March Book Report

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March Book Report

Genre: Poetry
Report Type: Painting & Presentation

1. Choose a book of poetry that you would like to read. It may be a collection of poems all
by the same author OR a book of poems by different authors. The book should have at
least 50 poems in it.

2. Bring the book to school and show it to me during the first week of March. I will tell you
if the book is a good choice for you. If you have trouble finding a book, ask the librarian
to make suggestions for you.

3. Once I have approved your selection, read it and enjoy!

4. When you’re finished reading, you are ready to start your project.

5. Choose ONE poem from the book. You will need to memorize this poem and recite it to
the class. This poem should be AT LEAST ten lines long. You will ALSO need to paint a
picture to go with this poem. Be sure the picture shows how the poem makes you FEEL.
You will show this picture to the class when you recite your poem. The picture needs to
be on paper that is at least 81/2 x 11 inches. You may use any kind of paint that you wish.

6. Be sure to do a “sloppy copy” first. Your final picture should NOT have any mistakes or
messy eraser marks on it. You should know your poem well. You will not be allowed to
read it. You have one month to prepare and be creative.

7. Pictures will be displayed in the classroom. You will also present your poem in front of
the class.

8. You must bring a copy of your poem to give to me when you recite.

9. No late projects will be accepted.

Presentation days:
3/30: Jun, Billie, Pratheek, Anushree. Rohan
3/31: Abinaya, Seungik, Mehal. Karan, Rahul
4/1: Dylan, Akhil, Trinity, Kylee, Wayne
4/2: Jenny, Angelica, Jiahong, Heta, Rachel

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