Chlorella Spirulina Dosages

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Spirulina, Chlorella and Water Dosages

When and How Much to Take

Chlorella: 250 mg tablets - 4 Tablets = 1 gram

1 teaspoon powder = 2 grams

A maintenance dosage of Chlorella is about 3 5 grams per day. Although you will not see significant
changes taking such a small amount of whole food, your body will be getting a broad array of nutrients
unlike it has seen before. Since Chlorella is a detoxifying whole food, not a concentrate or extract, a
person can eat as much as they desire without any fear of it becoming potentially toxic in any way.
Chlorella is best taken before a meal with probiotics, our friendly bacteria (Acidophilus and Bifidus).
Chlorella causes probiotics to multiply at four times the rate of normal.
Maintenance Dosage: 3 5 grams/day = 12 20 Tablets
Significant Part of the Diet: 6 10 grams/day = 24 40 Tablets
Immune System Builder: 11 14 grams/day = 22 28 Tablets
Primary Source of Protein: 12 19 grams/day = 44 56 Tablets
Healing Purposes & Heavy Metal Detoxification: 20 30+ grams/day = 80 100+ Tablets
Best before a meal to aid with digestion or before a work out.

Chlorella Growth Factor Dosages

The Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) is essentially concentrated chlorella. The fiber, starch and fat of
Chlorella have are separated so that all that is left are the most powerful components of the chlorella cell.
These are amino acids, nucleic acids (RNA/DNA), polypeptides, polysaccharides and nucleotides. CGF is
a powerful immune system builder, stimulating both white blood cell and interferon production. It helps
bring the body into balance and also provides it with incredible energy. It is the most powerful
components of the most powerful food known.

CGF Powder OD 5000 (2500x concentrated chlorella)

Maintenance Dosage: 1 2 teaspoons per day.
Immune Builder, Cancer Fighter: 2 4 teaspoons per day.

CGF Liquid OD 200 (100x concentrated chlorella)

Maintenance Dosage: 1 2 ounces per day.
Immune Builder, Cancer Fighter: 3 6 ounces per day.

Spirulina: 500 mg tablets - 2 Tablets = 1 gram

1 teaspoon powder = 2 grams

A maintenance dosage of Spirulina is 3 -- 5 grams per day. Although their nutritional profile may appear to
be quite similar, Spirulina and Chlorella are completely different foods. Spirulina is great before a physical
workout. I take 5 6 grams religiously before any kind of physical training. Stamina, endurance and
recovery are significantly improved with Spirulina. After a strenuous workout where the body is pushed to
its limits, an additional 10 20 grams should be taken during the following 24 hours to rebuild the body and
muscle tissue that has been torn down. Spirulina should also be taken 15 30 minutes before a meal to
help prepare the stomach for proper digestion by providing adequate amounts of protein.
Maintenance Dosage: 3 5 grams/day = 6 10 Tablets
Significant Part of the Diet: 6 10 grams/day = 12 20 Tablets
Immune System Builder: 11 14 grams/day = 22 28 Tablets
Primary Source of Protein: 12 19 grams/day = 24 38 Tablets
Healing Purposes: 20 25+ grams/day = 40 50+ Tablets

Chlorella/Spirulina/CGF (45/45/10%): 250 mg tablets - 4 Tablets = 1 gram

Maintenance Dosage: 2 4 grams/day = 8 16 Tablets
Significant Part of the Diet: 5 8 grams/day = 20 32 Tablets
Immune System Builder: 9 11 grams/day = 36 44 Tablets
Primary Source of Protein: 12 15 grams/day = 48 60 Tablets
Healing Purposes: 16 18+ grams/day = 4 72+ Tablets

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