Article So Far So Good

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My roommate said he must marry a medical doctor or a lecturer (Whom he's

yet to find), I laughed and told him my story.

When I was in Secondary School (at one of the federal unity schools),
geography and English language were my best subjects. I Hated mathematics
with passion, because of the teacher though, lolz (someone that called us
empty heads and said that our mothers didnt breast feed us well to
understand mathematics), I latter loved him though. Lolz. I wasn't good in
chemistry either because it looked kind of strange and the teacher kept
teaching us isomerism over and over again and if you failed her question,
you are an olodo. Neither did I attend Further Mathematics classes more
than a year because I got 29 percent at the end of SS 1.
After writing JAMB on leaving high school, FUTO never released my post UTME
result that first year. JAMB held me back for some years and all I did was hope
for the best. My dad suggested Chemical engineering to me latter telling me
about his roommates back at UNIBEN who studied the course (OLODO in
mathematics and Physics) and things played out well afterwards.
First, I met a friend then called Innocent who was on fire and he really
challenged me. He lent me his K.A. Stroud, and I began to teach myself
Calculus, something I missed in secondary School. Imagine d difference...
And today, what I do tell anyone that cares to listen is that there could have
been no beta course than Chemical Engineering. Cant imagine how better I
could have fared if not for Chemical Engineering.
Forget about the long story. The bottom line is that there's a big difference
between God's perfect will and God's permissive will. If it is his perfect will,
he'll send men your way that'll make the ride smooth (met Innocent and
became good in mathematics...), and when you look back, standing at
akimbo, you'll be amazed at how everything played out. And that's my prayer
every day.
Soon, I'll be out of here, and I don't know what the future holds for me. I wish
I know how all my fears and all my questions are going to play out in a World
I can't control.... But I trust in His will for I know whom Ive believed.

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