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Arav Agarwal

OUSMI: Problem 1

Do there exist irrational numbers r and s such that r is rational? Do there exist irrational

numbers r and s such that r is irrational?

Solution: Yes, and Yes

For this problem, I just used intuition to find the answers.
For the first part, I first thought that the problem was a no and then a yes, but then I realized that some
logarithms are not considered rational.
Therefore I considered pi to the power of log base pi 2, which evaluated to 2.
In order to make sure that logpi2 was not rational, I let it equal to m/n, where m and n are natural numbers.
Therefore, pi^m = 2^n, which we know is impossible as pi is irrational.
For the second part, I will just give the example pi ^ log pie. As I stated in the first part, the terms would
evaluate to e, which we know to be irrational.

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