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AD1 Result Unit 1 Personality

Fill in the gaps with ONE word. Scrambled

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Same But Different
In some ways we ____ 1all the same. We all have the ____2
human nature. We share a common humanity. _____3 all have
human bodies and human minds, _____4 all have human thoughts
and human feelings.
_____5 in other ways we are all completely _________6 and
unique. No two people are truly _____7. No two people can ever
have the ____8 experience of life, the same perspective, the ____9
Even identical twins are unique in ____10 respect: twin number 1
will always be ____11 number 1 and will never know what ____12
is actually like to be twin number _____13 to experience life and
see the world _______14 number 2s eyes.
Somewhere between these two --- our common humanity and our
unique individuality --- lies personality.
Personality is about our different ____15 of being human. How we
are all __________16 on the same themes. How the human
______17 we all share manifests in different styles _____18
thinking, feeling and acting.


we /yet /alike /are /different /it /nature /of /same /this /through /twin
/variations /ways / we

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