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Secondary Whole Class Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F
Year: 9

Date: 3/09/15

Learning Area: English

Curriculum content description:

Time: 10.50-12.05
Topic: Persuasive Writing

(from ACARA)

Explore and explain the combinations of language and visual choices that authors
make to present information, opinions and perspectives in different texts
Listen to spoken texts constructed for different purposes, for example to entertain
and to persuade, and analyse how language features of these texts position
listeners to respond in particular ways (ACELY1740)

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Previous work persuasive techniques
Previous work constructing paragraphs

Learning purpose:
To revise the use of Persuasive techniques and then to use their knowledge to write
a persuasive paragraph about themselves using 3 techniques. Then will select a
few to present their paragraph to the class (choses by raffle draw). The class then
need to be able to pick which 3 techniques that were used in the paragraph. Prizes
will be given to students.

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson,

students will be able to:

The results the matching of techniques to

By the writing of their paragraph
The presentation of their paragraph
The capabilities of students to identify
which of the techniques were used by each
student in their paragraph.

Identify, understand and correctly

use persuasive techniques.
Write a correctly structured
persuasive paragraph on why they
are a good/great person using 3
different PT.

Preparation and Resources:

Youtube clip on persuasive techniques and writing
Laminated list of techniques and description and effects for the student to
match up.
Blu tack to stick them up.
Lollies for prizes.
Raffle tickets for using to decide who reads out their persuasive paragraph.

Catering for diversity

As this is an extension class I need to make sure that questions are directed on a
higher level in order to keep the students engaged.
There are a few students who so not like public speaking but will use positive
reinforcement and encourage them to have a go.





Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction:

Whilst the students are lined up our side will explain that the classroom is
set up a little differently than normal. The desks are set up into two groups
and as they enter the class they will be given a number and that is the
group of desks that they are to sit at.
Once they are inside they need to get out of their bags what they need,
put their bags away and sit down quietly and begin their silent reading.
Students will have their normal 10 minutes silent reading time and then
will be given 5 minute to complete their response questions in their
Pack away their books and wait for all attention to be returned to teacher.
If required use
Attention to me please, 321 and wait!
Explain that todays lesson will be on Persuasive Techniques and
persuasive writing.
First we will start with watching a quick the Youtube video on PTs.
This will help with a revision of PT and give a lead into the rest of the
Explain that we are going to have a competition to see which team knows
their PTs.
Provide them with two piles of cards, the green ones have all the different
types of PTs in them and the pink or yellow ones have all of the
definitions. Explain that the challenge is to match them up correctly. First
team to get them correct wins.
When your group thinks they have correctly matched up each of the
techniques get them to stick them up the front on the board underneath
your group number.
We will then go through each of them to check them off. As we do this we
will ask different students to provide an example of each technique.



Now they will be writing a correctly structured paragraph, using TDSC,

(Topic sentence, Developing sentence, Supporting details, Concluding
sentence) and using at least 3 different PTs.
You will given 10-15minutes to write a persuasive. Your paragraph
needs to persuade your audience as to why you are a good or
great person. Your paragraph needs to contain at least 3
different PTs. Any questions?
Each student will be provided with a raffle ticket, 6 will be drawn out and
those students will present their paragraph to the rest of the class. We will
then be asking if anyone can identify the PTs that were used in each
students paragraph. There will be prizes awarded to those that can.
Praise the students on a job well done and thank them for their

participation during the lesson.

Hand class back to teacher.

2. Sequence of learning experiences:

The lesson will begin with a revision of the PTs that the students are
familiar with. This will help to familiarise them before the next part of the
activity. This will be done in two parts, first the Youtube clip and then the
matching activity.
The next part will be getting the students to write a persuasive paragraph,
using proper structure, on why they are a good or great person.
3. Lesson conclusion:

The lesson will be concluded by listening to the chosen students

paragraphs and with other students identifying the PTs used in the
paragraph. This will help to reaffirm their PT knowledge. Then the students
will be asked vote on the one that they think was the best, a prize will be
given to that student. Then the teachers will make their choice on which
paragraph they think was best and another prize will be given.

Lesson Evaluation:
As a whole the lesson ran very well. The students were engaged and focused. The
usual routine of the class was not changed; they always come in and have silent
reading time followed by reflective writing in their journals. There was only a minor
behaviour issue where a few students were having a chat when they were meant to
be listening. This was solved by pointing out to them that it was rude and that they
would be separated if needs be.
The students are used to working with their desks in small group configurations,
this was changed in order to do the 2-group activity. If this activity were to be done
again I would not move the desks into 2 big groups, I would instead get them to
gather around one set of desks just to do the matching up activity. Then when it
was time to move onto the writing task I would have them return to their own seats
in order to keep them working constructively.
Also when checking off the PT that were put up onto the board I had my back to the
class for an extended period of time, this was not the right thing to do. If I were to
do this task again I would perhaps get a student to check them off so that my
attention remained on the class. Fortunately this wasnt a major problem with this
particular class, however a lower level class may have taken advantage of the
inadequate teacher attention.
Overall I was very happy with how this lesson ran, students who didnt want to read
their persuasive paragraph out to the class actually did, this is helpful as one of
their upcoming tasks is to give a speech.

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