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Picture 1
Location: Taken inside my car

Problem Picture 1 Questions

Grade level: 2
Question 1
Using the numbers from this picture create visual displays representing multiplication problems.

Answers to Question 1

AusVELS - Number and Algebra

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Year 2, Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and
arrays (ACMNA031)(VCAA, 2015).

Enabling Prompt
Using the numbers from this picture make multiplication problems and use drawings to solve them.

Answers to Enabling Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Year 2, Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and
arrays (ACMNA031)(VCAA, 2015).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
The question was changed to specify that students create drawings not just any representations.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I modified this part of the prompt as students more likely used to using drawings to represent their multiplication
problems. This narrows the question whilst still getting students to achieve the same learning goal of creating
representations to solve problems.

Extending Prompt
Using the numbers from this picture create visual displays representing division problems.

Answers to Extending Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Year 2, Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple
problems using these representations (ACMNA032)(VCAA, 2015).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
I changed the prompt to create division problems instead of multiplication problems.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I modified this part of the prompt because it still gets students to think of how groupings of the same numbers
creating a solution only its reversing the problem and making it more difficult and therefore extending student

Cross-Curriculum Links
This resource can also be used in the cross-curriculum priority communication. Using the photo and the same
question posed for maths the students can make a presentation to the class about the visual displays they have
created representing multiplication problems. This allows the students to think about how they came up with their
displays giving them a greater understanding of the process they went through as they explain it to their fellow
students. It also gives students a chance for class communication as they discuss what the different approaches they
can take in order to answer their multiplication questions and what designs represent their problems most
effectively. Students are not only communicating their ideas but are able to have discussions and debates what they
have created and why. It gives students a chance to make a presentation to the class based on everyday classwork
and gets them used to communicating in front of a group of people. Using an opportunity like this gets students used
to presenting and giving class orals and prepares them for the times they make presentations specifically for the

AusVELS - Cross-curriculum
Cross-curriculum area, Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Communication, Interdisciplinary learning, Year 2, Students regularly make short oral presentations to small groups
or the whole class on specified topics across the curriculum and on personal experiences beyond school.

Problem Picture 2
Location: Taken outside of my house

Problem Picture 2 - Questions

Grade level: 2
Question 2
Using a shape you see in the picture to design a pattern using half and/or quarter turns.

Answers to Question 2

AusVELS - Measurement and Geometry

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Level 2, Identify and describe half and quarter turns (ACMMG046).

Enabling Prompt
Using a shape you see in the picture design a pattern using slides and/or flips.

Answers to Enabling Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Level 2, Investigate the effect of one-step slides and flips with and without digital
technologies (ACMMG045).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
The question was simplified by changing the pattern to include simpler steps, instead of doing half turns and quarter
turns students create the pattern by flipping and sliding.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?
I made this modification because students would find it easier to flip and slide shapes instead of working out what a
quarter and half turn would look like. Students are still changing shapes positions and learning that the shape stays
the same throughout its movement they are just achieving it using a different process.

Extending Prompt
Using more than one shape you see in the picture design a pattern using half and/or quarter turns.

Answers to Extending Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Level 2, Identify and describe half and quarter turns (ACMMG046).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question:
Getting students to use multiple shapes in their design instead of just one extended the question.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem?

I modified the question in this way so that students were still doing the same task only a harder version of it. They
are still learning the same content about shapes staying the same only changing position just on a more complex

Cross-Curriculum Links
This photo can also be used as a resource in teaching writing in the cross-curriculum priority of English. Using the
photo as a tool to prompt creative and persuasive writing. Using the photo as visual prompt students can create a
piece of writing promoting the sale of the house. Using descriptive and persuasive writing techniques and the visual
cues of the photo of the house provides students can create a short text that encourages people to purchase the
house. It can be set out as an ad campaigning for sale in a magazine or a poster; students can use the photo to
provide a written description of the house that convinces readers that the property is worth buying. The photo is
used as a prompt and not to be used as a part of their text so students written promotion must stand alone without
the photo. This works on students creative, descriptive, persuasive and informative writing and gets students to
create a picture with their writing that allows readers to see the picture through the students writing.

AusVELS - Cross-curriculum
Cross-curriculum area, Content strand/s, year, definition and code

English- writing, Discipline- based learning, Year 2, Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using
growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting
print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1671).

Problem Picture 3
Location: Taken inside on a bench

Problem Picture 3 - Questions

Grade level: 2
Question 3
From the picture create a display that represents the information provided by the jellybeans.

Answers to Question 3

AusVELS - Statistics and Probability

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Level 2, Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret
them (ACMSP050).

Enabling Prompt
Draw a picture organising the jellybeans.

Answers to Enabling Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Discipline-based learning, Level 2, Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret
them (ACMSP050).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question: The question was simplified by specifying to do a drawing
representation instead of any representation.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem? I modified it this way because it makes the question
more specific whilst still keeping it open to students on version of the task. It simplifies what is expected of the
students whilst still getting them to achieve the same learning goals as the rest of the class.

Extending Prompt
From the picture create a graph that represents the information provided by the jellybeans.

Answers to Extending Prompt

Content strand/s, year, definition and code
Discipline-based learning, Level 2, Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret
them (ACMSP050).

Justification for change to the original question

State the modification you made to the original question: Getting the students to create a graph, which is more
difficult than doing a table or picture, extended the question.
Why did you select this modification to make to the problem? I modified it this way because it makes students
portray the information from the picture in a clear and professional manner. They students are still creating a
representation of the information but it eliminates easier representational ideas.

Cross-Curriculum Links
This photo can also be as resource to link to teach the cross-curriculum priority of information and communication
technology. Using the photo and the same question posed for the mathematics lesson I can overlap students
learning to cater for two curriculum priorities in the same lesson. Students can use the information they have
collected from the photo and use it to create a digital display of information rather than doing it by hand. This can be
done in different applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel or other appropriate programs. Students can create
multiple representations of the same data in order to explore the different ways that they can portray collected
data. Students can create lists, tables, graphs and pictures to display the information they have composed from the
photo. This not only enhances their knowledge of different ways of displaying information it gets students to explore
the different ways they can present this information digitally, which is teaching them ways that they can
communicate information using technology.

AusVELS - Cross-curriculum
Cross-curriculum area, Content strand/s, year, definition and code

Information and communication technology, Interdisciplinary learning, Year 2, They learn to organise and classify
information and ideas, and present them in a manner that is meaningful to them. Students collect first-hand data
and, with assistance, enter it into their spread-sheet files and manipulate it.

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