1950s Germany

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Peter Berhansen (r.) favors stand against the Reds but won't ght. Christian Iven iva pacifist Rudi Josten (1) and Ferdinand Elfgang insist Germans would be ancrificed frst in any war Collier's March 24, 1951 Remagen, Germany ERR WILHELM ROTHE, gizzid propi FD i ise cenret ee faces ak ths door ofthe smoky Welnnube with te ‘tier rsyload of ber seis them down on Our {ble and looked mesninfuly atthe clocks Te was past midnight and we were the ast co tomers ia the place™"I4 young Germans and 2 Sell For two hours weld been discussing a subject that affects every one of them personally: German, ‘My neighbor, a cwenty-year-old student named ‘Paul Krahforst legned back and laced bis bands behind his head. "So far at Lean make aut” he sii,“ problem is tealy qui simple. “We jx ont want war. It you Americans have to Aght ihe Russians, go abead, but one uns. Don't count 1 glanced around the table—st Radi, the ex: ‘officer with five years service on the Russian rc ‘nt Karl, whose parents were killed ip an Allied ait ‘aid; at Georg. who was child of fifteen whea Hitler put him in. uaiform to man Germany's crumbling defenses. “These three, andthe others too, were nodding at Paul's words and looking at me, some bisndly, some defiantly, some with faint mockery. n't it tue” sad Kar, “that you need German soldiers to cover your retreat tothe Atlantic? What proof have we that you intend to datend our coun fr clued ast fall's dectaration of the Big Three Foreign Ministers that anyatack on Free Germany ‘would be considered sion agains the hole Western World, and'f reminded them of General Eisenhower's statement while in Germany this winter: "For my part. bygones are bygones ‘As one gang we will build the strength necessary €0 protect ourselves" "You atk us to believe Elzenhower!” Karl almost shouted, his face suddenly red. He yanked a piece of crmple paper from hs pocket and shoved seh aa an American surrender ade 194, sendy Conta here hat bromied Gera sl reatment if they ne ups aid Kari =I have fends who Seed of starvation m your camps. You want me to trust your Eisenhower?" “Moment?” Rudi spoke sharply; the other fll stent, "Now wait mint, Kar Tse chars {an't be proved. They're beside the point anywey- ‘We must give some kindof answer to our Americah Friend. Atleast he's taken the rouble to consult 1, which is more than the big shots have done Nom, does anyone have anything postive 10 sug: SEWho wants to bea rear guard for the Ami?” ar sid sullen. the Russians come and find mein uniforms, i's a firing squad or Siberia sad Wily. farm hand “hy brofers there already. Who'll support my ea Pitthe American here says a big Western army will seoure peace,” Kast weat on, turning to the ‘thers. “Where have we heard that before?” The others faughed. fished my beer, glanced at my watch and stood up. We shook bands all around, cordially, they thanked me for the beers, seed the Pit on my coat 10 go out for a breath of fresh air. Rag wa wating Inthe vestibule ST hope You don't feel to eiscouraged" he sid 4s we went int the frosty night. “Atleast we all y WILLIAM ATTWOOD spoke fanly, And can you really Blame ua Aer year ot War and te consequences of eng "A oment ater,on aba overlooking te bron, swing Rhine, we gazed down at the broked Manehions of Remagea's bridge the bridge the Wehrmacht didat Blow up if ime and aco ‘which our armies poured ito the hesrt of iter’ Reich jut abe years spo we Tenaya Red it wed cestoyed that ridge You might have been held up a the Rone for wecka long enough forthe Rass take the x ea there wouldnt have been ny German retrmament problem forthe West walked back trough te town. “The narrow surees were empty at shout. Silnoustedsennst the stay sky mere skeletons of ruined buldingy sti bo moon, Hae and thre we pated po rbble, ora bom crte, reminder tha fo the Germany war nove ema 9 faraway. ‘Bat we sso posed bright new buldings and spick-and-span, fehly pasted sor front their Eekcned wads leis wits wih ans ‘ent of goods: Hore were the fru of pence he frst most Germans have tasted in a docnde “This was Remagen, population 697,48 pial a mull town as youl od in Wert Gertany fay FE'come two days before to fod out how is draft 4ge young men fet about the problem stumping ‘Alia diplomats, the problem of getting the Cire ‘ans te pantcipsiein he defense ofthe free world. “Tne stminat in Rothe Weinsube was jst par fof my survey. Ta. started out by caling on Remagens burgomaster, an afable, vigorous man pamed Hane Kemming. who had bed eis under Hider, gone through “denazication” proceedings, fd wat now ack in bis former ob ‘Remagen, he told me, after we'd exchanged cigaretce, was having i roubles One out of ev- {7 five houses in town ad en totally destroyed ‘cbaaly damaged doing the war: the tourist trade, face a major industry here, bed’ come beck, and {he town four frmhre factories didn’ provigs fnough jobs even for Remagens depleted male Popalsion. © "he purpose of my visit. He nodded snd consulted the lodgers “We have 926 young zien inthe town between the agos of 17 and 30 Your" find many cynical, perhaps defeats But do not be too concerned with what they tell you” fe paused. “If the Allis wll give fll autor to the Germans who know how to run Germany" the ex-iterte slapped the desk hard—"then We ‘maj our Young tan mgr fy next stop was at Remagen’sbigasst (sctory, she Rome Motels fer Ditto asl Pomp, stem and stout and crippled in both legs by wat ‘wounds told me l'could interview ss meny of his 130 workers 26 Twabed. “if you want my own 3a an officer who fought in both wars. he never serve agin so long ss Ger- © being bed ia jl a war criminals. ‘And I saw how rotenly the Amoricans behaved ‘who took, Remagea." His mouth tightened, then led. “Mensch, but lve hada belyfal of wars! Tatksto my men—you'l see they feel the same ™'Bomp was right. In his (Continued on pase 75) PHOTOGRAPHS FOR COLLNRS BY CAML GOSSETT OlaMagazines rticles.com Callies for March 24, 1951 Don't Count on Gormanyto Fi -the second of four pages- Hotel owner Wilhelm Rothe and group of army-age men. Youths told writer the Wert wants Germans woodworking shop, Rudi Josten and Ferdi- His colleague, Peter Bertausen, sounded Wirttemberg-Baden on November 19th and Eltgang fet their lathes Tong enough more milan. “Without the United States, Thats when we hogan to wake p tothe fo anewor my guesione: Did they favor'a. Europe iv dove he declared. "It we fact that mon! of West Germany's 4300, German army? Would they serve in i? Did Germans are given politcal equality with 000 people werent so eager 24 wed a\- They'heieve i the threat Of Soviet agpfer the "Ales theres no reason why we Sumel to take-up ats again on? shouidet contrignte men to. « Eurgpean "Vat the Foreign Minter meting ia New Josten, a Navy veteran and former rm. "We must cooperate to sop Soviet York. two months before the main obstacle pritoner of war in England, had no Pat: apgtcson, to German reurmament seemed to Tet on cular obKetion to a German army—rfor “"At lat T was hearlag a poshive note, our diferenes wity the French over how Volunteers ats. Notfor him. Why? “The And! would Berhausea serve in sich an large and what Kind of amy we would per German mercenaries would be screed trmy' ‘mit Germany to mobilize, fist" No, thanks” wohl” he replied, “cerainly—it it "Tne Geimane should be enabled, if igang. dark, animate, the father of wereet for the fact that im marred." they want to defend thee ow county two chilorenyagresd emphatically "Weve "Nearby stands the shop of Anton Kiste, Sad US. iigh Comminionst Toh J Me i'had enough. “A wars the worst thing Remagen's watchmaker, ‘Klute, a 018, Cloy in Washington on September” Sth {at could happen. Danger ftom the East? mueaged man. was mustered into the “You cunt say to tm that ey cant de tink thats fairy tale, You could sete Naci home guard asigned to protect the fend thei oma couniry if atnckede" your quaral with the Russian if you eelly ridge the day the Americans seed tx AS "“Mere in Remagen, T began to fel that wrote to ee ot at io dips inde soe tes qa ee nee bee ound no other employee in the factory beige collapse unde’ the Welt of US. portant phrase im: McCoys statement Te who didn fel basically the same way. All military traf The young mea of Remagen were types of Srere‘convinced that Germans in uniform "When I told im of my conversations West ietman as ¢ whole, f thought, then Would be used a5 cannon fodder by the around” town, he pedJed soul). "Ol the task of making soles out of our for ‘Wester igh command se" he said, “nod dont think the mer enemies wil bea let tougher than jst Youngstes feel very dferently from any>_frning out erences between the West ss Army sve dhe. Docs itsurprse you? For neatly rm Alfio, Too Young for Hitler's Army (ye Scars now you Americans bave been “Sy T checked my findings with both AL ‘At Jean Bieler’s hardware sore on Main cy demiliarzng ws. au oppure Youve ied and German efieals in Bonn, Frank Soc, Reiahols Safer and Hane Friedich, forbidden Germans to own puns or went fut, Diselioet tn Beri, and wherever tot nineteen, were working in the machine jmiforms or sven plates Jouve told Us I'weat I spoke with other young potenal ‘hop in the Backyard. Too young for Hit: thyt making war is A enme rates Ter Wehrmacht, they'd ecm enough of war """Now you turn around and tel wx to "With minor variations, the pattern of {Skis to Know What another would te Ike. hurry up and tearm. Demiltarize, ceil. German opinion was the same: Fits ve “Uke being alive,” said Reinhold wih tai. “The. transiion se rather'stdden, Gy ull polite equally aed. send. oret burt simply. Let those who wast to nicht wahr>™ He smiled. “At leat 300 enough {raops lo guarantee our secu: wage war do the fighting hight mate us full edged alls. ge us then, and. ten ooly. we might conser “Shut not in Germany, plese." added Glechhorechigung, bafore asking ws Y0 contibuning to bint defense, Hans, and bent back eve his workbench. fight on your idee Schumacher certsinly Bnew the temper ’A the ity hall 1 found two tallative "“Giciehberectioma. Equal rights. Ajam- of his poople when he pegged hin compargn sleths, “Christian ven, twenty-four, es breaking catehword thal KuE Schumacher, st fa on “ho fearmemen without Par: Blaine he was an out-and-out pci. “I Germans fer, chipped Solas lade! gnices, Aidnt renst the Americans and'l wort £@ ed again nod again lst fall to attack “Remember that Geemny isa convales- Sst the Russians" he sud.” “Wars jst 8 Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’ government cent country Twas fol it Dgeloort By uiness™ SMter Adenauer had agreed fa principle to atop Brithh politcal Ofer, "These pe "What if he were dated? aricipate in. the defense “of "Western ple ave lox two wars Ina generation. The "Read Article 4of our new constitution.” Europe. Touting politcal equally ess can. fast ane cost them near 3.000.000 deed he replied, "it sates that no German can dition for Germany's co-operation, the So. and another 1,000,000 or 0 ill missing ‘bermadeto bear arms against his wll That lite swept Tocal elections in Hesse and to say nothing of some 4,000,100 wounded ~ OldMagazinesrticles. ght “They jut dont want to tke » chance Often on the losing side agin’ In a Fog of Defeatism So far, we haven't persuaded them that cure the winming se. A wave of detest {Sm has swept over West Germany lke & Incr fog ever since United Nation forest {ng ovr tops driven back by nomerclly ‘iperioe Chinese Communist, they beast anal af Infaary visions te Germany ould hold the line spain al Teast three limes ai many Rusia divsons now st None in Easare Europe. What Rep would Ate to throw in afew haaily mustered German trope? "Our ropiments” said the influential Frankfurter aligncine Zeitung feces, Sore tobe there only to cover te reteat of the others tothe Chanel ports ‘lerbert Poschmann. a tweny-igh-year ‘old pres anaat employed bythe US High CCommisioners fice in Frankfurt, had foubht on the Rossan front for to Yeats, ‘Sam ailorynoncom. “Ifthe Reatane a tack he tid me at we walked slong the ‘Corridors of the hoge Favbea Bulag, ‘Coulda take them Tong to xmas through Germany. We all know that And we ow that every German they found I a fore woul! be eal with ara wer eimina. That means death or lve eump™ “aad what if you were a hiian?™ leat I sould slay and ard under the Russians bu Wool ti astime wrong, fl were an Americ 1 be Ain favor of having w German army sha ing the burden of defense. Butts a Ge ‘who wold have to serve in that argo, Maybe. you think “that is see He shrugged "I gest but Tea help i com lure manufacturer Paul ‘would ever serve again Ht You Were Herr Puschmenn Put yours in Pschmanns shoes. Tink ofthe Rosia tein a's march frm dour home, Conder tat the now Soviet ctman “peace law preserves the dexth aly for anyone saving ma Wes Cer. fan army. “Then ak yourself what your ‘wer would be : "You betin to" understand why German sectiment fr resrming fl from 60 to Tet than 30 per cen between May and Dever. fers whe Amerian support for cht ‘over according 10 the Gallup pol, wad ‘hing fom 34 to 63 per ent ‘Nese to 0, the prormy Germans ave by and large ler people wo would ot have to puto a uniform. OF the men hing aftrmatve answers n'a recent a ‘ey conducted by the State Deparment’ Retench and Aeainis Branch, ony 7 pet ene aid they'd be ling to seve ‘And these vountcers are the worst le ncaa we could wat nw ete ac? DeLee Crem decor of he wove, told me in Bad Nevhelm: “They are the eX ‘Naa twooners the joes, the misfit and Serdar She slant ag evar fore over ter fangs inthe East” "According to, offials of the German Minbar ofthe Interior fn Bonn. so more than tree Gvsons could be cused ia West ‘Rcomstiped ats the ony solution, 1 ne told by Frick Ollenbater dep Cinna of the Soci parg. “Bot any overnmest. advocating conripion jst few woul! be promptly overthrown. Fr then we mist dacs the datas of er many contribution. and ally we most ser up tbe machinery to ble men. All that tll take at few Yea ‘yea Maybe mre arog ths ine, the Rremun can be expected 1 hombard the fgtened Went Germans wi prope: gana expoing ther yearning for = tty boling at he prom of ied Germany and warning them to expect 90 test hoi rom the Und States, “ine propacindn ‘has alendy, started Sutement by. American necholationsts ar being banner nthe eran Comme nist pest with telling elec “Ui Tor Dont Count on Germanyto Fight -the Unixa of four pages- | ‘omp, officer mag no Gorm ‘peso slogans ae blared over the Bast Ger Iman radio. In Devember, Ono Orotcwebl, Communi premier of East Germany, Ino Sted the Went German sovernment 10 die {uss German unity as a means of beeping the nation from teing ragged ato war Soviet agents and govbetweens are quietly teling ‘br inuusraists that thelr best rmarkersand future secrity—iie in the East ‘Communist efforts are bearing. fruit. ‘sch eminent Gsrmant as the. Reverted Marin Nemoeler and Gustav Heinemann, former Federal Miniter of the Interior fre now avowed “neutrals” who tll heir fellow viteene that easing the lt with te West will end all hope of 2 unified nation. In Junmury n new orpanizaton ealed the Freetom Leagne begat sitting thou ‘in of netrnty cards im Hamburg de Slring that the Bearer “wil ght nether for the Wes nor forthe East” Busnes men, seching to renforce their testo the Eat, have uged the government to treble Tcensed exports tothe Soviet z0%e dung The extent to which West Germans cling to the myth of neutrals Was revealed in 2 survey conducted ie Tanvaty by Dr Cespis af" cross section of thousands of Germans throughout the American zone ‘rere asked to choose Between 4 Rout, United fatherland. and pareipation in ‘Western defense system on hel ov orm. ‘Anewers wore jst about creny vies Either they dont see the Soviet menace cgrthey don want to see "sald Dr. Crop *Somelimes thik is he ater” Fear confesion, defeatism. These are te dominant moods in Germany today tts one Srking exception. West Berlin Favors Defense “The exeeptign ig West Berlin, that o- lated outpnt of the fice world 120 mies mse the Soviet zone, ‘There, some 2.200, 100 poopie who five fn the democratic ee- tore ofthe city have shown by their actions fod soley that the) understand the Com tune threst ‘and are not Inimidated By I Saved bythe US air Hl they are starch friends of Ameria: according to recent, offers are held tn jail” polls sentiment in Berlin is 88 per cent in Enor of German patisipation fo Western Setene But. Berln, which knows at firsthand what Communism means, can be cons red aftr in defense plans. Saregunded vit ithe ety would be doomed incase living there" Know ‘only too well(We'd shoot wth everyting we aver" mad Gen fal Maxwell Taylor, former US. som ‘ander in Bevin. when T asked him how Tong the Wester sector could holdout. T sr what we bave to soot wih It sot inven) “Witat pity." said » British colonel T met in Beri, "tat we cant move all these Berliners int the. Wester zone. They fan enough convince thet fellow ‘mans tat Communi cant be appeased But we eant mote thea: meas, the fear, the confusion and the detest pre vail. Under the circumstances, wht do we {about our German "ales? "The French have an answer. I beard it froma yous French diplamat who's In ‘ted me to Tench fa his will perched high a Blut overlooking the Rhine. “Ifthe ‘Germans dont waat to help defend! Ger ‘many,” be sd, as we sipped coffer, “thea sve should fe them Barty tht we pul ‘tr troops out of their country and make Dur sand night hee, this ver That ‘change thelr minds soon enough haf they don change thie mind?” {aids “What they tra sound and make Some den withthe Russans?™ He shrugged-—an eloquent French shrog “That” he tepid, isthe vine mst “The risk is too great, in the opinion of British and American policy makers. Those Tspoke tare convinged we cannot Bold Europ, if war comes, without keeping Tineke quertion i how do we Bold ‘Aadis German rearmament the ant- welt Sow ‘The Pros and Con ‘That are arguments on bth vier, Tene ‘ny ind Cf German army at thbtimes -Hitlerite, says if “Germans who know how to ‘rant Germany” were given control, they would foree young men to serve 1) On October 18th, Rutt warned the restera Work that would not oles” {Be creation of a West German arm, Ws this buf Remember hat Chin's Red. boss. Mao. Tuetung, warged ts Win Indi Peking envoy at be sroulda tolerate Su Cooting othe 38h Batlle We thought that was Sut, abd Aicoverad ic wasnt So why should we ‘gue sear Soverretaiton tn. Gor= ‘Rany telore wehave the sergio cope 2) In view of West Germany's shaky ‘morale mo conseript army could be trsted Ine plock. If the Communists seemed to ‘be winning, West German units might wel detec to the Reds, whose East German tilts Is commanded by such prominent {EcNaci generale os Lattmang, Von Weics Welseaberget, Mueller aod Schubert 3) West German soldiers, especially hot headed refugees, Would probebly provoke order inideats with the Rusia. that could eatily plunge us into a war for wich Swe were nat yet preted “fy""Most Germann doat want an army. Four arguments are advance in behal cof sting up West German armed forces ws Soon at pose: 1" the West desperately needs man ower in Europe. West Germanys poten Tals 39 divisions Where ee in Western rope could we find ther’? 2)" "Germans are reputed to be the work's tet solders. 3)" “We must not be intimidated by Red heen Afterall. the Russans are building lip German army inthe Soviet zone. Why Sfouldat we do the same? wpe the Communists decide to pul a ‘Korea in Europe and Iaunch a “berating” invasion of Wet Germany With East Get ‘man mia, Ht would be founder, rye fogtaly, to hep repel such an atic wih German troops than to do i with Allie forces alone “Toiay, in view of Germanys prevailing state of mind, our polly makers re iving Increasing. ‘eomideration to. the reas (iar armament. As fas often been pointed out, our announced intention to {ive the Germans weapons only alerted the Russians and alarmed the aleady confused German "The task abesd now is to repuic the OlaMagazineéArticles.com Dowt Count on Ger panyto Fi -the last of foux pages- damage by bulling up our own sireneth mentary, he proposed that the West 0. broached last summer, soa taro cor deendable li an by Sout arming witout Germany em est and gazed oughly out ofthe of {ving Germans the political equality which While presi for an expansion of German fee window. fy cently move tem took prt in Pig fsteomaeh ibe eagin of he Germans Maat Change Auttade SOT san ar vigorous and t+ Futgpee defame of ther ove fe wil Vallsolzl ofthe Soviet sone. Such Bo: submisive people” be said at last. "But “They'l limb on our tard wagon all Wie fore, he pointed out, Would sot Lavte “June now,” he,said, “we are exploring they ae sik, in many ways. We have got right"said an American diplomat fo Bonn, Rostan realation and could seve 83 the wiole defense question with the Ocr- to help them get over ther paychoues™ once theyte convinced A tt going to ained cadre whenever th time was Tipe mane. It wil ake ime. And we Woo' get" Tihoughtof my evening in Remagen wit beenk down for bulidng a regular German army." Snywiere unt the Germans come to ee! Rud and Karl and Georg and the othe. {east December, Richard H. 8. Crossan, {hat they ae part of te European com- {remembered thet profound biteraes cone ofthe intelectual leaders of the Brit tmunityand that all of the world’s prot thei SB Shor pt ad ete be thn Fes are not exclusively German” “tc won't be ear,” T observed. {al in the formation ‘of foreign poy, Tse bi ‘fered an intereating suggestion, ”' & problem that has grown more ad more the German ‘Waiting inthe American monthly, Com- complet ever since it was fst ofl) Se efcme, ine felt discouraged about MCloy shook Bis ead "No," he suis pparenly negative atte tian going to beeaty at all” THe END OladMagazineAérticles.com

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