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Dan Schoen Minnesota ‘Sate Representative auiceat House of Dakota ané Washington Counties Representatives ‘September 11,2015 ‘The Honomble Kurt Daudt Speaker ofthe House 463 State Office Building St Paul, MI 55155 Dear Speacer Daud: [As you are aware, Representatives Tara Mack and Tim Kelly recently made serious accusations aginst a {aw enforcement official va statements provided to various news oullets in esponse to reports of ie having been issued public nuisance ctadons at Lebunon Hills Regional Park on August 23 of thisyea, In he intl statement, Rep. Mack sid the sharif deputy report was “completely fs.” Rep. Kelly rade a sinilar claim in bi statement, saying the officer “included false information” inhi notes and said the reports “an absolute le" Both sad in ther statements that they intended 10 fle formal complaints ‘agains the officer, which would have provided an opportunity to further investigate these allegations. In press accounts, you stood behind their laims saying, “We certainly support them.” Last Friday, both Reps. Mack and Kelly decided to drop their complaints and pay the fines associated ‘wth the etions thy received. Under Minnesota lathe payment of citation is equivalent oa guilty plea. Vet neither Rep. Mack nor Rep. Kelly retracted their orignal statements thatthe law eaoreement ‘fice had filed fle report against ther, ‘Members ofthe legislature making filse claims against law enforcement officials a serious issue forthe Minnesote House of Representatives [find it very disappointing that Rep. Mack and Rep. Kelly would ity to harm the efeiblity of his law enforcement oficial simply Co resce their ovm. {believe iis important forthe institution ofthe House that Rep. Kelly and Rep. Mack apologize tothe law enforcement official, and the Dakota County Sherf's Offic, for their very serious allegations “aginst them, As you had previously stood behind Rep. Kelly and Mack's claims, I believe iis important ttt you aso voice your sipport for the Dakota County Sherif?'s Office official who was simply dong his jo. ‘Asyou know, | have been a licensed peace officer in the State of Minnesota for 14 years, and L curently ‘eprest a portion of Dakota County inthe legislature, There ae also several members ofthe leglaure ‘who used ta workin law enforcement andr have ei ldsen and family members who are current aw enforcement We know tha every day thre are police officers and la enforeement officials throughout ‘ur state who work hard to uphold the public tust and Keep us safe, To allow Rep. Mack and Rep. Kelly ise claims to go unresolved is unacceptable Itis important forthe credibility of our body that Rep. Mack and Rep. Kelly apologize, and that as Speaker ofthe House, you address this important issue of publi trast. Thank you for your attention to ths imponant issue Sincerely, ep, Dan Schoen (een agra ne Ones Marin a KJ le, SP nec S56 208 snl FASC Te 396 BE Eat den roo e -

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