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Top 10 Illness That Filipinos

By Ira Hope Mar 4, 2012
Based on the study done by the Department of Health (DOH) last 2002, the top 10 illnesses that
Filipinos most likely to acquire are the following:

1. Pneumonia an infection that affects the lungs of the human body. This







illness blocks the oxygen preventing it from reaching the blood and will cause
the infection to spread all throughout the human body. Can be acquired from
infected person.
Diarrhea is suffering from excessive loss of body fluid by releasing watery
stools for more than three times a day. It can be caused by bacteria, parasite,
food intolerance, but in most cases causes are unknown.
Bronchitis enlargement of the oxygen channel, bronchi, that extends from
the windpipe up to the lungs. The inflammation can be caused by viruses,
bacteria, smoking, pollutants, and dust.
Influenza also called as flu, is a very contagious acute respiratory illness
caused by the Influenza virus. Can be acquired with the infected person.
Hypertension known by common people as high blood pressure, this
illness cause the blood pressure on your arteries to rise. Normal blood
pressure is 120/80 or less. It can be obtained hereditarily.
TB Respiratory Tuberculosis or TB is also a very contagious disease it can
be spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It is caused by
bacteria that enters and destroys the tissues of the lungs.
Heart Disease a disease that affects the function of the heart. It is caused
by narrowing of the arteries that pumps blood to the heart. It can be worsen by
eating fatty foods.
Malaria a disease carried by insects, most by mosquito. It can be obtained
from mosquito bites or by an infected needle or blood transfusion. It can be
easily obtained when near in unclean and coastal area.

9. Chickenpox highly contagious disease caused by viral infection. Chicken

pox spreads from direct contact with the infected person or through coughing
or sneezing.
10. Measles a disease cause by viral infection that may lead to
bronchopneumonia and encephalitis. Symptoms are fever, runny nose, cough,
and maculopapular rash.

These are the 10 problems in our society; even now they are dangerous in our
health because these illnesses can cause death if not immediately treated. These
illnesses can be avoided by eating good nutritious foods and healthy lifestyle. In
addition of these we should have good personal hygiene, good environmental
sanitization by cleaning the surroundings, to have daily exercise & dont stress
too much. The people should take medicine prescribe by the doctor to lesser the
illness and they should take on time. We need to take care ourselves by sleeping
early, avoid drinking alcoholic liquor, and avoid smoking. We should not abuse
ourselves by eating fatty foods, sweet foods, and salty foods. We should adjust
ourselves in order to live longer and not suffering dangerous illness. We should
always alert and good leader to our community about health so that our
community will be healthy. The people should be united and participate the
leaders of the community especially about health.

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