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SEEC FORM 20 Page 1017 Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement ‘CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMBMSSION Revised Jameary 2018 annie OM Uy COVER PAGE NAME OF COMMMTFRE Segarra for Mayor 2 ARRASUIREN NAME. g 2 = Fs oo tae tie shaun H Sheriden 3 TREASURER ANDES z a 5 ee aca 7 Sate Coe 1 Gold Street, Unit 6A Hertford cr 06103 -THLECTION REWERENDUM DATE [5 OFTIGHSOUGIT (Coyrssnb Conan Conniteg DISTRICT UNTER enti) Feo 11/03/2015 Mayor of Hartford, Connecticut FT EANDIDATE NAME (neo Cai we Bri Cite) — =e Tos mi Ta See Pedro E Segarra [TVPRORIREPORT (Cader Be = S z S O danvary 10 filing ricky proseting primary Cay pecetingwezendum Cita Conicbton or Disbursement encs ont) Oat 10 sing 030 cays flowing primary 4S dys flowing rend © Arenal to Ohhiy 10 fli Ott cay preseing lection QDetet Type of Report: (October 10 ing Opin day precedingetecion Termination {Se Cte! Conve On) ——E O2 HowrIndependent ExperdiNAe Os 44s towing election OPimay OBeton ‘otek! in Noverber 5, PERIOD COVERED. _ ee ee Beginning Date Ending Date 72015 thea 9/2/2015 1 hereby certify and slate, under penalties of false statement, tha all ofthe information st forth on this Hemized| Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement forthe perio covered fire, acurate and comple tI TREASURER On DEPUTY TREASURER GIGNATURE) PATE CTC GIO DATE maa) 91972015 ‘A person who is found ro have knowingly and willy Vidlated ahy provisidds of the campaign finance stotutes “faces a civil penalty or imprisonment or both. SEEC FORM 20 Adeietee ‘temized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement ‘CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised January 2015 SUMMARY PAGE TOTALS TARE OF COMMITTEE sine Congleton GPS OP REPORT [Segarra for Mayor F7th Day Preceding Primary Filing COLUMN A ‘COLUMN B “This Period Agureuste , Balonce on hard Janvary | of eurrent year for ongoing and party commitess OR ase e Balance on hand from day eommitee was formed forall other commits 12, Balance on hand tthe beginning of Reporting Peciod is110,813.70 13, Contstutions Receved from Individuals (Sections A and B) $46,243.79 $368,942.11 [5500.00 $3,850.00 15, Other Monetary Receipts (Sections D through K) [519,000.00 $20,000.00 16a, Tote Proceeds om Small Purchases (Section Ll Subpart | + Subpart 3) i Pea Gb. Per Public Act 11-48, efetive January t, 2012 Section L2, removed = z 160, Total Purchases of Advertsing Program Book or Sign (Seaton 3) 's4,900.00 $4,900.00 17, Total Monetary Receipts (a totals for Lines 13 through (6s) $70,643.79 $397,692.11 18, Subtotals (eld tolalsin Line 12+ 17 in Column A; and in Line 114 17 in Column B) —_[9181,45749 $397,692.11 19, Expenses Paid by Committe (Section P) {s152,260.12 $368,494.74 20, Bolace on hand at lose of Reporting Period (Subset Lite 19 fom Lin 18 inbothCckanns) [$29,197.37 $29,197.37 21, laine! Donations not Considered Contributions Received (Section Lt) 0. $0. 22, mxKind Donations not Considered Contributions — House Pasty (Section Ls) {$350.00 $889.62 23, In-Kind Contbations Reccived (Section M) \so71.81 $3,492.42 24, Refundable Deposit to Telephone Company Section N) s-0- $.0- 25,Loan Balance s-0- = 25u. + Loans Reseived Section D) $19,000.00 230, + snterest and Penalties on Loan [s-0- 5-0. 256, - Payments on Loan s-0- 254. Total Outstanding Loan Amount $19,000.00 26. Campaign Expenses Paid by Candiceto (Section Q) 0 27, Bxpenses Inwred on Committee Crefit Card (Section R) 0. $-0- 28, Expenses Incured by Committee During this Period but Not Pai (Section $) {575.00 See ge 2a, Total Oustending Expenses Incurred by Comme sill Unpai (Section 8) 75,00 = ii Z J. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Pege 3 of 17 THANE OR COMIN ot Contr Nasa ew in eso PE OF REPORT. [Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primaty Filing (See introns for dfrtion af Sal Contributer) Total Contributions from Sinall Contvibutors-Reecived this Perlod ONLY ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A, SIV/A- Allon Schedule 6 B. Hemized Contributions trom Individuals = a = ‘valued at mare thar $5,000? Oe io. $30.00, ines Horne ee Csncane Ouse sacs Pest Check @CreiuDebit Cel QPaye Dsiuetion QMeney Over | 9/1/2015 $30.00 197 Amity St Hartford cr 06106 is conibtora ats, sponse, TF onion i ees 07500 cl dependent eid of ibys ON Valued moe than $5000? does contr cr busines tle is aseined wh have a er ONG ne fra che xaos ocr ofa mney, tc i sb nial sts cortcntion sonia wen lventpoctedin Seton LI? Upset Event Yes No Ts cotiblor apical of stats con (or or pospestv sine contactor? per, indente wich branch o brane ‘of govenmert th conte i “* qpescctve O) Lesidative Meta Coeibaie cieh Cretan check: Oereivdebit Cael CR ol Deion Corey rte | 9/1/2015 $500.00 bear Tar 7 Lopez Carmen eens eee Ns lew sm ipeoe 175 Balmforth st Bridgeport ct | 06605 Trac eos Tine Ttpione Retired Retired Tacontinora RING apois Yes] conwbaton en exces of HO io canal fora sit excetve oer ofa municipal, | Awowat of te dalkeratahiyin? GINO. | does cortribtr or ares: she is soclated ih hve gaat with en mniiality led a more than 85,0007 yee No $25000 Ts tis conribton sola witha ‘Yes lsconributor principal ofa sate conser or prospective satecontaser? CYS vent epete in Seton L No | “apse nciate which rancho Branches No sent ese ‘tgowenman te coaar swith OEveutve Oeste Neto Conti ised lOcash renal Check Ocrtndebit Cus QP Dasston QMevey Ore 9n/2015 $250.00 “TOTAL. OF ALL CONTRI SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page [972000 : == TOHAL of atonal Section B Pages [$45,469.79 DUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AD) STM Entrtl on Le 13, Coton A ef Suneary age Tet) {4624379 a I, MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Fare TAUNIE OF COMMITTEE Cap Neo apie gp [TYPE OF REPORT, [Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Filing ‘Gi, Contributions from Other Committees aot Come® Tara Teese Connecticut State Employees Assoc PAC Robert Rinker paste Ts this conataionaooviaed wathan Qves @No “Kwan af Contibaon vent rept in Seton LI? 760 Capitol Ave . 13s isk Beat $500.00 iow Tae ages Ba a Raa Cae Hertford cr fosios | avasyzons $500.00 [rarer “Rana of Conia ‘vet rpots in Sesion LI? Wye it Boca [etisconsibuionesosacd withan @Yes ONO ay Tae ap Gale — — PEERTTET To Co ofan Tawar ‘ven epi in Section LI? “ye st Event isthe consibaon zoned with an Yes QO 5 ae ——Yzpta [Dacor a Coa ‘Arn af Cantbaton eS = GGeetions C14 C2) (ter tat on Le 14, Col A of Simona Page Tot z 2 “Gr, Reimbursements or Surplus Distributfons from other Committees z= or Peo Rese ro w nena skeet Famer ‘Aout of Recent Otsinbusement for staderpense OSuplsDistibaton baer ww Ke roe Dake Eas Tomer ‘mot of Reet OReintarsemen for sine vpens> O'Suplus Dison = = TOTAL of additional Section C Pages. |$-0- TOTAL OF ALL COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS AND RECEIPTS [599.09 sereromn I, MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A arsettt THAN OF COMMUTTTE pra Cage me aha mm [ivng OF REPORT [Segarra for Mayor Fh Day Preceding Primary Fling = Toans Received this Period Reactor Regewot tom Diets lpedro Segarra Gra Oeste Ornsvieat Owes | B/S pana oF [7A Trion Coron [760 Prospect Ave Hartford Jct osias | axroens i? se Cir eto) “Amount Reeve a oF ae Yaron —) $1900.00 Rano corona enero Davao Goa O cada © tnd QOH Commies ITT 7 sins [ata Tame Conger Gagan of se? ‘Ors Ow Hera agra py Arnount Reseed Sana oF Sate mre Raat Dear ‘Pomi Qantas Q tative Qorer Genie aR oF moe Tiss Cee guar ofa? Give Oe Faro Coens Te Aout Reeve a oF sae ao : ‘TOTAL SECTION D Be Receipts from Entities other (han Jadividuals oF Other Commiltees.(Referendiun Commiltees ONLY) aoofEniy er a Bae Racer Tinaaat Reed lr a rca Tansee Conta pore fea haa Brera “Kiowat Heeeved a sae aaa Tae a motto saan Taek Tira eee ier Sa Pe “apie Coons TOTAL SECTION B 1. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) pee TANTO COMI a Ca gradi i aps : VREOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor Tth Day Preceding Primary Fling “jh Amount Transferred from Aftillated Business Treasury (huxives Budr Comunitees ONLY Da ote ‘Sits nactionasccied wien — (ves [yes lis Evel # Aon tent eared in Seton 1? re Patna Tstistersattenawsocied vathan— EQVes peti rant Twat vet repre in Seton LI? idee ache Trim tanncton anooricd witvan (yes Wen ft Brea “Ra vent pet Seton LI? Meee soi Teihistanscton avowed watien (Yes Wye ti Event Amant tet epored a Seton? x TOTALSECTIONK —|$© Timea Daw one ‘om Aifiliatod Labor Union or Other Organization Treasury (Oreanieaion Comminces ONLY) | acta ro mount mount = TOTAL SECTION G Personal Funds of the Candidate Revelved this Period (Ceuddate Conuniuees ‘ONLY. 5 Das elem eat Oven Oreacnatcrsk —_ © creo Cat ae Teieiotmooo Tao Ocen © renenicincc © Cree Sseecacece eee Daa Terao Tamar Ocen O rewmiiciesc —__ OGelvmedxcnd aoe Tetra Tama Oeash © Presa Check QO creaivoebit Gut ate s TOTALSECTIONH — |$-0- = = =~ J; Anonymous Contributions Per Public Act 11-48, Anonymous Contributions may no longer be deposited in amy amount, [fa committee receives an anonymous contribution, the campaign treasurer shall immediately remit the contribution to the State Elections Enforcement Commission for deposit in the General Fund, tonne I, MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Page 70617 NAME OF CONBMTEE: ols Cog a Mis ih i Ri) hiv OF REPORT egarra for Mayor [7th Day Preceding Primary Filing 7 Iuferest from Deposils in Authorized Accounts Nanette Das Ressned wow See oy sae ]evewie Ta ana Daca a = e TOTAL SECTION J [5-0- i AK. Miscellaneous Monetary Receipts not Considered Contributions z Nae Da of Tension cooarasara ia aie oF Salsa Dan ene as orasaiee ‘Amount Reseed Teena ow Sas [aoa Tae aval anaaie auntie ee er Gr oe Darin Tae Darr or Sian nach Siena ow Sas Cr TOTAL SECTION K—|5-0- : SUMMARY OF OTHER MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections D through K): Total Loans Received this Period (Seetion D) [$19,000.00 Total Receipts from Kites other than Individuals or Other Commitses (Section 1) + s-0- “Total Amount Transferred from Affiliated Business Treasury (Section F) + [so ‘Total Amount Transferred from ASfiiated Labor Union or Other Organization Treasury Section @) + $-0- “Total Amount of Personal Funds of the Candidate Recelved this Period (Section H) + 5-0- ‘Tolal Amount of Interest from Deposits in Authorized Accounts (Section J) + [so ” + [so ‘Total Miscellaneous Monetary Recelpts not Considered Contr ions (Sect Total of Other Monetary Receipts (a Setions D through K). ina en ine Coan Ad ese og To) {°° 990000 ee I. EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—Ls) bbeteeh HANIF COT i Cg ie gD vREOEREFORT Segara for Mayor 7h Day Preceding Primer Fling = in Bye information — 5 =. Pr ves hs feng event o7orz0is A __| Funcalser Ove Ove Tonto Bas ee fe [avo 1 Union Plaze Hartford ct | 06103 Suipart Ts (aU Commaeesy ‘Wes this event hosted at personal residence? OYes (ire goto Seton LS In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions ‘Asotin witha Howse Party nel complete ceuird inforatan for ary purtaes mud by hot) or od, baverege and vilaons) @©no IST Taio pnts oes domly sos aly © Yeu Uo po Senn WK Hots ol once Contos tap S200 of toe dnd yw nico op 108100? eed tenon) Oro WaT erp a, oo se dtd cas OYer Oe one Tonle) ‘in uc fan netorep 01007 Hels Ono rap Bary Commi, ale Cais od oid Conner fon Bloor Conte) Sore ei re gta keer (Svs tie xeon Perens ot vein Sta Param Bok ‘loves va is nie? Grant Sgeanisomplareusd metnatie) Ono ‘Subpart 3: (Town Committees ONLY) Here vere aotortonge ss orsar ass OV Werner a ech) gathering held within the state with this funelratscr? s Ovo fa Bae i vi = sis fog eat rra201s ‘A | Funcalser Ors Or Toa Se kr mor 3240 Main treet Hatord cr | 6120 Subpart T= (AM Commitees) ‘Was this event hosted at personal residence? OYes (Uys, goo Section LS Inna Donations not Considered Census “Avocinted ith Howse Party and complete required information fo sphases nade by hoe) for Rn, bsveage and nian) One ‘Did tis fundrisrlnludo goods o servses donated hy a Business enlty ©) Yes Ure, pot Section La In-Kind Donations not Considered Contains ‘of up to $200 o tems donated by an individual of upto $1007 fndcomplete oq inforwation) Oxo ‘Was this Tundriser aa ste anclon, or oer sale of donated tems OVYes (U/pen ener ToblRecepihere) vith phases from an individual of up to $1007 sous. Ovo Subpart (Party Conmailees, Municipal Condiates end Political Connges other than Exploratory Committees) Wen there purchases at advensing space ina program Gook or ona) Yes (yes, goto Section La Purchases of Advertbing Spice ina Program Hook sign associated with this fundeaiser? ‘rena Sig an complete required information) Ono Tabpar’ 3s (Town Commitors ONLY Did your commits sell oad or beverage a a aor simile mass Over (afyessentee Toll Recep) 5 suthering fed within the state with this Tanrie? ae Ono fs from Sale of Donaied Items —This Page “SUBTOTAL Sestion bi Suport | (4 Connie Total Rees ‘SUBTOTAL Seetion Li—subpnts (Tew Conmitees ONL) ri Tall Reels from Food Parchases This Page_ | °° “HOLAL of aalional Setion La Pages TOTAL OF ALL RECEIPTS FROM SMALL PURCHASES| ¢ 0. Cntr oit on Li 1, Coluyn A of Suits Page Toa) eee II, EVENT ACTIVITY (ections 1415) Praeset Per Public Act 11-48, effective January 1, 2012 committees are no longer required to itemize small individual purchases from a committee tag sale, auction, or a sale of donated items. Section L2. removed THANE OF COMA ra Con ee ard i ig poe [TPS OF REFORT [Segarra for Mayor Pith Day Preceding Primary Fling Le Ta, Purchases of Advertising ina Program Book or ona Sign g | Tone ot ect Fach ae Business nity Qorer Accutron inc Orava Proprietorship eae oy sen [pce 149 Addison Re Hatford ct |ostos Bacto wat emcee Fors RTA | Arun of Progra Ad Force] — Ansunt fia Purchase 8/20/2015 082520154 $250.00 $250.00 $0 ear raa Tecan eee Qbusiees tatty Cotter QodiviaseePoptrtip roms a sana cato 30 Arbor st Hartford ct | ost05 ses ae agape acs Ree Amount of Progeam Ad Torches] Amount fin Porcose js/2s/201s (08252015A 510000 $100.00 $0. ate Fen ©bxioesszntiy Comer Black Eyed Sallys ck Eyed Say Odio Propeeonship [sera (cw Sie [aipCote 350 Asylum St Hartford ct | o6t0s awa Teal Paces Pots Aves Amant of Programm Ad Farchase] Amount oF igo Purchase 8/20/2015, (082520158 $100.00 $100.00 50 Renshaw Fuse @busress nity Corer Brown, Palndits & Scott, LLP OosivitaetePopitrhin [Beene cm Tae [zipCote 100 Pearl St Hartford ct | 06033 Bas konned Bea? Tageen Pantone iv Avas” | Anson of Progrom Ad Percese] Amount of Sin Porehase 1/20/2015 (08252015A $250.00 $250.00 $0 Rassat racine Tecan Noe @ossireatniy Qoter ‘Champions Skating Center . _ OlntividetsolPropricostip Farha co ‘ue [ tin Coe [6 Progress Or Cromwell cr | osaie Dashed Beal PegezasTniows Se Anone | Amount of Progeam Ad Purchase] — Anunt of ign Purchase 8/20/2015 1982520158 $100.00 $100.00 $0 sof Advertising in rogram Book —This Pag | 5€00.00 ‘SUBTOTAL. Section 1'Total Pure SUBTOTAL Section Ta Total Purchases of Advertsing ona Sign —Ihs Pge] 5-0 “TOTAL of alaitionnl Section Ls Pages [$4,100.00 TOTAL OF AVL FURCIIASIS OF ADVEITISING INA FROGRAN HOOK oF ON ASIEN] 4,900.00 z Eine ttl on Line 1, Colon of Stnmnty Page Totals) IL EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections LI—L5) Page 00617 THAN OF CORINA Prec No ia wih i ope) TVAEOR REPORT [Segarra for Mayor "7th Day Preceding Primary Fling EE = Ta. In-Kind Donations Not Considered Contributions Resa uae ci Sas ipo Domi Gea Dy Bsns ity Oinaivicst OolePepitrship Demian Downie [Rezaean Vee rise Tair Marit Value of Donation Ran of Dee ar eee iy tae Deen Gen By Opies Ey Onndividest Ossi Prpristship espera Domton Bar Road nae Teoxqne Va es Few ir Market Vale of Do Pearce Sacer oy onion hen Obiusines ay Ornaividust Osole Proprietorship ‘Dasspion oben Tir Market Valo of Donation cana pti Deaton Gren By ‘OdBosines ntty Oindividua | Qisote Proprietorship Tatas ‘OTAL OF ALLIN-KIND DONA’ ‘Enter total on Line 21, Cor of Stommary Page Te en Taaee ie INTRIBUTIONS | ¢.o. Tir Market Vale of Dow 4 I, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—L5) en TARIETOF CONMATTTER vi Cane Ror Rad ig apn Prvee OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Filing TS. ln-Kind Donations Not Considered Contributions Associated with a House Party vector Ts tis event supporting more han one candidate or committee? Q¥es © No eee {yen som ean in Aten 1S sear Ria a Se [arco 21 Walbridge Road West Hartford cr [osit9 Despina Beo air Maret Valu of Donation Food and supplies for fundraiser pane at [Rave Vaca ia Bieta as Tap Va a te eon (082020150 $350.00 $175.00 Resear Tes event supporting more than ono ondidato or commitee? O¥es @No eee {ses somplcte Meniaton in Adendum 1S a oe see [roca 21 Walbridge Road West Hartford jer Josi1e asain ofan Tair Markel Valu of Dovation Food and supplies for fundralser eat Beat Taree Va a nal he ‘ae Via oa Be tle Jos2020150 $350.00 $175.00 amcor Ts this ovetaupporing more aw one onda oF conmites? Oves © No _fyes srl eatin in Aen 1S Dagan Donlon Flr Market Vale of Doraion car [ese Vas oi aon ae Va oa te ont Rosato Te iis ven auporing ner Than one Candas oF conimittes? Oves @No Uyes, complet tenlanon fn Addendum 1S Seer na ow Tee aoe asin a Baaton hel Vale of Donation a Tepes Van ef Baa Tanne ae ofa ano SUBTOTAL Sect $380.00 ‘TOTAL of additional Section LS Pages TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND DONATIONS NOT CONSIDERED CONTRIBUTIONS | 655 a9 ASSOCIATED WITH A HOUSE PARTY (Enver toa on Line 2 Column A of Summary Page Totals) age 120F17 IL. NONMONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections M—O) "ANE OF CONDITIT Wve Conc Nan apni ig Repaoa) ROP RETORT, [Segarra for Mayor [7th Day Preceding Primary Filing i. actin Contributions HTustar Shah a re Sa aT 17 Highland st Wethersfield Ict__jostos “ypratcomibaae Oona raced [Ree Cottons | Deson Pin Conan lind Sole Popcisorsip Ooo |7/1/2015__fs1,000.00 Food, drinks, and supplies for event Tcasnraiarapame,” ves] Toman rn oor oT wa conn cas cee oy os mann. se crater eos contro snes hae esol wh hve nggniast with a ancy fe Maret Yue dependent tated?” ©) No | alg nortan 5,007 ‘Ove Ox tts Contibton Tsiiscontibnlonaneied wih Yes | feos pineal oatatesontoctor or prspsinesateconiaeto?— Eves Soto Set Bes | petal ase bem xs] #24625 yes st xen 07012015, goverment cent sw ine Chasis John Perkins Sie A cy Se [ae 37 Lepase Re Windsor ct }o6095 Tye eteaibane Obes a Kendivitant/ Sole Popitaakip Cowher] 8/15/2015} $525.60 Shirts forrally Samba aya apawe, Yo) Tenia ia nae oT waar ee aRTeane eg roma, | War Nao a ircmemitry a es] event or unex sesh ave are Wi munky atts Contribution dependent chikdofalobbys? NO) ied moran 35,0007 ‘Or Ow is conn sted whan Yer [lnomiintor prised oasis connor or ropetne ine contact? (vex 9425:60 er eprtedin Seton LI? We | apoeinesto which branch on branes Ne oes tate Lecce cont isviteCUExeewive Qegiave saa er aa | Tipe atconieane Connie ae Rad Re Cones — Depo on Coro [Gdinivicnal ote opioship Comer Tauiratoar pa, Ga] Yin SaesoT TOD wane rasa ccaie reg cTenwniay; | EAE Nase Ne eee Saiseks aby &| escent er uss oe aside onal sd malty th Conttaton tepemtechitsoralebyis? NO] ated at more tan $5000 Ors Ow Thats contort with an rel repo liste in Seton LI? ifs, sk Even wer Ne Yee No Ts conibtor pineal of Sato conta or pespeaive se conten ies inst wich branch or bras otgovenment tne const sw: CExcutve, C)Legiitve 8 TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND C ‘SUNTOTAL Sect pers TOTAL of adilitional Section M Paxes _[5-0- This Page. CONTRIBUTIONS (ter aon Le 23 Cota of Sumy Page Tet) [$671.81 TN. Refundable Deposit to Telephone Company a Nan of | Bet aE] Dae Dose TT ET oy aoe Auunot Deposit er Saran cr Rae aa TOTAL SECTION N enero on Line 26 Cotur of Serunary Pag Tot) er Poet 1 ole mony 202 cores a rr eiediene etn res tai ar Lan Gus Poty Commie fein rene suum IV, EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) Prag 18 0617 an OF COATT Oa Rn VISOR REPORT Segara for Mayor rh Day Preceding Primary Fling = ‘P. Uixpenses Paid by Commities g = Tee Tasted aint re arr mois Ecrecce1090_ aR ar Po Box 537108 Plante are [Po iar ry "S99 Misc [Mayor Campaign Cell Phone 5/22 -6/21 hia, $1758 Tagg? yr oi ln Rei Rei BAO et None of ewe WA Coordinated with seimbursemant sought {joie expenditure) tependiert Coondineted with eibursemént sought Ged conti) an OxnOcOn Tae a [Comcast mens rea 7 ce 27 Haynes s Hartford cr {ostos apostles Doon nar Anew Or cst id Pt [cabo internet, and Phone Lines NA sates Fr tapi aan Te te Pee ns None of bow cee Nor ft ow aut th inbsan og Gites) Q indepen [Sceuscivitateniomeanesmentiny QopmainOr Ov Oc Ov TTR Satiaese [petPoaae 1093 [TheVine Grou manners creck 1083 i Overcus Our ia ww aie fea 54 Robert Road Manchester ct |os0%0 Rajomatinmats ooo eat Amount (7 post Postage and Mallings NIA $369916 SeaS ea en FR dO lone below N/A Conte thinker sought (see) Inge Gcoodauted witha ime se Geno) cnannQanOcO Tosa acta‘ e Mike Farina 7201s Gomi Cosiicas Quen Tr aw Se cae Si Robert Road Manchester ct | 06040 agers [on ea ovat WE —_|Relmbursement for Catering at 6-14 Fundtalser osi420150 $460.00 ea ere sh low 1 eat inbment 00p Gos e) tender outa ation 0h Gd tn ‘SUBTOTAL, Section P—~This Page [54,785.17 ‘TOTAL of ataltional Section P Pages [$147,474.95 TOTAL OF ALL EXPENSES PAID BY COMMITTI OA itn ine Cha fsa Page rota) S200"? pear rogyae JV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) Page 117 AN OF COMIITTTE Tn Cae Nor ir wi Fi ein) yrs OF REPORT [Segarra for Mayor Tih Day Preceding Primary Filing ‘O. Campaign Expenses Paid by Candidate TST ane Von Teo Fy ol all TD) Das at fora Trrenent be Qs OW arate oF aie eos [rane ttapetne Poscnon ea ‘Amour joven. Ts f Foye Nine Vet Fe rs wh ede pea) Davattayne Treebonoes cell Ove ON aE oi ae Eo rays ftps — [Deion Bea ‘smoua loyewsey aw bays of We Fes or ty ena vel) Toaoffaymens {| —‘ovetbureement chimed? Ove Ov Eon oe sae ele apr fendi [Den ea ‘amount jerew) Psa ae Re By a TY Sa Oe Ow Sane or evo rapes oftapeatire [Devon ea mount loves) ras ope Vel no By a ast TD) Davart Trabant caine Ove Ow san oir fine ERO frase affapeine —[Desinon Bea ‘Anant lowe) TEST Fi ef Von Foo oy te a SY avatar Tr eitaremet awe Ors Ore eo Cir ae aC froin areapece loreoss FOTAL OF ALL EXPENSES PAID BY CAN] “pte tlt ot Line 26, ClunutAaf Sonne Boge Teo) ea (DIDATE Anowat Shee IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) Page 18 of 17 van OF Cone ron Cpr Nn asia i TREO REFORT [Segarra for Mayor "7th Day Preceding Primary Filing Re Expenses Incurred! on. Committee Credit Gard Type of Cret Card © Vise MasterCard Qviscorer ChAmerican Express ote Rane of sung Ist Taneat vee Ta poor Bie ane a anaes rapa pedi [Doane Bae ‘Amount loveots) Brag pet pee ntton i Adnan Regured wales “None of the elo" ls chee) None ofthe below Corin vl rimbursemeot sought it engentiae) Q ites Coed wou eiarsement Sought Grin comin) onnizatons OD Oc OD Ty Taverna RaseotVenne Fo Ragin oma Ra Bren Teena” oes andr gn oe bse Mersin | Coordinated with reimbursement somght Goint expentiace) O Independent ort wil wurst ugh elects) §— Ogata Ow OC OD Tapas? yrange etn tent Reeds "Nee th bs cd ‘mathe on a abe ngs gateyncan deed eiimctwiharenteceaen eas rent) Origen x Ox Cc Ov TOTAL OF ALU EXPENSES INCURRED ON COMITTRN CREDIT CARD | 0 Gated o Le 1, Col of Sasa Page To) sacrony IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) Page 16017 aE RE Sapa Rea hoa recadng Praying = = Expenses Incurred by Committee but Not Paid During this Period - aoa oo Kevan oss en7a0is 85 Meriline Ave West Hartford co 06110 ‘REF Refund of Contribution over $1k limit. NIA ane seney [Expendituce ¥ Type of Expertise (enifeation in Aditendtunt S Required unless “None of the below" ts checked) $7540 res pee cae i he liye Ope pineal Ce ee eee aay © Cemisiongn OF O_O sem Pe mar peeannar bees ea ema? Tp of epee ean In Adena’ oqo nts “Nona blow" haces) Nowe of the below © Iniepenstent Gert witectcnbucenensapetoseneneaon — © MRHPMEX OB OC O toute tatord aaa oat aoe a ep ere eer er) etc Cees Coordinate without reimbursement sought (in-kind cootributin) Oo ‘Or OF OF O} IMITTEE DURING THIS PERIOD BUT NOTPAID [75.9 = Ger toto Hine 2, Column A af Suir Page Total) =o IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P— ’ Page 17 0817 [Nanos OF CONNER roan Compas Noms a ig Tg Rs) TB OFREVORT 7th Day Preceding Primary Filing ‘T. Memization of Reimbursements and Secondary Payees Tas Nore oP Workers Fer wr Dar of Pama Von, Farina Mike 71212015 ano Vede Peso aly Faby Comniie Woolas Tye Res Cen Wakao ‘epee Janine Lancaster © creck 91098 Q netivcand err Tee As fa, a Bay iy Cn Woo ir Tae [Upto Information Requested information Requested o Rams tptiSain iar aa =" euoR | Fundraiser catering 051420150 $460.00 era” ‘yp ftp tention in Adenia @ Repaired unless °None ofthe below" is hohe) 7 Qraecneren - ood wih cinbursement sg Gt xe) Inde Scotincivareatcan aires — Sopaannes On Se Qo] Peer % a Luxenburg Geolt 74/2015 Tt Vd oso ay ay Conse Wedron Ti aan nln Woe ‘cde Seton Casona owes Qvaircd_Oerr See es of Wn eo ly Po Crane Wen CO oy cae 681 Wethersfield Ave Hartford cr | osit4 agg Ris ear Awa veo ENR 062720150 $369.05 Fees pe ftapin oon I Addenda T Reed wat None of i blows heck 3 Newatbetow i 7 Sorted wih inbusenet ought rexepenne) indepen Taation ot Waar Ta a Bland Mike enanois Tg oon Feuer ay iy Conn Weve Farmar Rein Conan Wao West Indian Independence Celebration Gari? Qoaicu Over ae Near Vel ely Py Cas Woo oy Tae OOH PO Box 2632 Hartford ct | os146 rm mer cae © misc | Registration fees for Event NIA $100.00 Seay? fps ete neti Aum T Reged tes “None oft blo check : None ft bel . Corte wih rinbisee son Geen) Indeenny © Coordinated thot vienbursement sought Gk conten) Oorsaaten On co oc on aan Oneonta [Soo0s tional Seetion T Pages | $2,259.32 ‘TOTAL OF ALL REIMBURSEMENT TO COMMITTEE WORKERS AND CONSULTANTS [$3,188.37 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE | of 7 TAR OF CONRETTEE Ts Cg an nT SSD TORO Segara for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report Ky Total Contributions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY. | sere scec Form 20 page | (Se tins eto ef Sail Conti) SUBTOTALSECTION A | SSe*SEEC For 20page30f 17 = = ____ By Itemized Contributions from Individuals Ishah Avani Renta Seca ane om Tae [Beta 17 Highland St Wethersfield ct fosi09 Tima eee roy Health Care Admin Hertford Healthcare is contibter Tonos, sponse, (2) Ver | Weonribtion en exces of S40 loa conde Tv hi easve ole af municpaliy, | Amount of Conor Jovdependent child ofaletyist? No | doce conbuer or basins othe rasvooaed wih have a cgetict wil ai maiialty Salis at ere thn $5,000? es No 1000.00 Ts thi conibtonasoiied wh an Yee omera steal aesoret pepsin cnet OY ‘vent sported in Seton LI? No | tyes. indcate which bench or benches No ‘Uyes istEvent#- O7012015A ‘of gore te conat i Oxxecutive Oresisave Meteo Connon Da Rcd [aroma Connans Cocash Grssona Chek Ocresivdsdit Cd QPeyectt Deduction OMey Outer | 07/01/2015 1000.00 ne fae wr Ishah Leena Reso Bee Ans pe Tae [peo 25 Canal St New Britain cr | 06052 aa Ocean Rane of awioer Retired Retired Te connate aonoyn,sposm, —() Yer | Woenribuca ir in excess oF $40 toa candi fra cist eeauive oie ata muta, | Amount of Conribation lordcpendent child ofa ety @)No_| docs conte obsess eb is associated wih Have negitact wih sal eniipally ‘aed at mao than 85,0007 ves @No 1000.00 sconce vines @ Yer [icauivcspinieletemceunre noc saecriat ” even reported in Seton LI? No | ifges,inieatowiah brane or branches, i ‘yest Bent O7012015A, ‘goverment he ental is wits) Excetve ©) Legisaive Met of eatin eRe Peserss Conia ]Ceash Oreisonal cheek OcvedivDsdit Cant Qreyrol Deduction OMeney Oter | 07/01/2015 7000.00 ahem Tr ca Passareut Jennifer Recs Suce Mae ie Tom eam 5 Lincoln Drive ‘Wallingford ct | o6a92 ipa spon Ra apne Attorney Montstream & May LLP i onbnor aabiyi spouse, () Yee | TF onrbation lain exces of S00 oa candidat ra ele excoulve oar fs icp, | Awd of Genlbuton or depen hilt of obbyin? No. | does conto or Cusine easovsled wi have a aero! wih said mua hed at more an 5.00" yes Oo. 500.00 Ts this contibation associated ith an ‘Yes [ls contibutor principal ofa sats contactor or paspestivesatcontacte? Wes overt pore in Section LI? No | apy nest whch brane or beanches Ne ‘es, tst vent # 0701201 government ihe enlactis wih C)Bseeutive ChLzssiive Med of Conia: Dae Reine [Acosta Contato JOdcesr reronst check Ocrevdebit Cont QPsyol Dotustion QMonty Oner | 07/01/2015 1000.00 $2,500.00 SUBTOTAL Section B= This Page “TOTAL of adaitional Section B-Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TTOTAY- OF AUT; CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Sects AD) S Guero on Le 1 Cohn A of Sina Pope Total) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 sec rong 20 ene Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE? of 7 TRAN OP COMMIT TES fv Con Nae Fra Tg nay 5 TOF ROR, Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contelbutions from Small Contributors-Reveived this Period ONLY | see seec Fon {See iiractos for dion of Sal Contributor. SUBTOTAL SECTION A. || 55° SEC Form 20 page 30117 =e B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Rae i a assarettl Jr Joseph eet See No ey Tae ete 5 Lincoln Drive Wallingford ct [06492 TORTS Rivet Eape Attorney /Montstream & May LLP is cottbatar aati, spouse, C) Vor ] Wonton an oso oF 00 oa ania ora chi xeon oer ofa menial, cee cians QMO | cuneate hes ees A ie gt wih al nly ‘elued tor than $0007 sO Isis conubaton asorncdwihan QQ Yes | scoters pinspa ofa so contetor or ospstive sis contactor? (Yes event reparted neat 1? No | "tyes ininte whic branch or branches No Hass Bvent? O7OT2ONSA igovernmentthsecitcct swt Cercle Oepistive Met of Contin David pare Contin Qeush @resarai check OrcrstvDedt Cond OPaselt Dedotion Money Onker | 07/0V2015 | 100000 Toate Far wr [shah Tusher eerie a a a ita 17 Highland St Wetherfetd ct 06109 i Oca Tans of Ea Attorney Montstream & May LLP eee OS | Sees eer ee ean aR me ibn Senoetnitiict No | cevcnnne rhage emote gh aes i a na sold amor tan 3,007 ne Oe Fs tiscontiboionsaosinad whan @ Yer | Inanibtor apis ofall conc of prespesveseicconiaeta? Ves even pote nevi I? Ne | afer nent nth reeh oebeerches Ne ‘aft Benth 0702015 ‘esverment hecoine wh (Brscuie © Legiaive Meo Couate Tactic To Con Ocsih Orewera creek Qos coud Orava Dedcion Qerey Ose | 07/01/2015 | 1000.00 Toa ri a Ruggiero Rob Tecan Ne [es Tan Yipee 730 Farmington Ave, Unit 203 West Hartford ct foots Frappe fom Producing Artiste Director Theater Works is cantor ast spate, €Y Yew | Hcontibaon win cesar of G0 toa cnn fra cieT mu fcr ofa nally | Awwun of Contibuen erecprcentchivotatoboyit? — G)No. | docscon or tues be basecive wih ava gue thd mapa vale oe tn $5,007 Yer @ Ne 20000 Tis conan sce when) Yes [scomiba pial ofasatoconmacar ot pspecve scat? Ces overt opr iSeoten LI? Ho | ifzes indict whe bash oe benches Ne sense Brea? 070120158 ‘teovermeat iecoust swith Ossie Qazidaive Neto Gor Dae osha ave Conia 200.00 [Cees Oreaonal check OcraivDebi Cont Payroll Deduction Money Ouer | 07/01/2015 See = SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page [8953.79 © TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TRINUITIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AB) (ate talon Live 13, Clann of Sammy Page Totals. See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 cee Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE? of RAE OF CONT TEE an CORSET RI DN INE RIOD z "TY OF REPO Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ax Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY Saat (See Tatruelions for definition af Small Cowiribios) suBTOLAL SECTION A: | 5 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B, Memized Contributions from Individuals s Taam - Fist a leradiey Dennis ei ee Na lew Tae Paes }65 Randell Ave Bridgeport er | ae6os Frac Oto Rasta Attorney Bradley Law Group is contibuoralobbyisyapeise, (2) Yer ] eontibllon bm owes of HOD on canal Tora cis exeov flier ofa mnisly, | Amount of Contibaion rset cesith no | es nr he te ci aes ed wth sy ele more tha 359007 co ONS 100.00 Tats contibuiovasontoe than @) Yes | Iscotborpisipal fast contactor or pespestivesistocontario? (Yen ‘vel epred nection No | Wigs inccnte nish rene x tanches No yeni event # O7O12015A F govermet he coc el Obreative Qtogisatne Neto Contino acest Teese Co J@easn Orenoani check Ccredtieditcard Ora Daun Oveey Over | 7/01/2015 | 100.00 angas JAmado Ta A e sme [arco 26 Paley Farm Road Portiand Tf 06480 ead Ooo avatar Attorney McHigh Chapman Vargas is conibncr leit, poss C) Yew | Teton nn of 0 Toa cnc Tora Tosco ae ofa mune | Amount af Coninion lordepnden cit ofa layed) No. | dos conor or buses hese sasocaed wave aggtret with sak manly ‘ale tor thn $5000? Yer ONo 100.00 isis caribton asonied when QQ Yes | fe sonictora principal of vate centro rape sate sntaciar? Yes sven repated in Section 1? Wo | "a7pes inte tie banc o branches, is ‘pests Event 070120154, ‘teovernentthecoaeatis with C)Teeuive C) Leplaive Meio Conan aad pepe Coo Och Cresson eck Ociesipebt Crd Oey Deweton Qrtoey Onder | 07/01/2015 | 96400 Bloke Kevin Taare han a ae arco 87 Mountain Road Fast Hartland ct | 0so27 Tose Fanaa Flooring Action Carpet Ts conibnara obi pone, CV Ver] Wonton fa ecev oF 00 To a anid Tra she encoulve ac’ ofa mnisipaliy, | Amount of Contibation Jodepundert chi cfatathyis NO. | does const or bsiesa hee ssid witha age! wih se manly ‘casa mown S500 Ox" Ow 10090 Tsthisconibwionasaciaed than (Yes [ls coneibtor apical ofa ste contotr or pespstive state conacor? Mes fegtepecteteir BYE syyeraaneet tte 8 Ts, fi Bent ‘fgonennnt he contests Obvecutve Otezisaive Tens Cob Taree epee Coin JOcast Oreonal creek Oeresiupedit Cand QP Daecin QMeney Ones | 07/01/2015 100.00 SUBTOTAL section B — Tis Page [630000 z ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 0f 17 ‘OTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (eelons A>) “Ene lll Ela 13, Column A ef Suna Pree Toes) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 eer Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE * of 7 [NANT OF COMMITTEE snc Cop agra Wag Rep TOF REPORT Segarra or Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report “A, Total Contributions from Small Contribufors-Reveived this Period ONLY | sce seec For y (See sists for dition of Sma Coiba). SUBTOTAL SECTION A__| SSC°SEECForm 20 page 30417 B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals — Tatar ar fo Irarrell christopher RTS ES es Seay 648 Main St Hiddletown ct |osas7 Fiala RaneatEomine Law Clerk Solimene & Secondo LLP is contbtara Tobby, spose, C)Yer | Weontton i ees of SOD to cate Tr a aoe lice fa marie, | Amount of Contain Jordpenicn cl ofalatiyis? —G@)No. | does cotrbur or tusnss ie fs asoined wpltave neget wih sad municipal ‘lied tore than $5,000? ON 4000 Tsthisconibatonasccned whan (Q Yes [Isconributor principal ofa ato conintr or prospective conbato?” CD Yes ‘vent repre in Section 17 No |” Pier inicte ich bonch or branches No yesintereat Q70T2O1SA ‘of govermen the cnc with catve QLeisative MetedofConrBa Da tne [rerete Combos J@cash Oresonai check Ocresiudedit Card Payal Dion OMoney Oree | 07/01/2015 | 40.00 {chiaramonte Frank Reena Re ian sas [arco 131 Burlington Road Harwington ct} 05791 Pai Oa ane Pao President FIC, LLC is coatitaraobb7a, pours, CY Yer ] catatonia eves of 10 To cant Torn ciTexcouve afew ofa mania, | Ampuit of Conibtion eccapnien Sof alcboynt) No | seexconinbe or bases hehe ssa tar aggrtartwih aidmunplty wot ret 5500 ‘Ore Ore 30.00 [siti contbuion senate whan (2 Yes | rconibwor apinspet ofa sal contantr or prospstivesatecotacto?” (Yes even epoted ia Seton 1? No |" dyes, indeatowich bane or branches No ‘Wes ti Exe ‘fgonernnent te contact isi C) Executive ©) tegslatve Mei of Con ise Rese Coe Och Overona check: Ocretivdsdit cud OPeyrt Destin Qverey Over | 97/01/2015 | 18000 Tae Far 7 Tandy Bruce Reason ee Saw [ome 174 Rosemary Ln South Windsor cr }osor4 FancplOsweon ase afer Dentist Drs, Tandy, Korus, Whidden is corabotara abby spans, C)¥ee | Wonton 8 in excess of 0 Toa evade x a she ects fea muna, | Amt of Coatiboion ordepenentchidefalobbyt? — @)No. | does cntibtc or busines hese soca yi havea sac whimsy ‘ahve mor ten $5,000? Yer @ No 30.00 Bcoutningelaaivinon QV frowtiwaninyfaswecqumr a posetvesnecita? Fe vet pred in Section 17 No. J “fps. inst whieh branch branches ne Wires tient igoermenthoconinct swt O'Beetive Qeridaive Nota oan: Deeb Devens Conta 30.00 JOcrsh OQesonalCreck HCresisdedit Cat CQPayat Deduction CMonoy Ower | 07/01/2015 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page = TOTAL of additional Section B Pages {See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 “TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AFB) ‘aero on Line 13, Colona of San) Page Totaly |S°° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 =a Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 5 of 7 TOF CORRS CR ET TIEOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Conteibuions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Perlod ONLY sagas (See sino dain of Sal Coat) sustoratscriona | S5¢®SEEC Form 20 page 3f17 B. emized Contributions from Individuals — Toa Far wT Espada Nida Rear See Aaa ee Tae artes 20Tinsmith Crossing Wethersfield fcr | 06109) Ta Opa Tae Tudor West Hartford Public School is conatintor aTatint spouse, €)Yes | Weontation sn exces oF S00 wo and Trae execave ocr ofa municaliv, | Anan a Cantilo or dependen cis ofslatty? — @)No_ | does conibter or buiness hehe nssoeed weave acct wih sd nepal Selued at nore isa 850002 fs ON 20000 eeiemtaheeett etn Yo [erie arene came ea nrorcareas ma QTE ‘even repre Seton LI? No | Wes indicate which rancher banches No enti event ‘fever he cnet with Cercatve: Otegiiaive Mesof Constr acai Tae Conon Oct Dresceaicheek Oeresinedi Cars Oras Draco ONeney Oris | 07/04/2015 | 20000 ro Far nT lRedd Beverly aaa A re sas ete 343 Rockwell Ave loomfiekd ct | 06002 ar Oar ans Information Requested Information Requested is contitor alot pose, C) Yer ] Wonton fin esa oF 00 io ond fra chs eneotve ocr ofamnlepiy, | Amount of Contain locdepnden cig of loys? G@)NO- | does conrbuter obsess hehe soi wi have gga th sal muy Salut maxon 50007 Yes ON 100.00 is hiscontcion acaed ikon (@ Yes | Incokitutoca pnsipal ofa sale cca e prspesve secant?” — CY oven ep a Sect 17 No | ifpes indicate lc bach or bahes i Tests Event O71G2015A, ‘kgenerment conta isk () Besa ©) Logitave Mab of Cone Baek [ese Conns |Oewh Orava check Ocredivoeditcanl Carell Deduction Oneney Ones | 07/07/2015 | 100.00 Jarrett Ronald esea Sae A es Ba eee 915 Main St #813 Hartford cr fosi0s Finan Taine Director of Public Policy City of Hartford is cotor a ski poise, ()Yer | Wonton in crs of SOD oa coat for chil eweetv fer ofa manna, oraspenentchidetsiobbyist No. | does connor oe bsnes te asset whe a gatas wisi manip Salued at nore han $5,007 Yes @Ne inthis conibaionasrned whan) Yes. [is contributor a rinipl ofa sat cenvactr x pespesive sical? CQtes vet reported nection 1? No |"“aypes, inate which branch o branches No Ties tot Even ‘fgovermest scons wit C)Execuive C)tegisive tid of Coie Ta eae rage Coma JOcash Oreisonst cheek @cratvdeditCard QPayet! Datsin QMoney Onder [07/08/2015 |30000 SUBTOTAL Seton B — this Page [33000 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 RINUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS (Seellons AB) (Ener toa on Lae 13, Conn A af Stonary Page Totaly) THAME OF CONTE i Conlin ee Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ® of —_—e TAEOFRETORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report =A. Total Contributions from Sma (Se hrs for aan of Swell Conte) ‘Contributors-Recelved this Perl a ONLY, SUBTOTAL SECTIONA '$See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals kaha ‘Martin Testa Sia er es Fae [tae 463 Jefferson Rd Princeton Kus foasao ran Op Tino efEagioer Real state Investor Self [=a OS TF cotisaion vin esr oF S400 to conde Tora af eae ocr ofa manlpaliy, ‘vert paced in Seton LI? No ye tse Brent lordepenten ctl ofalostyict — G)No. | does conte or nusnes be Isasocted we have agatha unipally ‘ald at ore ta $5,000? rs Ono Ts this conibton assole thn Yes [connor pring afte contactor or ropes atte ental? You ‘yes, inate neh bane or beamehes ‘of gorernmenl he contact is wt: Obrceutive Qessitive [Cea Dreonat check Ocresiupediscard Orasot stun QMorey Oxer | 070492015 Bread 250.00 Flowers Doreth eer Ky ae [apes 264 Whitney St Hartford ct fost0s Fal Rios aE Insurance the Hartford is eonibter atest spouse, (9 Yor oc dopatent cuit otalobyisd — @) No “coabaton a ors oF S10D Toa ans Tora cat oxoalve ole Fa mania, | Amount of Contibaion docs coir or business helhe ie ssocined ave sega with sid unipsy fale at rian 00" ver (No 100.00 fs wisconitadonisocaed wiken @ Yer [ie eonnbuora prio ofa sate cenactr or ospave ei eetacior? Yes overt epnedn esti Li? No | Yyenindciowsich rach on branches, No ‘per tat ven OF 1620154 ‘fgeernmer conti (Brecaive ©) Lepve Meo Coa Baste eae Conoe Jenin @ewonaicteck Ocredamebitcand Oayetiostcton QnoneyOner | 07/70/2015 | 100.00 Tater Fr a |Gordon Barrington Tana ea ey ar aco 8 Westridge Re Middletown ct fossa Tinian Rear Information Requested Information Requested Te sonora lab soi) Yor | TFeonahton ina ssn 6 00 twa tori fra chet code aise ofa munya, | Amun af Consbation onc ot No. | done one or nese sass hea gos wh sid imap Solid at mere than 5,000 No 00.00 isienitiegameevhn Yes Tnswuta aiid aae ceric eepepeneumecenet vert epost LI? ised ws Banh or anaes No pest Eat OF LO2O1SA ‘tenement Baciatac wis C)Excutve Qagilaive Vet of Cotte iene Teva Cone [Oca Oremwal chek OcresuDert cad Oy Deseon Mees ter [97/70/2015 | 10000 SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page 5450.00 TOTAL of additional Section B Pages See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 =o" Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE? of 7 ESR CORTE i Oa a aT TTPOT RSPR Segarra for Mayor ‘7h Day Preceding Primary Report (See irons for dfn af Sul Conta A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY SUBTOTAL SECTION A '$See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 = B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Information Regested ;ordon Nicone Rec ee Ra ee [sae aptoie 104 Old Canal Way Weatogue Jct |osoes rp Osa onsale Information Requested ‘he or tha 35,0007 Is conibiora bya, pose, CY VS | conan in xcs FSH oa aie act exon ie fanaa, | Amoval of Conbaton en cideetay Ne | dnc; tee asc ee ai mia aed st more thn 000? es ONe 100.00 Tsai cotiamameted whim @ Yes |v icp oaamecetac o popes? ETS veep inSoter LI? No | trse net wes broncos brakes, No rent Ewat #07 102015A goverment theconat wih OBscuive: Oleislative Metok ef Cet Danka eereie Conan JOcats reson Chek Ocretivnedie cant Oral etueton Oven Oni | 07/10/2015 | 100.00 locansey Frances Reals A a ae aoe 20 Riverside St Portland ct | 06980 aoe Faeroe Insurance citgroup Ir conrintara OVA spams, C)Yor | Weonon ees f 50 om cane raceme oe ofa nnipalip, | Amount of Conblion jor depnton cid ofalotnist No. | doesconbr cranes bla nassoated ph have att with snd munky elton 000 5 Ono 50.00 [sin caninaion assorted whan Yes | ln connor priigl of cntader er pespeive saw cotta? Yer event reported Seton LT Ne |" apps inet wen tran oc benches No ‘pelt Bench 071020154 ‘acvernneat cotati C)Beecuive C) Legisive atte Gt Dis keed [eon Coo JOcish Oresonst cnck OceeisDebie Card Cveyrl Deduction Oeoney Ore | 07/70/2015 | 50.00 [one Far ne wilson Veronica Rosen Mee a wa area 131 Ridgefield St Hartford cr fost Tana at aa Agent Alstate Ts conibtora Wy, poss, (YE ] coon ia aces of OD owen ora iT eeelve ic Ta pana, ] Amount of Coniuton eeaepndenchiderataboyie? — @)No | dons cotuor russ hee ese fave gut wah st mms yes No 50.00 sis conbanassoaed whan @) Yes [scenttora prep fasts easier pxpesivesatecetacta? ves event spported in Section LI? No “Af yes, indicate which branch ar branches No Af, list Event # 071020154. _of government the conteect is wih: Odkxecutive OQ Lagistative Teg fo: Barnard epee Coane cosh @renena creck Ocrettoeit cert Qeryrot Deaton Overy One [07/70/2015 | 15000 = SUBTOTAL Section U— This Page $200.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUAL Giteoiat on Line 13, Column A TOTAL of additional Section B Rages: See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Seon Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of 7 ARF COSTE rm gO aT OMRON Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘&; Total Contributions trom Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (See lascins for din of Sal Cait). “SUBTOTAL SECTION A _| S5€°SEEC Form 20 page 30f17 = B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals [Thomas clyde Rena Sie A om Sie 1891 West BLD Hartford ct Pica OA Tinsel Correction officer Dept of Correction is conbtora ays spouse, Yer] Teonebution sn exces of 100 oa cai Tra chi ooo oe ofa munca, ospntn ils neti? GND | dossconrtcr orbs ee cased vane wget wih aay ‘led ore than 83,0007 Terabe ihe GY eccrine serena Ye even repated ia Seton LI? No | Ife adiese which broach or branches 5 Wyessttvent 071020158 ‘of gorenmen tcomtat Wilh Obrecatve Oesisane ‘MetinlefCeoiiaion Davee Taser Conair [®ve Creo’ chesk CrcrseiDsbt Cart CPayrlt Dedtion CMonoy Order | 07/10/2015 30.00 (clarke Dennis Reciartuee Rs ioe ie [Zen | 3 Fieldstone Lane Bloomfield ct | 06002 Pea spn Rone fare Manager utc Ts sonrber aby, spouse, () Yer | TFearration si aac OF5000 ta caida Tr acieTeweslve ove ofa munieoliy, | Annount of Contrib lesen corals No | crcmier or tans on eon hae ag ih ed may ‘aie at ce ha $5,000? 2500 sis eataaion seid wit ‘Yer | Iscontator principal ofa alae contacter or paspesive sae contac? Yes vest epee in Secon LI? No | "dyes indiate whch rane or branches Ne Upentin vent # OZ 1O201SA, ‘ofgovemcattoeonractiswthy CY Executive C) Logiaive ‘Matos ef ona Reed [Aen Cetin [Beas Orersonai Check QeeeduDebitCuad QPayell Deduction OMeray Oier | 07/10/2015 25.00 aaa Far wr Gonzalez Kristine Rona Siew Ae ie Saw tears 411 West Preston St Hanford cr fosita Tax Analyst ‘ciigroup rt of Gontibaion is cobra atiyi, spas, (2) ¥es | Teonebution in excess of S000 oa cami a cieexcoue fw of muwicpaliy, | Am or dependent chid ote lobbyist? — @)No | does cootibuto or buses hee isasointe yh have a onc witha minal vad a me tan 836007 ries Oe. 25.00 Tehiscontibaon associa whan ‘Yes [iscontitutor apni ofa ssa contatr or pases sae conteter? Cee vet epte it Setion LIT No [apy neato which bench or beanches ne Yes is Bat O7102015A ‘goverment te conactsiths—— C)Eseouive C)Legitive ‘td of os Davie [arose Combats JOcesh @rescrst check Ocresvdedi Cond QpayollDasustion Money er | 07/10/2015 25.00 = = ‘TOTAL of additional Seetion B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seellons AD) Eater ttl on Ln 13, Colas ef Sunny Page Taras [°° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ae Section B ADDITIONAL PAG of 7 ARTO GOTT Cp Ha iF eo APEOFREFORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7h Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contributions from Small Conteibufors-Received this Period ONLY (Gee insrcsins for dino of Sal Conrbuter SUBTOTAL SECTION A {See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, = B, Meinized Contributions from Individuals JUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A=) (Enver torah om Line 13 Chua A ef Stamany Page Totals) lHiey Narciso ea Se a ey a aoe 131 Ridgefield St Hartford ct Jooi12 rsa Sa oo Retired Retired Te cobra abby spouse, CD Ver ] Wconsibaio seer of 90 ta ann Fra cies fer ofa ail, | Amount of Contribution fecepemenccl felon No. | doesent er bases ete eesocwted tae aca wth sa mkply sold ttn $007 ‘Gis Ore 25.00 Teivaiadegmacin wines @ Ye [Bewmiwra nil fate cotaaywooetveanecounie? Ye shepard ingot 2 No | ipyeninisue ws branch or ances No Ayes, list Event 071020150 “of government the contract is with: Okxccutive QLegisiative Maino Pack epee Coa Jom Crenonat Check OcratvDssit Cad Ostet Dssucton Qrtney Outer} 07/10/2015 | 25.00 Isassier Herbert Reo cy a 11324 Drifting Leaf Lane Riverview FL Span Tae Retired feted is counaora iRop spee; CD Yes | Wonton in eer of S10 fou cnt Tra cnc ote ofa mops, | Awwon of Cotribaton eacprnrncideteitonst Ne | tess or erste ean a espe isd meni Solus et marten $5.00" ver 25.00 [saacontanaaal wa Ye Seba iat ev occa reece eee eee ep Stn No | ies inate uth eet or branches ne ‘Ps fa Std OPIGZO1SA ‘revenmat esonact svt. CO Eautve C Leitne Tid of Coa Taree Dass Cor |@ces_ Orersonal Check OcredivDebit Cant Caysoll Deduction Coney Order | 07/10/2015 25.00 Tar Far aT cotns Desmond ta a i Tae [Pato 32 Wintonbury Ave Bloomfeld cr | 06002 Finan Tam a Accounting self Taconbtra nig spowse, CVE] Ween itn sxc of 0 oa oi oa oso oie a mney, | Amount of Coston riepndencaidsfabSos? No. | doers er buses eis asocked tava gu wth sal ely valet morta $5.07 Ye Ons 2000 isis contibuonssooed witvn @Q Yer Tiscontbwors princi of ste enact oc prspetivedate ontaso’” Ces vet port in Sct? Ne | “Spent wich banc or branches No “ses list Event # 07102015 ‘ei govennment the contrat wil Qrrecative Qlegisative oak Oremtcnst Octet cod Oration Onto ows OM 07015 080 SS SUBTOTAL Section it — This Page [$7200 ae ° ‘HOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ot Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ' of 7 TARE OF COMBATING a TOTS A DD FEOF ROORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, “Total Contributions from Small Contra {88 nro: for dio of Sell Contrib) SUBTOTAL SECTION A SOTEREREQOER | sseseecrom 0pese30117 'B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Information Requested Icarcia Marcolina esis Suet Ao ee Sue flee PO Box 1674 Hartford ct fosiaa Pinca eon Ran of pio Information Requested Ts auibtr lab spouse, {Yor | Weaninaion sn sens oS oa ands fara et ccoane Sie ae mpl, of Conan orden chidePnidayist Ge | doesent or anes ee esd whe aca ih id analy ‘shit more tan $007 a One 20.00 Ts is conven ited whan Yes [8 sons april of sss sonnet rspatve se conaso?) Yes Ceertopredin sen? No | i/yen inst sh branch x branshes ne oenitatvent OFLO2O1SA Glenveanet Hecate” Qeseutie Olesidatve Neodof ona ae Raed omer J@ewh Orerenai chek OcrelivDsditCanl Oral Dedwsion Ovoney Oats | 07/10/2015 | 20.00, hates Patricia Rea Kw ana 269 Roger St Hanford ct | ostos aT omar Ras oe Manager cus Is eibir lab pose, () Yar] Teoibon’s a aos oF S00 oa cia a nT oa lier Ta maT, | Anu of Con Taton Jercepndoncidofaiatnict No | cocaconibut or sme be aerial wghtavea tact hal un ply sat fatto tna 5,000 Ove ‘Ono 20.00 is i cotribtion wold wi loves epeted in Section L17 Yves Bron # O7102015A, nan ‘Yes_[Issontibtor anil of secon or pespeetive sie coat No | "dyes indiestowsich branch or banahes ‘of govern tho ents ah 8 Ope xeeuive © Lesisaive 07? Metioof Corban Duiske pee Conia ]Ceash Oresonat check Ocrestvdedt Cand Qtsyo Detction Qvoney Onde | 07/10/2015 2000 Moris Michael Ton Se ao em sto 19Noeman Or Bloomfield 06002 Piao Retired Paar ology Retired scoala otis spouse, oe depen cid oath Yer No. | docs connbilcor snes else aes more than $5,000? 8 aE No Treostiniion a exces of $100 fo a cone fora haf ewesive oc ofa mapaliy, mac wed mo ‘Kevan of Cotsbation 2000 Ts his conor saved wi even vepored in Seton LIT Yes Ne ivan ‘yes, indice which branch oc branches scone pica af asta contactor o rospentve se enter? ‘pes ist vent #7102015 ‘of gpveumant te conrct wil: etd of ose Dasa [eer Cetanaee [© Crerooa check Ccredivdsbit Cant OPeyrl! Deduction Money Oier | 07/10/2015 20.00 SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page |960.00 = TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALE CONTIBUTIONS FROMINDIVIDUALS (Seclions AY B) (Cater feb on Line 13, Clan af Suanary Page Total) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Sect n B ADDITIONAL PAGE |! of 7 TNARIE OF COMDIIT TN (oil Cann Na apie i Fg eae) TPEOPREORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘He Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY Geers fr dein of Si Conte) SUDTOTAL SECTION A. '$See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, B, Temized Coniributions from kndivid Roadway Doreen 51 Amanda Circle Windsor 06095 aa OS emeet inane Retired Retired scour a Tobby spouse, CD Yer] Wonton in exes of 40 to condi To: aia eseouvo afew oa mania, Jor sepenten cil ofalattyst? @)No. | docs conmblecr buses eh iasolsed wi tave aegct wih said una “led tore thn $0007 es ONo Trina coibaionancined wien @) Yes |Tscontibwor a principal oa stuteconaatr or ospetiesaeemineo? (Ves ‘vet epee in Seton 11? No | ies imieate whic branch or banehes No oesieveny OF 102015, {ferent he aot ith scutive Oletislaive Natal of Contos ac Racne Pw Coane J@eur Orermnaicreck Ocratiirent Coal Ory Dotcton QMonyonter | 07/10/2015 | 20.00 Taam Fe a7 Ismith Erroll arate aa es ae [Fire 5 Vinlen Or windsor ct | 06095; ral Ooo Raeat taping Information Requested Information Requested is conubatara lobby, spose, CD Yer ] Wcontation fn ecar of 40 fo cet Tora caFexeouve oe ofa mania, | Amount of Contbaln lordependent cl oa otiyat No. | does conibueror buns bohe easocted with taveaggiat wih al musty del et moran $5,000? ‘Ove "Ore 20.00 sts contibton ovine withan _() Yes | lcentinuo rispal ofa ato cntolr or prospstivesconacto? (Yeo even eprted in SeeonL17 No. |" dfyer indicat wich banc or tances No ‘es fit Svea #07 102015, ‘government he conte wine) Beoaive C) Lene Met of Cone Disha [ena Conia Desh Oresonar creek Qcvesivossit cand Cray detain OMorey order | 07/70/2015 | 2000 Smith LeRoy Rasen ea a lee Tas ito 21 Hill Farm Re Bloomfield cr | 06002 Taga Oc Rane Tea Information Requested Information Requested is cotator aap pose, () Ver | Tein sn ewes of HOD a canis era cet event ofc’ ofa onal, eevependen chides aboyit? NO. | dors contibutr or tess heh ascii hae sgaact wih said munity ‘aed at mort 35,0002 Yes @No 20.00 Tntis contibaionsorined whan (Yes [Is convo april ofa st cenvaio oe prospectnestecontoctor” Cres hat ere ia Satin 1? No. |" ifsen indicate nc bench or benches No ses et Ewe 8 OF 0201S, ‘gmernment heeerenic wits C)Executve Qtegstave ‘tt of Co Dar Race [aves Coban J@cesn Cremona check: OcresivDeit Cant QPayot Daun Qoney nie | 07/10/2015 | 2000 SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page [560.00 2 = . ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 "TOTAL OF ADE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Wecllons A+B) ‘Eater otal on Line 13, Calan A ef Sinmnary Pee Tons) [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Serer Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of 7 TANI OF COMIN a6 on Cpl Her Rai i ig pone) TPEOPREPORT ‘Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, Total Contribitions from Small Contributors-Reveived this Period ONLY | sex seec Form {ee rcs ford Small Cob. MIBTOTALSECHION A. | 958€SEECForm 20page3 of 17 z B. Momized Contributions from Individuals {Wellington Junior Revie Baca ie [ea Sie [Zetsie 303 Oliver Way Bloomfield ct | 06002 Fp sion ans one Engineer [Algonquin Power Ts conibe afoboya spouse, ()¥er | Ti oniadion ea oni F 5400 to cade for achaTexeotve acer oP mania, | Amount of Conlbaton oes cinoettyst Qn. | dese t speyeteiasonatd vak ne aac el mnt ie mor th 8,000? no. 2000 Tsthis conibaton aha than "Yes [ls contributor peineipl of sie connelor ox pospstive sate contractor? CY Ves ‘vent ep in Seten LI? No | lfjes,indisate which breach or branches No Ayes Event OTLOZOISA Qwceatve Oeste ‘ato of Contion Basse Tere Coban |@cush Oreiora Check OrediuDebitCud Qpayrl! Deduction Qsoney Ores | 07/70/2015 20.00 fam Far wr Iwittams ‘Anthony Rent Suva Ain ee ae atm 194 8lue Hills Ave Hertford jet | os1n2 forte Roam faa Retired Retired Ts cowibdoralabbya spasm, C) Yer | IF anibaion ein exces of 00 os cna Tra diaFeaaveofcer ofa maniopaliy, | Amount af Contribution oc depot hi fa lay? No. | does conus or hanes hese iassocied wah havea goat wih sad municipality ‘at at re than $5,0007 ven No 20.00 tis conibaton coed wihan Yer | Iconator a rinsgl af watecenacor r rowectve sat contasto?™ — CQ¥=s event epotedin Sesuon LI? No | Wfyesinicte whieh rancor branches Ne ‘ifs st Even O7102O1SA, ‘goverment te coaactis wi: Bxeetive ©) Lagsive Mood fone ae Rees fuses Conon Benen OQreisonal cheek Ocredivosdt Cel Qreycl Deduction QMoney Over | 07/10/2015 2000 Tanta Fist wr Wwson Bianca Testa Soe ae er ae [amcor 16Chatham St Hartford ct fosrz Taipan Rane of Baer Analsyt Opp Tr cov utara kya, spouse, () Ye | eontibalon iin exes of $00 oa cals fra he vee cr of munkialiy, | Amount of Contibaton Jocdcpenden'chidofatahiyis? — G)No | does contbtor or busios lhe sasocned wih have a one! yh sil munity ‘ae 3 ce a $5,000? Oye Ore 20.00 Tse conbaton asin withan ‘¥es_[Iscontitutora principal ofa centacor or prospective stcontactar? — CWves overt ported in Secon LI? No J ipyes, inate win branch o ranches Ne Wes it Event # O71O2015A ‘afgovemtet the comctiswit: Executive ChLessaive aod of Conia Da Ree [Areas Couto J@cesh_ Crerooat cheek OCrelivDsbit Card CPPayall Detasion OMoney Owes | 07/10/2015 2000 = G SUBTOTAL Seton "This Page $6000 "TOTAL of atonal Section H Pages [ee SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 fp eee TOF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (@eetions AB), (Wier tol on Le 13, Colanaaf Samay Page ott) |S°° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Sorte Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE |? of TE CON TEE COE Rs RT TAPE OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘%._ Total Contsibutions trom Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY. (See nsicuctions for defaiton of Salt Contrib) —— SUBTOTAL SECTION A. | S9C¢SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 2 = B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tata Fer 7 Irorrest Doreen 132 Wadham Rd Bloomfield ler | 06002 sca pais aswetiapi= Retired Retired is conibater a oobi, spe, Ye] Hconiribaion sa sas of $400 0 ocala for st estve ocr of manpaiyy | Amount of Contibatlon Jordependon child afsteebyiet? No | does connate or buses ese sesovaed welt rave xeqirect with sa monkey Sale st nee than S007 res ONo, 15.00 Tethisconribatonaioised wih a Yes [Isconibra principal ofa site sontactor or prospective sale cantata?) Yea ‘ven ered in Seton LI? No | fsesadizae which brane or branehes No Uyentattvent# Q71O201SA ‘of gorenment te ental swith ODbrevutve Qresisve Meteo Coatton Te Reed [acoso Cotas lCcwh @Peworat check Oretivdsditcued Carell Deduction CMoney Oxter | 07/10/2015 15.00 toe Tre a lBoudier [Carmen Rea Saee Re fe [sae ino 343 Rockwell Ave Bloomfield cr | 06002 ca Oar Tine eT Elo Information Requested Information Requested is onvibcer latin, spose, ) Vex] Weedribaoa rw exes S40 oa cn Tr achieve alice ofa manijpliy, | Amount of Contation oc pendent ld ofa? No. | does conabstrartusness Hite feassoced wi have negac isa muricpally ‘ale ot mor thn 50007 Ove Ono 10.00 is this corbin snorted witha ‘Yer_ | locontibtorn pina of sate center or pespeative sista cotasle? Cos event vepored in Seton LIT No | Mfyes,intest which branch or branches Ne ‘yest Event # 07 102015A, ‘fgoveraneat the contact iste) Bxweutive ©) Lagsave Met of Conte Reed [Arpanet J@eusr Crersnai creek Ocredivdebit Cad Qrayo Deduction Qvorey Oner | 07/10/2015 10.00 TaN Fi a Dickens Everton Teste Sie a ler Bae eeae 131 Ridgefield st Hartford ct Jost Tasca cao Rass oan self Self Te conor aati Spa, Yer | iconebton ita cers of S100 To ania fr act executive oor cf nial, Jordspendet chides tobayit) No. | dose contibto ov busines eke associated ware a gga! with sa municipal ‘aed a ethan 007 Yer Tes conbton acid whan ‘Yes Placonttutora prinspal of sate contactor or prespastive sate contract? Cres event pte in Seton LI? No | eyes intial ich branch or branches yo Uses i ve # 07102015 ‘fgoverament the enor isis Q)Esveuive Cagsave ‘Naot nib Das Reed Tews Cree J]@cesh Qreconstchosk Ocretivdsdi Cart QParet Detution QMoney oer | 07/10/2015 10.00 = SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page [835.00 ~ NOTAL of additional Section Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3.0f 17 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AS) (aerial on Unt 15, Calan lof Surmery Pog Tote) | °° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 nt Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE "* TARE OF COMMITS Gn ones ae TO ER TE of 7 OFREPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recoived this Poriod ONLY (See ntracon for dfn of Sin Corton). sustoraLsicriona | S®e° SSEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 o7nor2015 10.00 Beas Cpesceatchesk OcreditDeditcaat Qrayrall Dedetion OMoney Onter By, Wentved Contrbitions from Tndividvats a Sophia 36 Harwich Lane 38 West Hanford ct fost FO TE Manager chigroup car acne pom, —C)Var | Wein 5 eof Ss ali rachael a malay erdqentoucicraistyst — G)we | areas or tsnens bane rested uge an sactoho mncaly valet moc thn ,0007 ‘Sis Gro Trt coat ied wien) Yes | eon apn Toa cos pupae sis como? CVs tet apredinSeclen ? We [ip intoan ach tenor besser % Trastebwate O/102015A tigre ecatat vith. Otxcuie Otay eat Cn ania rer oa jotive Garrison Rea free Rao ee Saw pcone /8 Old Oak Court Bloomfield ct | 06002 rca Opin Rasa Eo Carpenter sett is onibroraoxbyit pour, oe depen hl of yi Yer No TT oniibton isin acess of SO o as oer contri or snes beh Is tsacted 8 aves amet with sit ‘es Tie Tara cet excevive ofa ofa manip “Koad of Goninon nial ‘ale tore than $5007 ¥en No 10100 is ticombtenassokved witha Yes | conus a ropa ofa alate cartetr or prmpecive sai cantastar? Yer even ep in Seton Li? No. | "Wes ndicaaubich tanh or tranches No ests Even O7 102015 ef govemnent econst sw ()Bxcuive C) Legislative Metal of Cosa Tratamet [ete Coiba Deash_ Orersracheek Ocrecuned ct’ Cray Dedcion Corey oer | 07/10/2015 10.00 Sampson Gloria Tene aw [as sam eve 23Sinclair Windsor ct [06095 sis Osos Ras oa Information Requested information Requested scout abit poise, CD Yer | contin n ceo of S00 ta end fra nVescoulve ofc ofa municipal, orczyenden civofatatiyisi No. | deescontibuor or snes hee ascii have ara with sid ump valued more than 38.07 es © No Isis contibudonassosuted wien Yes [is contebutor apres fa sete cootowtor or pompective sate conior?—_ CQFee event eported n Section 1? No | ifyes,ndzte which banc or branches ‘sens Evert 071020154 af goverment tiseccaetiswity CQ) Executive C)Lagisative Bett of Conn aoe rerercorsis |@ersh Orenoraicheek Ocetuneditcunt OPayatt Datuction QMeosy Onis | 07/70/2015 10.00 SUBTOTAL Section B—This Page 530.00 ‘TOTAL of adaitional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (echons A +B) ‘Cate ttl oi Line 13, Clann A af Snnaary Page Totals) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 0f 17 =e Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE '® of 7 TRAE COTES Ona Na BT ERIN TEOFRAORT Segara for Mayor 7h Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (See insiructions for definition af Soall Covributor) SUBTOTAL SECTION A ‘See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tat ane Tear wT |witliams Judith Renta Suet ie ee Tae [pcan 2 PotkPIApt 15G Hartford jet }osi0s. rosa ean eae stasis President ‘Caribean America Dance Co Ts conibtra obo apuse, () Yer | Weanribton fen exon of S400 oa call fra clio ewonuve ole ofa lel, locdepentent child ofalebbyint? @)No. | dee conbuler or buries hash ie ssoafed wie baveacgeccl Nah sad muniipay lied at nee tian 0007 es ON ets ean onan on ‘Yes | Iseonibiors principal ane concir or rospstive sie soniawio? Yes ‘vert pated in Sten No [Wises nasa whieh branch or brenehes Ro ‘Gaerteeets OPOROTSA ‘of govenient the entat Wilh Ceerecitve Oherislative Meteora De Reed [arose Ceiba cash @Penoral Check CUcresivdsbt cued QPayeel! Deduction CMoney Oxter | 07/10/2015 10.00 ro i wr Ikorzenik Ursula esa See Ros [en Fae [pea 400 Seabury Lane Bloomfield ct | 05002 ce aS Toa Plo Artist Self eT ONG Sa ae cic cioteitss No | een orre otnoonste ae agg whan ‘elton 0507 ‘Ov 20.00 fs nisconuitoaocacd when ©) Yos [Ivette apie of asa contacter pspecvestscatacio? (DY eve eprtedin Seton LI No | ayes nna rancho tranches, No relist en goverment be ot O tisntive © Lesitine et of on Dae epee Coo Jen Orenorl chee Qoxeuupesit Cat Ora Deacon Qnewsy Ote: | 7/11/2015 40.00 Laporte Robert Teas Ra lew sa [foie 143 Fern St Hartford ct fosios Fp One Fase an Retired Retired eget gm — De | Henan ee pala ona ecg Tem, ioe lordeperdent hide fesbyt?— G)No. | does contbtor or busines hoki i ssoxaled wil tavoaanct wih said municipal, ale at mae than $5007 ves @No is tis contibtion assole wth an Yes |iscontibutors prinsipel ofa slate cntator or prospentive sto contacto? Qn ever spared in Seen LI? No [tyes neste which branch or branches, Ne ifyes bet ven ‘government the sonst ish CO) Eneeatve ChLzgsiaive ‘Netto Cob a Rae Rese Cora 7N2R015 200,00 Ocver Oesrseaet rk Ocresivdedr cert Ova Darin Qfoney Order B— This Page "TOTAL of additional Seetion B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TOTALOF "ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seetlons A By (East on lve 13, Cola A of Sunny age Texas |S®€ SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 SEEC FORD 20 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE '° of 7 RANEOF COMMITEE rome 7a Rape DN eC) TORRONE [Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Contributic (Gre arcs for defn of Saal Carbutcr) jons from Small Confributors-Received thls Period ONLY. ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A ‘§See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, __B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals ro ar a carson John 15 High Hill Rd West Hartford ct fosii9 al Oa ae Trane Senior Advisor Univesity of Hertford Fear Tony pote, CYTE] Tenino oT Std oa ae Tra oot fe oF masa, | Amoun of Contain sceumioncaetaistyist Ce. | doscontintoror mshessbee seated weave aegaart wis mus ‘eid oe tin 5007 a. Oh 7500 Raroumaaaname Qs [Popeinmeren aac crmmeremonae? Be trent sion? No | “ijyenindzne le braehor bansher x pata Uscreamen tecearctiowihy Cfscetive Qeicve etter TaeRead rane eas Jour @recomt crest crema crt Orarst deston Ornsy One | 077127201 | 75.00 ratanr a7 Icapote Guilermo aT a i ian favo 1452 Glendale Ave. hW Palm Bay fu [32907 a ator Tan oO Mayor Cy ofPalm Bay iz ceutiar ATO poms CY Ve] Feat a TOD oa altace oe aTa mans, | Amman of Cntaion [ramrekcchigafoiaoyed Ge. | eurcontbae’ of moms nse meson yh aggre ia ams” ]Ocosh OPersonal Check OeredivDebit Card Crayroll Dedwetion Cxooney Owder | 07/13/2015 109,00, yer Ono. valued f mre than 50007 200.00 is contogacettwann (Ye ncaa pal fe crm rronectwsiecnscel? es event eported in Seti Lt? No | Uses indicnte which branch or branches No Tse se ‘goverment the cont wih: Oe wcutive Qrevisative Neti of Cobo Dae Reet TeateConbaars cain Orersoan! check @credivnevicaud QPayrolt Deduction COMansy Over | 07/14/2015 300.00 z ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [5375.00 TOTAL of adalitional Section I Pages “TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS (Seetiony A=) (Enter oll on Line 1, Coluna A of Sina Page etal [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 SEC FORM 20 Berets Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 7 of 7 FRAN OF COWES i Cope Wt or eee ik lg RO TYRE OR REPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A; “Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY | cea. aa [secession St Cnr SUBTOTAL SCION a | $5¢° EEC Form 20 poge 30f17 = B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals TaaToor Fa a lpaimer Douglas ent ee ates [ew Tan aco 1970 Brunswick AVE Lawrenceville ny |oseas TT Op Rano igi President & CEO Douglas H Palmer & Assoc ‘Anioen of Conran Ts conten alata use, ¢) Ver | Weonirbaon im ovis oF S00 (oa cate fora ch exterve ocr of manip eitpnitcat tain Go | aevcritcbaas ese based whine cat wih te ent” ale at moe thn ,000? Ono 25000 Tetirconbainasoraciwin on © Yes |lettibsrspailofacecnanorerpexpstvesiseeimia? OVS srt rpord Stan Ll? No | ser intcae wich branch or branches Doessrvent | Cgrnnenetaconact swith Ossecuive: Oteisiaive ‘oof Conk as esthet [Acorns Conve Ocash Cprersonai Check Ocredivdedit Card Capit Detution CMfoney Order | 07/15/2018 1000.00 Tae Fe oy Pugh James eT ee ian [ato 359 Carolina Ave Winter Park | 32789 Ria Op Tans Developer Epoch Properties Fs combo laibyi ps) Yor | eetatan iim ao SH0 oa coi Tora eT eeoane ote ofa mpl, | Amount of Conbaon oraapeven ci ofatctyst No. | does contbstr or anne ele nasichted yh be aga ih se mui tele tor tn 50007 ‘Ove Ore 1000.00 sihiscontabatonesswaiedwanen (2 Yer | scartbca pig afa ss contactr or pespstivesacontacta?— QQYes event spot Sct? Ne] ass indestownch bandh or traches Ne ‘Titi xen gcveumea becentcta wit’ CFxcelve C) Leiatve ‘aldo Coa Diskeane [armen Coan Oca rerserat check Ocresupesit Cand OPayitt Dotson Qvterey Oni: | 97/17/2015 | 1000.00 Tatar i a Real Sa No = ia eae 200 S. Orange Ave 2300, Orlando FL {32801 Rar Oa Rane attomey Baker Hostetier Is corer aati ssn, {) ¥en | Wotan eres o 400 %oa ade rac cue lier ofa manly erependen citefalaboysst No. | doescontitorortasns hee ssorsed yl havoa gaat wisaid maniialty ‘ale move thn 5,00" ‘yer No sits conbaton soci wihan (Yes [Iscontibutors pale a ste cantctr or provptve sto contactar? Ces ent epee neste LI? No. | “ifres, ndete wich branch or branches ess Bem ignennestiecasectinwih OBeause Otelaive ‘ett of Coban Bar Rene Paes Cannio cuss rest chesk OcresivDebit Cant OPwrot Deduction OMoaey Order [07/17/2015 | 500.00 =e = Z “SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [5175000 = TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 “TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AT) (Ga oil on Zhe 15, Colanin lof Stony Page Total) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘sure row 20 TARISOF COMIN TEN fara an Nanay pia vin Fa epaaDy Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE !8 of 7 TYPEOFREPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A--Total Contributions from Small Coniributors-Received this Period ONLY (See jrcins for dentin of Swall Coed. “SUBTOTAL SECTION A See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 = ‘BeItemized Contributions from Indl (Civil Engineering Consultant Ichuang Eugene Resa Se as ies Sine ook '390Commonwealth Ave #612 Boston Ma [02215 Fala Fa Ea {Garg Consulting Services, LLC {Weontibooralenis spose, or dependent il of loys? cig oes conta or basins abe is associated wh Tieonttoaion 3 eres of 54000 cues Tor a hist ecalive ales ofa manga, ne my ‘Amount of Contebuton pe tis Even salued a more than 80007 ON 250.00 wancogansamteieiae OY [neeminnianicinlfemremmnermptrommaet Ye sever epated in Section LI? No | ~_W/jesinieste which branch or branches No yes is Eveat ‘government the contt wih Obrccutve: Qresisave Metedef Contin Das seed [aves Consors JCeasn Gresonl check CreciuDedircart Qrsyralt Dedetion OMony Onder | 07/77/2015 750.0 roo Fr wr Inarkowitz Debra esa Se ane oy Te eta J66 Berwyn Road West Hartford cr |06107 Fria Opin Nasa Homemaker Homemaker Ts conrbuora lobbyist spouse, C) Yew | ison st exeers oF S400 to conne for wisest ole ofa mnasagaiy, | Amount of Cotebnon lordepenten cull ofa lobby? @)No. | does contr or bnsnes hfs ieasoied wh ave eget wih sal mispaly led at noe tn 50007 yes No 250.00 Is hin continaion soled wate ‘Yer ls soba pica of «ito censor or proapstive nie conto”) Yee lvent porte in Seton 17 No | Uyeda which raach oe branches, No yesh Be ‘orgoeinment te castastiswit:——_C)Bresuive ©) Legisive ‘Mead of oatbaon Dasa ems Cea @rersonni check Qvredunedir Cas Cayo Detain QMoney tee | 07/17/2015 250,00 Diez Kevin es Sue es cn ius poe 139 Dover St New Haven ct foss13 Fea ae Tans oT Bepinee Clerk NHRCPC Ts cool a nba sponse ‘Yer ] Won Toon iia exes af 510010 olla fora chi wacuive ale ofa menial, | Amount of Conbuton lordepensnt child of abby) No. | does cotibulr ar bss bebe Isesacleed wih Have aggoact wi ok mamas ahd at mor than 5 0007 ves ON 10000 isthe conbionassosivadvwithan (Yer ls contbitor principal ofa wate concer or peapstveslecontacor! Ces focomamete ie fypmanecuaer snes is of govt hs contacts wih Operative Oepisatve We osha JOcish resent Crock CcretivDeit ud CPayttl Deduction CMeney Owe omn7/2015 Preeats Coneoaiane 100.00 SUBTOTAL Section B= This Page 600.00 : TOTAL of loa Section Pages TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS (Seetions A+B) ‘Ener ttl ot Line 13, Cota A of Sauny Page Toa) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ERT Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE !° of 7 TANTO CONT TEE oe Compe Mo aan a pang) TROFEO Segarta for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, “Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelvell this Period ONLY. (See irons Jorden af Saal Conor) SuBTOTALSECTIONA | $°°° ‘SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘B. Memized Contributions from Individuals alued at noc than 5,000? a OND Hato Fir i IStepnowskt Charles eisai seee ats E> sae eco 53 Montauk Way Glastonbury fcr | 06033 Taal Opa Rane fone Founder Employee Family Protection conta alobbyat spose, () Ves ] [oon baen sn sess of 400 toa cana fra chit exe offer ofa muni, or depen ld a lobbyist? @)No. | dacs conributr cr buses hee iassoied wi havea Bernsen Yes [lsconribuer «pineal oe sine contacter or prospective tte conta Ne | tfpen india which ancl or trenches ‘of government tho conta 3 eh Ts this conbton aol ha covert pated in Section LI? Wye ist Event 8 Qerecutive Oeisaive saat Maal Cotton: pao reed age etal Dean reson chek Ccretionedt Cart CPayrll Deduction OMtone Ores | 07/17/2015 600.00 Tone ir 7 lAcosta-Glynn Clara Rena See hte [ea asa 15 Rodney St Hertford ct {ostos re pao Rae fae Retired Retired 5 cowibtar alain spoon) ew | Wcanribaton aceon oF 100 oa cantas Tra chi ese ofc ofa muna, | Aton of Conia lor dopenent hire bby? No. | does conteor or buses bese isassociaed wah have aggrtat with sad manips ‘aie a nore thn $5,000 ‘yes No 75.00 sis contribution smote witha ‘Yes | Isconibutor a rinipal of wae cenrator or pospative satecntacter? CQYes even eepatetin Section LI? No | Wg. inlcete whieh branch «benches No Bye tit Event ‘ofgovemmeat ke comet iswih-_()Fxectve ©) Levishaive each Qressnal cheek Qcretnsdit ceed Qrayrott Dedvetion OQviney Oaee | 07/17/2015 75:00 Ter Wr Roberto Teena Sane Ne [or Taw [ntose 538 Chimneysweep Hill Rd Glastonbury cr | 06033 Fain Ot ae fase Doctor Care Core Natfonal LLC TrcctTatera RUbyisy spouse, () Ves | W corbin ain gree of S100 oa caldera eet eee ofiee ofa manically | Amount of Conribiion forsependentchiltofaloboyst? — @)No- | dors contibutor or business he sasoite wih havea spire with i muniiphiy vale moze tha $3,000? yes No 50.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page intnvctibaimasmeieed whan (Q Yes [ominttra inspslarnme connie popectvestoeentone? ies rents infeien No [Piper net hss rnc rnc Ne penton tse ‘powers tecemti wih C)Exsuthe Qe Mate avid Reece Conanar Crear @Personai Check Cicretivdedit Cari QPayroll Deduction Money Order | 07/17/2015. 150.00 aoe = $225.00 TOTAL ofadditional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUADS (Seetions AD) Eater oa on Line 1, Clan lof Stamey Page Tet) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 30f 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 7 of 7 TEARIE OF COMMITTEE ast Cong No Re wn Png epSCDT TYPROF REPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report (See iniracions for deft of Sal Catt) ‘A. Total Contributions trom Small Contributors-Received this Perlod ONLY SUBTOTAL SECTION A See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B, Temized Contributions from Individuals Information Requested ro Fe ir Isantos Jose Resa a aa ie ae ae 100 Kane St Apt BS West Hartford ct fosit9 Pisin Osos oman Information Requested scorer annoy, spouse, "Ves | conibaion im ease af S400 on ce Tora disT escaive oer ofa mrp, | Amount of Conrbatlon Jrsapendon chil ofalctyint? — G)No. | dose contbater ce buines hee wsacaed wah have negrac with sai municipal talued maven 6007 jen ON, 50.00 umenmiaeeagenwnm Yes [Reena a cpmerrommromreminte? Bie ever pated ia Seton LI? No | pes, indeae whieh branch or benehes Ne Upon it Event (of goenment the contacts With Obscoitve Otesisiave Mata of esrb Deane [aroun Coens Cocash @Perconat check Oessivdsrt ord Qrayectt Dedvtion Coney Onder | 07/17/2015 Toate ae wr Lummis Adair Reta Saeed oy Tae [atom 1711 Farmington Ave Apt Ad Hanford CT | ost0s con ean Sociologist Hartford Seminary fs eouneara Gia pm, CD Yor | Tcnden hn eceraf 00 toa dias racist ofa ofe mania, | Anovat of Centbain ramp childefaiatoys) No. | doe combsor or buss he nasi wih have gts i sald munaly {eli ota i 8,007 ne One 30.00 is isconibaionssncitedwitian (Yes [lscontibuora ipl ofasse contactor prospective sasconinco QQYer JoveneponedinScon Li? No | ges indent nich bach or eas xo es st Nea Cdgernmenteonnetiviti CEweutve C Leiaive Naito Gwar Taree [ass oasis Cewek Orson chek Oceetivdeit Cat Ora Descton Overy Oi | 07/17/2015 Balkshaan Nanthini aa eB ew Tae ipo 2918 Mount Snow Court Elicott City mo |21092 Fra Raw tape Program Analyst Social Security Admin a conibtora ein, pone, (Ve ] evan tno of 00 acne rach eeelv cee afar, | Aww of Contbaton frdepndenchitefafosoyat? —@)No | dosecontbutr or brn te soled wi ave a wha mel valet mor tan $000 er Ono 1000.00 Teihiscotcinon svcaed when (Yes [ncetcinora pn ofasie contairo pospetvesascontacir? Ces eetticpelnScton Li? No | “ip indnt ich och or bales No ‘yen at vem ‘government coasts i: Betve Otago ‘Net of oa ares esas Conri JOcash @reson chek: Qcatuoeencer! OP Dotson QMony onder [07/18/2015 | 1900.00 Ee SUBTOTAL Section B — Tihs Page [51.080.00 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Secti ion B ADDITIONAL PAGE?! of 7 TAREE OF COMMITTEE vo Conte Near Regu wi Fie OED) TPEOF REPORT ‘Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, Total Contributions from Sivall Contributors-Received thi $$See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘var paren Seton LI? yes, ist Bveat (Seino fo ion of Sal Covi) SUBTOTALS Ti Nemized Contributions from Individuals Te ar 7 lorie -teoo Rei Re Fs Taro 760 Prospect Ave Harford Jct Jostos Faroe oo Retired Retired ls contraiovni spam (Qs ] Hconinaon an ssn o 5 Toa nde or acoF eesti i oa nil, ion criopnsonsi etsy’ Go| derconnbt er tusnesebeisawoeoed wh ve nega st moray seed nor tn 5001 es OMe 1000.00 Tras conan asednedvibon@ Yes [8sonibtrs piss fasts cnr wepete sioconrsio? Yea 1 [Peres Stackers ss Etpormetuecentattwtr Orsuve Otasive Matos of Contin Died ep Ceiba |Qcish Oreserat cheek OcveiivpsdixCard Orayzlt Deduction QMeney Onder} 07/18/2015 1000.00 Tata Fe wr Rodriguez Delia nea See ea anes 760 Prospect Ave Hartford 06105, a Oeanor Rasen Retired Retired i onto alabbyia spouse, (C) Yer | cntrvaton enero of 100 toa candida fora chat exsave fice oto munity, or dependent child oa obbyst) No. | docs contbulor or ines Is svaeaed wh havea ggkac wih sul munity ‘a more a $5,000 ven @ No is tiscoriboten reained witnan (Yer | Icomtitutora principal oFasute contacior o oxi sie contact? (Yes oven reported in Seton LI? No |" dfyes,indieste whic bench oe branches No Byes Even ‘goveasment theca wile) Executive ©) Legisatve Mt of Consittion aes [een Conve ]Cewss Dressonat creck Qereivnedit card Qaytll Deduction Oaney Ones | 07/18/2015 1000.00 Samuel Milroy Resta Soe aes ios See [pcos 7708 Roxton Ct New Albany on | 43054 ial Oo Rane ope self self Ts contra lly apes, (Ves | TF conbaon in excess of 100 wo candle Tora che evectve icra manialy, | Amount of Comrlbution Jordependent cad ofalostyiat? — G)No. | does contr or businoss ele isassozaed wilh hae gprs witha anipaly ‘ale at move ti 35,0008 rvs Ono 1000.00 Wisconsin cite vihon 3 Yo scaricare erecaecemr er since? Oe vent ported ia Section LI? No | ipyes niente sis branch oe branches ne Wess Bent ‘otgenenentthe contacts C)Exesativo: OLegislatve Tai of Conbaon JOcesh @Pexonai check OcrtivDeit Cant CPaytoll Deduction (Money Order | 07/20/2015 Tae Reed [Aewsie Contain 1000.00 $2,500.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seti ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, Xe D) ‘lett on Lie 1, Cola af Suamary Page Teas) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 0117 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ”? of 7 TARE OF COMRITTEE ps Conse Rana gO RD TOTO = Segerra for Mayor 7h Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | (See iirc for detiont of Sinall Coridaar) ‘SUBTOTALSECTION A] $582 SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 By, Temnized Contributions from Individuals \cooper Joy TET ms Ta igeoe 30% Holiday Drive Hallandale Beach aL [33009 Tia Oa Sion Office Manager Hallandale Beach Orthopedics is emibwr aap ou, () Yer | Wowcon a essa 00 wa ai Tra cha exetiv os oa ancl, | Aout of Canebaion Jorden cl ofakelyat! No | cocsemtuertuses bette geome wg ances wit marcy ‘ein sere tn $007 Gre “Sie 100.00 Gapcaagcetagme — Q Ye [Husnaranimnlsnaicaamanepteaieoanan? Qe Siem cpa nS erect ch bench x eats Myes,iist vent ‘of governayent the contract is with: Ceéxecutive Oregisiatve nator DER pen Cor |Oocash Crersona Check credivdebit Cast CPayrll Deduction OMoroy Onder | 07/21/2015 100.00 Icordero ‘Antonia aie Ros ky ae cae 1932 Logans Way Windsor cr fososs rica oT Associate Professor UCONN Ir embers not youre, CD Yor] Teonb aun vr xs of 0 a anki ra ch esaave oi of amunaliy, | Amouat af Coton avdeendonchideFafatnast No. | coesconibue or buanss he ssecaed vant a gta a unepaly “valued a more than $5,000? yes © No 30,00 shir conaon sored whew (> Yes] ncontibea incl oa ste entasor r pete socom (Yer event eponedinSeston Li? Wo | "Sayin which banc reranche xe ste Bren Weneameatteceatetienite Q)Fsecuve Q Leite ites oo res Coa }Ccach OPersonal Check @CreditDebit Card CWRayroll Deduction (Money Order | 07/27/2015 105.00 Bebs John Te Te = Sa ara 14 Robin Brook Dr Newington ct fost Principal Occupation [Name of Bmpioyer Fee Manager Stanley Black & Decker Tecoma anor samy (Yer | conten i asso 00 wa candle rach exeativ oe ofa mies, | Amount of Gnaa fapoion chivefalainat! Ne | deren ar anise waselued yh fae tga! wha manly Sela maton 0 Oye" Oke 1000.00 Tp tiscoibdonsmodaed when) Yer [sconsbuera ric ata ee snare pogeatvestaecomcor? ies ‘vet pore nsestion i? No | ifn inate vba teangh or ances No Tere Ent 07302015 cf premmed bwcenatswihs C)Rxcatve Qgittive Fite eae ans Conc [Orch ©Peesonal Check CHcredivDebit Card C)Payroll Deduction COMoney Order | 07/30/2015 1000.00 $1,130.00, = SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page TOTAL: of adulitional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3of 17 “TOTAL OF ALL, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+B) (ater oa ou Line 13, Cebus A of Senate Page Tea) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 erent Seetion B ADDITIONAL PAGE of 7 THANIE OF CONAMTT TEE vote Cap Nn faire a Fg BD) [aor REPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report “A--Tolal Contributions from Suiall Conti i jod ONLY- {See turns fer finon of Sl Conor) SUBTOTAL SECTION A {See SEEC Form 20 page 30f 17 B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Icitino Joseph erica Nes ee Tyco 133 Clifwood Or South Windsor 6074 PraaT Om Rane Ea |General Contractor Providian Builders of is conicbtar aati pease, CD Yer] Weonlation eves of OOo a onli or aca erento oer of «muna, ese icaltt NO. | vena bss bee bse ak ne aa wih al unl vale tore tan$5,0002 i Sitcoms itm @ Ye [Rewhanarran Taree cameron sascaren? TE vent repre in Section 1? No |) igen ingente whch bronch ox branches 5 rontsttreatd Q73020150 goverment theconat swith Oessoutne Oesisaive Mei of Conn Biotest Perret Coiba Cea rasonal check OcredvDedit Cant Ofeyrall Dalston OMoney Oree | 07/30/2015 | 1000.00 Isuzulescu Virgil | Rea Soe os ay ae [epee 23 Jllan Circle West Hartford ct [osto7 Final Oaaston Tans o Pa self self ls coavora anit, ruse, C) Yer ] Ti contndion fin ens oF SAO tor ean era cif emule ofer ofa manip, | Awount of Cotibutton Jordopenien call otaiattyit? No. | docs contributor cr busines heli sasoeed wh haven sect wih sid municipality Safe toc than 0007 Yer ONo 1000.00 Te iscontibodonssneaedwithan Yer iconBl apiojal ofa sie cetactr cr prespeivestecmico?— QYEs [ven epaedinSeton LI? No. |" "atyes indicate which ranch of tranches Ne est Evend 073020150, ‘i genmen econ isi ()Bxeeutive C) Legiative abt of Cont ieee pase Ca |Ocish reson check Ocreivdedit Cant Oat Deduction Ortney Orier | 07/30/2015 1000.00 ante c wT Hamid Rashid Resteahi ese Aaa ee Sia tate 164 Dockerel Rd Tolland ct fost Tina Ocpaon Rane fag Self self i cettntor alata gis, C) Yer ] Hooton sin wera oF 500 oa cna oa chia xecavo ocr ofa marpaliy. foc xpendentchtcralottyit® NO | docs combitrartusnss hohe soso ih havo gato wih sad mania ‘ie at mor un $5,007 Yer @ No 1000.00 Tris continuo aero whan Yes. [Iconator arise ofa sate enact or pespeivesatesouacin? Ces ent prt Section 1? Bo |Past wih rach or branches Ne ses, ot Brent # 07302055) ‘fgorernment te conti Q)Essewive OhLesisative Wetied of Coobaie: aw Reed fates Come Deus @Pesena Chek Oietivdsbit Cant OPayel Dedation Money Over | 07/30/2015 1000.00 : = == SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page TOTAL. of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, "TOTAL OF ALE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Gectins AT) =r tl on Le 1, Cole dof Sai Page Tota) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 4 of 7 TAREE OF CONTE rt Coe No ea Fag pO) Te ‘OFREPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (Ste isrcions for dfaion of Sal Comber) SUBTOTAL SECTION A See SEEC Form 20 page 3of 17 B,_Memized Contributions from Individuals ro Fi a lRametho Patricia esis Soea ais [cw sae apa 14Robin Brook Dr Newington cr fosiny Finca Oe [Commercial Print Coordi Ra often inator Hartford Courant Information Requested Iscoabora yi gare, (QYET [smn mo Ds a a ees oa mapa [ Amon of Cott cimomatcaersicipa Que | dese’ eebsmssvanes seciedwpine nggunc wha cpa told tore 00% Gia" Gre 1000.00 Triconia Yes [soir s rep oes sence or poses mane) Qe empatin genet Wo [ijn etch ches te Dyerirtien 300015 omental Creative Qagiave aon a oo }Ocash @personal Check ChcrediDedit Card CpPayroll Deduction CMMoney Onder | 07/30/2015 1000.00 a rar a ce Frances ra Gs Fae Bo 525 Cus Ave Stratford cr fo6e1s aor mecaeere Information Requested scotia aby pour, locdapenden il of iboyistt ‘Feesbton a ease oF S00 Toa cone Tora hTexenve otic oes contro uses lhe esesocited wi ave griact wi i Bie Fa nia, id munity ‘ald et nce han 5,007 ves Ono 000.00 sti conibtonssoined witha ‘Yer fe sontittor apni ow sae contasor or prospective sie contactor? C)Yes event epated ia Section LI? No |" Wfgs,indeato whch branch or branches, No Tpit sen ‘of govrnet he coat sw: Oxcutve © Lasslave Nan of ration Dane [aes Conan Ocak @rerronicteck Ociesvdsbitcard Qrayo Daivetion Qrtony Order | 07/30/2015 1000.00 Schaefer Bernice Renal eee Aes ea Tae [atom £85 Memorial Rd, Unit 213 West Hartford ct |osi07 Tro Tee omg Information Requested Information Requested Ts contibator a obi spouse, ¢) Ves | Ti coneibwion iin eae of S00 fa candidate aca chi exeetve aie: ofa muiajaliy, | Amount of Coatrbation or dependent hd ofattyit? No. | does contbetorortasines hee associated with hve aggnac wilksaid muncpally ae at more tan $5.0 ves @Ne 00.00 i conbaion assole ivan Yes ls coitor anatase concrete secon? Oe es sprn Sesion? No | “tjsesnuettswc rnsh or ransies, Ne ‘Ypen eaten # 07362015, ‘goarment Becomes C)Exeeuie Qagilave Tit of coo Tae Dex cons }Ocash Personal Check CHCredivDebit Cand C)Payrolf Deduction C)Money Order | 07/30/2015. 500.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [$2500.00 TOTAL of additional Section B Pages: "TOTAL OF ALI: CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seellons A+B) ‘Enteral on Line 13, Clan A of Saamary Page Teta) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 SEC FORD 20 ee Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 2° of TAREE OF CONIA TER te Co Nana ep N ag pan TROP RETORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY. (Bee iris for dfuon of Sal Conteber) SUBTOTAL SECTIONA $ See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B. Itemized Contributions from Individals Tatton er wr [D'Amore James Resa Sn a [ea Emo [ea Com /85 Memorial Rd West Hartford cr | 06107 a Opin Ra pone Teacher University of Hartford TF ontbaton sn oes oT S10 To a cane deer hee aseted ae 5 coiibaiora obs, use, or dcpenent hilt of aby Sr aTemrouie of ofa maisgaly, act wih sad musa “Antu of Contention yer One vale eet 35,0007 ‘valued at more than $5,000? (es_ Oro 100.00 Ts ths contibtion associated with a Yes | scontbatora principal ofa sae contactor or prospective sate contrste’?— C Yes ‘event reported in ection 1? No | 1/5 indzate which branch or branches No yes, ist Event 073020154, ‘of govenment the contract swith OCireeutive Qegisitive ‘Method of Coat: Danes [ave Contibuions Oceh @Pewonal Check Ocredivdsdit Card Cpayeet Decuction Money Order | 07/30/2015 100.00 Dominguez william Peesaeasa Seca Aa em Baie Ye Cote }32Childs Ra ‘Monson Ma |01057 Prin Ocean Rawat Epler Manager BLPS is connor w abby, spouse, Yes | Ieoniibtion iin excess of S400 toa cardial fora chieTexcotveolies ofa muniipaliy, of Contbaton or dependent child of lobbyist? No. | oes contibuter or busines else isassoisted wi ave agatract wih ak muncialty ‘alt sr than $5:0007 ves Ono 190.00 Is this contribution associated with an Yea. is contributor a priaspal of sate contactor or prospective state contactor? CQ¥ex event reported in Sesion LA No | Wyes indicate whieh branch or branches No yest ent 073020150 ‘ot government te contac i wth: OQ Beecuive © Legislative ‘Meta of Combe: Ta Raed rep Coots ]Oeesh Personal check Oxesiuderit Cand Qpayetl Deduction Creney Oster | 07/30/2015 100.00 Tas ae Fast co Rubino: John Rea Se NO [ow Saw Cob 27 Old Mountain Rd Farmington ct | 06032 Tria Ooapaoe Rene oT Eapee Self self Ts contbtor a tabby, spouse, Yes | TFeoninbuton isn oxess oF 100 wa caine fora che exeulive officer of a munilpalty, | Ameunt of Contribution Joc dependent chik of lobbyist? No does contibiter or busines else is associated wih hve prac sith sei mancipalty 100.00 Te his con bon ssoied wit en event reported in Seton LI? "ifs ist Sven 073020150, Yer No} Wye, indsst which branch or branches ‘of goveanmeat te conta swith [scenttatrs principal of sine contro spective sat center? Oswcitie Oesisative Se Neti Cena Das Rested eee Cone JOcosh resort check Oicresivnedi Caxd OPayvlt Deduetion Money Over | 07/30/2015 100.00 : = SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [$300.00 - = ‘TOTAL of additional Seetion B Pages TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ROM INDIVIDUALS (Sectors AD) (ter toll oh Le 1, Coluans of Sunn eee Toa) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Ecru Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 6 of 7 THANE OF CONAITTEE ne Cm a ET ODT REGO Segara for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contibutions from Sinall Contributars-Wecelved this Petto@ ONDY | see seec Form 20 pa {See nara ordi of Sil Conbwar) = ‘suproratsecrion'a | $5¢2SEEC Form 20 page 30f17 = B. Iemized Contributions from Individuals = [Betancourt Alejandro Resin Soee ates er Tae | aposie {698 Farmington Ave West Hartford cr fosit9 Tiara Op Rana af ape Property Manager Alexander Property Management conifer ebb, spose, Yes conibton eax of 100 ow nse Fra db ewoivo oles aT munipaly, | Amooa f Conebation lodapendent hit ibiyit? Nov | ts contributor or buses hese sscied wa have a eutaet with sad munity ‘led at oe than 85,0002 re ON 100.00 Tons conibaton sci whan) Yer | contbutrapencipl ofa ae conan or prowestive sate contacter? CQVeS ‘ver reported in Seton LI? No | yes indiete wich banc ox branches No Wye ist Event ‘of govecnment cont swith ive Oegisasne Mood Contant Dae [areca Cnalon IDeish Cresson cheek @ciativdebieCaat Crsyrlt Deduction Coney Ory | 07/30/2015 100.00 {Alexandre |Ghallegher ea See oe oy Taw [coe 1939 ParkSt Hartford ct |ost0s rca Oepaog oo Owner Link Travel & Services [Is concibutora lobbyist, spouse, Se ‘TF contribution isin ences of $400 toa conclanfor a cist executive oficer ofa mumiipality, | Amount of Contribution lorgentonchiofatattyist No. | decsconibateor basis ee nase wthhave aggect ih sn murphy veld etme than 50007 Ove ‘Gro 20.00 is wiscontitoonaiaed whan (Yes is conittora pic ofastscoacor or respexive seca? (QYer leven cepted in Seton LI? 0. | ifyen neste whch branch or branches is Tye tnt ven 07302015 ‘ipocment te contact sain (Eso ©) Legiive Mant Coats Disk eens Conti @eah Oresomi cheek QciepebirCurd OPayillDstuston Oxteney Ones | 07/30/2015 | 20.00 Tare Far a7 McCauley James Recta eR i Sar [nto 77 Wadsworth Hartford ct [os106 Tis aveot pio TV Producer self Ts contort spouse, Des | Wesatbtin i nace af 10 toa cat Fra cit eee cr af munca, | Amman of Cenibation finches itinat QBN) derstand mans Saha at re an 35000? ye Ne 20.00 Tsthisconinaon scat wan GD Yes [Isconitar aseia a a ato cao x pespectve steer? vent seated in Sen LI? No | fpyenindeatewtch branch branches pen tren 07202015 Ueoeannent econ sibs QEeute CLesitive Tio Coa Taree Tne Con Ocos Dresont Crest Ocreiomebit cord OPayrlt dedacion Money Oner | 07/30/2015 2000 SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page [$140.00 TOTAL of additional Section Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS (Seetions AD) Bie lao Le 13, Colin ef Surmary Page Foal) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 SeE¢ ron 20 =e Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 7” of 7, TANF COTTE Cp a ay THEO REPORT Segara for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY: a (See turns fr dition af Sra Comrie). ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A. | SS€*SEECForm 20 page 3 of 17 B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tato a aT INaek Abdul Se Ae i Tan [atom 164 Dockerel Rd Tolland ct {06084 Fa oer Ria Ea student Student Is sab alan pone, (Yor ] Teton im rs o SD ocak fara cn eacoiva ole fa mulls] Amwua fC Jeraepenen chi ofatoseyati_ No. | doscontbetr or bsinss he asol¥ed Wiha agg wth ek eps tele osha $5,007 ee ONO 20.00 Tris watain asacoad ian @ Yes [Isconbuora principal ofa de contactor or promrevestiecontner? Yes sent ported Sein £17 Io | tfyen ines why anche ances No yen men O7302015A eorenmest theconet wile Qsectve Oepiative elton: Paes an Conan Dev reson creek Ocetivosdt cant Oral Dan Qotosy One| 07/30/2015 | 20.00 ar a wr INeto Nathanael aie To i Tae nee 22 Monroe St Hartford ct fost pL Ope ay carpenter Mohawk Northeast is cura TVA, gous, (Yew | Weson sn ons of 400 oo ui Tra cent alive oa mania, | Aon of Cention eecopn chives iotiyas? No. | cececoniar obsess toe sored wie nara i Sal mucpay sete st mere tn $5007 ves GN 20.00 sis cotton asta withen (Yea | Inco pil ofa ste certo pepectve secon? (QV eve sponte Sct? o_|* "ies inte wich raecho tranches, No ‘esse Evenk 07302015 ‘lenment te contacts ()Bsesave © Lag and Coa Die Raet Pane cenions Denis Orersona creck Qed cart Orsya Deon none Orer | 07/80/2015 | 20.00 Johnson Dylan Real San om a a egtom 16 Metcalf Rd ottane cr | 06084 Teas Saas ene Frozen Food/Dalry Clerk Big is catiocebiyis apans, C) Yer] Wonton nn een of S10 toa cat ra cet exe oies ofa rasiialiy, | Amun Connon ocdapndencibetafobynt} No. | don constant or tine hehe seine yi fav gana! wah sid manly old at more tn 85,007 ve Bs 10.00 Trip onitaenancacd whan @ Ves [econtibuora principal ofaaate concer or pespeaive ate coasto? Ces eset epee inet I? No | es into wick tranche braehes No penn ven? 073020158 Cieormen tessa iwi O)tssctve Oise Men Coa Danka eve Cons J@cosh Oreacnl cack Ccrvdedit cont QP Detucton QMoary ower [07/30/2015 | 10.00 = "SUBTOTAL Section 8 — This Page [$50.00 5 = TOTAL of additional Secti TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+) ‘Eater etalon Line 13, Cola of Sunmey Pe Toa) 'B Pages {See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 shen n B ADDITIONAL PAGE of 7 [RRR CONT Ta RU eR TOR ROT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contributions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY. (Si aration for dfn of Snail Conti SubroraLsecrion a | 9S8°S86C Form 20 page 30f 17 ‘B. Temized Contiibutious from Individuals : heavier Sidney eee Ne ey Tae com 130 Mottigan Or West Hartford ct Joon aT Ora Fiaanettogin Jowner Affordable Landscape, LLC is conta aah pouss ¢) Ver | Weonitbatan hee oF S00 wa uae Tora die excouve ocr oTa mnie, | Amun of Canton Jorsepenten cit oratosyist? —@)No | does conttta or basins hehe is anelated whe a cg with muri values x mor tha $5 0002 5 ONe 10.00 Ta oaieimese hos Ve [newt i oes mponse coat Ye ‘veep in Sotion LI? No | yes, inteste whch beach reaches No Ayes, list Event 073020150, ‘of government the contract i wil Obrecutive OLexisiaive Nad of orn Prorat avant Coane J@cash_ Orersonaceck Ocredivoeit cent Orel Datosion QMoney Outer | 97/30/2015 10.00 co Fer i lAcuiar [Ana ere Aare [aw Soe [Fatale ‘| 106 Oakwood Ave West Hartford ct fost7 Fact Oar Rano Manicurist self is connnora eRiyi pase, () Ver ] Wonton in exo of S00 ion cane a cof asco offer ofa mapa, loc dependent eld ofa ioyied No. | door entbutor er bass bh fe ssocied wlth havea se with sad cipal ald at moth 8,007 Ove Oro ists aicnton ast hin @) Yos | scone a principal fe ao contactr ox rospestveste contac? Yes event repered in Seton LI? Wo °W7ges inate which anchor branches No ‘peste Bren 07302015 ‘fgoremerttoacontactis wide CEsecuine C) Leplative Natok of Contin Dako Repose Conca Deu Cresson check Ocraivesit cant Qrayrott Dottion Ontoneyoner | 07/30/2015 | 5.00 Bartos Loreane Toa See iow [em sae aoa 95 King Philp Dr West Hartford ct fost7 Wiel Ones Rane oTEapon Information Requested Information Requested Ts conor oAbyit pause, CY Veo | Wonton fn oss oF $00 on ee oa caf exec offee oF anapliy, or dpenten cid raisin? @)NO | does eonibuter or basness hee snsocited wih hve aot with id mop talued at moc thn $0007 Ove" Ono Isis contribution sociated wthen (Yes [le contbue winepal ofa ve cotaeor or prospective sine contacto’ Ces ove eped in Secton Li? No |" “tfpesinieat wich branch ranches, No ‘ye st Even 073020158 ‘Sf goremmentthecentet ite C)Escouive C)Legiave of Cones Dae Ratnet [ewes Conia [@eun Orenonai check Qcrsiebicard Oreo Deucion Money Oude | 07/30/2015 |5.00 = Soe SUBTOTAL Section I~ This Page [$20.00 TOTAL of adltional Section Wi Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 “TOTAL OF ADL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AD (Eero on re cana oS Pge Fo |S€2 EEC For 20 page 3 of 17 suc rong 20 foie Sect n B ADDITIONAL PAGE 2° of 7 TARE OF COMMITTEE (pri Copies Na er wa FE HED). THEO RPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report (ee isco for dion of Smo Conte) ‘A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | SUBTOTAL SECTION A. See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B, Itemized Contributions trom Individuals, ro ra aT [Dos Santos wattam ee a es Ha [Pea 9 Jerry Re ast Hartford ct Jose a Treen? Information Requested Information Requested Fr catr a ev, puss, CYTE | Wenn sos of SU oc Traces oer oa nisi, | Amount of Gnrbaten lrcepeowcuiseratcugast No | deescomsburerbusmsr eke asscaed wi tov scgtat nid mapa teh tr tna S000 Oxo 500 Taoiaeeegee Bye [Pacers Taam ronson Bye ert epcel Sen No | “type inte eh ranch or bsnoher, te yes. ist Event 07302015 ‘of goveinment the conic swith Circcuive: Orepsative Nelodof a Tanke [aseen Ger [Beach Cressona Check Ocredividedit Cant C)payrot! Deduction CiMorey Onder | 07/30/2015 5.00 ror a Frat Luciano amare Rao Io Ta ERC 109Seagg Coach Ra Windsor ct | 0609s aT Riana Bape Owner sett is aiatr atopy, pose, (QS | Weentlon sacs o So cnn frac eevee, oe munlpaly, | Anowi f Contribution Jrcepoiochigefs tips No. | dour contr or berear bee aseclated ware a get ht ancy Sah tre tan 5000 yer One 5.90 is Wnconbuionssocteditven (Yor [Toco a pcyel ofa sae contavr oc pospesivesmzcanec? (Yea leven veprt in ection LI? Wo. | ifertnieetewch tranchor branches No pes ten 073020154 ‘deeamenttecsametiewite CQ) Ewatne © tagative Tish aie Tara Papa on }@eash Oersoral Check OeredivDedit Card Cayrolt Dedvetion Coney Onder | 07/30/2015 5.00, Rockiguee Jose ee ie Sam Ene 140 Amity St Hertford ct |osi0s la Taro Information Requested Information Requested sconce iin se, COV | Wonton in aces oF HOU wa cn ora it esos ofa manip, | Amant of Contain rdepndenchisefatosops? No. | seesconibte erties ete essa yh ve sat thot naa eed amore an $3,000? Gre" Sre 5.00 Trinvcnaioranct inn @ Yer [econibuorarnyel fase connor or pospeiveswisconae? Os event epredinSetea Li? No Sippeindcete ch branche benches, no pes besten # O7S02015, Cigernmentneconrmaivt Q)Excutve Otegisave Tot ota: Tieiaaal ewes Coens }@eash Crersonal Check ChcreaNedit Cant OPayroll Deduction COMoney Onder | 07/30/2015 5.00, = $15.00, "SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FRONLINDIVIDUALS (Secions AD) ‘Guero on Live 1, Coen of Sua Pee etl) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘Ser Foy 20 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of ‘NAN OF COMA TEN (on ale Nae ipo i Fig OED TYPEOF REPORT. Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (See insecons for dfton of Sel Conroe) See SEEC Form 20 ps ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A age 3 of 17 ‘By Temized Contributions from Individuals Brown Michael RCT ae ew ee 157 Point Beach Drive itford ct 06460 nia Oran Tian of Ea Mgmt Consultant New Standard institute is contrara abby, powsa CD Ver | Woonutbaian in ees of S100 1o aco fora def excouve cic: ofa maniopaly, | Amun of Contin lordepentenicisoraisditt? @)NO_ | does contituter or business hole [sasoceed wave sega wit sid mercial ‘lu at mor than $4007 es ONe 25000 Tei conuibtonaosined win (Yes [conto a yrispal ofa ste contactor orposectne so conacter? (Yee cert paren Sesion LI? No | ipyen inet traneh or nets No Toeniea Bret orem eon swith ative: Oesistive Neha of Conta Dio neeed paren Care Coca reson check Ocresebiecard OPayrolt Daduetion Qeney Oxter | 07/31/2015 [35000 Werasreterceeaeeeaenrecat Fa wm Marquis Tessa alsa Rae Erte 167 Point Beach Drive Milford ct | 05460 a Oeste Rane creas Project Coordinator New Standard Institute scone, pause, C) Ves ] contain a eas oF HOU oa cane ora caf aooive ocr ofa martial, | Anant of Con octopus of aati?) No. | door centrbutr er bonnes ie is asocited wh havea oct wih sad mania valued or tan $3,900 Ye Ono 100,00 is icontitaton esovined when (Yes | ls contr inca facto corkator or prspesive se senor? QQYes event epi in Seton LI? No | Yen neat which brane or antes No Wess Brea tpovernment te cntatis wide Execute C) Legsaive Matt of Contain: Dasiaaed Taare Coiba Och Overs creck @evetuDebit cand Oreyrtt Datction Qvlony Over | 07/31/2015 | 10000 Uokied-English Gretchen eT [ee Tae rats 107 Elizabeth Street Hartford ct fostos rcpt ocaiee Tear of ages Educator self is cauibaeralabbys spon, (Vor | Wesntibaion a can o 90 toa cml Tra chafencaive offer ofa asspaliy, | Anpunt of Contibtlen Jordspendent chido loboyati_ @)NE_| does contr or bases hele ssid have agit with uid mniiply Seed ter than $007 Yes @No 70.00 Tethis sontbatonsmosincd wan (Yer [is cotnsorapinsigal ofa centratr ox pespstive se contactor” Ces event erie Setion LI? Ne |" Zfes, indicate whch branch o tranches, 6 ‘aye i Ewa ‘of goveramenttcoaratis wi C)txecuire Cesisaive Th of Cot Daa eed epee Conte JOcisn Cresco check. @cresvevitcant Orayo Dedueion QMoney ute [O7/3U2015 {70.00 5420.00 ‘SUBTOTAL Setion B-— This Pnge “TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Setions A+B) = ~ - TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 30f 17 (Eater tl on Line 1, Coane of Snes Page Totes) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 oa Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE >! of TARE OF CONDITTEN [roa Comp Nanay Regul vn ng Raa THI OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A ‘Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelven this Perlod ONLY {See tacos for dfn of Saal Cove) SUBTOTAL SECTION A | SSC°SEECForm 20 page 3 of 17 B,_ Itemized Contributions from In Irociguez [carmen i i asa 7BAich St New Haven cr |ossis OE i faa Administrator cty of New Haven Board of cara aya psn — CD Yar | Wovatinaa nce ot Dio a clic era mana, | Amon of Gnoan lrdgenioaciitfalabyct No | dosconnbuorortusinss ete easelued abere ages wih smal sald store thn3007 ee ON $1,000.00 Tisconiiig maniac whan (9 Yes | eons ini Tass elma orpeesiveanecouna? (QV tontapoed todas it NS | "Spent nc or acer ne outta egeanertbecenan ew" Oxrusie Queglatie Tooter Basia [an Ct Creu resin chest QcieiudediCaal Orayl Dlaton Osten Oe: | 9/1/2015 $1,000.00 IHamiton samuel eS ee Sas [Paco 105 at Tall Lane Manchester let | osore a Oa Tea aow Exectve HeDco i conaira pan, — (Va | Wows Wins oD oa ci a eee i oT A, | Aad of Cavan Jsdowniowcidefsiaiyar? Quo | ccoconnrertsns fete saseened havea ganna wks mally ‘Shae aan 07 eo One 250.00 ie tisconiaimanodaedwaien ©) Yer [Ieconitaora piace ofa sae centaceror pepenivertecanacad? (Ye event pore Sscten No | "genius rancor tranches Ne ptr vera Cpnennen teceomtavate OQ Retve © Leila Tot Basie [Ae eto [Cent Oremoal chek Orruvoeicad Ore Detucton Overy ot | 08/06/2015 | $1,000.00 Taras ar a amare sacques eT a fs Tar Fares 57 Ridge Steet Manchester ct {oso40 Tao aa Director of Communications Mark Twaln House & Museum Is aatr aig pase, — (QV | Tevatban wane of SD os aii Ta tose ace a malay, | Awa of Cnn fceaienaidefeitinst — Ne | doscoueta wttsms tebe eco wi brag when mucaly ‘ehedatnee anor ye Oe 100.00 Teaisconitimasosont whan (Yor [econttatr apie ofa sae ceomcicer ese siecanaa? (fe Coen enna nse? No |*Stfpn eto wt rancor branches i ert ela| “socmen teeenatisai OQ Bscwne Qteiline TTebotb rn JOcash Orescrol Chek OcresivDedit ord CPPayol Dedueion CMoney Order | 8/6/2015 10000 S oee © SUBTOTAL Section B= This Page [svaso00 S = TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 0f 17 "TOTAL OF ALI, CONTRIBUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS (Sevtlons AB) Hn £8 Cohan dof Suraary Pee Toa) [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 sexcrony20 bieroreiaae Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of 7 PAN OF COMTI ei COOp Ma api IRE RID Tie OF REPORT Segara for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘K, ‘Total Contelbutions from Small Contributors-Revelved this Period ONLY aay (See isa for fn of Smal Conroe). SuntoraL sreriona_| SSe°SEECForm 20pege 30F17 : B. Memired Contributions from Individuals ran oa sf Kary Mat ars Ra rm sa ate 5017 Woodview Ln Wecklngton Ne |2t10« RT mao Project Manager Battars Concord romabaara osc poms, — CES | Wesaain im na of Dina aie aceon Ter ome ato Ecipnsmrcaucfalatar’ ne | uous hss tutte sasecd val test as me ‘asda tn $5007 forms! Tinscouibaenscinc wine Yer | Beet apnip ase somo sptressccomnee? OTS Semoprtinsec We | PSSppea inte ah chr bees ns fps Nest Bent ‘of goveeriment the contract is with: OCierecutive Cregisiative: sof Basket a Co IOeach Personal Check ClcredivDebit Card Cayrall Deduction C)Money Onder | 08/07/2015 500.00 Tao a ry ins Sarete eae Te ro sar ear 2aWinchester Steet Norwich cr fosaeo eal Oia aT itomey United Heathcare iscoaroaars Sai poms CYTE] Won a mean oT on acme oa mae, ecpoaccnecsecs | Qro | deseo once ee sett gh gan wh oan ‘te ost S00 Fe ee a [crema etree =a oempatet nsec Xe |"“ipes inte anette se ‘Potente esanaen teconaa i (Festive © Lege Tlf eRe Yves Cob ews Dreisert cheek QeredivdedirCact resell Dalustion QMray Oer | 08/07/2015 500.00 Rubin Rodtiguee Randi cia i Sareea 2 Judwin Ave New Haven ct fossis Manager Ks, Inc scare OGRE] enn ean a a eee Ta RATS | eva Contbtan SSapadanouteatslga’ One | vasemtwor tsa tee wssoal a tga wines matey ‘tt or a8 ar Be 16000 Rimcmuiosnacnat iio @ Yor reentrant fase coir ec won socotana? Ne Sinope nse neyo inede seh teh betes a “Ufyes, list Beat # OBO72O15A ‘of gavernment the contrect is with: O Executive CLegistative: Ta Con arial noe Oo Orcash Cpersonsl Check credivDebit Cart CPPayroll Deduction CMoney Order | 08/07/2015 100.00 ‘SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page [9850.00 TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TOTAL OF AGL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Selon AFD) = {nde otal on Line 1 Cola cl of Snnmaney Page Tats) | 8° SEEC Form 20 page 3 0f 17 ae Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of 2 ARTE OF CONT TE oC To ep ne YR OFRETORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY (ee isis fordfaiton of Snal Coniouor SUBTOTAL SECTION A $See SEEC Form 20 page 3 0f 17 = B Memized Contributions from Individuals Tatar Fi wr Isantiago Hilda Reseas Setes ew eeprom 86 South Ave Meriden cr | 06451 Fc Opsor Rane fap Legislator state of CT “Ament of Contra 100.09 Iacono aOR gas {PTS | Troan i neo Dn agra GT naa Tao, feiientchteattnas Gyo | German oregon hie egg whsHouney ‘tind more tn 35,007 ‘Gre TTA ceahaly aTmm FD To oes finn papers cae? Yr Sem epresnsren Xo | Sienna bres te Ufses, list Event# —Q8072015A_ ‘of governnent the cates is with: CeéEnecutive CLegistative: eof a Bankathed esr ear [Qcash @reisns Check Ccretiadebt aud OPeytll Daluetion Money Ones | 08/07/2015 100.00 aaa Far ar Icarrero Aida Reta eee Aces co ie eae 51 Milton, Meriden | 06450 esas pater Site Manager as apap Live Bridge Community Sservices Operational Excellence Leader is conrbtar a Tobby, ape, ) Ver ] Woonibaton fn oncss of 100 ow ents Ira chit exon ofa of manip, jordependeatcidefalabiyistt Go | des contbutr oe business hose ie asec wh nv acetal wh Sid mip Yalued at mov than 50007 ver Oo. tis consibaten szocned whan ‘Yes lssontibutoraprnepal of ste conretoror pressive ste contact? (Ves event epoed in Secon LI? Wo | "Wye, indicte which bans ot branches No ‘Ife vent 030720154, ‘ofgovenet Us coatct swith: (Executive C) Legitive eum Orersoat cheek Ocreaivdedit card Oreo Destin OMarey Our | 08/07/2015 50.00 |Carrero Carlos Reina Suet Ree a Tar pee 19Hickory St #2 New Haven ct |ossis Fema spson Rae afer ‘Chromalloy Ts coils Tania spouse, ordependent chide aby Yer No Tceirbaton fineness 9100 a a anarchic ee of milly, des anos ee seg ate age ah ly “Amun of Conieation 50.00 aie at mre ar $5,000? es This onlin soit with an ‘Yes [ls sontintoraprncigl ofa ste contactor or prospective ste comcta? Cres event ported in Seton Li? No} dyes iniato whch anal or banshee No ‘pes i ent # OBO72O1SA ‘egnvnnien ticconactis wih: C)Execwive QLegilaive ain of oto Da Reed [esse Conia J]Ocish @resorat check CreivDerit Card CPayrell Dacian CMeney Onder | 08/07/2015 30.00 SUBTOTAL Seetion B — This Page [920000 ‘TOTAL of additional Section 8 Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Gertions A+B) (ater tal on Line 13, Coal of Stary Page Totes) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 srecrony 20 braid Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ** of 7 TRAE OF CONTE i Col Nas nT eB TYPEOF REPORT Segara for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY. pan ‘(See insiructions for definition of Small Contriouier) suprotatsucriona. | © See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Z B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals rasan ar a Brown Richard Sie RE ee Sanyo 114 Suncse OF Glastonbury ler 06033 aT Oe oe cea Attorney Brovin Paindris and Scott Ts conor sey, spose, () Yeu | Wonlon btn ees ef $400 oa candid fora het ewenvo alice’ of mantel, | Avon of Coabation erspaichiztatatiynd QMO | dct erbsiss hese sasccne yl ova att wih mis valued st moe han $5,000? a $500.00 Tsihs conbalion aware witha Q Yes | Iscontitutaapinsigsl ofa se constr or prospstive sa contactor? (Yes ent eparte in Sesto No |) Usyesindeate ich branch or tranches No ent Event 08302015 afesreemen ceonest swith OBrecutie QLosisative Netto asked Tawra Cobos Cea @recsorat check Ocresivoeir cand Oreo Daeton QMfoney Ones | 8/31/2015 $1,000.00 Tatoo Far nm {colan Miguel eee ae ao aw [coe 235 East River Drive 3803, East Hartford cr | 06108 Fal Op anv En Chiropractor [Connecticut Chiropractic Center Ts conrtater Tang ous, C) Yer] W conten i exes oF SH oa cone ora cis oxcolve ocr ofa mniepalty, | Amount of Cotton ec dependent cof ataboyit? No. | does contr or snes bee asia wh ve agar wh tt mena ‘ale at more tan 85,0007 Yer Oo $200.00 sis contrition sos when Yeu] contibutor a principal ofa st centactor or pspectve ste concto? (Yes even epnted in Seton 1? No. |" “yer. indicate which tee or branches Ne ‘es st Exen 08302015 ‘goverment thecomet nhs C)Esceuve C) Legisaive Mein Diese epee Cen ash Personal Cheek @ciesumebit Cars Cera Dedvton Overey Ones | 8/31/2015 $700.00 Colom Frank Raia new es Baw ie 100 Trumbull St #607 Hartford ct | 06103 Penal Ooon Rave toe Attorney Robinson and Cole LLP is conbnara obit spoas, C) Ver ] Wonton in eves of HOO toa ante oa he exesve aller ofa mniipaliy, | Anu of Cntibatian orcependertchidofsattyas? —@)NO | doer eonubutr or tines hh sai yh havea sgatrct wih sid munity ahi meen 3,007 Ye Ono $100.00 Tetiscontibnlon seid win) Yes. [Icontibor princi ofa te antacr or pspeivestme contacto” Os event opr in Seton 1? No. | “tyenindeatevbich tanchor bance No ‘fen is Event 8 08302015 ‘ct yovermenttecontet ish O)Beeeuive ChLeglative Wao raion Reed Orci @reserst cheek cvetuDedi Card Qari Dedution OMeney Onler | 8/31/2015 [Aeosene Conroe $350.00 : SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [5800.00 = TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3of 17 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+) (Enter ltl 0 Lae 13, Cota A of Summary Pog Toe) See SEEC Form 20page 3 of 17 ieee Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE >. of [ARTE CONTE Cop a Raw ea TROP REORT Segara for Mayor “th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘K--Total Contribitions from Small Contributors-Revelved this Perfod ONLY 3 (Sent fr dono Sal Ciba) MUSTOTALSECHON.A. | 35¢eSEEC Form 20 page 3of17, = B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals 2 [caso gut 51 Bradley ave Meriden fer fosast Oe Raa Field Operations Prestige constuction scone pone, — EVE | Wootton ec oS yea a ce sca ea cama, Jrtoenncoieertagis? no | Senne tsi ese tsoxnet gt ae so ti macy se at roe tan 507 a Owe CRG => Bic |eemermmanrtaaeamomtmmeane? Os Sen spent Ne |" “ijentnate neh once © Afyes, list Event # Q8072015A_ ‘of government the contract is with: Oéxccutive Oegisiative Nid a Banat pew Co [Coca Orewmaicieck Ocratimsdicn! Ort rabston Orem ont | 8/07/2015 [25.00 casero, Genaso 397 Pomeroy Ave Meriden cr |osaso FT Taio Project Manager : Bartlett Brainard Eacott scares pom {YY | ron ep oF Hinweis, | Amount Cn tan Keieoencniecaisigne Qe | dasumatere tenes tesa suerte ae rete wal was _yalued at more than $5,007 Ores Ono 20,00 istic ocd vhs Yor conor einai ovis omar or pope sis canon (Tee [ospateticag Bo. [Sipe tee nc anchors Ke ‘sl shen 08070154 eee icone ee E)tseve ©) Lepve sitet Sanka Peper @eash Cresson check Qcsedixoebi cand Cael Detetion QMioney Order | 08/07/2015 20.00 Karey inn rr = Fa aoe 162.alour Dive West Hartford cr [osi7 i Tae Constwustion FHP Constrction Tecra oD apm) | eon nse ova ad Tc snc oH a |r of Conn rSeccacacatics Qu | Wetter spent conc ‘sn ans tn 30000 0 Oe 50000 Trisconciniopamniaal ion) Yer weoniwer» piel fs snccoumorerpospevesne coma Es Smet nSeoen ti? No ["“ipead Gein banetor bene ita tent Gemma teconea see Otscuive Oreste Tt on a |Cecash Cprersonal Check OcredDebit Card OPayrli Deduction ClMoney Order | 8/11/2015 1,000.00 Sir = SUBTOTAL Scetion B— Tis Page [9545.00 TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TOTAL OF ADT CONTRISUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Sestons A +0) (Eater ttl on Live 13 Calan A of Sunny Page Totals) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ** of 7 TANS OF CON MITTEN voir Coupe Nana er i ing poopy OREO Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY. 9 ition for efit of Small Corto) SUBTOTAL SECTION A '$See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, B. Temized Contributions from Individuals Zones Ta aa oF Icueman Howard ae ro ar [aca 1601 Kappock treet, 5 Bronx wy | 10463 aT Or ros Engineer Thomson Reuters Tribe BOR, pone, C)Ve | Ween a eso SU wea a Traci exe oie: oa munis, | Aim of Carbon frdopon chisefatcinis? No. | ceescomnbu er bnsess he sasscd wa tan gaat wh al micpsy Sahin 3,000 Tae [ito 208 Deer Run Td Manchester cr fosats RTO Fanaatiae Information Requested Information Requested ‘Tr | Weontibaon sneer of 00 oa candi ora chi eouve ice oa mia, | Amount of Cntibtan orcepoen cid ofaicsaists No. | des contbatr or busses nme wht agra had muni soled st mre tan yee Ono 1000.00 {stiscotibafonasckcd whan) Yes [Is ons apecilafwsit constr or postive se conur! es over ep in Seen LI? No | ayes. indict whic bench er bancher a seni xen igovommentoceoet nwt O)Recuive Ohteplive stndorConrbaos ore epee Cnr JOass @resonat check Ocretudset Cust Oreo Destin Ononny Out: [08/12/2015 {1000.00 SUBTOTAL Section & — This Page [52100.00 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 eee Seetion B ADDITIONAL PAGE of 7 [RANGE OF COMGMTTTES (ap Cpl op agra wt oy eae TOPEOF REFORT z Segarra for Mayor “7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY [55.4 cgec rorm 20 pege (See sets fr doen of Sail Conte) SUBTOTAL SECTION A || $5e¢SEECForm 20 page 30f 17 B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals [Taveras Angel roa Sree Ne [ea Sie [Zeta 77 troquois Trail North Scituate Ri [02857 aaa Oo Ramm fei Information Requested Information Requested Ta conbteralstbyst spose, () Yew | Womition em esse of S400 oa candi fr a dof eweivo acer ofa municipal, | Amount of Conebution Jericenionchist aiid? No | dams cinnr or hsies hae seca a ow ag wie easy ated tor tan $5007 ‘Gre 25000 Tr this contibton ascii with wn "es | contributor prieipal of date cones o:paspecivesteconmaco? (Yes sen pared in Section LI? No | dffes, india whch banc or branches No yest Brea ‘of government the conte th Osrecutve Qresisaive ‘Neto ontibaion Da Reed [arent Couibaons |Ccuh personas cheek Ocresivdeditcard OPayrll Deduction QMonay Oder | 08/12/2015 250.00 camo Fer cy {Chiaramonte Frank Remit [a sae ate 131 Burlington Rd Hanwinton ct | 06791 Pres ean ane fer Retired Retired Is ancbtoralovbyit spouss, (2) Yer ] Wconibaton en exaie oF $000 os candi for achleonive offee of a nancy, | Amount of Contin frsionditsitinit No} desert ms eset a ae ri tee may talued at more than $5,000? ‘Ore 50.00 is triveortiboon msoeted witvan (Yes Is connor pnaplofasiate contactor ar prospective sate contactor? — (Yes event reported in Seton LI? No | dfyer ndiat wich ranch oF benches. No pestis ve ‘of govenment the conti C)Exsouive ©) Legislative “Maod ot Conttin Rene eee Coa |Ccass Cressonal Check @eredvdedir Card Qeyrcll Detection OMeney Oner | 8/12/2015 180.00 Tae Fit 7 Brown Michaet earn ae Na i Saw [Face 67 Point Beach Drive Milford cr | osa6o Finca Opa Rew fag Mgmt Consultant Now Standard institute i conibtor a abby, pons, (Ves ] Wontibaton en exces o 100 toa cali Tor cit evetve alice afa municpaliy. | Awowat of Conabuton oc dependent hl of obbyit?— G)No- | dows contr or business eke sacsocated wih have gga wi ud mania ‘aed at nee than $5007 Ye Ono, 100.00 Ts his conibton assole wth an Yes. [isconsibtor april of sats centaster or pespesive state contactor? Yes vet repote in Seton LIT No} ayes into which bane or beaches Ne West Bret ‘hgovconentigcaninet sis OEsseaive Chtegiative hod oF ani Dae Reed ape Cobo JOceth reconst Check Ocresivastit Curd Cavett Detucion Money Onder | 8/14/2015 350.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [5400.00 TOTAL of additional Section 1B Pages-|See SEEC Form 20 page 3 0f 17, “TOTAL OF ALI: CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AD) = (Enter tal on Lae Clann of Sinners age Tera) |SE° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE “° of 7 TARE OF COTTE lr Con Dana Taga oh Fn ony TEOFRRORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Reveived this Period ONLY aan (See rac for dee of Sal Coste sunroraLstctiona_| $5e°SE&CFom 20pege 30f17 |= Itemized Contributions from Individuals os Fe 7 \ddo Gilbert Resim ae iow Baie ato 255 Willimantic Turnpike Coventry ct [06238 FiO Tawa ‘Consulting Engineering Self is contbroraobbyia spss, (2) Yer ] Wconroton in gacov of 40 oa cai for a biefeesuive oboe a muniealy, | Amount of Contribution Jordepenton cil ofa tbs? @)No- | does contr or muses keto I wssoited with have aegrac with a munis sale mace than $5,000? ‘Ores “Ono 500.00 Ts this conabton azole ian Ye [ewer ie ofa ae cpr o pene soccer! EY ‘even reported in Seton LI? No | Dyes, iadisate which anchor branches No ‘yes tet Event #8172015 ‘ofgorenment tn cetraet swith Obseeutive Oegisative ‘Netiogof onto Davee Tesaens Cottons [Crcish Green Check Credit Cant CPayrlt Deduction CMovey Oner | 08/17/2015 500.00 Tainan Fir Izenko ‘Agron ea Sue ee 159.South Re Farmington Praca pion Roam fee ITAnalyst State of CT is conor alosoyat spose, C) Yeu | Ii contrinaion em ener of $00 oa inliie Tra caf escaveolce ofa munlapaliy, | Amount af Coubution lordcpendet chit afatetbyitd No. | does contr or business she sasocleed yh have agurrct wih sil nia ‘le ot more th $5,000? ves No 250.000 is tis conibaon avoid wits ‘Yer | lsconttora principal ofa wale contasor or prowpetive wae centacta? Yes oveateprtein Seton No | Wfyes,indcato whch banc ov branches Ne Wve xen OBT72015A, ‘otgovennent cost inwis C)Exevaive ©) Lasislative Mato oni btn Rete [aren Cones ew Oresonat cheek Ocredivdsrt Card Qayet Dodson Qsoney Oner | 08/17/2015 250,00 rae Fir wT Ross Kevan essa Saee Nt oy See [apesie 85 Meriline Ave Mitford ct | 06460 Tris pan Rae of Elo Chief Flight Insteuctor CT Flight Academy Te contibtora Robey pouze, €) Yes | contribution ia ees of 510 To caplise fra che eveclve ice ofa acipaliy, | Amoi of Comelbation see hitler @)No | dati r ism te ast a ae sit ont aly ‘vale at move han $5,000? Yes_ © Wo. 75.00 Ts is contibution associated ith an ‘Yes [ls contitutor a prnzipal of a sal centactor or prospective sate contrast? es event pari in Section LI? No | afyes indicate which branch of beanehes. pve yes ist Event 4 OBIZ2015A ‘of government the conic is with: Oeccutive Cosistaive ‘ietiod of Cotton Dive Rete [aswceteConibaons }Ocosr Oreronat Check Chcresivdebit Cond C)Payrot Deduction C)Money Oster | 08/17/2015 1,000.00 Ocr Money: <= SUNTOTAT Section B—"This Page [5825.00 TOTAL of alaitional Section B Pages: |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 "TOTAL OF ALL, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seetions AD) (Enter eon Live 13, Coun of Sian Page Tota) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Proton Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ©! of 7 TRAE OF CONT TE a Cpl a er OS SOD THEO TORT Segara for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ar Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Reeeived this Period ONLY: a Se rcs for ction of Sait Cote. uuToTAL section | $5°° SEEC Form 20 page 317 : fe B, Hemized Contributions from Individuals Paindiis Johnny ea [ aw eee 44 Pasco Hill Rd Cromwell ct Jose al roar Jowner fies Place Ty Conga ISRO se; CY Fer Wnt neces of 50 toa an Tra Teac fe’ of manga, | Ano ofConebton eeaeeitetatoloin) No. | decscontborerbuos hte sasochled we acct ws macy Safed fore tan $5000? Oxo 75.00 Trin contin eons wk av Yes | contibo a prep ofa stesso or pospstve sa cna? OY tsi porn Soin 11? Ne | gen inate wih brnch or bonches Ne oentbetent# Q8172015A Geermesttecatact awit Qcseutie: Olagiaive eo of ono asked [eve Con Boh loca reson ceek @creuvDssncard Oral! Deduron Qoney Ons | 08/18/2015 | 225.00 lsutock Vicky Se FRE es Tan ipo PO Rox 1415 Glastonbury ct [05033 i Faso Attorney state of CT isis aaa poms, CV | ero crs oD a anit rachael emily, | Avni of Conation eee cidctaistayat? No. | doe contbstr oc Sunes eso associ wh hve aggtact wiki mui Sele ot morta 85.00% er ON 50.00 izoaconsbnionasocacdwihn @) Yer | Iscntibuora pial ofc cotartropipesvenstemincta? Yes evo ipod in Sein LI? No | “Gye inate wth rant x bances Ho preteen 081720150 Gi gevenment te coat Qe veite © Legistive aloo asta epee Cone Qosn OresaantGusk Doisivoeit cert OPayeot Deduction Morey Over | 08/18/2015 | 175.00 tancila evelyn a a [> Tae 25 Haralin Dive west Hartford ct fost? Fin On Sane oe Consultont West Hartford is sabia anby poms, YY | Weve exons of OD oa ei Traci eens oer ofa munity area dat chetcbort CON. | doesent er buipas oe fesockted yh be agg whl mun Stator tn 85.007 Gye" Tactiaiogamitwmon Ye Tacoma nin te cancatnaerepcinamecene? Oy et epord a Svtnn Li? No | “ippsinieae ch branch or beaches ne oho FOB 172015 ‘govennantticortaat mie Oxcouire Oeisatve Tit of Cnc Dieter Fea Conk [ents Crenonat Chest @creivDebit Corl Orsi Deveion QMoney One | 08/18/2015} 300.00 = : SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [917500 : TOTAL of aciditional Sestion B Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS HRON INDIVIDUALS (Seetions A =D) Enel Line 3 Coan hf Sar Pe Tata {°° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE @ of @ NTE OF CORRATTEE i na WR ing ER TOOT Segara for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report jeceived this Period ONLY SUBTOTAL SECTION A, “otal Contributions from Small Conte LT ea eee ‘$See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 B,_ Itemized Contributions from In Iseetye Roy Rea Sa Rae ice Tae pita 17 Foote Rd Burlington Tj 06013 is Oseeoe Tae Ear Civil Engineer Beta Group, ine a onibteraTaboyn, spose, C) Ves |W eontton iin exer F910 a a cane fora hs axes acer ofa muniopaiy, | Amount of Contribution temic ofsisniat @)Ne | deseo bs be sascenelwablne a agit wih el mae aed tha $5,000? a ON 50.00 isaconioigseeeawim vs [eat pieinl ofa ae contr oc pospesivestate contacter? C) Yes ‘ven reported in Seton LI? No | dpe niente which bean or branches No yes at Event # 81720150 ‘of goverment cstract wth Cerecutive Olesisave Nba Cone astral ep Ce Oech Oresona Check Ocresipdsbi Card OPsyrtt Dedtion CMeney Order | 08/78/2015 50.00 IPhamm yi en eet om Tae [ane 2B ighcrest Wethersfield cr }osi09 aca son Naas af imo Aircraft Management sett is coauibaora evap suse, CY Yes | WeontToaion in exes of S400 oo clas Tor ha evestve acer ofa muniialiy, | Amount of Contribution oer chit sity @)No. | eeeciier orhusnes ee sass a ea att tha may ‘ald wore an 85,0007 yen NO 200.00 is tis conibaton asi with an ‘Yes Iscentribtora principal oF ae conuaier of prospective state contacter? QQYes oven cepa in Seton LI? No | Ufpen inate wish rane or branches No Wyeth ‘goverment tecsoct eh (Executive ©) Lesilatve cis Orersnat cheek @credivdsbit Cat Qrayro Detuton Osloney Oner | 08/19/2015 200.00 Ta Fat i iicKelvey Michele Rea Sae R es Sie |e oote 30 Mohegan Drive West Hartford cr josit7 Fai eaten Raw afer Professor ‘ccsu ia coavibnors abaya gous, C]Te | Weousioaion sn cen of ST oa eniiae Tors dis eaoulveolices oF nuniepaliy, | Amowat of Contribution eedntnchizoraitoyst No | scentter orth ae Sasori ik veg wih any ‘ast more tn 07 Mer Ono 50.00 eantiigemocwnm te leeward fameamimia rmiomeonimis? | Xe Shan eperetinsesion et? No | "iene ve rnc or branches vo ‘Wfyes, list Event ‘of government the contract is with OErccutive Qecisiative Tita of Cone Baste en Cor |Cdeash Chpeisonst Check Ocreaivtredit Card CPayrett Dedetion C)atoney Order 08/19/2015 50,00 =e SUBTOTAL Section B— Page [$300.00 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 “TOTAL OF ALL: CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (rations AD) {Ent ttl on Ll 13, Cees A af Sry Page Teta [92° SEEC Fort 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of ‘NAMIE OF COWRA rae Ce Dr Raggi i OD) Te OREO Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report K. Total Contributions irom Small Conteibutors-Reeelved this Period ONLY ill Coat. ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Taner Fa —T luna victor ea ey Sante 1610 Parkstreet Hertford ct | 06106 Productions sete is counoraTonbySs spss, CD Yer | cobain se ear 0500 wa aa Fora cieexeoave oes ofa snip, | Arann of Contbaion area cneckalotyin’ — GONo | des contin cr bans bolhe naockied watave age yh sal nll Salud at nortan §5,007 es ON 22500 Seana Big [Samincerinel Temeaeeronaemnennen BTS ent pred in Sosa LI? No | ifgr insets branch ronches Ro Trestabveat “TFrovenmerttivsentactisenbe Qéxceuive Qteistive df Conan Bac kecie [arwesn Coaine JO cash Qrasona check @ieivDerit Coat QPaetl Ducton Olney Orr | 08/20/2015} 250.00 lLoda David asa Bee ia aw Paco 234Hebron Rd Bolton ct | 06083 Research Manager Ren aan NCPS Research LLC is cerbtr a obit pase ecdporden chide abby? Be TF contin an ness of S100 wa candle ora ua eacctve ee ofa muniipaliy, toes combo oc busines she is associated wh ve eget witha municipality ‘Amount of Comiaton = SUBTOTAL Section B—This Page ‘hed mor tan $5,007 yer Ore 15000 [rvisconibaionsucciaed win) Yer | scones rsp of sh roninctor or prmpeeveaie contac? Yes Jevet porn Section? No [fen inde wich branch cr reches no yestst en ‘goverment teconunc sit (Execute © Leitive Neos o et Basan eve Costas Leash reson Crk Qerivdebe Cant Opry Datcton Onone Over | 08/120/2015 | 150.00 ear Te a7 Delesus Anthony Raa ee Fa ey tam Ewe 196 Whitney Hartford crf ost0s aialOstn Roti Professor University of Saint Joseph Fe couinnoraTobnyss pone, C)Yer ] Hct in ear o S00 wo ant Tora Ne escoave oles ofa manag, | Amount of Contban iapmtentsactaicyit? — No. | Ceccontinr or meshed ssi wit bare ago wih snl munspy Selatan tin 82007 Gre" "Oxo 100.00 ‘Yer [ssoniboraprncial of sateconrctrorpesine secon? Qt eStomeacmi "QS Psypmmaetite Seen ie pen tet bet Ggnemmentecentne vil O)Bsceive, Casio veo Conon ate [ase Caos Cocait Operon check OcretvDati cart Oat Detuina Coney One [08/20/2015 | 10000 $475.00 : FOTAL of lina ection D Poe “FOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AFD) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ater til on Le 13; Colas A of Suna ge Teas) Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE “ of TAME OE COMMITTED [oo Gan Hae Magi WN ng POD 7 TYREOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ay Total Contributions from Smnall Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (See irons for defini of Sil Comet) SUBTOTAL SECTION A. See SEEC Form 20 pe age 3of 17 B, Homized Contributions from Individuals icastilo Yolanda Ree Soe Ne [Se Tam [asco 123 Main St Unit C Manchester jer fosoaa ec ao on oper Sr. oc Rehab Counselor State of Connecticut is conor a abt spouse, Cimaciameeoi One ‘onion ha exees OF $40 oa candle Tor achif ecco ofan oes conor o busines Hoo is asoiled wah ave egies with ad mir alee a ore than $5,000? ONS, alibaion Ts this connbition azote whan Yer | conor principal ofa sate conneir or prospective ste contacto? event epared in Section LI? No | Uses, inaeat which bench or branches Yen cctvent 050720154, i gverenet the cnet ith Observe Qhesisative ste Conron Dieses Teepe Cobre |@cash Crersona check CcrediyDebt aus Oat! Deution OMtoney Onder | 8/7/15 $175.00 rs Tr 7 lRodriguez Joseph Rena Sree Ne ie Rane [toe 466 Middletown Ave New Haven cr |o6s13 Praca Opin Fm eTEanio Mayor's Office city of New Haven Is contar abby spouse, CY Vez | Weonibton ihn eros oF HI vor cdi Tr uci excouive flee oT @ mney, Joc depentet cd ofalabtyist) (No. | docscontbutrr buses hese issocted wih hve aeptaet wth sal mnpalty tated at nore than $5,000? ves No [this corition scorned wih ‘Yess contibto a pinial of sto ceatrator or pospestivestnecotetor! CQYes event postedin Secon LIT No | d/yes,indlesto wich rancho: branches, Ne ies fist vet # OBO72O15A, ‘goverment coatastie wis) Bxeeuive ©) Legislative “Meo eF Costa Basted es Conan JDeosh Cersonal creck OcreduDedit Cat QYeyro Dotson OMensy Oier | 8/7/15 $50.00 Vargas Sylvia Retin eee A [er Tao [nce 141 Douglas St Hartford cr fostt4 rina Oe Tose ofiapione Retired Retired is eonibtoraabiy, spans (Yew | Weontbaon fn eves oF S100 toa cunts Tox a hit exeevo ole ofa mapa, | Aww of Conlon or dependent hilt oa lobbyist? No. } doe comnbutor or bases hele i esol with ve aggtas wi sad muna ‘ate at more thn 35,0007 ves Ne $50.00 Tai connibaton soil than Yes Jiscontibtor a pin of aa cenatore prespecive re contactor? vet epared in Seton LI? No [ayer inicte which branch or branches No ‘Wess tst Evert 4 OBO72015A ‘fenvernneat to conmetie wih C)Exwewtve CLegitative ‘eid of Cob eect eae Cobo JOcest @recoast check Ocesivdest Card CQayell Datustion Coney Oster | B/7/S $80.00 "TOTAT: OF ADL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seelions A+B) a SUBTOTAL Section B-— This Page | $150.00 “TOTAL of additional Section I Pages (Ente oh Lie 13, Column A af Suanmery Page Tons) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 eee Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE * of 7 TRAN OF COMI TEE (re Cpe a rage POTD) TVEROF REPORT Segarrafor Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY. aaa ‘ee aration for ti of Sl Conrad} SUBTOTAL SECHTON A. | $5¢€StEC Form 20 page 3 0f17 7 B, Ttemized Contributions from Individuals E TOTAL of additional Section B Pages lAbercrombie Wyle aT ae TIE [ey Same 230 Westfort Or Meriden jer | osass Fra Ramee Legislative aide stateof CT is contra ROVE, jou, Yer | Wooton ieee o Sta acai Tracfone ofl ofwammiapliy, | Amowal of Coteibalion Jvseyeaen cid ornosbyat? @)No. | doosconbter er bss toi seid wah ave aga wih salt arpa ola ore thn5,00? ee ON $2000 Trini coniaioncedaicdwihn Vos [eon pil ofanaicontacor or poxpatveshioconasie? — QVYex exert roparten Sen 7 No [Wes inde whisk bane o trenches No ‘ee ent 082020154 Ggvenmenttiecmsact swat COecuie Oeste Tesora Pro reed eoree Conon J@cesh reais chick Ocreivoert cars Coy Deaton Onony one | 8/20/2015 $2000 sata Fa mT Bucket carot eT ORT ee sae [eacoie 56 Lawler Rd West Hartford ct |o06117 arp Tim Eagow [Communications Director oft is contra oer spose, C) Yer] Feelin in ec of 0 on ci Tr wei ets lc ofa maniogliy | Annan of Canbaton eedepndsnckiveFalatiyt? COND | does contr or bases brik secede agra wi al manpay Salus mare tn$59007 Yer ON $100.00 lstiscotnain asachcdwihan Yor [Inet appl of ste conc rprspesive steconeco?” CY evestepotetinsecuen Li No | pen intt wt rancho ancien xo Uys tt ven O202015A ‘tecvermeat teeeouacta abe C)Exsutve CO Leidaive eof one Pastas [eens Coins [Cenk Ores! chek Qoviunedicad Qroyel Dedction Qvony nt: | 8/20/2015 $100.00 Casares Edward Fea A ia Tae arco 7@RogerSt Hartford ct [ostos Fale Tawi Retired Retired STO TROY, ss, CVVS | Weonoon hh ecesof WOO wa nt TrachiTencave ose ofo mail, | Anus of Conbaon ordepemetchidealctyiet No. | dor contr or bans ese seve wh tarsi hak mglty {eat monet 5,009 yer Ne $750.00 Tstiscontbaon seid witian @ Yes [Is centr a paca fst centr x peptic contestr? Yet Coen repaedin Scien No [Pippen nna rancho ences, ss "Pye tint Et 8 82020150 gnemnenttececastisvite Obed Olasave ‘eto of Coot Tas Rahe [epeene Conair lcs @rencealCrck Cresvdesit Cat Qo Detarion Quoney One | 8/20/2015 51,000.00 aS SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [987000 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 “TOTAL OF ADL: CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+B) = = (Enter foal on Line 15, Clann A af Stary Page Totaly [See SEEC Form 20 page 3of 17 cern Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE “© of 7 TRAE OF COTTE Ce i egal Fi poo) TORRONE Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘A. Total Contiibutions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY. See tio for ion of Sal Cotter) SUBTOTAL SECTION A $ See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals ro Far aT Ichavey Victoria aaa Ro ay ae ace 128Steele Red West Hartford ct fosii9 aT oR Tae rea Lawyer Jackson Lewis PC is cncbaora Ron, pou, (De ] Weonthaon bi ees oF 00 wa ci Trace offer of wrnllpaiy, | Arona of Cot Jcsepndentchoralatyia® No. | doescontibor or smasher aoe fsa atet whe mural ane ote an $3007 ON $1000 Teconicigaanwihon (Ye [bebe penglofasar pmo pcb sve! Ys trent repaatn Son it No | ifgesinet hh ant or tances te oenitetventh ignermentisconiat wie Cfxeane Qlegiatve Netter Paste Deere Corio |Ocash @rersial check Qcrasaos0xcun! Oraeait Destin QMney ote | 8/20/2015 $100.00 Davison Lo a om Sante 154Penn Or Wiest Hertford ct foots Ton ea President PFLAG Hartford is ontiwora Rai sours —()Ver | Teonihaon eevee af S00 wa can a cafes oer of malin, | Amonnt of Cotrvnon lodeprten chidotatatos? No. | doeecontbor or ams ele rnohted hts at whe mp {aie movtn 5007 Yer ON 10000 is tisconindon wacaed within (@ Yer |Isconibtora pineal ofa sa cotasor or ppv ss contactor” Yer levet sepa nSeten Li? No. |! yen indcate eh banc or besies No Tiss fia Eont 082020150. ‘i novernnent ti conastiwit, Q)Exeie C) Lepitive Nett fon Deka Deeaet Cala |Qcash @Persoanl Check COerediebit Card CPoyrolt Deduction Coney Order | 8/20/2015 $100.00 Tatar Tr 7 Fahey Marcella ToT TT cy ia ae 45 Highland St West Hartford ct fosns ia poe Taonga Retired Retired Trane a abby, suse, (QS | Weoaioaion sn ews of 00 wa cna fora cies ceo nial | Amount of Cont bton ovdapnchidofetctyic? No. | ces conirbuter or buses be sos wah hve agg wi ud np ‘shat een 85,007 Oye" Gre $100.00 Tstisconibwionassiscd tien (Q You [i condor april oes center rpeine se ont? Ces “yes ist Ewunt # 08202015 ‘of government the contract is wt Ovecutive OLarisative Tied of Conta Tae Rad egress rao }Ohcxh @Personal Cheek CMCredivdedit Cant C)Paysoll Deduction C)Meney Order | 8/20/2015 $100.00 : ‘SUBTOTAL Section B = This Page | $200.00 TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AD) CEnle tal Line 13, Conn dof Snay Page Totals) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEC Form 20 page 30f 17 ey Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE “7 Ones TAME OF CONTIG [rs apts Na a Regie i INP RD) HYFEOPREPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report J Hota] Contributions Irom Small Contributors Received this Porlod ONLY. 7 {See esos for deen of Sno Cotto SUBTOTALSECTION A. | SS¢°SEEC Form 20 page 30f 17 IGraham Rea ee Ne Tae [aac 1.Cottonwood Dr fer | saat Pion Oca Reason Retired Retired Ts coir Tabby sponse Yes | conten eaves oF S10 oa anil fors Sef evouivo ollew af puri | Awoual of Coirbution lor dependent eld of alobbyiet? — @)No | doo contibuer o” buses othe is asocaed wife acgeact wih sa munis valued at roc than $5,000? es ONo, $50.00 Tico emmin— Yo eset ariel Cea meee peor cincit | BTS yet eparted in Seton LI? No | tyes, indeae wich Wanch or branches No yes tst Event ‘govenment tncontact wil Obvcatite OLesisatine Netodef Contain Dass Paves Cotas [Deas @reson cheek Orciesiunsdiccard Crayolt Dedvetion CMoney Over | 8/20/2015 $300.00 Tao Fer wT {Guinan MP om lew tale 60 Elizabeth St Hartford 06106 Flic Opa Rone tape Owner [Guinan Associates is contibucr loys, spouse, @) Yer | TFcaniibtion iw ences aT S00 ton candi Tora cist exeoalve oliver ofa muasigaliy, | Arapuat of Gontibaion ardent cid taint? C)No | dors conir orn bene hv aga wih a ay ‘eld at moe tha 85,0007 Yes $50.00 sti contbtionaxocied whan (Yes | Iscntutoc a rinsigal ea sat cena rpoapctve sate cenactor? (Ves event soporte Seton £1? No |" Wfys,inicte whch brane ov branches Ne ‘yes Bvt OB2OZO1SA, of goverment he eontotiswiks_)Berctve C) Legsve Neat of raat io Rese [Asse Conasos [Gewh Orrscona check Qceediupebit Cad Qvayslt Deduction Qrteny Ones | 8/20/2015 $50.00 Tania ri wr Lopes Matthew Reina ee A ew Bae [ietom 3117 Iron Horse Way Ste 301 Providence Ri | 02908, Pinca Ose Rasalan Information Requested Information Requested i conribnora iyi spouse, CD Yer ] Theonibaion bin exces of HOD toa candi ora ciel exceive fear ofa munis, | Amount of Contibuton| or dependent lid of abby? oer eat cr business se sesso wih have ggtact wih ad rail aed at more than $5,007 yee Ono $250.00 ati cornbtion siooacd wan Yes [leconntators pina ofasitaconravr or prspective sate centacto®— CQyes ever eporte ia Seton LI? No | "apses init wish brane or branches se ‘i/yes tt Even 8 08202015, egovenmnen the connetiswit O)Exeeaie CO Lagiatve ‘Nata of aban Daw rane pape Conaoes Cocos scons check Cresivdeit Cord Oar Deduction fone Owder | 8/20/2015 $250.00 ine [25000 ‘TOTAL of additional Section Bb Pages |See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17, 2 SUBTOTAL Section B— “= TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Secllons A FB) Butera Lv 1, Colin A of Simona ase Tots) |S°° SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ® of ? PANTER CORT TE en Cop a Rh ISD) TUEOR REPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘7th Day Preceding Primary Report (See iste for defn of Sel Contre. ‘A, Total Contributions irom Smiall Couteibutors-Revelved this Period ONLY. SUBTOTAL SECTION A See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 & 7 Th, Memized Contributions from Individuals satan Fer a Raskin Sarah aa Sree ate I Sine [eae 1193 Quaker Lane North West Hartford ct joss cao aati Professor Trinity College omiarana mas OY | Tonia tape seme ate bac ee ee] romain ccdometcatotaitint ND | cuneate erbas bette isasonsc waste sate was meaty Salad et more isa $0007 res ONO, $50.00 Tathiscoiouion assorted with an ‘Yes [Is conlbitorapeinsipal ofa sie contro propectivesiatoconimsr? Yes ‘even pete ia Seton LI? No | W/jessincete when breach or ranches No ifyeatit vent 08202015, Geovsamenttheceniet wits Céxecuive Oegsative ‘MetofofCoahaion Bate Agree Cos Jew @rasora Chesk Cresivossit cart Cray Dedction OMoney Oster | 8/20/2015 [noo Ishubrooks Donna Resta Seat ae ee Tae eae 73 Stonebridge Way Berlin cr | 05037 rca ssn arm af gine Retired Retired is cone Tobia, aims, CY Yer | Ticonon iia exes oF SOD toa canine ara shi xcotveoicer ofa mia, | Amanat of Cntbaion Ws Semmeant shidcre fobbyitd No. | does consbaterortusines hed sasocaed wil hnve mcgraw td municipality ‘a a mero tan $5,000? yes No $50.00 sth conto sociated with an ‘Yes [scone pineal ste contactor c proses contacto? CQYes lover pated in Seton L1? No. |" W/ges, indicate which branch or branches No ‘ifsen ti Brent # 082020154 ‘iigoveramantthecenvect wits (©) Executive ©) Leste ‘Nata of Cob Daa Rated [Asses Conte Jas Cersonl rss Qcresiueditcert Qvayol Deduction Csfoney Ones | 8/20/2015 $50.00 ros Fer wT simmons Louise Renal We ace ey Tae [ator 120 Beacon St Hartford ct | osi0s Til Ocean ‘Rrnown of Contelbaton $50.00 Professor Uconn School of Social Work Te maniaora aio7gmam, — C)Ye | Hemtabaionsineseo of 70 to ane ra ci ete oer of municipal Peceunion chigofatcbost? No. | docscoribur or bases ete nasosinel ahbae agg wih en muna Solas st more tn 3.0002 OSGi Ts iicontitaion nostel ivan (Yor Is consbuora principal afa wae conacorer peste conser? Cres en epretn Sion Li? No "type indice wich brane or bane Ke sen iat ent OS20Z01SA fignvcrment conan iswite C)Bxeutie: Qagidave Tet of Coon lOc @Pescea cheek Ocrativdedt Bie Rec 8/20/2015 cand Quy Dedustion Qoney Orde $50.00 SUBTOTAL Seetton B— This Page | $150.00 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections At D) TOTAL of additional Section 1 Pages. (Gtr lo Le 1, Cola of Smery Page Tete) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of 7 [RANE OF CONAATION Ea Nan as ag DIDO TYPEOF REPORT, Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report A. Total Contributi (Sb intton for def nin of Sal Conte) fons from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY: SUBTOTAL SECTION A See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 ‘peste Bent 0820201 SA ‘of gnveranet the eat sw Orci © Lessoive B. ized Contributions from Individuals Istepnowsti charles aR es gto 120 Krieger Lane Glastonbury 06033 TO Ranson Founder/Chaliman ofthe Board Employee Family Protection, Ine. Fs conabara nmap) Yer Fenton st css oF S700 To cand Tora ci weave ois oF municaliy, | Amnon ot Cobain eames ccefsickiyat! GONo. | dee contr or bainess ese is asovaed wha ages wih ak muaiiey Sued tr thn 86007 a Oxo $250.00 Tris couonancined wien”) Yes | Icontibcor a piel oa scalar or respntrosiie smite” GY ‘vent epmtedinSecton LI? Ne | yen indict uch anchor ranches No yea vent OB2O201SA GFemenmertuncontactisnide. Oxecuive: Qtegltve Mando Cote: Tas averse Conibains Deh Dresonal check Cesivpest cot Cray! Deduction Oxney Oe | 8/20/2015 $609.00 Wilson Tracey aaa ee no ior Sa [Beste 199 Outlook Ave West Harford cr [ose ea Oe Reno Retired Retired Lsconrinaora Regime CD Yer] 1 conbaton sin cave of SOD toa cana ora cha extol ofc ofa mii, | Amun of Contribution We imtndcn cuiteratosyi® No. | docs cotta or basins hes assole wk hve ett wit sid maniiply valued mor than $5,000? Ore Sre $100.00 iz meconsalonsvuctaad wine) Yes [Isconitora pci oa sal center or prcepecive eco’? Yes fever pert in Secton U1? No |" "ipyen inane wc banc or branes. no Mio Conan Dante ewe Cones Deuh Srersona Check Ovwiivdei Cad OPayrot Devcon Qnterny Outer | 8/20/2015 $100.00 Yarum ir Resa ace Ae ee Tax [nese 1sTyler Rd Enfield ct | 06082 Fil Oe ene oar ‘Manager Pond House aco itora oat, spss, Yer] cobain sa ccs of 00 oa cant fora ceca oles aa maniebali, | Amo of Comebution eeeetchierefobiyat? — GDNo. | doos conto or bustassheshe assed yh have gost with sa manip ae at ore tha 85,0007 yer One $250.00 sts conibton soloed whan ‘Yes [Iscontituoc april ofaateconiaser of prospective vatecontartr?— Yves event raced in Section LI? No | yes, iat nish branch or benches Ne ‘ifve tit Event OB202015A ‘tgovernentthecomatiswitt— QEwetie CLesaaive Mein of eb asst RetceeConaioes Oech Peon Check Ocrotivdebit Cord Orato Datuian Money Orie | 8/20/2015 $250.00 SUBTOTAL Section 8 — "ils Page $600.00 TOTAL of additional Sectiow I Pages "TFOTAT, OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+ 0). (Errol Live 13: Cola of Sammy Page Totals) See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 = Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of 7 RANE OF CONTIGS On Coa a ATT TS RIOD "TV OF REPORTS Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Total Contributions from Small Coutributors:- Received this Period ONLY EC Form 20 page 3 of (Siar fo dein of Sal Count SUBTOFALSHCTION 4_| $S¢°SE&C Form 20 page 3 0f 17 S B,_Temized Contributions trom Individuals LZabe! JAmanda ee Bes a eo See [Ce 1048 Gatland st Manchester ict | osoez Por Raves Clerk state of CT conor a ahi use, CD Yer | Tea inon i owas of SHO on cain Trait eeoaho wee ofa masiogliy | Amount of Cnr orepeatenchitéofalasoyist? JNO | does conte cr business ito i asocited wha agaact with sad mniipsly Sled ot more tan $5,000? 3 ON $10.00 Tet cnibaon aera wit an Q@ Yes | Isconubatr a pips ofa se conawior or rspstivesui conten? C)¥ea event eat it Sesion? No [Wf insata woh branch renhes no Yen nt vent 08202015 ‘i goverment the conc ith Obrceatve: Qesative Meiatof Conti Baska [Aeore Coane IQcur Oresonicnese Ccresupsritcant Oral Oedion CMtoney Oder | 8/20/2015 $1000 [ote Far 7 {celon Aya ReneS aaie ies fae ace 25 Victoria Rd Hartford ct fost erin Deer Rane oF tae Information Requested Information Requested Is contttara ety, pase, — €) Yer | Teoifoaion faeces of HOO wa emus ora cit eee offer ofa mney, Jerdepentent chief alot?) No. | does cotibloerbusinss ee ssid wah have gett wi sal mip Sale tc than $5,000? es ONo $50.00 i tisconibaionasciaed wien) Yoo |Inconiator pric of sel contr or prspetvo sesso? Yes even eprte ination 11? No. | igen indateich banch or branches 0 ‘eesti Even af ovement th cotati Ossswive O Legatative Met of Cn Daoteatne [erase Cont Desh Oresowai creek Ocresivoeditcant Oat ation Qnioney xter | 8/21/2015 $50.00, Emely Luge Tena eee FH co Sas [com 2 Franklin Pl Hartford cr fosta Tce Resto Transit Driver First Transit Ty cnuatoa Toby, spose, ()¥es ] Weonkton rin oxess S400 on candid fr a ce encove ale fa nag, | Amount of Cotton crsependent ci of atest) NO. | does contr or bess hehe naolaed wt hav ages wh sat mips whi at osha 8.00% ‘Ove Ono $20.00 inthe soibaioncasiatatwitvan Yes. [ls conduc april ofa slate contactor cc prepesives conor! Cee ‘ove eosin Seaton? No | afer inte vhich ranch or ances No ‘sens ven 082520154, ‘ goremment he eae si Oesecuire Oresisaine Vi of Conta Da Rae Page Coos eur Oresora check Ocresivneditcard Cayll Deduction Qo Orter | 8/22/2015 $20.00 : SUBTOTAL Section B — ‘This Page [5170.00 TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+B) = ‘Pater tatelon Lie 13, Cola af Sim Page Tor) [SCC SEEC Form 20 page 3 of 17 he Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE *! of 7 EAE OF COT TEE gO IO Ring IO SATO REPORT Segara for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report ‘Ty Potal Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY |” 5 s.— 5 {Be ists fo ein ofS Conor ISUBTOTAL SUCTION _| SSe°SEECForm 20 page 30f17 Z B, Itemized Contributions from In raha Fat rr Intedina David Raa Be eee er ww [ptoie }295 Prospect Avenue West Hartford cr fostos aT poe Ras ofan Dieector of External Communications Hartford Public Schools Ts coater TER, spose, ) Ver ontibtion iin oxen of 400 oa cna fora eT easveofcrofamuntealy | Amon of Conia oe cipien citations @)ND | cerca tte bass gk ea wiht analy ‘edt moce han $5,000? $50.00 Tincoubamamcnaininw Yer | stoner a ppl fasts rome rogaine sscomaae? Oe verted in Soten LI? No | d/vesinicae which Waneh or brooches No {yen ht Event 08252015 ‘of govenment cota ih Odrecutve Oresisaive ‘Meedof Cost Din Reed [Aswan lOeish reson Crck OKreivDeit Cant Payal Dedution OMoney Order | 6/22/2015 $300.00 Rosa Peter Renta Swe a ee San [coe 13: Cavendish PI ‘Avon cr [08009 nap Oonaaon Tanai Senior Program Officer Hartford Foundation Hs snuibaoralbyin, spose, () Yes ] Weontribton iin excess of 400%00 candidat fra chit exeive off oe musa, Jocdepenlen cid ofa lobby No. | docs contro buses hehe sasovted yah have nggtrst with sad munity Satie tre than $5,000? yes @No sth conribtonasootea won ‘Yes | Iscontibutor a prinipal of ta censor or pospestive sisiocetecer? Yes event reported in Sen 17 No | dfges indiate which baneho: branches, No Wyn ist event OB252015A, ‘government teconct swith: () Ewe ©) Lew ‘Maino Conti awed [Reet Contos JOcesi Orersonst Creek QcreiivDsbit Card Qayot! Deduction QMoney One | 8/22/2015 $100.00 ibes Margaret Rese Sues aos er Tae etoe 31 Woodland st 128 Hartford ct |osois: ini Onaga Ran fare Retired Retired Fs ceabtara TaN spose, CE] Wonton en exews oF 100 oa cae Fr iT eeenive ocr of amnioly, | Amount of Cntrbution Jocdepeadent ci afalaiyied — No | dos conte or business ele ie soci wah have a ret wth sai municipality ele at mace than 85,0007 ves ©) No $500.00 Te his conribion sao wthon Yes [iconlbulors prinepal fatale concer or provpectve wate contacter? CQves ‘oven pote in Secon LI? No Jape, ince which branch ox branches no ‘vest Bent OB252015A ‘tgovemnnnthecentatinvnth: Execute Chtegisiative Nest of Cooene as sed ws Coniaane Cdcash @ressonai check CPcriivdebt Cad OPayol Deduction QMenny rier | 8/23/2015 $500.00 'SUBTOTAT, Setion B— This Page [5000 iS TOTAL of aditional Section B Pages [See SEEC Form 20 page 30f 17 “TOTAT OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Seetions A FD). (Cert Live 1, Clonal of Sui Page Tos [° SEC Form 20 page 3.0f 17 fee Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ©? of 7 ANTS ST TE A VRE OR RAPORT Segarra for Mayor 7th Day Preceding Primary Report, E, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY. ates {See nn for dition sf Sail Cotto) SUBTOTAL SeCHION A | $9¢0SEECForm 20Poge 30f17 = B, Memized Contributions from Individuals z Tas Far 7 Icibes wilt Roa Se ae ev ie eats 31 Woodland St 128 Hartford cr |asios TOS Ronn ope Retired Retired Ts contibora etn, spouse, C) Yew ] Wcorrbton en exe of S400 ow cain tra fT oxcuhe offer ofa mica, lordepeadent hilt oF taboyi? No. | does conuibuer or basiess ese is asocsed wil have aera with si munis ‘led st mor than 52007 ea ONO, $500.00 Ts this conbationaseited wit "Yes [ls coneibator principal a sae cntar or pospstive se cons? ver rept in Seton LI? No | tfyesindzate which branch or trenches yes sttvert 082520150 ‘of govenment te cotati eseetive Olepaatve Metotor Ceska Baa reed ewes Coane \Ceuh @recsoml Check Ocretivdsbit Cae Oa Deduction OMoney Order | 8/23/2015 $500.00 Imejias Oscar ecm is Se aac 11 Anderton Ave North Providence ri | 02908 Pris Op Nine fairs CEO ITEP Tf cotibaon sin sees of 500 toa Gara or ea ese ace ofa manapaliy, deci ot eh ine oh egg i ed many is contibuer lobby, pou, C) Yes lordepeniox cid ofa lois? @) No sali at mero Oa 6007 Yer No $60.00 sti coneibulon ooekted wen ‘Yer Ircontibutor pineal ofa ste contactr or prospective sine contacto? Yer vent cpr in Seton LI? No | ipsa inca whieh beat or ranches No pei set ‘government coast sid) Bective C) Laisiave ‘Mes of Conti Dae Rae [Arnon Cetataer [Cease Cpessonl chee @csesivdebitCaud Opayell Dedution Omionoy Oree | 8/24/2015 $1600 Taare Far wr Palmer Douglas ea ee A [ow Tae [teem 1970 Brunswick Lane Lawrenceville NI | 0864s icp ep Ree fase President & CEO Douglas H Palmer & Associates, LUC iegaiiaoregeas, — IS | anima eceealemua woman te ierocaine ey ema cena chitefelotysd) Nv | doeremtetor tus hee esos hres ane WS nelly ‘ahem moe an $30 Ox ON Teihesmnibaigamai when (Yes [cnt apinshaiefensiscontadererrxpsive sbactore? Ore errepne Sesion Li? 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