Ict Focus Are 4 5 Cyberbullying

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Brief Unit Plan with Transformative Outcomes

Unit name: Books Backwards and Online Sharing

Key Learning Areas: English, HPE and Digital Technologies
Year level: 5/6
Notes on resources required, classroom management and potential issues across
the unit:
1. Computer and internet access. If a ratio of 1:1 computers is unavailable this
unit can easily be tailored to group work with a smaller number of computers
being required. Each student however will be required to demonstrate their
learning through computer based software.
2. Issues that may arise with this unit include internet safety and cyber bullying.
This should be covered in a pre-lesson class discussion and consequences, for
engaging in or not reporting offences, should be made clear.
Transformative learning outcomes
By the end of these lessons students should:

Demonstrate their ability to create and publish an online picture book

Describe an issue of concern with an embedded message within an online

picture book

Can articulate the value of online learning sources and how it has helped their

Lesson 1: Introduction to unit (90 minutes)

Tune in/Class discussion:
Investigating different ways to tell a story (class brainstorm
on interactive whiteboard).

How might you tell a story?

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How are books used to persuade readers to their points

of view?

What important issues in your life might you want to

tell others about in a story/book?

Facilitate learning towards online blogs and wiki

spaces. How are these used to show points of view?
Can they be used for other things? ie journals.

Issues to list during discussion may include:

- bullying (cyber bullying included)
- peer pressure
- stranger danger
- drugs and alcohol
Note: Lower learners
Students are put into partners to research an area of interest

may need to be

(using computers) and write down important things about that

grouped with an aid

issue. They must find out:

or in mixed ability

A definition for their topic

pairs in order to get

What can happen

the most from the

Why it is a problem


How it should be dealt with

High achievers can

How others can be helped

change the template

Create their own blog on wordpress.com to answer the

of their blog to

questions, track their progress, copying links needed across

something they think

and writing short reflections (Appendix A).

is relevant to their

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Lesson 2: Planning a story using ICT and a backwards

approach (90 minutes)
Tune in/Class discussion:

Ask the students how they would normally write a


They would probably write the words first and then

illustrate the story afterwards.

Ask them if they think it is possible to write a story

backwards using pictures to inspire the words.

Explain that is what they are going to be doing online

in relation to the topic they chose in the previous

Note: Some students

1st activity:

may be proficient at

Students are given three artists from storybird.com to choose

navigating the

from. They are allowed to use any images from the artists of

internet while others

their choice to portray their chosen issue to others. They must

may not. Mixed

decide which images they think would best portray their

ability groups would

issue. They may spend some time thinking about what their

be useful here.

story might say in relation to the images.

They post the name of their artist and a link to that page on

If individual

their online wordpress.com blogs.

computers are
available students
who finish early may
be able to help those
who struggle.

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Figure 1: Example images taken from two different artists on


Assessment note:

2nd activity:

Teachers can use

Teacher scaffolds the online storyboard software. Explaining
formative assessment
they are to plan out their story in short form.
throughout the tasks
to gain awareness of
Students are to use the online based software at
storyboardthat.com to plan a story relating to their issue and
understanding. Use
with their artists images in mind. They are only to use simple
Post-Its with
text on this storyboard (Appendix B).
students names to
write notes,

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They post links to their story board and reflect on the entire

observations and

lesson in the wordpress.com blog

answers to questions.
Collate in a book
later for effective

Lessons 3 & 4: Creating our online books/Assessing ourselves and our peers
(2 x 90 minute lessons)
Resources required:

Interactive whiteboard or equivalent projector

Storyboards that students have created in previous lesson on

storyboardthat.com (Appendix B)

Wordpress.com blog journals from previous lessons for information (Appendix


A computer for each student or group with internet access

Teacher must have set up the class account with storybird.com and added each
student or group prior to the lesson so that the students can access the program
and begin their stories in a safe environment.

Lesson activities
Show examples of books that have been created using storybird.com to facilitate
learning and get the creative juices flowing.

Main Culminating Activity:

Using all the ICT based resources that have been employed over the past 3 lessons

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The students use a self-managed learning approach to create their online picture book
(Appendix C) following the assessment page provided to them from the teacher
(Appendix D).

Conclusion to unit:
Students complete a peer evaluation (Appendix E) and self-reflection (Appendix F)
answering questions provided to them from the teacher in their online wordpress.com

Teaching evaluation:

Formative assessment:

Observation and questioning throughout Check the self-reflection and unit

the 4 lessons to help obtain students
understanding levels and what might
still need to be scaffolded.

Summative assessment:

Use of formative assessment notes from

throughout unit.

View picture book created by student

Check the peer assessments and selfreflections in the online blogs.

Rubric for final assessment.

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reflection on their own online blogs.


Chandra, V., & Mills, K. (2014). Transforming the core business of teaching and
learning in classrooms through ICT. Technology, Pedagogy And Education.

Finger, G., Russell, G., Jamieson-Proctor, R. J., & Russell, N. (2007). Transforming
learning with ICT: Making IT happen. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson
Education Australia.

General Teaching Council for England. (2007, November 1). Research for Teachers
Transforming teaching and learning with ICT. Retrieved from http://www.tl

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Appendix A
Example of a simple blog using wordpress.com which may be created by the students
to keep track of their work throughout the unit. This example may also be found
online at https://cyberbullyingblog222.wordpress.com/

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Appendix B
Example of a storyboard using storyboardthat.com that might be created to help them create their picture book.

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Appendix C
Example pages of the type of expected final picture book on Storybird.com. Full example online picture book has been created and is available
at: http://storybird.com/books/millie-and-the-cyber-bullies/

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Appendix D
Example of exact wording that would be presented to the class for them to show their

Present your topic as an online picture book on Storybird.com

Use the information gathered and story board created to help you design
and publish your online picture book.
- You must have a title, cover, beginning, middle and end
- It must be at least 7 pages long
- Your book must:
1. Define your topic
2. Explain issues surrounding your topic
3. Have a message (which might be: how to
deal with your topic, what to do if you or a
friend are suffering from your chosen topic
or how to prevent your topic from occurring)

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Appendix E
Example of exact wording used for online peer assessment and self-reflection.

Peer assessment:
Answer the following questions on your assigned classmates
wordpress.com blog:

I am reviewing the online picture book by:

It was called:
What was the book was about?
What message did the book have?
One great thing about the book:
Something I think could have been improved:

My own reflection
Answer the following questions on your own wordpress.com blog:

How did using the software in this unit help my learning?

Through participating in this unit I learned (list at least 3 things)
What are the benefits of using online blogs to communicate?
I would be able to use my knowledge of wordpress.com,
storyboardthat.com and songbird.com for other learning areas if

strongly agree------agree-------not sure------disagree-----strongly disagree

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Appendix F
Example of final assessment rubric for a student in the class.

Books Backwards and Online Sharing Assessment Rubric

Student name: Aaron
With significant
teacher assistance
Demonstrate the
ability to create and is able to somewhat
navigate the three
publish an online
picture book using programs used.
relevant software.
Does not make
links with the three
Storyboardthat.com programs used.
Needs further

Describe an issue
of concern and
include a message
for the reader
(chosen in first
lesson) within an
online picture book

Story is written
with message
Images have little
or no relevance to

With minimal
teacher assistance
is able to
navigate the
programs used.

With little or no
teacher assistance
is able to
navigate the three
programs used.

Makes links with

the information and
relevance of each

Articulates clearly
the reasons for the
use of each

Story is written and

message is
included but
Images clearly
relate to text.

Is able to assist
Story is written
with clear message
Images have been
carefully chosen to
relate to each page
of text.

More scaffolding
Can articulate the
value of online
learning sources
and how it had
helped their

A basic explanation
of how using the
has helped their

A brief overview of
how the online
helped their

Cannot describe the explanation of the
value of online
value of online
learning sources
learning sources.
More scaffolding

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A well-articulated
answer for how the
online sources/
programs has
assisted their
Gives a rounded
overview of the
value of online
learning sources.

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