Driving Questions

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Driving Questions

Service Learning

Mrs. Petrucci
Life Skills

A Driving Question answers the question Why are we doing this?. It is a way to keep you focused
on the task and help you complete your project without getting off track.
Today you will create a rough driving question.
Things to remember:
Driving question is open ended. There is no yes or no answer. (requires you to investigate,
research and reflect before answering).
Driving questions arise from real world issues.
Driving questions are action focused.
Driving questions are the main idea of the project.
Driving questions always lead to more questions.

- How do we build a greenhouse for Buker Elementary School to teach students about
nutrition, health, and the environment?
- How can I help Best Buddies at the Buddy Walk to create awareness for downs syndrome.
- How do we host a 5k walk to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation to help
find new treatment and a cure for leukemia & lymphoma.

What do these questions have in common?

Each of the examples above answers What am I doing? Who am I helping? and What am I trying
to accomplish?
Directions: Create a driving question by filling in the blanks below.

How can I/we _______________ with _______________ to ______________________


(Community Partner)

(the need/reason for project)

Mrs. Petrucci
Life Skills

How do I/we _______________ for _______________ to ______________________


(Community Partner)

Name: ____________________________

(the need/reason for project)


Final Driving Question

My Service Learning Driving Question Is:
To answer this driving question, I need to investigate and research the
answers to the following questions:

Mrs. Petrucci
Life Skills



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