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Miss Reynolds & Mrs.

Class News
Fall is almost officially here! As the
September 18, 2015
weather starts to get cooler it is often chilly
September 21st: No School
during Morning Prayer as we stand in the
shade.You might want to send in a sweatshirt
Handwriting: We are having or jacket in the mornings for your child to
wear. Please remember the children are only
difficulty forming our letters
allowed to wear TFS sweatshirts in the classand using our best work
throughout the day. Please con- room per the community handbook.
tinue to review and practice
these skills with the children
Academically Next Week...
when they do their homework. Phonics: We will continue working on Unit 2, Week 2 in Fundations next

Important Dates

week. We will be focusing on glued sounds: /ang/, /ing/, /ong/, /ung/, /

ank/, /ink/, /onk/, and /unk/. In addition we will focus on R-controlled
vowel sounds including: /ir/, /er/, and /ur/.
Reading: As we continue reading groups and focus on written responses,
please encourage the children to use the question in their response to ensure
a complete sentence.
Religion: Next week we begin Chapter 5: God the Son. Please remember
to initial the Chapter Review each week indicating you have reviewed it with
your child.
Math: We will working on Chapter 2: Place Value to 100. We will be focusing on: tens & ones, place value, and number words.

Miss Reynolds:

Mrs. Ruiz:

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