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CANDELARIA TOUR QUIZ written by Class 506i

1 Why are there twelve windows at Chorro´ square?

a. To remember twelve soldiers.

b. Because originally there were twelve Muisca houses there
c. Because number 12 was lucky

2. . How many statues are there in the Candelaria?

a. 30
b. 44
c. 24

3. What´s the name of the artist who created the statues?

a. Alejandro
b. Sergio
c. Bryn

4. What is the story painted on the Concordia market based on?

a) The story of the owner's wife.
b) A Soap Opera.
c) A book.

5. Why do the walls of the houses have different colours?

a) They represent floods caused by the rain.

b) Because of fashion.
c) It was caused by vandalism.

6. What´s the name of the river next to the Creeps and Waffles
a. San Francisco
b. San Max
c. San Jose

7. Who ordered the destruction of The Espectador building ?

a. Fidel Castro
b. El mono Jojoy
c. Pablo Escobar

8. What did The Continental Hotel used to be?

a. A restaurant
b. Offices
c. A Hospital

9 What’s the name of the famous person who drank coffee in café

a. Gabriel García Márquez

b. Jorge Eliécer Gaitán
c. Belisario Betancourt

10 How is Gaitan´s assasin similar to John F. Kennedy’s (JFK)?

a. He went to Mcdonalds first too

b. He used the same type of gun
c. He was mentally ill

11. What do the ants at the Bolivar square represent?

a. The displaced people

b. Santander “Hormigas culonas”
c. The referendum

12. Which guerrilla group took over the Justice palace in 1985?

b. M-19
c. ELN

13. How much did it cost to build the Cathedral in 1553?

a. 1000 pesos
b. 500 pesos
c. 1500 pesos

14. Who was the naked statue of?

a. A prostitute
b. The artist’s ex girlfriend
c. The artist’s model

15. Who built the first railway in Bogotá?

a. The British
b. The Colombians
c. The Spanish

16. What was Policarpa´s job?

b. Seamstress
c. Teacher
d. Washerwoman

17. Why was Policarpa arrested?

a. Because the Spanish didn’t like her

b. Because she was a spy
c. Because she stole money

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