A1 1 1historycivilengineeringarchitecure1

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Activity 1.1.

1 History of Civil
Engineering and Architecture
Can you name any of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Each was a feat of
civil engineering and architecture. What causes structures such as these to fill us
with awe even today? What is it that makes them seem more wondrous in our time
of modernization? These structures have paved the way for many new advances in
the design of the structures you see today.
In this activity you will learn about the history of civil engineering and architecture.
You will see differences between the two professions and learn of their beginnings.


History of Civil Engineering and Architecture presentation

In this activity you will investigate the history of civil engineering and architecture.
You will see differences between the two professions and learn of their beginnings.
1. Define civil engineering.
Civil engineering is the school of engineering that specializes in the construction
of structures for public use.
2. Define architecture.
Architecture is the design of buildings intended for human habitation.
3. Describe the origination of the concept of architecture?
Architecture arose when agriculture arose, because humans began to settle in
one place and needed places to live.
4. In ancient times how were building materials chosen?
Building materials were chosen based off of availability of the materials
depending on the geographic area.
5. Give two examples of vernacular architecture.
An Inuit igloo made of snow bricks and a South African rondavel.

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

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CEA Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Activity 1.1.1 History Civil Engineering and Architecture Page 1

6. Name and describe the type of system used to create many early buildings.
Many early buildings were built using a post-and-lintel system of vertical columns
and horizontal beams.
7. What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? Mexican pyramids?
Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for the Egyptian rulers and Mexican
pyramids were most likely built for the sake of astronomical observation.
8. What kind of construction method was used to build the Parthenon? Made a
simple sketch to illustrate.
The aforementioned system of columns and beams was used, called the postand-lintel system.

9. What problem in architecture led to this form of construction?

Architects wanted to have openings in weight bearing walls for windows and
doors so they used columns to support the weight that the wall would have been
10. Explain how an arch is created.
An arch is created with trapezoid-shaped pieces of stone, which are stacked on
top each other to form a curve, with a keystone at the top that is oriented
differently from the other stones and which distributes the weight above it,
downward along the curve.
11. How is the vault used in civil engineering?
The vault is used for underground tunnels in modern civil engineering.
12. Give an example of an arch and dome system.
A famous example of the arch and dome system is the Pantheon in Greece.
13. Give an example of a modern material we have that was not available to the
ancients. How did this restrict construction in ancient times?
We now have steel, which the ancients did not have. This allows us to reinforce
our buildings with steel rods, making them sturdier. This way, we can build taller,
larger buildings without them falling over.
14. What was the purpose of the Roman aqueducts?
The Roman aqueducts were made to transport fresh water and to create water
pressure by bringing the water down from a high elevation.

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CEA Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Activity 1.1.1 History Civil Engineering and Architecture Page 2

15. Compare ancient Greek roads to ancient Roman roads.

Roman roads were higher quality because they had better foundations and were
more often paved, where as Greek roads consisted of ruts for wagons.
16. Describe an ancient Roman bridge.
One ancient Roman bridge is the bridge in Vaison la Romaine, which is
essentially a single stone arch with a walkway running over the top of it.
17. How did building materials and methods change after the Romans?
Some materials became more common, so they were easier to obtain in large
quantities, like cast iron. These materials tended to be sturdier than the rock and
timber the Romans were using. The methods for the most part stayed the same
for some time, until there was a drastic increase in the complexity of the
technology available.

1. Give an example of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. How does
its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts
for this difference?
One example of a modern pyramid is the Transamerica Pyramid in Chicago,
which is used for offices and to house the headquarters of a company
instead of dead people. This is probably because our society is more
centered around corporations than it is around honoring our leaders as
gods and ensuring a good afterlife.
2. Give an example of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.
The capital building in Washington D.C. uses an arch and dome system.
3. What is the main purpose of modern roads? How is the cost of modern roadways
The main purpose is to make it easier to get places by car and the cost is
defrayed because we have machines that can pave for us and we use cheaper
materials that are easier to work with (asphalt).

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

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