter 3
1. What are the various customer service elements
2. Explain the 7Rs of logistics with help of examples
3. Explain customer order cycle with help of an example
4. What are the reasons for doing demand forecasting
5. What are the different methods of demand forecasting
6. Numerical examples on moving averages and smoothing constant

Unit 2:Chapter 4
1. Explain the different parties involved in the transportation process
2. What are the different costs associated with transportation
3. Elaborate major features of Road and Rail transport
4. Distinguish between water and air transport
5. Explain Pipe line as a mode of transport
6. Explain Multi modal modes of transportation with help of examples
Chapter 5
1. Explain the need of having a warehouse
2. What are the economic and service benefits of having a warehouse
3. Explain the different types of warehouses with examples
4. What are the factors affecting the design of a warehouse
5. What are the factors affecting the location of a warehouse
Chapter 6
1. Explain the important functions of packaging
2. What are the different material handling equipments
3. What are the objectives of material handling
4. Explain the key drivers of reverse logistics
Unit 3:Chapter 7
1. What are the functions of inventory
2. What are the different cost associated with inventory
3. State the relevance of Q system of inventory management and how is it
different from P system
4. What is EMI and how different is it from JIT

5. Numerical on EOQ and reorder level

6. What is EOQ. State the assumptions of the same and the limitations
7. What are the different selective inventory control techniques.
Chapter 8
1. State the relevance of IT on logistics
2. What is LIS and what are the key features of a good LIS system
Unit 4:Chapter 9
1. Explain the significance of Logistics Audit
2. What are the internal and external performance measurement techniques
Chapter 10
1. Explain the procurement process with help of examples
2. What is ABC how is it different from Total cost analysis
3. Explain Mission based costing with example
Chapter 11
1. What is the need for a logistical network analysis
2. Explain the need of Milk Run
Chapter 12
1. What are the objectives of ICDs
2. What are the modern logistics infrastructure that could act as a boon for

Unit 1:Chapter 1
1. Explain the functions of HRM

2. Explain the importance of HRM

3. Differentiate between PM and HRM
4. What are the benefits of a PM policy
5. What are the challanges faced by a HR manager in the current situation
Chapter 2
1. What are the features of HR planning
2. What are the advantages of human resource of planning
3. Explain the process of human resource planning
Chapter 3
1. Explain the importance of VRS
2. What are the benefits of promotions
3. What are the purpose of job transfers
4. What are the principles of a sound transfer policy

Unit 2:Chapter 4
1. What is job analysis and what are the components of job analysis
2. What are the uses of job analysis
3. What are the factors affecting job design
4. What is job evaluation and what are the importance of job evaluation
5. What are the methods of job evaluation
Chapter 5
1. What are the internal and external sources of recruitment
2. Explain the selection process
3. What is induction and what are the purpose of induction

4. What are the various methods of induction

Chapter 6
1. What is training and distinguish between training and management
2. What are the various methods of training
3. Explain the training process
4. What are the benefits of training

Unit 3:Chapter 7
1. What is performance appraisal and explain the objectives of the same
2. What are the various methods of performance appraisal
3. Elaborate the stages in appraisal process
4. What are the advantages of performance appraisal
Chapter 8
1. Explain the components of an employee compensation package
2. What are the various types of fringe benefits
3. What are the advantages of performance linked incentives plans
4. What are the features of a good performance linked plan
Chapter 9
1. What is career planning and what is the need of the same
2. Explain the process of career planning
3. Explain the various career stages that an employee has to go through
4. What are the various employee retention techniques
5. What is succession planning and what are the advantages of the same

Unit 4:Chapter 10
1. What are the objectives of participative management
2. What are pre requisits of participative management
3. Explain the various methods of participation
4. What are the features of quality circles
Chapter 11
1. What are the benefits of cordial industrial relation
2. Explain the parties to industrial relation
Chapter 12
1. What are features of trade union
2. What are the objectives of trade union
3. What are the weakness of trade union

The SSF paper generally has around 50 marks numerical and the rest is theory.
The following are the expected questions that could come along with their tentative

Simple capital budgeting sums to compute ARR, PI

Simple sums on IPO

Simple sums on AS17

1. Case study type numerical on term loans where writing flash report, making
income statement for 3-5 years along with computing DSCR and ICR.
2. Alternatively a numerical type sum on Forex where by information about
export or import along with the breakup and date would be given. Mostly
ledger accounts may be asked. Journal entry expected.
Numericals would be based on


Segment reporting

Hire purchase

Mutual funds

For theory, the following questions need to be done well

1. EVA
2. Book building process (including underwriting)
3. Participants in the financial markets
4. Segment reporting
6. Mutual funds
7. Operating and Financial lease

The FM paper generally has around 60 marks numerical and the rest is theory.
Section 1
1. The following are the expected questions that could come along with their
tentative variety

Leverages (Simple calculation of OL, FL, CL with data given on sales and
costs along with interest. Also reverse calculations of income statements based
on leverages

Receivables management (simple question on computation of opportunity cost

for credit period given and evaluation of 2 or 3 credit options)

Cost of capital (sure question on computation of WACC when the amounts

and cost of each component of capital is given). You may be asked to compute
Kd or Ke on the given data.

Capital restructuring (Simple sums on merger based on exchange of shares on

NAV, MPS, EPS method. Basis and straight forward sums)

1. Case study type numerical on capital budgeting or cash management. In

capital budgeting computation of NAV and using capital rationing for 3-4
machines/options. Level of difficulty would be moderate. Please dont leave
any questions unanswered. If you are not confident with the whole case, you
may atleast make an income statement to compute cash inflow. Also dont
forget to check whether the data given is PAT or EBIT or Cash inflow.
Majority of the students make a mistake in identifying the same.
2. In cash management, moderate level sums where cash inflow and outflow for
3 months would be asked to be computed. Sales information could be
bifurcated in a delayed structure over 3 months. Please pay attention to arrears
in payment of wages, expenses. Remember that cash management only has to
be computed by taking into account only cash expenses.
4. Working capital management (where information on production, sales and
stores maintained in weeks or months. Selling price breakup and then
computation of working capital. Else an alternative sum where by annual
sales, expenses etc are given and reverse computation of working capital)
Some tips here- please keep in mind that working capital is only computed by
taking credit purchase and credit sales. Also check if there is a safety margin to
be kept.
5. Capital structure planning (moderate level sum taking care of capital raising
under 3-4 options and computing EPS could be asked).
For theory, the following questions need to be done well
1. Functions of finance manager
2. Reasons for carrying cash
3. Types of working capital
4. Factors affecting working capital
5. Sources of long term finance
6. Sources of short term finance
7. Capital budgeting techniques
8. Types of mergers

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