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Day1 Day2 Day3 Day 4 Days Day 6 Day7 1st WEEK BAW} O}S Ig WO] Sh Can | ~? | ~air emia? Can you ~? | ~z+ e197 Do you want ~? | ~se7 a1? How many/much/often ~? | enn sovertsyeotus ae ~? What do you think of ~? | ~oi cisi of 242t517 What ~? | 230) ~ Where/Who/Which ~? | orjoys-7t-01e! > ~? Direct se ESSENCE Can | sit here? op] elope 7a? ESSENCE2 Can | get you some coffee? Fin] Sic} ER? ESSENCE 3 May | help you? 9} Sey).99 Can | ~? Sit BRS ot chi Pt ~ ai BIRT eh Soe MISES SHIL}SRIS SIE DOI. Ol Cen CHI MayL} Could “ei St} Bast x 0] Sich, Let's Talk! A Can I get you some coffee? B__No, thanks. I'd like some water though. A AM Sse} Sea Bl, HOLA Tele] BS Ob Owl ela, @ aso LH wet Be we, sit here? Can take your order? borrow your notebook? PS FU some coffee? Can | get you some more cake? something to drink? help you? May I see it? go home? Useful Expressions: UP} ~27is2"2ED MRIS Still 34> Q= BS! Zl Can/May | ~? 2I0l| ‘Let me + SABE! Sb BIS SO & + 2E1 Ol SO! Let me get you something to drink 2/1 SA “Lie SbHS SPADIPI| OE 24S ZU} 491] SleH= FOIL! ais “BY} OWL 21S SE} SAF ek= Bo eI, Let me help you. U7 F271] Let me give you the answer. LiP} S24 Zi] Directi ESSENCE Can you tell me about yourself? *lo} eel oly eel. 2 ESSENCE 2 Can you help me find it? | Hs AG EO} eI? ESSENCE 3 Could you take a picture of us? FLA G0] Alon? Can you ~? StI7iS SSi71Lt SE! mH AISSKE HSIOICL Can you tell me ~2 7REAIE! OSES 280} Ol we a B+ Qt= HSIOL!. Coud you ~MECan you “2st Sc Bet repr © Let's Talk! A Can you tell me about yourself? B_ Sure, what do you want to know? A able] OB oF a eet? Bele, erat Lol xia? @ aso LH wet Be we, about yourself? Can you tell me ~ what happened? ae " fen oi? where | am? OPI ols a find it? Can you help me fix my computer? with my homework? a picture of us? Could you take a look at the map? # the jacket for me? TERS? Useful Expressions: Up} ~8= 28S B Get Beker "S Sok HSK Can you help me (to) =F = Tan you help me with BAF = BEBIC, SAS to ENS 47 SED AREAS 71 Can you help me (to) find it? 21 S&= 24 SR} Salle Can you help me with the dishes. S7iXI6 21 & et Seite “F9} Get S FES Help me. hl SBOE “AH VwISt hand.2}71 HEE! + SCE hands7}0/-e} HEA) a handel! HO} MEUl| EDIOWME Give me a Directi ESSENCE 1 Do you want to take a taxi? Sp] Eat 7 QU? ESSENCE 2 Do you want me to go? Uphzbom SAU? ESSENCE 3 Would you like me to cook? Ap! 22 yRb-R? hit 7KS, CO! S SSH Allo Alcite}e! SANS 7} Would you like to ~2 2 C1 SESE Rieti & © Let's Talk! A Doyou want me to go? Of course not. Please stay. o > Up aon Say? Bo Agept 7p ele 22 @ aso LH wet Be we, take a taxi? Do you want to drink some juice? try these shoes? go? Do you want me to come along? drive? cook? Would you like me to pick him up? wake you up? Useful Expressions: EL 8b SB! AJOPIA! LIV LIOR! SL P'2tT BISA Do you want me to get out?0 PI & Abt 2 Cl OSE 2441 SASpil HEISEI Would you like me to get out@Ai?! LP} LIS7R DOP} Test, 22% Shall | get out, sir?7/ EL ow 211 SITS SS try ~ onOe HHSIBE SCH SODIME Tettrys HBISP IE BIC, 23 ESSENCE 1 ESSENCE 2 ESSENCE 3 Directi How many dolls do you have? LS 7H ata ty? How much gas do you want? 7H elm So} lr} 9? How often do you dance? eb ae aeFa? 4212 SS UROM 4 + Sk AS How many ~?& a + Sie AE HOw much «22 BEch “Quit AHP ~?'S SS i= How often ~722 HA ett, Let's Talk! ‘A How much gas do you want? B Fil it up, please. A bh Ese] Sabie? Bo 7S aaMe. 26 @ aso LH wet Be we, dolls do you have? How many friends do you have? Sake 7h iM? ARSE SL? family members do you have? #91 “els 4? gas do you want? How much coffee do you want? 7k water do you want? do you dance? How often do you work out? do you study English? Useful Expressions: How many ~7% S28 i SLIS SEF 21 CHESIEP None OP 6b Et How much ~70! BIAS ARREI 2h eIS 2 2OL belo How many people did you meet? (41 None. (SLE Z M01) How much money do you have? (U1 = 20K} 7/1 S17) None. (8L= B04) ar ESSENCE 1 ESSENCE 2 ESSENCE 3 > What do you think of this? opdop cil oy staat How about me? uel Is it okay to eat this? op] Mole S87 Abitelo] 4S BS aK What do you think of ~%, How about ~?, Is it okay to ~?@ HSBICL ‘How about+2Al?’ 3S BS oH ANSI, How aboubS2iA!? = MP! BR ol 42] Zick Let's Talk! What do you think of my hairstyle? B__Itlooks very elegant. o> ule] 25}4I ofa Oke 20% St Direction @ aso LH wet Be we, opin sHBAN this? What do you think of my hairstyle? ofa ae \ ee that movie? 13} OF? me? How about English Café? soon, “8 ; going home? Bol7N=21 ob? eat this? Is it okay to go out? bring a friend? Useful Expressions: think of think about©! 210K=? think of 3 Ci 22 Wi] SSH] AN SEH eMS7| Alle Al S2I| CHP BI7IS EPP! VEIL A 2BHE ZOE, UM think about & Ci 3S 72 cH SO! SH ACL OE Soi, bal BWI! Hb Of MZISLF 21S IR think about 2c Obil CHBt OS BEL WE think ~, I believe ~, In my opinion ~, It seems to me ~= HEBICL at ESSENCE 1 ESSENCE 2 ESSENCE 3 What are you doing? slau? What makes you say that? 9A a eke? What happened to you? gla] 42e) gop What ee you ~ing?= SRS MA “A SS ~ShI VILL’ O| ol ‘What mekes you SAPS @ ~siL1?2! SOIC. What happened to ~2e MOIALFES 2O?', “ORAL El 7DP'2| SOL Let's Talk! A. What are you doing now? B__ I'm dancing salsa! It is my first time trying salsa! > ae ap B ARPARATL Glo AMS ISSL 7K Algolok 34 @ aso LH wet Be we, doing? What are you cooking? wagon " talking about? weap si gy? say that? What makes you think so? feel so bad? 4a you? What happened to them? alee sie? Mr. Kim? vse] Ze Useful Expressions: What are you doing?#t What do you do?2! 10? What are you doing? Ali SiXP| S01] FES 287] 2o}| 2 sol cst cl What do you do 214 itl S243 Shs) | EEL Oo ARIS So! = HEDIS ‘Where do you work? / What's your occupation? / What business are you in? 501 SEL 35 ESSENCE 1 ESSENCE 2 ESSENCE 3 Directi Where can | wash my hands? ofS ese abe? Who’s your favorite actor? FoR? Which one do you want? old 4 hoa Where can | SA2 “Oils 7/91 ~3t + Q@7 1S?" 2 017, Who's your favorite “7 “A! Zoishe ~71 ‘>rxl?S SBICH Which one do you ~ 7S ‘OH HS ~siL 197" 2] SOL, Let's Talk! A Excuse me, where can I wash my hands? B The ladies’ bathroom is on the second floor. A eA: ofcjolh] 28 We <= 9]? Bo oibsrs ROL. @ aso LH wet Be we, wash my hands? Where can | get some food? onus a find a department store? =": oes lun? actor? Who's your favorite singer? teacher? want? Which one do you prefer? ofeaiats dole? like the most? ole Atel 20127 Useful Expressions: Which one do you want?2t What do you want?2l 0&2 BeISR 22K which oneS, FZK0M Whats 1 219! Achaoipl| 2S UE “Ol OP| BoIks Of 21] Ble’ St ZSALO= SCR Which oneS at ‘|B! 71S 4A QICPh AHS] 0] SCH Which oneS 2b Which season do you like? (018 AS ZO?) What do you want for your birthday? (#2! 42= F213 B61) 39 DAY Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 SAF OS] BO] EEE Ls SH THE Best! thank you for ~ / sorry for ~ | ~o4 ciaj zaisicynieset Ithink ~| ~e! 21 zor It looks like ~ | ~aal sort | was about to ~ | ~staiei aiojzict Feel free to ~ | isix| ar ~stay I can’t afford to ~ | ~at | oF All know is ~| uit of 21 ~7} isch Direct ae ESSENCE Thank you for your help. Seo} 4] HS], ESSENCE? I’m sorry for being late. sehiokisla, ~ol| ZABICF2| SES HEISE UES “Thank you for + BAY-ing’ S €CH, olol| CRIA You're weicome/Sure/No probiem.2= Si sic, ~oll cibH Olt Im sorry tor + SAY-ing’ HE, That's okay/No problem.2= Sesrt, Let's Talk! ft 0 i A. Here we are. It’s the Student Union Building. Bh, thank you for your help. | really appreciate it. A Gels. of7)78hIsH boa. Bo 2 SPAM HIgUCE Serio. 44 @ aso LH wet Be we, a7FR| eISSN, your help. th ic. Thank you for © MUSIC your present. teaching us. ADS 7A that. I'm sorry for the mistake. rage, v being late. seeped Is breaking your cup. Hel geminal vee. Useful Expressions: ZAP HBO) ZI Thanks. —Thank you. Thank you very much//I really appreciate it. OF! Ale THES HSBKS CHIVHLISOREL appreciate= 4I7= THBS| OSS AS ay ATOCK, SOS TICE BEDE}, BC AALQKE BIO YI] SOI ZAISRUSLCL 2D St OHE A cup of coffee would be appreciated.2f! SEK= Zi 7/2164 =x Direct se ESSENCE I think it’s fine. Ah. ESSENCE 2 I guess he’s broke. 7} 420| BeBe = AA OE ESSENCES | bet you’re right. UPHaRaSR=AI, 4] viol sto Kiso] OHS AIS aH | think ~.252 Lele Ziel “~9l Zi Zot 2] Kom, | guess ~.E (Shi AdJoe 52k uf) EV} Sr} o| Roe sh FSS LEN Ch | bet ~.2 ‘ASSi2icH ~SICFol HetAS Sect, Let's Talk! A. What do you think of our new car design? B_ I think it’s fine. It is quite unique. A $e) A -REaEcHelonseL aap Bo wate. oF Sse. @ aso LH wet Be we, it's fine. I think it’s fair. it’s your fault. he’s broke. I guess she’s hungry. he’s sick. you're right. | bet he’s wrong. she didn’t know. Useful Expressions: bet 224 Li? SICH AK= SOIC PHM CHB 1 bet -Oe 2S ARSRI Lic ~S (Up: BS Bie) SBE k= £0] BIL | bet he’s an artist(T ARIZ OIS7R! 74271 SAH) Tete Atel] Bt 2b] VIRSRIM SEOK| SLORY SET Ska VOM Ofsh|| HIS! Elke 7fef BO] oma ek Hel ZOBEOF coursel! ZOE TAIL} SH! 0] HABE! AA] BT CHa ZOl VleH= SCL You bet! (2 oh 49 Direct se ESSENCE 1 It looks like you. zea ESSENCE 2 It sounds opr) 424 2a, e a dog. ESSENCES It seems to be true. Amel a Ze} wok}, It looks like “= (SLI) “RE SOIT S| SOIT, It sounds |ke = (S SU”) ke RICH! SOL ‘it seems to be +H#SAHE ~-Ol 2 Zot QIc! 9] Roe Best RIC Sinbict, Let's Talk! A Look at her. Have you seen her before on campus? B Never before. She looks like... Olivia Hussey! > AorsPast 201 dale] Te slo}? Bo ok tel ok] Sedolorste acy 52 @ aso LH wet Be we, you. It looks like acat. he loves you. adog. It sounds like acat. you like me. to be true. It seems normal. big enough. Useful Expressions: SUS Sal RASS WSIS AalsH SAL It looks like ~ (L179 ~ Zc It sounds like ~ (42 SOL) ~ ZF It smells like ~ (AIS BOF SLI) ~ ZICH It feels like ~ (2X4 SL) ~ Zit} Ittastes like ~ GIS SL) ~ ZICH 53 Direct ESSENCE 1 | was about to call you. Fe elel eRe}. ESSENCE? | was just trying to help. Loa Boke al SuEOpR AISF2IT 6! 28] O10 LIEIUBRH ‘| was about toHSAF (~Slee Zl0lgt CHS || was just trying to+SAi et ~oiein St ORO )= REISE, Let's Talk! Hi, Randy, this is Annie. Annie! | was about to calll you! it eit, Ueto oft! Heke aetskeel goles o> OD @ aso LH wet Be we, call you. send you a message. | was about to take a nap. turn off my computer. say that. help. save him. aire do my job. fdas. lose weight. staal | was just trying to Useful Expressions: be about to ~= @} Sie! ZOKHAK= SOL}, AmIMOS Sa SS MepIL7}OHS 77 OPS LEME Ss +h, TRICK 7752 OAS LIELHE be going toSk= 01] CIE7? be going to SAI7/7 OPHS LIEK XB! be about to= St} HW cl 7B, He =AIO|| SE! oh I. TIS] HOH tomarow S2| SAIL} SAhRK= 20] AK] SESE LIP] SIS AEE TH be going toS 2 = LOK beabout toS “7 pil LE? 41 OPH0[71 (20 be about to= 221= 717 apoE ACh, Fett RO! SIL} O| Sk Que] 87 Direct ae ESSENCE Feel free to join us. fs A| Fat ABE O72 ESSENCE 2 Don’t hesitate to contact us. ebtolleiat eb cesta, ‘BBIE Fe! Boll Sxl ek ~atelS Feel tree to +SAHS HEBICL Dorit hestate to +54 Bion] tn ~sieto| Soc, = HIS ZL opis + etic Let's Talk! A. Are you guys leaving for lunch right now? B_ Yes. Feel free to join us. A she aht a4] west Uke Zio BS ue gol 77h @ aso LH wet Be we, opin sHBAN join us. call me. Feel free to ask questions. “ees . try it on. yeerqyssepabis AOL 8, write any comments. contact us. . -mail me. Don’t hesitate to emai me shell ¥ AS, stop by. “BFA ore pie re] AS, volunteer. isha, \ Usetul Expressions: “IEFAHE $2 feel Hl “AIRRLOS | free7} SOM OFFI E17? feel free= “AREAL EF 2k BO] ECL (2A Feel free ~ SH ARBIE SHS AISA Ph ~ Sk IS AISA AEP 201 ECL 0] $1l ‘to + ZARB! SMM Feel free to call me. Sb SIA “Lisle SBE 2 AIRS rie} SOIL! "SRI Se} Zk] BT ORKER| AIBBHeF = SO] ELL 61 Direct ae ESSENCE 1 | can’t afford to buy it. USD Ab ae) ek ESSENCE 2 I can’t afford a laptop. Uses aetalol eb, 8} Bb] Of ELES Of HIME || can't alford to + SAF EE | can't aord +8AF = HBIaC}, = 2iNS0! ZuHpF OL CEE 2190! BBO] ot Sie ARS + 2rt Let's Talk! A. Why don't you buy a new cell phone? B No way! I can’t afford to buy it. AURA! Abe) up Bo Me AepH U7) Abale ora. 64 @ aso LH wet Be we, opin sHBAN buy it. , hireasecretary, ys Vean't afford to) csay at this hotel. “11 =""" i pay for the medical treatment. ®**! a laptop. Iean'tatfora 2 lawyer cst alge a private tutor. UteAIe be ‘ ne a trip to Europe. L eb] oH Useful Expressions: afford= 78S APL}ES tl SHI] ECFAK= FOL} SHB! affords BAW! RS SESH AL SISA OIC 1 D1 can't afford to miss a day of work 21 SIM 12% 20] HOLM) Stal SSG ti! S801 2672 0] EL}, SH AH! bse StYPIC| AASIOL SHE! PP lol ABE AP 22 I can tafford to make another mistake FC] ASI LH BOP HET SS + ICE = CMS UPI OF POE © 7/5 LEE AICI can't afford to lose this opportunityl(-t CH= OM 7IBIS HI + GIO} Ol 7181S = Rojo} SUC, 65 ESSENCE 1 ESSENCE 2 ESSENCE 3 o> OD All | know is her name. Uphok= A112] oF Be lok. All | know is that she lives near here. =I|7}0| BAH Alcs BRE SHOF. All you have to do is love me. Wa aRep erste Uptole 2~7} SHCEE All| know is ~# #SIBICL A | know is that FOHSAE UP} Of 21 ~7}--SICKE ZMHOICE 2] SOIC. ‘Al you have to do is BAVA = Sic} Let's Talk! What does she do for a living? I don’t know. All | know is her name. sof aR yei7}2? Seb. ar ove Sa7S8, @ aso LH wet Be we, Direction opin sHBAN her name. All | know is her ID. 4 ve uyioks 2 Teel olokitolor where she works. Top ole PIA) eek Beh she lives near here. All| know is that we will meet again. i Ineed a lawyer, ivi aaien TY} OL 2a love me. All you have to do is make money. see her. abo 3 Polo 3 ae \ Usetul Expressions: All you have to do is love me. 0ih4 BSE is CIO SABO] Zav| LE ASST Bh SRICET MEIGS ZOOL, Bey SEV! Ss] WS toP HAC] AN BY ZS BAIOIARAP SIO] BES BINOS SH] CIC SEL OA HES SISRIDIA Ol UPISpI|-ACICE SBIOE = be Ab CIZ01 OStoS SESH, StH SPIO aIAte OF! 280] ZEIT HH 69 3rd WEEK SAN~o|| US EAOR= DAY pay pay pay 4 DAYS pays paY7 => HE Best! I don’t feel like ~ | ~2 7120) ofuch Vd better ~ | ~s a utc Vd like to ~ | ~em act |hope you ~| ~o uta wish ~ | ~p eat That’s what ~ | 220) s= ~or} I didn’t mean to ~ | ~siei2 2 20) o1uget | Directi ESSENCE | don’t feel like joking around. SO PoRbE ESSENCE2 | feel like going to the movies. ap} se7iat ae, ESSENCE 3 | feel like a new person. Ajakgto el 7]zob, ‘~-E 7H=0] OLLIC=| don't feel like —ing® HBIBICL | feel ike ~ng= “SKLEEH, || feel ike +BANS “~A CRICHS| SOIC, © Let's Talk! > Come on! Can’t you take a joke? B_ I don’t feel like joking around. A ofp) ste Rak? USSERIZRROHUOE © 74 Oo @ aso LH wet Be we, joking around. | don’t feel like dancing. exercising. SyERE7Wolok Heo1 OR going to the movies. | feel like screaming. . shopping. a new person. | feel like a star. a fish out of water. \ Usetul Expressions: “-3ED-NE MPIO| EC| ~ B17 IBOICES LIELKE 20 feel like -ing 2I0!lbe in the mood for -ing?! WIS BCS SET AE IBOLT = SRA ELL, OP bil forek= SRIPE 27 WHEO I Shi er. Ssh, SPA SbIPL ing? LISA! BICL OLS 7B] HBAS 7101242 Op |mHSDI MELA | eel like taking a walk. = 'm in the mood for taking a walk. (4!4H871 4101) AICHS SEG 7} E121 2h, ~21 21 ICHAT AYAIEL OH SIC feel like? = feel like a new man. (22%5| CIE Alzl0| ! 24 Zot) I feel like I don't belong here. (017 = UV} {43 20] & Sk 71 ZO} 75 Direct ae ESSENCE 1 I'd better go home. ut alo 7H) Sea ESSENCE? You’d better go see a doctor. izle] 7k 7) Sea Youd betterLt|'d better= 92] Ske ~SH= ai] LCS aIAIEIRE! You'd better ZRYS0! SMOIL Zist Zine] O18S SICt You'd betterE You had better 2] S2t0r}, © Let's Talk! > 78 It's time to say good bye. I'd better go home now. Why don’t you stay longer? It’s only 7 o’clock! Usd sRb bk Sol7ks AUS Lz SCL TAN? Abs HA4PM t SBE ST Oo @ aso LH wet Be we, go home. eat pizza. take a break. take a bus. V'd better go see a doctor. take an umbrella. leave your car at home. stay home. You'd better Useful Expressions: You'd better ~= 2bHioiril ZI21 SANOL| ZIT OFFS WhO ABBE UH BOleIDF SCL BEE AIAIO1 2121 kd Z2BFHOraH= EDI SLIT NEUE You'd better go see a doctor. IM &| AKIO, BI AEDIAG S22bIPH| You'd better have kimchi.2iT! SICK "Z| SE 7] BS 7pPek= Om Of BIZ | 4917 Ul ECL TE! 11 think you could ~.L! You might want to ~. SES Why don’t you ~7@ 2ISk=7il QAO may as well PEE HHS ~Sk= BOLIC! =O had better=CI= 4 (8! HBIOICE 79

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